HomeMy WebLinkAboutOwens Corning NOA 17-1211.02MIAMF DEPARTMENT F REGULATORY A D E M I .' RESOURCES (I ) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NSA Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt, LL One Owens CorningParkway MIALIMl-DADS COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 Sw 26 Street. Room 208 Miami. Florida 331752474 1` (786) 315- 590 F (796) 315-2599 www. rniamid ade.rov/ee0nOMY SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable males and regulations goveming the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by 1 1 a -Dade County RER - Product Control Section to be used in Miami -Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authonity Having Jurisdiction HJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The i 1a m i - D adc County Product Control Section (in 1 I i ani i -Dade County) and/or the A14J in areas other than Miami -Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the T i.l may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miamli - Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fa i 1 s to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described he rc i n * and has been designed to cornply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Duratim@, Duration% Premium, TrulDefiWitionO D oration , and TruDefln ition Duration* Designer Colors Collection IAA `' LII : Each unit shall hear a pemmnent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and foIIowi n statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renews t application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the perforrnance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or charge in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales advertising or any otter purposes shall a utomat ical I y terminate this N OA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for tenninat i on and removal of NOA. D E R-FISEMENT *8 The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and t' l l o ed by the expiration date may be displayed it advertising literature. Ifany portion f tie 1 is displayed, then it shall done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be availabl fir insp ction at the Job site at the -request of the Building Offieial. This NOA revises NOA No.1 - 4 .01 and consists of pages l through 6. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Freddy Semitto No.: 17-1 11.02 CH1AM11-DADEC0U=NTY Expiration Date; 07/1 / '1 i Approval Date. 12/2W1 Page 1 of Category: Sub -Category,, Materials: Dech Type: Roofing Asphalt Shingies Laminate Wood SCOPE This approves a roofing s rstern using Duration ., Duration Premium, TruDeflnitiong Duration , and TruDefinifion& Durations Designer Colors CoHection asphalt sbin les manufactured by Owens Coming as described in Section 2 of his Notice of Acceptance. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Product Dimensions DurationO 1' 4"" x 39 I/s,N a z�' uturin Loc ti p 1, Duration* M' rTref lnitrnn Duration ru a ffi tion u- ration Designee` Colors Collection Manufacturing Location # 1, 2, 3, 4 D u rations Manujiicturing Location #1, 2, 3 Duration Premium; TruDef nlition Duration ; TruDefinitionS D u rattan Designer Colors Collection , fij MAN. OF T URING LOCATION 1 _ Jacksonville, Ft- mpbi s, TN . Savumah, GA . Irving, TX . l eamy, J . Medina,OH 7. Brookville, IN QM1 M I - M&CA MOLC IC 0 U :NT 2Y 1 ' ,i" 39 N" Test Specifications Product Description TAS 110 A heavy w6ght, fiberglass reinforced four tab asphalt shingle with continuous bead of sealant. TAS 110 A heavy weight, fiberglass las -reinforced four tab asphalt shingle with large nail area i �th continuous bead of sealant. TAS 110 A heavy weIght+ f fiberglass re -in for ed four tab asphalt shingle with dashed bead of sealant. TAS 110 A heavy F i t, fiberglass reinforced four tab asphalt shingle with dashed bead of sealant. 14 A o.; 17-1 11.0 Expiration Date: 07/1 } 1 Approval Date: 12/ 711 Page 2 of EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Test Agency Test I d enfi fier lest arne eiDort Date F1 I Asphalt Technologies, lnf F-1 7- - 1 TAS 100 10/26110 OC F-1 5 --0 1 TAS 100 1 0// 1 0 F-1 --0 1 TAS 100 1 /1 0/ 1 0 CF-1 4-0-0 1 TAS 100 1/ 1 0/ 1 0 F-17 -02-01 TAS 100 0/ / 11 F- l 7 -0 -01 TAB' 100 0/0 /1 OCR"-7-0-0 1 TAS 100 11 // 1 7 OCR'- i-0 - I TAS 107 X 1 /0 / 1 7 F T 71-0 -01 TAS 100 11 /0 / 17 F- 7-o-0 1 TAS 107 1 1 // l 7 OCR'- 7 - -01 TAS 100 11 /0 / 17 F-37 - -0l TAS 107 11/0 /Y 7 Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. I ONK 13947 TAS 107 11/1 /1 1 ICA 15662 TAS 107 / 7/ 11 11 NB21712 TAS 107 0/ 1/ 1 12CA121 80 ASTM D4 / 1/ 1 R2453 ASTMD4 10/0117 Lim][TATIONS 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; re i e r to a current Approved Roofing ing ateri a1 s Directory for ire ratings of this product. . Shall not be installed on roof mean heights in excess of 33 ff . . All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and l u le 6 1 G2 0- 3 o f the Florida Adm i n istrative Code. 4. INSTALLATION 1. Shingles shall be installed in compliance with hoofing Application Standard IA S 115. . Flashing shall be in accordance with Roofing pp1i ation Standard RAS 115 3. The manufacturer shall provide clearly written application instructions. 4. Exposure and course layout shall be in compliance lth Detail � �, attached. . Wailing shall be :ire compliance with Detail 'B% attached. L B LILN 1. Shingles shall be labeled with the Miami -Dade Seal as seen below, or the wording "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved' N A Not: 17-1211.02 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 07/1 121 Approval Date: 1 / 7/ 18 Rage 3 of 6 BUILDING PERMa REQUIREMENTS 1. Application for building p mlit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: ] . I This Notice of Acceptance. 1.2 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the applicable code 'In order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. D ETAEL A :Fr: rrana RM Co" NO o.: 17-111.02 HIAM1,13ADE CO Expiration Date: 07119/21 j a .approval Date; 1 /27}18 Page 4 of DETAIL B DURATION & TRuDEFINITIONO DURATION* (SEALANT MAY BE CQNTINUOUS OR BASHED. NET SHOWN IN THE DETAILDRAWINGS) MAMMUM SLOPE 1:1 6 Nail Pattem Esquema con 6 davos — SureNaillw fastening area wildth Ancho del area Para clavado SureNaiF Ott Exposure Exposi e 5 V pu# . Nails Clavos v cpour Exposimnd V PuI , NOA No.: 17-1 11.0 F,xpiration Date: 7/19/ 1 Approval Rate: 12/ 7/1 Page 5 of I *� C •DE COUNTY Fastening for Slopes Greater Than 1 : 1 1'P ureNail; %-1fastening area wid#� f - Nall, Typical Four, I" Spots of Asphalt Roofing Cement END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE r " NOA No.: 17-1 r r .0 Expiration Date; OW191 1 Approval Date; 1 /2 7/ 18 Page 6 of 6 1011912020 UL Product iQ I -A T f _R45 - Prepared Roof -covering Materials I UL Product 10 TFWZ.R2453 - Prepared Roof -covering Materials Prepared Rood -covering Materials See G-enefal information for P r j2xed Roof -cove ' g MaterjaI5 OWENS C01kN kNG ROOFING AND ASPHALY. ELC R24 53 One Owens Corm i rig parkway Toledo, OH 43639 LISA Asphalt glass fiber mat sheet reefing designated " Mineral Surfaced Roll Rr fing" for Instal[atFon as Class C prepared rckaf coverings. These roiGs may also bear the staternent. "also i Iassified iri accordance with ASTM D i9O9". Asphalt glass fiber miirt anti shingles designeed � . „ „ „ me.+ "Oakn Jge- ("Oakridge Pro 30"), "O,�kridga Pro 41)", "00a ridge Pro 50", "WoodcrestF, "Woodimoor". , therGu and HP ", "Dufa6m ", "Du ration Prerrriurn fu�efin itio r� C- duration � 'Tru Defi nition 8 Du ration a Storm (lid)'', '' Tru Def r� i#inn 0 Purati on 9 Flex'*'", "Duration A ", "Skyview' a n d "Deco rrsh i re" for in stallation as Class A preps red roof cov rims. ��� a fir~ i nsta Ration on m In i mum 3/8-in. thIC k plywood rig of decks with undo layment such as aspt�ai# sa#urat felt or sh i ng1e undedaymerit classified by Uf_ as a prepares roofing accessory (undedaymerit not required for hip artd ridge shingles) and w minimum 1S132-irr_ thick plywood roof decks without undedaymant. Asp halt g la ss fibe r m at shingles, for installation as Class C pr a pa red roof covering s on minim u m 318- i n. thick plywood roof d ecks witho ut undedaym ent. Asphalt g lass fi ber t t and hip and ri dge shingles for installation as wind resistant roof -CoueringS, 1rhes.-- shingles may also hear the statement `AJso ClassiFedi in accordance with ASTM D3161, -Class F Also Classified in accordance with AS7M 03462"r "Also Classified in accordance with CSA-A 123.5" and "Also Classified in accordance with ICC ES AC438". These roofing OWTis may incorpwate starter shinglies designated ''Strip Shingle" or "TRI-BUU Shingle Startef- Asphalt glass fiber mat and starter strip Aki!qllos designated "Starter Strip Plus" and "Starter Strip', for installation as Class A prepared roof coverings. Suitable fort Installation on rnirlimurn 3/8-in. thick plead roof decks with unceflay Trent such as asphalt saturated felt of shingle urWeOayment classified by UL as a prepared roofir accessory fuaderlayment not required for hip and ridge shingles) and on mi'mmum 15/32-1n. thick plywood roof decks without undedayrnent. Asphalt glass fiber nriat shingles, for installation as Class C prepared roof coverings on rninirnum 3/9- In. tNck plyw d ref decks without underiayment Asphalt glass frbe&r mat am hpp and frdge shin -files for installation as wind r nt roof coverings. These shingles may also bear the staternenl "Also Cl assi bed i n acf and ance wit h AS TM 03161 r Class F" and "1�j so Classified in accord a rice with [CC ES A 3$ Hip and midge shin-91designated -High Ridge". "Hap & Midge sh0gles with sealant" and ''ProEdge FLEW Hip & Ridge shingles for iknstMa6an as Class A prepared roof coverings. These shingles may also soar the statements, "Atso Classified in 3ccarda1-K-e VAth ASTM D3161, Class F", "Also Classified in a(COFdance with ASTM D346 " and "Also CWsifi in accordance with ICC ES A 438", the H i p & Ridge with sealant sWng1 a may bemr the staters exit "Also C1 assified in acc cff dance with CSA-A, 12 3, S Hip and rk* shingles deslqnat "RizeRidge" and "Lane 5ta0"', for -4nstegalIon as Class A prepared roof coverlrigs. Suitable for installation on m1gimum 8-in. thick plywood decks and on minimum 15/.3 -i n. tti i ck plywood roof diet ks without grid a dayrnen t. Also Classified in a-� Cordance with ASTM D3161. Class A of Class F. "also Classified In accordame with ASTM D3462" and "Also Classified in accordance with ICC ES AC438". Hip and ridge shi n!qi@rr designated 'WeatherGuafd HP Hip & Ridge Shingles (I 4, m fkshir.P'r "Duf afi`idge" Hip & kidge shingles with sealant. %ongKidgerm Hip 8c Aid-ge with sealant, "ProEdge- and "ProEdge STORM CIR)" for instaflabon as Class A {prepared rtxof coverings These shingles may also bear the statements, "Also Classified in accordarire with AS7M D31 61, Crass F` and "Also CI a ssified i n acca rdance wit h ICC ES AC438". UrAated on 0 0-04-20 The appearance of a cor-npany% name ar prOdULt in Ihi-i database doer. not in its -elf assure that products so identified have beers manufactured under UL's Follow -tip Service- only those products bearing the toL Vark 5hculd be ccosidered to k)-e Certifsed and covered under UL's FoeIow- Up SQrvilce. Always look for the Mark on the, prodTic#. UL perm lts the reproduction of the material contained in the ON ine Certification D i rectory subject to the fol[Qwing cond i Cions; 1. The Guide Information, Assernbliesr Constructions, Des+gn5r S ySte M:S, andlof Certifications (files) nnust be presented in their entiretY and in acoon-misleading manner, without any manipulation of the data (or drawings). 2. The staternent -Reprinted from the Oniine t=-�!rt;fications Uredory with Permission from UV must appear adjacent to the extracted material. In addition. the reprinted material must imlude a cWynght notice in the (oil owl ng format- "Q 2020 U� LLC„ http!5-.III q.UIpruspector.00M/eWprofile ?e=1486 4 i f l