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Building Permit Application
Aff APPUCABLE INFO 3E WIMPLETE€3 FOR APPUCCATION TO BE ACCEPTS �_ a �VV7��� FiECENE© iy r APR 3 0 1021 'ems^ M � tR Building P£rmf# ri o t� rmjttijig Department t� £` SL. LuclV Count/ QX t E ER a'. A'k 'P9:.2CA.v IONN 1.Y ... PRIVACY FENCE £ 4 ddress- 1003 ECHO ST .{E Y?,p�. TEx I:i.4�- 034Si TW2-M 4"EF0" 31.9.. a, M&223 to Ptah�-� BG INVESTMENTS OF FORT PIERCE LLC BDES M- 1p �#�� t'=Name: PRIVACY FENCE c REMOVING EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE AND PUMNG UP A&HIGH WOOD FENGE New Secviza�gwl.�eter Sewed Ek-c-trsc?Metc-r rCIP � flR �`g �LZ3�{3",'�'a���r �, ''D*��r�.�c3�L itt£t�tzT"�31s�^a3S�i�.t—���ic c��4'�a� f3a+�'r• e&-1a7e c3 _Gas Tan _ 5. s 3� _St "ieti f�ik�4 35 _ I Mil 5q:Ft 2�d3 LF S Ft. e FTC' i I T EE c . a e B C Inv eras of Fart Pierre LLG € aisle: ROBERT BREWER ' �. �4ZClsE ELLS E7BCaNZiACTORS fNG _- FORT PIMCE FL. SOUTH RKETAME a �` . v� Lip 34982 w �- �f}-�I;47 +x_ FORT PIERCE —FLORMA 772 353-9683 1-dip'Code: 34982 a tt`2&47 I� N ; 4 ,E_' L X MBERLYYBREWER5@GOMC C0M Per,=No 772,460 002 'r - j I•'W in fee� @e Hsi an a `� : E. .� ROBBREWIC8BELLSQ� �. - yfrom the Owzmr fisted above) r e 'GGG0612 4 ,.��jj Ti n/yy7 �,�/ �r,�7, �y� t S �]/►� t�j i 44. t S S' i t. �� J l'7l'�l�P L4..Ql J3RIK! DESIGNERJENGINEER: —Not Ai3plicable MORTGAGECOMPANY NotAppFicable Name: Name: Address ,Address: City: State: j Cty: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEESM4PLETJTLEHOLDER. Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: NatApplicable Name: Name: Address: I! Address City: Zip: Phone: j` Zrp: Phone: OWNER/COXTRACTORAFFIDVI'i:AppUcanon is,herebymadetoobta7ma_,permittodotheworkarnd"rruaftaffonas:ndicated. I cerdfy that no vmrk or installation imas commenced prior tothe issum ce of a permit_ StIzrcieGaunty inakesnorepresenta��ion�at'rs;grangrlgapermitvsrAIauthorize hepermIthoid rto'buiidtheso'blettstructure which!sin co> vvirtta any appffcable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or anal,covenantstf=may restrict or prohl-b tsuch. structure• please consult with ymr Home Owners.Assaciaff-o n and rem your deed for any restii:ct5nns wh7th may apply- In cans!dera3 nn:of the granting of this requested,permit,I doh'ereh'y agree timt I T.m aN ras .perForm the wrork in accordant---m th the approved.plans,the Florida Building Codes and St:Lude County Amendrnentsr ThefaEowingbuff ding permft a p plic at ons are exernptfrom undergoing a fuH ccne MBLIryrev-5--ua_morn addiffons,, accesscryssuctures,smmmmg;pools,fences;walls,signs,screen,rooms and accessory uses to another rron-resldesatid use WARNING TO OWNER:Yatrfaure tD Record a Nc&e of Cnm7nencement may result hi paying twice for improvers eats to your property_A:Notice cf Commencement must be re cord ed;m the pubic rea i:ds of St Lucie County and pasted on the gobsite before the fitst inspection_If you intend to obtain financing,consult vAth lender or an atterney before comm,encing wark or recording Vour Notice of mmencern Signature r woes/LesseejContractczr as Agent for owner Sgnature of Corrtrac>or/License Holder STATE OF FLO I? STATE OF FLORIDA i COUNTY L�F _ Ca �- COUNTY OF Swam to,(ara ul medj and subscrt"hed befbre me of Sworn to(tor„aimed)and sufzsmbed befiasre me,of ✓ physical.Q-esence or Online Notarization Ph•zlcal Presence or On37ne Notarization this_a day of 2024 by th71s day of r 2023 by Name of persm, makes s ent tam e of person maVmg stater nent. i Personally Known ✓ OR Produced ldentt"ficalion ! Rersonalty'Known OR produced Ideritiffcation Type of!'demon Type of idantiitatiozr Pradsaced Produced Pgr-1atr rt5taiar,/Publtc--State LAURA&CUBBEDGE (Soil of Notary Public Slate of Florida. ` �'p�r• commission#HH01 9 C13mrrtiss:an Ntr. Expires October 21.20 a Comm SS No'- (Seal} Bonw Ma Tray ft lnSufal�ice 80D 385 7019 RMEWS i FRONT 17ONING I SUPERVISOR j' PLANS VEGETAT14:N I SEA TURTLE j MANGROVE COUNTER 1 RMEW REVIEW REWEVV I RMEW I R M1 EVV R1= EWW DATE , I RECBVEU DATE COI4a4.O1_�� Toil