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1 • 40 *-,;' BCTS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit 5urct:arge 5tats h Pacts Putiocatbns rac stair acts s;m Hap Unks search �,•■ Product Approval USER:Public User ,.n P■tlpel� Xz•: :i.:_ -----_—_-- —— _ Application Detail -- REVIEWED FOR FL 4 FL16107-RID Application Type Revision CODE COMPLIANCE Code Version2017 Application Status Approved ST. L CIE COUNTY Comments BOCC Archived Product Manufacturer Clopay Building Products Company Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvo. Mason,OH 45040 (513) 770-6062 mwesterheld@clopay,com Authorized Signature Scott Hamilton shamilton@clopay.com y • Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email R-Y Ful Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email 411 Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Scott Hamilton the Evaluation Report Flonda License PE-63286 Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. -QA Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2020 Validated By Gary Pfuehler Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16107 RID CQi Certification of Independence of VaGdatien Entlty- C,ary Pfu he ter.Dtlf r"I 16107 R10 COI S[atenlent on Incteoendence of Evaluation EP_ti S(ottHamdton 120424.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 1103 3JI� Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect 61U7 R10 rgl iv 261IGM-FK-li�Sh14:fn�nuiv•eGt FLLfj307 P1U FOuiv 2US:C809-F8C-DASMA 115 eauiv Mii Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/10/2017 Date Validated 08/14/2017 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/16/2017 Date Approved 10/10/2017 Summary of Products Go to Page is- 0 a Page 2/3 A 0 FL# r4odei,Humber or Name Description 16107.21 21 WB-16 DSIE-IF471:GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;interior GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2lP,AR2SP, skin 27 ga.min.)Double-Car(9'2'to 16'2"wide) AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, WINDCODECN W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact- HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, Resistant Lites 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes _.'0 !I "r4?P§-Rev04-slgney_,1zL Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilbon#L PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent ThW6PSrty:No, Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports I?; ?• `. Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult):170 MPH-Solid doors or FL'610- Pill E f�PI 13t+7'4 doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Infkperdent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.22 22 W6-09 DSIE-IF171:4400, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;interior 4401,4301,4300,4301,4310, skin 27 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE® HOG,HDGL,HDGF,66,66G,67, W6 Garage Door with Optional Impad-Resistant Lites 67G,68,SP200,SF200,SE200, 6200,6201,6203 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16107 Pin 11 :oi�?n-A-ReV7f1 skrnwi.rvff Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By.Scott M&ndban FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or Ft-1 (1?=:1nf�r}t_t_�jo7,A4r,,0,if doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.23 23 W6-09 DSIE-11`171:4400, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.;interior 4401,4300,4301,4310,HOG, skin 27 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to To"wide)WINDCODEB HDGL,HDGF,66,66G,67,67G,68, W6 Garage Door SP200,SF200,SE200,6200,6201, 6203 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:NO _r-H-Rev2V sained. tt Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FLi6ili7 P.15 AE CBP(: 3 302 3 4-/4y11 requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windbome debris regions. 16107.24 24 W6-09 PAN-2FIS3:84A,04,73, Steel Pan(min.2S ga-)Single-Car(up to 9.0"wide) 75,1500,190,4RST,4RSF,4F, WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact- 6RST,6RSF,48,42,55,488,42% Resistant Utes 55S,GOSS,GDSSV,GRSS,GRSSV, ARSS,ARSSV,EDSS,EDSSV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes f-i..it_i Z Btu IL.1(11346.A.Rev_7-sianGrl.,c-:' Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamftn FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Thal Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or FL1(107 FL0 AE QBPC 130214-A..ndf Created by Independent Third Party:No doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- resistant(large missile impact). 16107.25 25 W6-09 PAN-21F153: 84A,94, 73, Steel Pan(min. 25 ga.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) 75, 1500, 190,4RST,4RSF,4F, WINiDCODE®W6 Garage Door 6RST, 6RSF,48,42, 55,48B,42B, 555,GD55,GD5SV,GR55,GR5SV, ARSS,ARSSV,EDSS, ED5SV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ-No -L ti•.Q7 R10 Ii 1013 B PgvI7 stered.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Reports Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Re P Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load L_i requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.26 26 W6-09 PAN-2F156: 76,76V, Steel Pan(min. 25 ga.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) 2RST WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes -Lie10 s': Ii ?i•i= ___e': sucif Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other;Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.27 27 W6 09 PAN-2F156: 76,76V, Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) 2RST WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No , 16E07 Rit ti tt:i3ti; B-Rev;:-suned.acii Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure! +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other.Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107,28 28 W6-09 DSIE-IA171: 2050, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga. min.; interior 2051,2053,4050,4051,4053,62, skin 29 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE® 64,65,62G,62LG, 64G,SDP38, W6 Garage Door SFL38,SRP38, 134, 135, 136, 6130, 6131, 6133 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FLI6107 Pi;i I: fi_�''1-' A ;:evC)0 sj:::,:d.od Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors are Ft k:i1 impact-resistant(large missile impact). Created by Independent Third Party:No 16107.29 29 W6-09 DSIE-1A171: 2050, Double-skin Insulated EPS(extenor skin 27 ga.min.; interior 2051,2053,4050,4051,4053,62, skin 29 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE@ 64,6S,62G,62LG,64G,SDP38, W6 Garage Door SFL38, SRP38, 134, 135, 136, 6130, 6131, 6133 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No `L1F1(17�?SCa h]T4Fi__E=RsvO(i unn2�_pf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FL161-07 F i0 rL EtFC 1 (Y23 P,.odf requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.30 30 W6-09 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; interior GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, skin 27 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE® AR2LP,E02SP, ED2LP,4302, W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, 6205, SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes ; _tv=<;u C �RPi(r5ieorwf�rr Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or FLlo2:, *'D 1,E CF^C 1?Oti2"s- -rfif doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party'.No resistant(large missile impact). 16107,31 31 W6-09 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.inin.; interior GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, skin 27 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE® AR2LP,ED2SP,ED2LP,4302, W6 Garage Door HDGC, 6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No F'-'=lC7 Rltl Ii :G95a- RevGS sicnerl.ndl Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FLIb107 R10 AE CBF requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.32 32 W6-09 PAN-21`443: G4S,GS4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min. 24 ga.)Sin•gle- GD45,GR45,G45V,G54V,GD45V, Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODEa W6 Garage Door with GR45V,E45,ED4S,E4SV,ED4SV, Optional Impact-Resistant Lites SS4,AR4S,SS4V,AR4SV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes _LIFI07 R;0 N c-A-k v07-c Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max. Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or Fi;6i')7 PI; !+= Cgar I3!':-413-A.+xlf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.33 33 W6-09 PAN-21`443: G4S,GS4, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; interior GD4S,GR4S,G4SV,GS4V,GD4SV, skin 27 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0`wide)WINDCODE@ GR45V,E4S,ED4S,E4SV, ED4SV, W6 Garage Door SS4,AR4S,SS4V,AR45V Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No t _ i:: z, -B e•f'-c:n::�;t.oaf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load 1i,101 F:I0 AF- CP,PC. i D423-A.t� f requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.34 34 W6-09 PAN-21`446: G4L, GL4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions:Steel Pan(min.24 ga.)Single- GD4L,GR4L,G4LV,GL4V,GD4LV, Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door with GR4LV, E4L, ED4L, E4LV,ED4LV, Optional Impact-Resistant Lites SL4,AR4L,SL4V,AR4LV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes i1lol'l1 P.li) ;i / ian�d.nrif Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or L__()107 R 0, :,E f:3? ?C•' doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party: No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.35 35 W6-09 PAN-2F446: G4L,GL4, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions:Steel Pan(min.24 ga.)Single- GD4L,GR4L,G4LV,GL4V,GD4LV, Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door GR4LV,E4L,ED4L, E4LV, ED4LV, SL4,AR4L,SL4V,AR4LV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No 1 :i 7 RID A 7i i4&fi S Re�':17 siared.,r�1f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other.Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load n7='l0 n:4t requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.36 36 W6-16 PAN-21`443: GD45, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min. 24 ga.)Double- GR4S,ED45,AR4S Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide)WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other!Max.Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or 7:'.67C7 ^1,, :.F :" l 01 ftod. doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.37 37 W6-16 PAN-2F443:GD4S, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions: Steel Pan(min. 24 ga.)Double- GR4S,ED4S,A114S Car(9'2"to 162'wide)WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions FI 161D7 Limits Appro for use in HVHZ:No �I it_II Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load FI t6110 RI O AF CPot I'rd Party:Od Party:N requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Thio impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16107.38 38 W6-16 PAN-2F446:GD4L,GR4L, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions:Steel Pan(min.24 ga.)Double- ED4L,AR4L Car(92'to 162'wide)WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes rL1C51C7 R1ri nf7n -c_Revli7_s+gned.PEt( Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors or fLiE1117._Rl0 A�_4 _1__i ?'�/•1f doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). 16107.39 39 W6 .6 PAN-2F446:GD4L,GR4L, Gallery/Artistry/Expressions:Steel Pan(min.24 ga.)Double- ED4L AR4L Car(92'to 162'wide)WINDCODM W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:NO Ft_IE_1 RIJ ''-1 !Q4,'0()-B-Revtt7 5:gned.r>1r Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified BY:Stott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:No Design Pressure:+38 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Doors with standard glazing meet the wind load f Lji?f 07 R10 AE Q11C st jQ423"A.Q0 requirements of the building code but DO NOT meet the Created by Independent Third Party:No impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions_ 16107.40 40 W8-09 DSIE-1F471: GD2SP, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga. min.;interior GR2SP,GD2LP,GR2LP,AR2SP, skin 27 ga. min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide)WINDCODE® AR2LP,ED25P,ED2LP,4302, W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact-Resistant Lites HDGC,6202,MFC68,4305,HDGR, 6205,SFR68,MFR68 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes Fl.Lti.1117 R�7_ _final Iq.pr�04 ;3�e ilxtf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +54 PSF/-60 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors or t_t I1fi7 R10 AE CBPC }3042_i A.oaf doors with optional impact-resistant glazing are impact- Created by Independent Third Party:No resistant(large missile impact). Go to Page Page 2/3 ty g [facts Nezt Contact us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Tallalussee Fl.32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2Do7-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.It you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.•Pursuant to section 455.275 (1).Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chaplet 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address B they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses arc public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please pmvide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click hem. Product Approval Accepts L—. Cre.d" C;:.fd Safe 4 3 14r 2 1 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS C0.7R1 •CAaa1A1E HOUSC a4TSCD FA EL EHBCSS DOCRS SHEET. REVISIONS VODEAS 24 GA 2S GA 28 GA MODELS 23 GA 23 GA 1 OF 4 REV. NO. ZONE: DATE: ECN NO. APPVD: DESCRIPTION c^EAL 84a, 94 73. 7S 76 CLOPAr GD5S.GQ5S -• t7 2/11/13 - 5H REVISED FOR NEW LOADS. MEAL tail, qh 6RST 2RST 'GALLERY• hG.P.fS 46. 46B a>, 426 -- HOLNES � ARSS LsNCRt PANEL (LONG PAVELI 'ARTISTRY' - IDEAL! EDSS -• D ` - L7C0. 4F !S TWSH 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' SHORT PANEL I LDV PANEL SH09T PANFL/FLIISH MOOE15 (1) INTERMEDIATE STILE BETWEEN EACH EMBOSS ((3) STILES PER SECTION AT I'D' WIDE', EACH INTERM STILE OPTtONA: GLAZING MAY BE ATTACHEO WITH TOG-L-LOC (TOP do BOTTOM) AND URETHANE ADHESIVE STANDARD OR IMPACT RESISTANT (ALONG CENTER). GLAZING. SEE SECTION B-B ^N , N. PANEL •MO c: (3) TOTAL STILES PER SECTION. (1) STANDARD SHEET 2 FOR DETAILS. ;NTERMEOIAIE STILE BETWEEN EACH EMBOSS. EACH STANDARD INTERNI. MAX. STANDARD SIZE IS STILE ATTACHED WITH TOG-L-LOC (TOP h BOTTOM) AND URETHANE t9-1/2"x18". IMPACT RESISTANT ��ADHESIVE (AIDING CENTER). EXTRA INTERA!. STILES (T) PER LONG PANEL DOCR HEiGT ROF DF U-BARS GLAZING IS 21-5/8"x14-1/8. SECTION, FIELD-INSTALLED WITH (4) #8 SMS (PER STILE). ECilONS MAX OLD SIZE IS 18-1/2".11 , UP TD 70' • q 6 1 No A END STILES ATTACHED TO DOOR 7'3' TO 8'9' 5 a SKIN WITH PATENTED TOG-L-LOC 13'9' TO 12'3' 7 9 , SYSTEM (TOP, BOTTOM, & CENTER). :2'6' TO 14'0'' 9 12 N - SEE END HINGE c 14.3' TO 1!'911 9 14 VIEW 9, 1(" 10 iS MAX SECTION HEIGH71 21' SEE INTERMED. HINGE u VIEW C. SLIDE BOLT LOCK I ENGAGES INTO +I 1' ENO LE. I VERTICAL TRACK. ONE LOCK ON --�-- EACH SIDE OF iNlg ODOR MEE12 OR EXCEEDS"HE DESIGN LOADS 70R THE -1 y� DOOR. ULTIMATE WIND SPEEDS LISTED BLLCW ACCORDING TO THE FLORIDA ' Ic i BUILO�AG CODE OR THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (TED CN � TWO POINT LOCKING ASCE7-10) FOR THE FOLLOINI140 CONDITIONS: 1)ENCLOSED INSIDE SLIOF BOLT ift�LDING.2) DOOR HAS 2'OF WROTH 1N BUILD0.0'g END ZONE, 3) INTO TRACK SNAP LATCH ENGAGES I n K .PTICN 'ANY ROOF SLOPE,AND 4)TESTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH X� ONTO VERTICAL TRACK. END AVS'/DASVA 108. SITE-SPECIFIC CALCULATIONS BY A QUALIFIED 3 NTOONE SNAP LATCH ON STILE OHS:Cv PRCFESS:GMAL MAY 07FHR, ) EACH SIDE OF DOOR, A M3• ULTIMATE VINO 13g 160 170 too 195 SPCCD <HPH) L OUTSIDE 'EXPOSURE HANDLE. .ATEGORY •B• C•D D,C, D 1 B, C B. C B OPTIONAL OUTSIDE KEYED LOCATION OF I LOCK Bi A Ovi510E END I ENGAGES LOCK POSITION OPTIONAL VENT KEYED STILE TRACK BEAN RCDF HEIGHT Eg' 3g' tS' 15' 30' MAX. DOOR WIDTH . 9'-0" --•-+� hANDLD EACH 51 INSIDE ELEVATION OF D00, 'CLASSIC' SHORT RA PANEL SHOWN. LONG 'CLASSIC' O IT51 K Yf0 LACK 1'lcTM INSIDE HANDLE O rte1D DYED LOCK WITH AND SHORT 'CARRIAGE G_ H HOUSE' ARE ALSG APPROVED. SNAP LATCH LOCK OPTION. LOCK EAR.f�j.KING 0 HAI��ETi�� ���•yG. G E N SF ti�ii I.� NO 83 6// g14x3/8" SHEET MANUFACTURING PRODUCT 1 F*'�• /�2,//_ *'...III SHORT PANEL. PAk-VIS METAL SCREY/S & DESIGN LOADS: +38.0 P.S.F. -aa.0 P. 1/4'x3/4" SELF i A + P - LONG PANEL: PAN- F 1 6 S.f. PART NO,: N/A UM.a Sta eE O Mn... _n'O ly 6565 DYk! BOu!WO10 ',;d`'�.�O R 1QP''�2•�, o TAPPING SCREWS o TOLERANCES 4,. -4 Mown oK 45704o gA VINDLOA➢ RATING TN.No."3-7pp-Sppp�g�qp [� ��'�sS/ONAIEN �, O .0 . 3.031 Buz! FtoOXp on Fa,N4.?;3_)70-4553 �I 6 D I 3 lllFltA....I { I = ' ='OIS DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC AND CH RP STEEL PAN SC r38/-44 PSF 14 CA END HINGES 18 CA, INTERMEDIATE HINGE -000 s.006 DESIGN ENGINEERI V;FW "R" VIEW "c" .0003 . 2,001 DRAWN BY: M.W DATE: 3/15/95 SCALE: rvTS D5'IC. ISCOTT HAMILTON, P E. { D4q.aaa CHECKED BY: -- DATE: -- 511EET 1 OF 4 512E , FLd:IDA L,CENSE NO. 6}BRA un.e.4laleo 001—Ise DIWE,,V's ARE IN Inc«Es. DWG. NO.. 101348 - A/8 VER: IBC 4 2 FLORMA P ODD MC 7 APPROVAL 1616 a 3 2 1 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMOOSS DOORS I 'CARRIAGE HCUSC* RAISED PANEL EMOOSS ODORS SHEET. REVISIONS t+CDELS 2A GA 25 GA 25 GA MOCCLS Al DA 25 Ga I 2 OF 4 REV. NO.1 ZONE: pATE: ECN NO.1 APPVD: DESCRIPTION IDEAL ESA, 94 73, 75 76 CL QPAY I GDSS.ORSS IDEAL aRST• 4FI. 6RST 2RSi GALLERY' 17 - - - - SEE REVISION HISTORY ON SHEET ONE, HOL Me Q.409 142. 423; - NOLH ARSS ARTISTRY' SNORT PANEL LONG PAYEI IDEA. MODEL 4F IS FLUSH 'CARRIAGE HOUSE' ED51 J SHORT PANEL LC'+G PANEL I NPACT-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION: STANOARO ASSEMBLY CONSTRUCTION: SOLID DOORS (NO GLAZING) OR DOORS WITH OPTIONAL IMPACT-RESISTANT GLAZING ARE OPTIONAL DS9 CR 1/0-ACYRLC LITES AVMuLBLE. OPTIONAL ACRYLIC GLAZING IS IMPACT-RESISTANT. OPTIONAL INJECTION-MOLDED POLYCARSONATE FRONT FRAME AND P.ASKOLITE OPTIX OR LUOTE CP APPROVED CC2 PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE W.TH IBC/FBC GLAZING 15 GE LEXAN SLX2432T, AN APPROVED CC2 PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE WITH 2606. 18C/F9C 2606 AND AN APPROVED CI PLASTIC IN ACCORDANCE WRH F8C 2612. THE ENTIRE DOOR ASSELSLY INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THIS SECTION MEETS THE THE ENTIRE DOOR ASSEMBLY INSTALLED IN COLPLIANCE WITH THIS SECTION MEETS THE WIND LOAD REOUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE OR INTERNATIONAL BUILDING WIND LOAD RE0,AREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE BUT DOES No MEET THE IMPACT RESISTANT REOL4REMENT FOR WIND80RNE DEBRIS CEDE AND IS LARGE- AND SMALL-MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANT. REGIONS (REF. CHAPTER 16 FBC/IBC). SECTION 8-8 (IMPACT-RESISTANT GLAZING OPTION) SECTION S-B (NON-IMPACT RESISTANT GLAZING OPTION) IFRONT FRAME WITH U.Y. COATING ON OUTSIDE S.;RFACE. /-1 NOTE ACT-REST IS NARROWER THAN SIIWT FRAME.UP CPTIawL DECORATrh �� —its UULTIPJAPOSE H'.GH BOND TAFE I SPIAP-IN IN6ER' (BETWEEN FRAME ANO FACADE). DECORATIVE FRONT FACADE. (i ♦� L GLAZING I MOLDED INSIDE o.Iu� STRUCTURAL SILICONE SEALkO LITE RETAINER, (BETWEEN STEEL fluty AND FRAME). #6x3/4" PAN HEAD SCREW I (10 SCREWS PER LITE). IMPACT REEISTAVI J ONE-PIECE INJECTION POLYSTYRENE RETAINER FASTENED TO FRAME WITH p MOLDED GE LEXAN OD) 08. 3/4-PAN HEAD MACHINE SCREWS. C j SLx2432T FRONT 1 FRAME III GLA2440. i )III 11,!PAC7-RESIS7ANT ASSEMBLY DETAILS STANDARD ASSEMBLY DETAILS { DRAWING 101340-A DRAWING 101348-8 tZa u Z HAM/4 NO 63 � * MANUFACTURING,PR01 SHORT ANEL: N- LONG PAPPA OTGN LOADS: .38. P .F, d -44,0 P.S.F.A Ty F 4 F PART NO.: N/A A : Uelns Sate 01h.—S. —n E585 0 .qO,M+arA vIND.DAD RAI yOt�'•.� P `��� TOLERANCES e.. lj'0 a tbsoa, M 4 To USA F, g n%o+: . I �11 p Y .I. I�-T' 1-2 W 6 D F i l ��'OS�ONA;�?�,,, .00. :.o3s Snklr Pr.OIc:I Curq:e is I:o. I -T7o-4B53 / l 000- _LOOS DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC AND CH RP STEEL PAN SC +36 -c4 0000. s 00, DRAWN BY: M.W DATE: 3/15/97 SCALE: NTS DESIGN ENGINEER: D:o+«. - tt/2' CHECKED BY; -- DATE: -- SHEET 2 OF 4 _' SCOTT HAMILTON, P.E. VI....Sw"04,- FLOR OA LICENSE N0 63286 _ *,IcNs ia%ARE IN RCL1s 0WG. NO.. 101348 - A/6 VER: IBC 2 [FLORO©Q Pauu1%CD1,10UC7 APPROVAL It 4 3 2 'CLASSIC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DCORS 'CARRIAGE MCUSC' RAISED PANEL EMBOSS DOORS I SHEET, REVISIONS _ PODCLS 21 GA 25 GA j 27 CIA MODELS 25 W 27 OA 3 OF 4 RED_ 140. ZONE: DATE: ECN N0. APPVO: DESCRIPTION 0.0PnY 84A.94 73. 77 76 ICEAL 4RSt, IFt LLOPAY 047S.ORBS t 17 - - - - 6RST 2RST 'OAUERT' SEE REVISION HISTORY ON SHEET ONE. HO_rE$ 48, 18d ,12, K2n -- S AR5$ SHGR7 PANEL LONG PANEL 'A*IIS!TIS?AY' =-J IDEA. 3" TALL U-SAR D x - '%CCEL 4F IS FLUSH ' 'CARRIA3E •+CUSE' E�'S "' -.j `+- 2"THICK 20 GA. GALV. STEEL SHORT PANEL LONu PANEL I I&N. YEILD SIRENGTH. 50 KSI YrRTIC& JAMB AT-AC-jMFNT (WOCO FRAME PUR DIN'SI: 3/8"x3" LAG SCREWS ON 24" CENTERS. 1-1/8" O.D. WASHER REQUIRED, LAG SCREWS MAY I BE COUNTERSUNK (BUT NOT REQUIREO) TO PROVIDE A FLUSH MOUNTING SURFACE. HORIZONTAL .IAMBS DO NOT TRANSFER LOAD. 12 CA. GALV. STEEL TOP VERTICAL J.Li+B wttwCHMENT fC-90 BLOCK OR 2000 PCI ROLLER BRACKET. EACH 3/8"0- SLEEVE ANCHOR BOLTS ON 22" CENTERS (2,000 PSI MIN CONCRETE), WASHERS BRACKET ATTACHED W/(4) INCLUDED WITH SLEEVE ANCHORS. y 14It 9 SHEET METAL i OR SCREWS. 1/4"x3" TAPCON SCREWS ON IS* CENTERS (2,000 PSI MIN. CONCRETE) OR 10" CENTERS 25 GA, MIN, G-40 GALV. - (C-90 BLOCK). 1" 0.0. WASHERS REQUIRED WITH TAPCCNS, STEEL SKIN WITH A SHIP LAP JONTS. ANCHORS MAY BE COUNTERSUNK (BUT NOT REQUIRED) TO PROV:OE A FLUSH MOUNTING ABBAKEO-ONPPOL AND y SURFACE. HORIZONTAL JAMBS DO NOT TRANSFER LOAD. TOP COAT APPLIED TO 14 GA. GALV. STEEL END HINGE QTHER 'AMR CONE'CURA11014c: REFER TO DASMA TDS-161. A LICENSED DESIGN BOTH SIDES OF STEEL FASTENED TO END STRES W/(4) EACH PROrESS10NAL MAY ALSO BE EMPLOYED TO APPROVE ALTERNATE FASTENERS AND/OR JAMB S'I'N' I¢14x5%5" SHEET METAL SCREWS k (4) CONFIGURATIONS. 1/4" SELF TAPPING SCREWS. ?REPARATION OF (JAMBS 13Y 07HERS U=; THE DESIGN CF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE THE RESPONS+34JTY OF THE PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD FOR THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE AND 3" TALL x 20 GA. GALV. STEEL U-BARS IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT BUILDING CODES FOR THE LOADS LISTED ON THIS DRAW04G. IN A 2-1-2-1 PATTERN ( E. TWO U-BARS ON BOTTOM. SECTION, 014E U-BAR ON NEXT SECTION, ETC.). EACH U-BAR ATTACHED W11H (2) 1/4"x3/4" I SELF TAPPING SCREWS PER STILE LOCATION. 13 GA. GALV. STEEL BOTTOM BRACKET. ATTACHED WITH (2) y140/8" SHEET METAL SC MINUM EXTRUSION SS HASM-" SECTION A-A (SIDE VIEW)VINYL WEATHERSTRIP. I *:' N§7ECO/ AANUF�ACTUAIINGG PRODUCT SPCR T PANEL: PAN-2F1 DESIGN LOADS: +3B.0 P.S.F. Ec -440 P.S.F. ONG PANEL PAN-2F15 BF t eer: 1- - P.e F PART NO.: N/A I vmsu S+mra Cmu.vr Cho a 6565 D doJ•rayat WINDLOAD RATING p�FSA< `� TOLERANCES— clop ay TeisNo. 1)1��!¢141' W 6 D P { .0 t 031 B.lu PrawN+C rron Paa M. 1 -770-4 S! v 00 t.O16 DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC AND CH RP STEEL PAN SC +38/-44 PSF .000 t.007 DESIGN ENGINEER: .0000 . t,001 DRAWN BY: MTr DATE: 3/1S/85 SCALE: NTS DV,C. SCOTT HAMILTON. P,C, Cepr•.. ' t 1/2' CHECKED BY: -- DATE: -- St1EET 3 OF 4 jStZE FLORIDANo. UM...f+.ba Olnerwlp DaIEN9CNT>tAC w rNCNCD. CYlG. tJO.: 10134B - A/B VkR: IBC 4 3 2 1 'CLASSIC'RAISED PANEL EMIOSS DOCKS 'CARRIAGE HOJSC' RAISED PANEL EMIOSS DOORS SHEET. Rews,oNs MODELS 24 GA 2S GA 26 GA MODELS ES GA 25 G4 4 OF 4 IREV. NO.1 ZONE:I DATE: ECU NO. APPVD: DESCRIPTION CLO°Ar I 84A, 94 73, 75 1 76 CLCPAY GDSS. GRSS IDEAL <RST, 4Fw 6RST 2RST "GALLERY' 17 - SEE REVISION HISTORY ON SHEET 01tlE, hOLMES 48,480 4?, Q1 •• t4'LMCS i AR55 I - - - SMART PANEL ;LCHG PANEL. I •ARTISTRY• IDEAL J ' NGDEL 4F IS FLUSH •CARRIACIC HOJSE' LOU -. S14ORT PANEL I LONG PANEL 2"TRACK CONFIr•;IRAnnw DOOR COUNTERBALANCE SYSTEM HORIZWAL TRACK "Via GONFIGURATI N JPpOR it CA CALV. STEEL FLAG BRACKET ATTACHED TO DOOR SUPPORT BY DOOR !AW.9 W17M (3) 5/16"K 1-5/5"LAO SCREWS HEIGHT " 4.STALLER(TO SVT). AND TO TRACK VATH(2) 1/4"RIVETS. TRACK CCNFIGURAi:ON 7 211S STP'A'000 JAMB SEE OPTIONAL STOP LK)ULOINC BY INSTALLER (TO SUIT). A vvE THE DOOR OPENING GOES ] AS ROO:SPACING NTE 30' OC. - UAM9 PREPARATION NOTE'. 16 W GAIv, STEEL END 531LE N07 AFIECT THE WIND LOAD Itm RAT NO OF THIS DOOR, p = )a( 62"24" 2'CALV.STEEL TRACK, - t TRACK THICKNESS: 0.003'. 2-1/2-K 12 CA CALV. STEEL to,- TRACK BRACKETS FASTENED TO t i - WOOD JAMBS WITH 5/6"K 1-5/6' 7/16"L0. ROUND 18 GA. GALV. STEEL CENTER HINGE `L' LAG SCREWS. PUSH NJT FASTEWED 10 INTER. SilUS W/(4) EACH C 36's2' ryp, 2-1/2"X 12 a CALV. 1 - 1 •• FASTENER /14.5/6'SHEET METAL SCREWS. STEEL TRACK BRACKETS, I = c 14 CA. GALV. STEEL ROLLER MINCES FASTENED TO END 511LES W/(4)EACH y14.5/6" ATTACHED TO JAMB WITH (1) - SMELT METAL SCREWS AND(2) 1/4"SELF TAPPING SCREWS PER END MINCE. S/16• K 1-5/6'L40 SCREW PER c": 2"OA_V.STEEL TRACK FASTENED TO TRACK BRACKET. 12 CA CALV STEEL TRACK SRACKLTS 4- WfTH EITHER (2) 1/4"DIA RIVETS OR 2"Du. 7-1/2'LONG STEM, 10 BALL STEEL ROLLER WITH STEEL 04 NYLON TIRE. 10" (1) 1/4" K 5/6'BUT &NUT PER TRACK BRACKET. SECTION C-c 4' P_REPARATION O: JAMES BY OTH R LNR BRACKET (2-1/2'• 5-3/4' . }20A) ATTACHED WITH (2) 1/4'" . 3/4"SELF TAPPING 3" 7RACK Ic A,eO AVAIL ARI F SCRf1Y5 .nuny11'Irerv'n���y� IOW MFAfRmm ffPT1ON CWBKE HORIZONTAL B % % T HA p O E NSFT Offf,,y,,: No 6 8/ ANUFACTURING PRODUCT SHORT PANEL: PA -2FI! % NG PANEL: PANN2FIU � DESIGN LOADS: +38.0 P.S.F. dt -44.0 P.S.F. P.S.F. FART NO.: N/A j�T•••,l• �/: U.1.0 51a11a gne..�Ae 6565 0 w4%Atvuo-:Aa ..........O R 1 �:�?• ( TOLERANCES o.. a` lop iil'i�o.5 i 4)io�4600 , I aLOa�a� �i S• p V� 5 `/1/ NA 00 . t.0is Br hooth A n Fa.No. I 4To-L5s3 DESCRIPTION: CLASSIC ANO CH RP STEEL PAN SC +38/-44 PSF .000. a.005 .DESIGN ENGINEER, D000• *,001 DRAWN BY: NIW DATE' 3/15/95 SCALE NTS DWC. E�S.^OTT MW.ILTON. P.E. Daq`4As " It 1/2• CHECKED BY: -- 1DATE: -- jSmEET 4 OF 4 SIZE R: �, 'UNn.3u14a olnerau ouusw„s ARc al n._ncsSDWO. NO.: 1.01348 - A/B VER: IBC