HomeMy WebLinkAboutIKO Product Approval 7th Edition �- A aon, FLORIDA . n rhBusiness & Professional Regulation 44 li BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts Publications Contact Us BCIS Site Map Links Search Florida Product Approval USER: Public User & r[r pl gi: Ite Product Approval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL30310-R1 Application Type Revision Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer IKO Industries Ltd Address/Phone/Email 40 Hansen Road South Brampton, NON-US L6W 3H4 (905) 457-2880 Ext 4581 william.liu@iko.com 1pr Authorized Signature William Liu william.liu@iko.com Technical Representative William Liu Address/Phone/Email 40 Hansen Road South Brampton, FL L6W 3H4 (416) 525-3740 william.liu@iko.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Asphalt Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Zachary R. Priest Report Florida License PE-74021 Quality Assurance Entity PRI Construction Materials Technologies, LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2024 Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL30310_R1_COI_IKO19002.2 2020 FBC Eval Shingles final.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D 3018 1990 ASTM D 3161 2016 ASTM D 3462 2010 ASTM E 108 2016 TAS 100 1995 TAS 107 2020 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 10/16/2019 Date Validated 10/23/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/28/2020 Date Approved 12/16/2020 Summary of Products FL # Model, Number or Name Description 30310.1 I IKO Shingles ASTM D 3161, Class F asphalt shingles, hip and ridge shingles, starter strip & shingle strip Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes FL30310_R1_II_IKO19002.2 2020 FBC Eval Shingles final.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: Zachary R. Priest PE-74021 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other: See evaluation report for limits of use. FL30310_R1_AE_IKO19002.2 2020 FBC Eval Shingles final.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 0 0 Contact Us : : 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida. :: Privacy Statement : : Accessibility Statement : : Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address if they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: Fri C-1 ® kd d Credit Card Safe [ertifcate-of Aut;)orrrafie]ry Nf?. 29 624 CREEK iF `0 Tampa.Eli F 1.3a l 3�Dr Tampa. F L 47 TECHNICAL 'S ERV I G E , LLC (813)48�3421 F;VALUAT IO N R E'PO T FLORIDA BUILDING CON,7"' EDITION 1.20201 Mbbn u fact ure r: LKO INDU S-MIES,tTD f0yed Camber 22, 2>?20 40 Hanserk Rd S BTjAmptpn ON LAN 31-14 i wiada 4Q 16)467-2M0 xvww 12 )Com Manufacturing Plants' Calgary.Albazu Hawkj�Sk)ury+, Oniena Hillsboro. TX "nkekee, IL $urnas,VGA - 7ykwauge,AL TomnbD, Ontario wikr kvbbrl,DE Quality Aaauran*M= PRI CDnstrucbm M fa TodhnukVWS(01JAM 10) SfinpE _ Category: Roofing Subc*I"OrLy! A,eprLalt Shom;l" Code Edition: Flon0a Build"Cam, r E; Nbn{ 2D)IncJuding High-YBWCrIV Hurricane ZoneS (HVH.Z) Cow Properties: Phy#i I properties,Wind R t@noe.MW Driven Rain BEFERE Re ES Enky F 4nm Na. S FM Approuafb(1rST196Y) 3OW71 FM 4475 2010 FAA Approua%(TST1 7) 3WO947 FM"75 20t0 ASTM E 1 P3 21316 1:M Approvalg{TSLi #) xw1M FM"75 2010 FMApprowals fTSTIRY) 3OW76 FM"75 2010 FM Approwa1v{T$T QI67} SU5254 FM"75 2014 FM Appromlo{TST1 7) 3046191 FM"75 2010 PRI C*i9rUc#Un rdateriaks Technalogies 1T5T5878) WQ-05G-132-01 TAS 100 198:5 PRI Coggrwct�3n M;W.als Tmchrkdltgkn. fT5T587d) I7L0.051•132-01 TAa 100 19PS PR1 0Dnatructign Ma7exiaN TethM log ieS(T ST58F$) WO-053-12-01 TA$100 1995 pFU Constructnn Maicnals Techna"ift(TSTW74) I1(0.067-0U401 TA:f 100 1$95 PIT1 Cpawrucarti,Mme-mi5 TecMrOogieb jM479) 11K -071-0Z-01 ASTM D 3462 201I�A PRI CorrsinMipin MalerAN Teennologre9;TSTU781 IXU-11)72-02-02 TAS 100 IW5 PRI Coeemxlk n Materwis Tc4hnnlbegjeS JST5878 f IKO-07"2A1 TAS 100 1995 PRI Coribiru itm r#Wti&19 Technolorm fTST587$F I140-07742-01 TAS 100 M5 PRI COr rLcLlon WkwWrijairr Techntlaq,e9.FrST078P IKO-M-0241 TAS 100 1995 PRI Cor*Vk4Uon WrQrL;lr: Tachnoragre&fT51557Ep IK p 0241 Ad G UQ 2D1M PRI{ irWhon M2herr21s Technticqla!�fT5T5679� ASrM D 3M2 2131 CA PRI Carc5ftWi n IflWterials Tec110 18d(TST5370� IKCP,D'9 -01 rAS 1-ba 1 pm FRI Cvn,rh,xtion JMtteial9 TeehfiO;Dgi@!S(T6T!478? IKO-100-U2-01 TAS 107 2020 PRI Canstrutiiarr M43tBtI9 is jST-5878) IKO-11 A- 2-01 TAS 1 D3 1 SSA PRI Cpnshucbon Ms*rIiw Tgchno*gmm(TSTWiB) IKO-115-W-01 ASTM 1)3151 2016 FRI C4)MMhutWn Mawlel5 Te.hnoogft(TST9A78) IKO-1174D2-01 TAS 1 OD 1 VW RRL CogstrucWn Mace-.i*IS TechnOloglss(TST50578) ld(&120-D2-01 ASTM D 3452 10A I1{0190D2.2 FL3M 1�R2 Page 1 of 15 rhrb @vq%w ion repeat ia.proxided io*Siale of Flwipa pro&a appemml under Bole 61 Wa The mmufaAurer shall nolrfy CREEK Tethnical SenIcee. LLC DI any pradud de Nea or qu"amranm chance 1/IFdrVhcHA the durston kw wridi this repot i9 ,mild 7hr5.9Walm=mn iepae1 dose not 92press npr imply waetahrrLy..�nanjlet*n. NK*nnw4ad rats_w ether pfaciLd Dib 009s That are nd! epo^rA Ry addrasmed heceiA �. E E' f IKO 1NOURI �TES,LTD ' TEC FM IC-AL SERvi.c", LLC PRI COMBlyq_aOrt WteriaaTMN901v4t*4(T$T61 Mp IKO%121-02-01 ASW 0 3402 2D14h VS6 DpmMP-ic an Mar,43ria's irehno"lei(T5T5878) IKO-123-02-01 ASRd D 31451 2D1.6 P,Mi Gi;m"y relran Maleriat&TedinOlOglm(TSTM7E•) WCr -i 25-D2-D1 TAS 1 D7 202] ASTM 0 51 B1 r;014 P14I CarwArudlOn Malign.RI4 Teohndkgl[r8{TST 7$) FKO-i Cc2•D1 TAS 1 OD 1995 PRI COris1n1s imbn Maorols T"rKgNies{TSTS879) 1 O-127-02-01 ASTM D U62 1{}A PRI Cgr*tWipn MateriahsTecJIrK*Wv(TSTSB76f IKOr126-02-01 TAS 107 OQG ASTM D 3161 2p1 B PRI Congtn-iedon Matcriai&TwMolo+gm(r$T5878� IKOL 129-02-0r1 A3TM b 3OU 2D1 ILA M Crnstruttnn Me7enpb TechnoIbgie*(T0T+f87;B) WO-130fi2-01 ASTM a31$1 2016 PRI Cons{rjrtron MaIe481B 7ecrhn31ogies ff5T5876) WiD-131-02-01 VAS 107 2020 A5TM D 3161 2016 PRI ConairucAm Mounals TerAnokqm iT:YT5876� 1KO-14D•112-01 ASTM D 3462 201-b4 PRI Corairudion Matenals Tgchrtbk4e1&(MM10) IK-0-14"2-01 TAS WO 1"5 MI C 4r:s1rudio0 tABtarie's Twhnckgies{TSMT6F IKO-153-02-011 TAS 100 1W5 PRI*VnMjyior■Mateela4 T emchnolagieb(T5T5"P 11 171-0Z-01 ASIM D 3462 201 CLA PpI CmIsb uthon gegenpK Tecfmbkfq"(TSTM?$� IK-171-00-02 TAS 10 2WO ASTM D3101 21316 PRt CM9trLjd+an MaWpt3 Te&flolaajres JST511M) WD- # N4 1?3 7AS 110 i 9m PRI Conitfuctron MwPOals Tedimbgl' m(TST567:%) wZ-1 M M-01 A.-STM a 3A62 10 KA PRI C4norui2im Melensls Tgd-inoltiji!rs{T$'F167$) RLO-1"-02 ;AS 1 W 202* Plil nsiruetion MmLer ale T4¢omlb*a{TST51176] 9KO-188-4?-03 A0TU D 3161 2414a Pftl Gonstmchon MaIeria19.Tech nc"B(T'ST5579E IKO-19B-02-01 ASTM D 302 241 CA PRI Ovralrueiion MetertaIs T*:Waagsea rmT56l6M IKO-19"2-02 TAS 400 1995 PRI mtruciior• Materms T narxyie3 ITST5676? IKD`199-02-03 AVM D 31151 2016 PRI Q wtruciior Matefla s forhmkigies( ST513M) IKOH201-02-01 ASTM D 34(Q 2D1 CA ASTM E 1 D8 2016 ASTM I}3018 1$5Q(Rg4)Ei pAp Cpnstruttlam Mw.ena%ierhnologie3 1T5T5078) IKD-nl-W-03 A5TM D$181 2018 PRI ConstlUCtion MawRls Tedhralbgimm JV50n) IKO-2D1-M-07 TAS 100 1995 PAI Consrruttion MsnonpI5 Trdvwlbgies 4VSTSBT$) WO-202-0M-01 ASTm C qOw2010A A4STM E 149 nit ASTM D W1 B 1"GIR94)El PRI OnOdlrl,ollon Wpft rig Ls Te&nelaWa 4TSTM79' IKO-202-02-0? TAS 1:07 2020 AS7M D 3161 291-B PRI CdrnVuCMP Wtorials TVhAdbgrree IfiSTMM IKO-AM12 O? TAS 100 1095 PRI irgrmbLo;%ori Metenels f42cheroidgfrtd frST58Y% I1<0-243-" A57M 1)3462 2D1 CA ,STIR E 108 2011 ASTM D 3018 1 B90(RB4)E 1 PRI CDnsbutl%on Fi aWrials Tpchn3hgit3(T5T5978) IKO203r 2-M ASTM D 3161 2016 PW Construction 14 Wmiviks TedinologiBs(T5T507A) IKG-�-V TAS I 1995 PRI CDni trurrtr4n M26.-Hak Technologies(T$T5878) IKD`24 -01 ASTM 0 3462 201 GA ASTM E WE! 201tl ArSTM D N 14 1990(Fk94)E1 PRI COnsaruc#ian MWc:iials Technalagles 1'TST 7#) FKO-205-02-02 ASTM D 3151 2016 PRI Consiftalmi M81@rals Techmingies 9 TM78) IKWD5-02-07 TAS 10D 1995 PRI Carwrui%m MalerLals T*chrKADgie9 7STSB76} 1KOr20fi-02-01 ASTU D 3462 20117A ASS E 109 2016r A57M D 3010 196MR941E1 PRI C�:inslruciibn MaLenelS TeChn¢ogrgs ITST5676p IKO -20M2-02 ASTIR D 31,51 2015 PRI 1 anslru_BoP mg9rlets rvh9m3gres frST$679} IKO-2M42-07 TAS 100 1995 PRI Crnsvuiibor•MetenW*TKhnabg"(T5TS878) IKGu2W-*2-D1 ASTM D 3462 201 ftA PRI Cansbudron Metcn*%Tml-mobs"M3T5074? IKO-217-04-01 ASTM D 3462 201 CA PRI Cti�Btrucl>an Mo*Haks Tetheologles(TST5876) IKCI 218-M-01 TA:S 1 DZI 19M PRI COngryS#ron Matenals Techrialogiss CMT5878) 476=17 1 ASTM 0 3452 2MA PRI ConstrucWn Me'snals Techmloglem(ISTS878) 479CDG172 ASTM D 3161 2018 PAI Constructim M81anals Tiochmicyimt(TST5878) 4MC017.3 ASTM E Ma 201$ M1(;pnalrud[ion MalerialB Tiochmicg es{TST58711) 474 =D.1 ASTM D U62 2MOA PFcl C7rair ,:nion MaLerLals TBohnciogos =5$76F A 7-5COD20.2 ASTM D ME11 2016 Il{0190N.2 FL'+4314-R2 Paw 2 vI 15 This mvakumi6Ki repW 15 prouiped lOr Ste)*Of F I rrda prpduot appf4waI under Rule Bt 3. 7h*rr+in er!%21 motrN F--K TeCllfilCai Saryiws. LLC c?my product Oh.Rnges ur quellty mmur-Pnar cham9bis 1hroug10r14 ft dursrtiam for which this repot is valid. Thle evaluation repdrl.does not express nD: imprv,riaraar+Ty, inslalletran, re rwdnd use. or oMer prod43d Wri ulisa thal sr*nol gar lyr addressed re-ein R E E RLO I A*phadfphafRIES.LTD t Shlnyies rErZmr4kCAL!SE9V1Cr;;5, LLC E,y ftz Report No. SkanC4 FRI Cpnehnachnn MaWars-rerhnologIms(TSTM711) 4715CM 9 ASIM 6 108 24t,3 -PRI Cmetrijoan Ma7rrials Technoingles(i$T5a7$) 476UW35 t ASTM D 34V 2010A PRI Cemstruchon Malegpis TedirrilDgim(T5T58?$) 479CDO33.2 ASTM D 3161 21116 PRI Gpnufuctan Malejels T@rhr+4logizs(f5T5878) 475D0033.3 ASTM E 105 2018 PRI Conskrurti4n Maflefl$9I5 Technolpgin CW5678) 067OW2 ASTM D W2 201 DA PRI Conalructim MWenals Technologlef;{M!6741� 476T4D43 TAS 100 1995 PFLI Comb alai NIat i-hpis Tci-,nntlog"{TSTv876} 476TODD4 ASTM D 3161 21316 PRI Gonslrwllon Materials.TechnbkV es IT5i51178P 476TOO12 ASTM D 3462 201 OA ASTM D 3018 19W(R5w)E1 PRI C&MMiaor Materi3iis Tpxhnbkig"(TST5978) 47BTD313 ASTM a 3151 2016 TAS 107 20M PRI CDnitiucWn Mwri;hK Te hnolo0les(TSTSST$) 474TIMI ASTM D 3432 2MA ASTM 1)M 1 d 19MR941EI PRM Cprletructign Marc'rals Teehml glew{7tiM7e) 4MTOO22 ASTU D 3161 Mid TA& I07 202D PRi Conscructim MaleOsIi TEchnal glen(TSTWN 476TODL23 ASTiII E 10B WAS PFU Cor*grvckkCn Maleiubli Tach mlogim{TST%79) 476T0034 A5T11I D 6462 201 OA PRI Car.r.fuC'ID'I rOalenals T901-91U39A5 OST58161 4715TGD39 ASTM D 3462 201014 ASTM b 3013 19K$ Fmwi PRI Cor*Ir4xiian UsLefr&Ig TeChnok,pes J$'WBE 476TOM ASTM D 31$1 2D15 PRI Comtri.4ipn iillaterials Te hnabpea ITSTWOF 475TO 41 TAS 1i}4 1995 PRI{:4rr bu=ort Wterims Tb`hribbooff(TSTv$76) 476TOW ASTM a 3462 2010A A;STM D 3015 1 M(R'!)+I)E 1 PRI CDneL•uL-ban M&4e+lr%Twhnabgies(TST5878) 41STp4 *3 TAS 100 19H PRI CDrl9rluct-on MBWnEtri i*r'hnaIDgies 1TST5878) 426TOO" MTM O 2462 20104 A5TN1 17 M 19 19RXR94)Ei PRI CemekrUGkUn MAWOpk Tauhixilbgle5(*ST5874) 478TDD45 ASTM D 3161 201d PRM Dtmur.,cion Ma mWs Terhmlogiel UST587-9) 4MTOMB TAS 100 1995 M C4rr#Rr:ui2k 'i MaleWs 7wMnoIP9iw f,TS M78) 4P6TW7 ASTU D W2 201 DA PRI Conakruct&Mplpriall Tech mbgHn(TST587$) 4715-MD-56 ASTi1F E 10B 20* PRt Cgri ltu[2ion Maleriafs Torhnalogies{TSTWB) 47.TUp59 AGTM D 5161 2415 PRI Consiruo;itri Malenele ToGhmlDgies 9ST587B1 4174700SI AS'IV D 7150 W1 B&81 PRODUCT BEtICRIPTION - RoofshakeTM 1A'r'r' 13.3M' x ETAS', AS M D 31131, CIOM F self sealing, fil lesf- reinforcec, lamiwi d is mas7 whilecturaL arrphaft stligle surfaced with granules omptyw4g rwth ASTM D 3O2. SWrigks 5fia0 0&L I,Bad ir!Im F?Chrj-HVHZ or]fY Armpµriphake 1fl-1r2' x 37-3,t9'. ASTM D 3181, Class F Wlf-g,WIing, flbeMless rein, lominaled tSL11nae7 archftWurall aaphaft r#iingto surftwd wrlh granules c.amptying with A$TPA D 3*62. RoyaM Lstater" 13-7dAl' x 4'. ASTM O 3161. Gass E S�If•seaiing. fiber lass minlorced. Iaminsled IT40rontol smhhedlurei assphaft shingle surl$ged wftn granules-:�crnpfyirr,g with ASTM D 3462. Cruvune Slam 13-114' x 3!3u1f", A$Thl D 3161, Glees P sllf-sepling, flberglaas reinforc d. l8minal&d (To ronto I j)r0hiteclural saphaN shinglb surfamo w 1h granules complying with ASTM D 3452. $,7rrx�fas sbs0 be usddno Me rro+►-1 VHZ onny. DynastyTM 1 * ' x 40-718'. ASTM b i 1. CIWge F se4f-waif', kber LASS reinf;ireed, lerninalw! tCalyaq, Howkeabury, architectural asphAlt shingle surfaced with grartuke 0)-mplVing wish ASTM D 3462. HIlkab4ro; Kankpkgq SMgftg rnanLrAscrumdin G ry Md Saari Shoff be Uwdk3 VW riOn-HVHZ Cray. 5Uma q;) Nordic" 13-34' x 40-71.5' ASTU D 3161, Clans F acrff-a hng. flbELrglerm reinforced, LwFw'ra Hillsboro &K*rtikakee) archinectural.esphah M*Vli&Su w 1h gran-ules complying YAh A$W D W2- IKOVOM 2 1`1-3011}-P.2 Page 3 of 15 This avaluaGon report is prawkW for Swei of Flo kin prcoict approval under Rule OTUD-3. The rwwfpMrrtr stroll nEffry CREEK lrmMwAl Services LLC of awe prokd c"i- es 4r qua;rty asyuramw ctleng�b khroughaul The dutation Id"MfiICh this rgpprk i#valid. Thii evalu3ton •epvrt Om not empram eibf imp►y ywarrarq nelallacron, *OwwnmxW uso.w4X"r product k ributBa[gal we not WwificaEy Addfes"d Wow JKO lNM5TR1:E5.LTD CREEKEE A!tphall Shie1B8 TEC FiN I-CAL $ERYtCES, LLC Cambridge"I 13-3W x 40-718'- ASTM C 31$1. Class r se1f-seating. fibergWs r-einfurc4tid. lanninaM (Ca.loaryf, Hawkesbury: afomedure) 0WOR apirl9Ie surfac-rri with grAftl. $11 C,�MiN wrLh ASTM C 3 . H illshoru. Kankakee, Shin&*en:9rr-uf8cturo k?C,3kwy and 7ofcWo shed'be used in rhe ri(rrr,HVHZ tWOY. SUma-!�: syliacaug;p: Tpr.anty&WilmingOon1 CRC DiltmoreO 13-3A' m 4fl-7JB', ASTM D 3161. Class F self-*4�aling, fih+s1:3la2s reir : Ieminaied (Calgary. Hawke*Wry: arWedural Wha4 Rthinglt surfaced with granule* complying yuith ASTM R 3462. $umas& Tivrmnlo) $hrr fe.5 rrt&juhacftfmd b)�silgsry efW Toxcila.sOO be used irr the non-"VHZ Orly. KC ReigeiScVOF� 1 314' x 40-7M', ASTM D 31,51. CjaIiLs F &O-g-aling, fib lass reiniomed, Iarr++nMed tC algary &Hawk$sbury) ardhMaural ewhalt shingle aurfa d with grandee aamolying with ASTM D W2 5 res manufa hrMO en Cam ghat'be used in ft Mir':HV.HZ')rlfy CRC Superg law" 12-1�4- x 39-3�B'. ASTMS C 3151. Class F �-teb asphalt shinglie wrth {C;LIgary, H awkesbu ry ib"lees mat 000ed on both $rdes with asphalt and Surfsr vorIh granuFer}coming Tprpn110) with AVI'A O 3462 sx�u7gfes u aecftfred �}`arrp' Torori o �� trSad IR f $ MaraMunTM Plus AR 131�4' x 393W': ASTM D $161- Cla*% F Eelf-sealing, 3-tab uphatt mingle wrth (Galgoryr: Hawkeabury, hbergMss mat coated on both Ride*wrth asphalt and suwFaud wnh granules,eornplyinp Hillsbore-K ankp kee- wiM ASTM D 34U ShdngW fnanufacfurW ro Ca4wry. Swnss af?d' 70"ifu shy hO $umee. Sylacauga vwdiin Me frw+-HVHZ of'wy. Tarontol Hip & Ridge TM 12 13-19' x a$`. ATM D 31j�1, Clews F fterglaRs reed, nwinoraVer aspheld 1W errd 114011ka tee &$y Iacsuga) ride shingle sad with granules and perlorailed every 12-inches pfyiing with ASTM D 3462 Hip& Ridge Plus 13-)14. x 39-30. AS7M ❑ 3161. Class F fiberglass. feinforced. mnowye+r asph$I1 hip (Calgary) arrd ndge shiNle surfaced wit+ granualera aM perloraied QVt:rY 13-inch"complying xfth ASTM D 3462. St*jr, s„mW be us*d on the nm-.L HVHZ orn'y. Hip and Rid!�e''d 1 -1�4' x 39-3r8'. A15 MJI D 31151, CA9&s. F fiib*rglaras Feinfofoed m❑volayrer asphalt ftilp jgurnael wM ridge shingle Surfaced Mh granules and perforated evefyr 1 O,inches coariphying with ASTM11 D 3462 Sbn&%,SW be ussd ffi me n:)n-HVHZ y. Armour slyrterTM 13-1od'x 39-3M'. ASTM D 3161, Glaris F fib&4glass r-einforved asphalt stnp ri-Mhedded ($urrtiasy with graftltes e43mplyirxj with ASTM D 3402 iFac use wrlh Affnourshake';' Shingles. Leading Edge Plus`' 7-7�9' )i 4,0-7S', ASTM D 3161. Class F fiberglass rt:4nfproad, mon4layrer awhalt (Wpw,kesbu ryl shingle strip ufffaced wtth gronules comply"wrlh ASTM D 3462. IKO 19032.2 FL30310-R2 Page 4 tl 15 T•hrb"R%Jaii- lepbet la prouiaad itr Scw.e of FkmiA 1woduct approvpl under RUIa 61ON-3• The enenuilodumr sfiall notrtp ORr=EK ideal Ser4ic9s. LLD*F arV produq chaNeq&quality assuraiirxe chanpn thnk4houl the duraban far whkh rhi# nspM isi uslid This eYalbetan rcpofl does not a2pmss-i0r imply warromy %n9talletian. frrrtarrded WPIC ar Uhar produce mribuwa Dial arc nal somth,cally addreemd he•ein CREEK Asphalt$h4rgl" TECH N IC AL SERVICES. PLC {$Ump4 6#x�I�Irid Spmd I Max. 15D mplti Dark(IIVHZ); in a=rdanco with FOG regLt rements; SoliMy V*ethed min. 1E.32 in. plywood or wood plank for I new oonsiwdlion; Min. 15132 in. plywood ecxisting ; canstrudico. Np*i�fVN Sai dI ahe�alhad y1 onoe wills F OU requirerrrentr._ Lind dry+ +t: _ Ilm•pob�rijence vAh F9C mclulmemnta. Min. alma; 2:12 and in =ccordarxxf with 58C r quire-nerd. Righir to 1ho manuCodurer's applicilLon inalrucdons v&pw gnMiiM V _ mangles at-sloes greaser then 21:12. IrislAllstion [NcrrHVHZ�; IrKulled with 5-700 irKh exposure, in a=rdanCe wtlh FBC requir-erni$nta and manufa iuref'4 published insWll*tOn InabijOivrra Shingles shell tie atl&CW usinc "4 ?laid Pattern`defiled below. - Nall Line Cornnngirt Eiie►rte i Standard Application Requires 4 Nabs • - - - - � - Nall ' Liar e I Filgore I- R-ij-011'"Mue rr lHW I 4 Nail Panam (Non--IV -0W0 _ 4C0'.9W2.2 FL1031 0-� Pape 5 of 15 This evaluptign -eparl is provided for S#wW 91 FWhda produf apVgyal under RLe 81 QO-3. The rnanwfteturm ehal no1fy C17EEK Tecnn"I 5ervres.LLC of anyr product changm or qu pirtyr W=urk6CG.2KAnpee sr•o4gh�ut the durallon for~1his reparl a v"d. Th•-S owhmalmn report doff nol oxpre*s nor"ly vourarrrty, Irril9ilRhon recan% ise. pr arhrr p 5duc akr'aides ihat pm nc4 Sp&n;i�IIy addre*sad herein. REEK EE IKU 1NDLJSTRIES,.LIL .�sph�lt Shlrl+�les TECHNICAL SERVICES, LLC Armourshake TM _89mic Wind S eed Max, 1964 mph {ems] r Beak 4Aftrd V Max. 16i mph ❑o* (I-r HZ: In accord8nc,,e'nlh F80 rdp4uiremerrts; Sobdlyr sheathed min IS62 Pn, plywood or ward plank fcw mm Qanstruc ion; Min. 15O32 on. plywood e6eling <*nB Wioo Sc4ly sheathed in ampn;1&Xe wiM PEPC re uiremenla. Urulerieyrmr n In ecanrderx w$h FCC fegeiirements. - Min slope. 2:12 ancr in aczar vAh FBC fiquirerrrente. R1111141' to the manufacturer's #{rpllcabon inslrucbons when instplling s4ftles 8L slopes greaser then 21 17 I InslalWon(HVH7)= Insholicd wish 5-7f inch'exposure in docordance wish RA$ 715 ono Kn8+tiufWurer's published in318IIahoi1 intb1zlion Shingles Shal be attacbed using 1$ Nail PaHem' detailect _ below. Imlallalirn (Wn-HVHZ): Inslal %d1h 5-718 klich exposure in $[=donee whh FGC requir-emenls MW manufadurera publinhed installation insh x1iarts. Shingbee sh;l-be aN had usirg-either':5 Nod Pettem'or'0 NSA P*fl&W delvied below. Standard Appl i r...1 on "ui res 5 Na I Is alai l Line L .. I .L ---- ----- AIIQnment ftt14F Figure 2. A,rmour#hoo IN 5 Nall Pattorn (Nor;-iVRZ only) Hadll n!)- $%Pup SIOpeSlHI911 Wind Ari24 A ppi irat ions Peq lrlr es 6 N3FIsr'Fi Hr7-r,, Nai I Line Alignment AlIgnm-anr Nvs f}25 NOlth o$ Figure 3. Aran uurshakeT"' 19 NiLiml Pat#enn IIKOl9W2 2 FL30310 F. e 6 Qf 15 inrp ew�IdaGon t poe pravrde�far I +�f plonde pr00wx�pOraral under Rul*I$7 the r►HfiUrKLufer-1hall nosifyr CREEK To6aMical Srnrims. LLC d,Rny pr<4Uq Ch:BNe&Or quality assur-2nar chpnpn thrmiplioU1 the dutatun for xiiich tires np4rt 19 Ydlyd This evaluahpn nKpgrl d4R36 not ftpre99 ner imply wareanry. in61a1labon. reCorrKhended ua*. ar other prodW wN Be Iha'are nol spitiplilcally adcinmuod herein. IKO INDUSTRIES. LTG CREEK #pltbpL Sh�npl� T'EC FiN IC,aL E;ER1fFCr-,-;, LLC Royak FateteTIO 6ae+c 1�trtd 5 ad{1+ M9x 1�4 2Vb tToronta� E,ancWilld Sid{Vm4-. Max 15a mph �,eck(HVHZ); In*xordance with FSC requiremerda; Sohdlyr sheaihO mirk. I%= W1. plyMMood -Dr wo<d plank for new oomstruotian; Min. 15M in. PYwaod exWing COr1Ek�UCilOn. .. (RprkH+lHZ�" Solidly a.heaWred In-aocar-dance with FBC requWarner�t�. _Undeilayrm nt: in dpgprdance wM FSC requ"rrmnts. Min slope: 2:12 and In $ecordance with FBC irequieements. R r to . the manwfiourer s aPPli tian inatrr jOOS when installing �hingler,et Slope3 pr�tar Shan�1,12, ' IRAVIleow tnsL *d with &-7r8 ir% expoawre irk A=r0ance with RA 115 *mO msnufaclur 's iputiliehed mGi kalion Inr mA1icw* SihinglEcasWI be atlachad uai+ii.� '5 Nail Pattern' WSIKM below In*tiwdon (Non-KV : Insealled vMh 5-7J8 in_ exlmure in amordivire with FBA requirements " manufamurWS publlahed insWilat�on insh diomk Shinglles sha1 be ataeohetii LdhV either-4 Nail Pattern' or iG Ned Rstiefn'detailed bed. -•-- _ j Unrcgia rd Alp-plikati-Pr+ Requires 4 NsIWFasteners i •� mall s Fi gu re 4_ Royal Est Tm Z Mai f'AttjDtin (non+IVFIZ only) _ St4*p SlopelN Igh Wi n d AOp IK at Ion 5 PE-q%j iP-%6 NalIsil-ag.;?rar I r� i NOIIF i F lIpre S. Rayat Ettato7m 19 Nall Fatkem IK019D42.2 FL 31 p-R2 P8 ?Of 74 This&MaluMkm report is pcoykwd Ilor Stake vq F'Of03 Product a4Rra7al•.imar Rule 61 QN,3. Tile marvyfaqucer shati r1atrly CREEK T hn"Saryices. LLB Ot any product oipaget or Qv9irtw emu-arpte&m9m thnnormt the dwadon Nr whith thin rOPE4 is Y;klrtl ThA evaldabor mporl does rkat wWm r9i; knoly war►enty, inslallab n, mcommwKW use. or other pr9dLeci atlnbtas that are:not n rally ad*'em.Ed hers. t❑IN❑ l6 i I Tr)FEE ASphalit 94ingIBa TEr-FINlr-AL SERVrccs, LLC C rowne State BASIC YOM „�: I Max. 1 H mph - (Torcr.-ci lJo it ErrFd_gpw ,hfax. 950mph - Do* (HVI f ): In ac.caraance with FEDC mquln3merrle; :36 dly sheathed min. IRM in. ply� or word plank for now consbWiors; Min- 15.r32 in. plywood existing C*nslrualon Cftk(Non-HVF1lZ7): Solidly shealhed in acaardarx--with FBC urementa. Underiayment: In aeeordatwe with F6C • uire miry , Min.slope 2:12 er,d' in &Xorftnu� WI[I FBC rvquimrr*rlts. Refer to Me rnamsfWurers appli tion Leis rudons when instilling shingles at slopes greater Phan Z 1:12. Installation (Non-HVHZ): Ipmelled rwrth 5-71B inch expoaure. in aoaarda(Kc wrlh FRC requirt"m an danufac lurer's published installation inEtudiam. Srmngles shall b e aftaocW USIng '5 NaJ1 Pattern'detailed below. Mail Line 1 C' EXPOSURE k 1 Standard Appllcatlon { PegUIre5 .5 Na1I$�Fasteners N,1iI Line I 4 F 1 e L Figure 6. Cr-Bwn S Iailic� 1S NaJI Pitt*rn Nora-11VMz only) W019WZ.2 FL3031 D-RF Rage 8 or 15 This awpIuatiarr rwarl n praord for Sme of FlwdP pr0*w ipv"wrd9F RUFF 010 The rrIPnufWWrqr8hLa11 rnoilfy CREEK T +nk;al Swy5 caa LLG of any proad cmroBa iy gumiy smrance t#rewgm MmUOMLA the duratmn W*hich thi&*W ib valid This evalmMn reDiA does not exprem mix imp# warfanl r, :merall fw, mcom rrerrded u%&, W achar produti Mai erel not ipetillk2Ay addramad herein IKia 9NDU5TRIE& LTD CEKRE Asplhalt ShkiigiIbe TE.IZ"N IC AL_ SERVICLS. LLC , tyt Basic Wald Speed (VLm): Max. 194 mph _ _ - 1 (Calgary (Non-HVHZ�. Basic1Nlid Sped (V4„d}: Max. 996 mph.. 1 Hlawkesbury, Ka*vkee D& (HVRT': in 4 rwoirdenae with FBC mgoiremenrts•, Summ (Ron-HVHZ)) i Solidly sheathed mir1. 1 Gf32 in. ply-wacd air wood plank for new comlru n; Min. W32 in. p15+'+" exialing and _ _ rtds1fucWn _ Deck F to HVHZ . Solidly sheathed in axordarca with FBC r$guirorl*rlC�. NordicTM Underiayrn*nt' In somrderm nth FOC regLwements. Kankakee) Min. slaps: 212 and in a mi-daxe wilh PBIw requirements Refer to the menufecturuf$ application ww1ructrons when instiOng and rAingle at$lopes pre ter then 21:12. ln!GtAllgikipri (HVH Z): Irrstelled with 5-7f4 In expoaure in amordanod with RAS ' CRC ReggneYO 116 and manuiscturer s publir:hed Oatall dim iftiru ctlona. Shr glas shell be attached using `5 Neil Pattern' -detailed fir. Inst$Ilalion (Non-HVR-E): lnslai with 5-718 in. exposum K1 iBcwrdFina- wrlh FBC "uiremenis and manu'j)Ciumer$ publisheo i-rstallaiior: instructions. shall be stterdred using eiihe-'4 N j ! PaRrm••pr'$Nail Pattern' detailed bekm. • Standard Application Regu1res 4 Fai IS/Fastengr!5 ,...,.. ------------ ----------• - ._ --------- ------------- ,+r mwujrz9n-i; i F ig Lire 7. Dy nasty ro and Nord iC TRl l 4 Nail Patte�On-HVIH only) i x- ,I s i i f 1 Steep Slope/High Wind Applications Requires 6 Na ill sfFastener•9 Cpmmon oord AFMO ur Zone 5--M3 Fi!�Lire S. [)yrnastylTYI a"Id Niqij�4Crrr 8 Nalt Pattern IKO19OD2.2 FLMIO-R2 Pefle 9 15 Ths avMumim report in F fpr Stair bf Florida 4�+odUQ apprpviiiI urrdrr Wla SIG20--3. The-QnvfvOumr shah Wiry CREEK Tqv-hnrca.Serviaai. LLC ig any poiji i❑langns ar quBliLyr anUrarice wang 4thfk*Out the dlffBWn nor 4L1iKh this rapert is ualid Fhr&@valdallor apart dom rlOi exVns nor Imply warranty, inal.& eMn. mGprinirrmwKwd W, or O&Or prodUQ WO-Ihss That are -ivl Nx-,F allp•ad-,•essgd hiprq*• I � ' hl --TO AapheIt Shing�n TECH MICA L 5 E€VIC ES, LLC Girnbridg�Ta Hosic V000 S Max. 1914 rttph {C01$ary+(NCO-RV 9$-�ic VVRM-S Mex. 1",50 mph - - 1Hawkewuryr, Nilletw3ro, Geok �KVfHZY In eecardence vMh F9C 1%1!Ppuircmwnts: •'tiWk6e, Sumas, Solidly sheathed min. 1 a'�2 in +wood or vtood plank for Sylacauga, Tormyto(Nora- new construdco; Min. 1&W in. ptyrowo ex b!p HNUZ)&4Ylmingdon) _ can$trVc1 on. _ Dead* (Nran HVFiZ : SoWly shwaViad in with FK reWlrenwft Qndlerla�men! In aicaxdwme with FBC requiremeryg. _ Min g4ope. 2:12 and in aoaardanoe win F g0 requy-enlo lls. Refer 1a , RC BiltrnoreTM Ow manufeaurer's application instructions when insWling [Calgary (Nan-HVI-IZ), Angim at slopes greater than 91:1Z . Hawkesbury. f anlu*", Install;3liori (KV Z): Invalled wrlh 5-7J9 in. exposure In &=rftnix ve h RAS 5umes�Norwl- HEI & 116 and manufacturers puK-ish W installation inls[ru=ns. Toronba(IorwHVHZ)? Shin lee shall be ateachec :u� . � N '6 -Nv1 Ratte+rl" dwailed t*luw. ' PnalaMftn Non-HVHZ]: Installed wish 5-719 in. ex4maure in amordiiiinct wib, SDC "Olremefft and manufacturers published irrslallailon instructronE. Shrngles "ll W ai:Uadsed using eilheir'4 Nei fern'of'13 Nail Paltem'detailed below. Nall Lino G-orn nioh Bond Standard Application Requ1res Zr Na4s/Fasteners • -- _ _ _ _ . ki .. _ _ _ Nail Ur,ce Fiqu rrs 9- CaMbrldge TW and C RC Bft lore rM 4 Nail Pattern (non-F1VHZ only) hr ni I L Ir%m f:ur,yM tart BOnid Steep Slope/High Find Applicat ions - Req uI.res 6 Na iIs fFa!gtonl 1rs F 77 * ■ s Nl iii - Line 5-7/8 Figure 10" Cambridge T'^ and CRQ 8I ltrnore T" 6 Nail Pattern IK-0 19X2 Fl3WlC1 R2 pa" 10 of 15 The*INr1Rlratk:in ropott le pmvicW iy SUIM.f Fkw$ft prbdurt approval urKmr flute 1BIGM-] The rrvnufjc lurer sh6,11 n4trl� CREEK Technical Semien, LLC dt any paduot change ar gr,;iIityr a:NWRnG9 4;Nr19es throuihoht the&r Iallori for which IhiS reparl it vM d. Thxi uvvuwhPn r=<irl lm* not erOre*s rKr mply k4affency. IrMaNabon. reC*ftVr rWf&d u9e, or alhtr praduci aVritules 1h2t.2rV npt 5peafrtelty addrmged herein. E E II[O I A CYU5TR LTD Aaphalk 5hlrhIr ryM TE1;H441CA L S ERVIC ES, LI_l; GRr,Sup411roa"T* Barsic',{find Speed V-_ Max. 1!964 an (Callgiary(Non- ), Basic Wind Max. 1W mph Hawicestaury, d<T*ronto Deck{HVHZ}- In acmrdartx wiUh FUG f"uitemants; (NO1-KVKL1) %Dlidl� SheBlltied rren. 10.132 In plywopd or wood plank M1gr mw Gonsiruction: W. M32 in. ply mmd existing and ewistruchpn Gas [Nor1#IVH Solidlyr she�3tlmed in a dance wish FBC requirements. �4ilr�IlhOl1'rPlus+ Lfnderlay.mEnt In 49mordence wish FBC requirmenis (Galgaryr Nor&- VHZ), f i n. slope: 2 12 8pv III aip�r-dance with r rel uiremer4s. Fwer Io Hawkesbury, Hillsboro. lhe� marmot 1omr!� app ilon lnstr c ons wKen inmallirk} Kankakee, Suimas �Nlon- shingles at alioper.greater than 21.12. - HVHZ,, Sylacauga& Inslallaiion MVFIM: Installed with :5,7r$ in. exp 4ire in @0=oanee wllh RW5 T-ammo Non•HVHZ}) 115 and manutadurer's published inslalLation it ftwimt. Mingle-9 shall tie altact*d using -6 Neil PaMem' 4etalled �r b6ow. MWFathon TM Inslellalion (Non--IVI-IZ;i: lnstallad with 5-7)6 in. exposure .n accardane ,n th F gD �lidlghpr $ yl ur}, } requiromenls and rnanu?adver's published im(allalion inatrucliom. Shingles shall be stiached v%mg either'A Ned Pettem' or'd Nail Pattern'detailed hekm. Standard Appli catf o n Pequi rr,,-a 4 Na IIa/Fastenefs semla nt strip Fib UFO 11. CRC eta perglasS T11, Marathon T" PI us AR a nd Ma rathon TU 4 Nail Pattern (non-HVKZ only) Steep SIopeiHigh wind AppIicaripns R8q wires 6 Nails, Fasteneis jr sgaiar t Strip Fi$u m 12- CRC Supe r9laas'�, Maratlhon"' Plus AID iard Mara ion'54 $ Naii Pattern WOA002 2 _ FL30310-Fa Pam'1 or 15 Thia waluakion report *providw for Stare 0 FIOrvd pmdkiia jppmval under RLft$1 G20.5 The rnanufactume than rnOfify CREEK Tgd,rmcal Semmes LLC of any prbdutt tharige3 or i1duslAk amiureAce cftr6gm khrougV*ul.the Ni-E ryl irir wtrclr lhks repon is valid This eveluatron repoft does nos eMreas nor 3mply warranty. 1nsWIIEk1km. nPW—endW use. oe alhw grP(Wi;X afWhL*ei that aro not wecf calA'Mor-osmo herein CREEK I INDUSTRIES.Asi}itdlk$hirvie§lei TEC HF+ICAL S ER+IIC ES, LLC Hip& Rid" 12 Bares Wind Sped(ti+,,,�:_ -Max 194 mph -- - (Kan��kee$ Sylacauga) tS G Vrjr1d Sped YCW. Ma"• 151)mph _. Deck (HVF12�; In ;a=rda+ce with FBC regolremevi%; Saj6dly sheathed . and min 1 W32 in. plywood or wood plank for rtiew iminstruction; Niin. sWU i1, pNw"aod exisiir'�strugon. Hip Ridge p14a"` (r,1or1+IVH Slidl sheatl*d on$rr_ardanve will_ require�nerMtE: �Celganl) UndedayrMte+r+t: lin gilooxdance wih FSC reGuirements (non-HVFi rllyr) , Il#Ir,. elm 2:12 rW in&=rdanfla with Fl requinemenis. Irldt�atron: IneWled with 5-W Inch expcsura in Genoa with the FCC and rnanullWG'Wrers published inslaktion irtalrucbons. TI.-re dir&Cllon of the eased end shall he " from t1 � ��rb`wa�YifS�witld. , P$rforatlan Marks P JL PartMwtlon of p raga I II n-9 grind -MOL MOP& 411111111116 I Nally 1 _ 'mot X0000 1 �1 10 Tap or Cut 1 Figure 13- Hip Rli fte TM 12 and H I p & Ridge Plus'r" (non-#VHZ onlyL__ - IK01 WO2 2 FLOW 1 1�-R2 Pap 12 or 15 This lo�l-JUCM rWr`I pm dQd rot State of FI¢npa prvducx$papal uricWr Rule 61G2D4 ihq rnmuf"rer shall nplifyr CREEK Tediacml Senmon.LLC or-any product rhanges of*ualty am,Urwm ChMIL"9 th►oughQ0 11-*durall)n'Ipr which[hid rtporl is a-Plip Tnis eyelualivn r"oit does not gets not rnply yarr@nty, inaZ81131109. grrmended USa, or COW product SIMUNO INA Ore not -AwAc,RIFy s dam 4erein IKOI LTA FEEf AsphaM SNnQ"TEr_I-IY kCAL SERVIr.E!"=, LLC Nip a' c R1elgeT" 1 9•GWind �pbbd Max. 19 InRh _. (5�maa� W-I Wleld Speed Max. 1 W mPh Get* (hiG"VHZ).'. Sdidly shmWked rn smnrdande wph FB_C requirweas. Ulideft coo(danss vMft fr$C ne[guirrt+fl'M is _ W. 2:12 and in j c rftn; wish F requlremenas. Inat>�atibll: Irlstmlle4� with 5-WH Inch exPaeu 'a, irk a<xor*anoe wish the F and manulaeboerg pu"i Md ,nSisllarion inissru 3. The direcsion of the expcsod -erti4 shall he away tr-Om the l I eY'eilq wimp. Nalks I 1 I 5-Seek, I 1 Direction 01 prevail I ng w 1 n d -� �~ t 1 .1'Taper cut /FqW P •1�4' 11 1 I i :Perforation Marks V OptionaL Taper Curt -mo- -mP- rt wlin MOPE mm� + F i-9 ure 14,_ FkGp end RYdj j W (non_HVIll? Ihf�19o02.2 FL3031 D-R2 P12" 13 of Is -rhts owaluatarr Pwm rt prcy-ded for Stale of Flu:ida product apprpwat undem Rude G10204 TF&rr'mu%cWrer shall nWify CREEK Technical Serrti ms,LLC of any produel.chan"s ce quawy 3smeanm cherges throughOd the duration ke which rhA report is valid This L-mluatgA repot doss not express nor wrrpfy warmnly rnsUllatHm. r$:nrTrner%ded U9a, DF vRher WWu[L attnhutes tM are rot Weeme2ily addressed heroin. CREEK IILp IN LTD Asphalt�phalE 3hlh1 T1=C-H ra IC AL SE Rv ICES, LLC LiFIHTATION5 - 1) Fire C1ajg ific;e Yon is nC4 w1hin the s Ve of mis ov tian. The roof deck vici Moe roof deck amachmenl 2hall be desigirtied by other&10 meet the minimum demi�pfl aaads eatablishvd 10w mmponents and claddOg and In aominUnoe with FBC requirernerM The mein reef height ahW tie restricleo to a amimurrl daft in the HVHZ 4) Eh&�k gk3bsinales shall t�e clean. dz)� and free frw any irregularities and dabri$ All larrlle"fs irl the deck shall De crojed 1pr•prcirusicp jaM ccinwAed pro to undedaymern applicaMn 6) Shengles shall tie +nsialled starting at the -save m+ horizontal I*yers such tWt the laps shed water from the deo 0) Installation Of V e evalual.0 product-& III comply with this report, te FBC. and the manufai;tufei'� publisNW erpplir.ation insirunions Where discrepar•i:ies exlrri betwfei7 these sourms. the more reshicilve and 00de oompliar+l deUil shall proviDd T} All produC15 listed in this report sh-all t}e manufacLiNd trader a quWy aasufanca iprogram in oomplia a with Rule B 1-G20-3 COMIPiJANICE STATEMENT — The produdz evaluated he*in by Zachary R Priest, P-E. haft demonvi-aled cnrnpllanoe wiM the Flonda Buildbn9 Coda, T* Edition (2020) including High-velocrhy Hurric�*ne Zones (HVKZ) as ewiBnoed iri th&referenced ijoc,merfts subriivMd by the reamed manufacturer. i' ' - 00 —04t00' �1�'. STATE OF QI Zerher' R. Priest, P E # X =` Florida Registi-Mon No 74021 p�0 A �+ * rg�nlzaiion No.AN 11 B4A x f+01111 1 CERTIFICATION OF IwOEPENMkC E _ GREEK Twehnrcal S#rvided. LLC Oam nol hAve, mr ydil t amuire a fioer,+ W inWrost n fop bqup$nyr manufarkuring 4r dIWAbubN produtts bride+this walua'km- CREEK Todolcal S+enices. LLQ is not owned. Wenpl sd.or ann riled trf any dwwyr manufr+ IUMMg or dralnbWMW prq*CM under this GvfiluWM. Zprhary R. Priea P.E.em not hairs, nar will acquim, ak fir Waal mberiiiv in &my b5mpanl mQnufadurih$v drSlnbdtn9!prvdutts under 11,is OWMJ26M. ?auhary R.Prim.P.E.dogs not hsve.nce wrE p4qura,a crismisl irrlowt in any aloof egbN invoNed in The appmaj p wc*w of the prpdi,o. END OF{RE POPtT IK-019a02 2 1' V 15 of 7+ Ti hr��rvalualif]it ff oo[I5 pmmded ro- 5;ale of kwcw ix.& fY approval under Rule 61.UZL� The rri3ir�ffiClUr�r yhall no7ifV CREAK Technical -ices LLC of ark prNW charVea cr gua4ty assurance chpngu*Mrojghuul 4P*durawn for which thirr rgppt is valid This evPIuatrur, fepart does,npt express flor impry warrarfLp Kletallaxign. reaormmended u&e.yr tither product pttribuUes trial fire not wuc firaIh•addressed Memir_