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6 9`/RECEIVED EVgEWFD F0�4pR 2 9 lov CLODf� COMP �A� �9 eepartment J7o LUCQE la Count'/ MEMO etC. �OUNry Certificate of Authorization 1132455 SOCC 353 Christian Street,Unit#13 Oxford,CT 06478 Z161 (203)262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE 'TEST CONSULT Boral Roofing Evaluation Report M35710.12.10-R12 7575 Irvine Center Drive,Suite 100 FL14317-R11 Irvine,CA.92618 Date of Issuance:12/21/2010 (602)269-2288 He. Copy Revision 12:11/25/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is Issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E.for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the r Edition(2020)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Boral Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein and FBC 1507.1.1. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)changes,the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify NEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). NEW ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT:The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "NEMOIetc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be;done in its entirety. INSPECTION:Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 6. Prepared by: Robert J.M.Nieminen,P.E. .'!�fis �;Go�•' The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 �i ° ,',�s••` Nleminen,P.E.on 11/25/2020.This does not serve as an electronically signed document. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. NEMO ETC,LLC does not have,nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distribi.ting products it evaluates. 2. NEMO ETC,LLC is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which he evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert�Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,In any way,the Designer of Record for any project]on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting o�design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. ©2018,NEMO ETC,LLC F , 5 { ONEMOJeu. ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: o• Product Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: Boral Roof Underlayments, as marketed by Boral Roofing, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 7eh Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations /Conditions of Use set forth herein. Section Property Standard Year 1504.3.1 Wind resistance UL 1897 2015 1507.1.1,1507.2.4,1507.2.9.2/ Material standard ASTM D1970 2015 R905.1.1,R905.2.8.2 1507.3.3/R905.3.3 Material standard FRSA/TRI,Sixth Edition 2018 TAS 110 Material standard TAS 103 2020 En*V Examination Reference Date ERD(TST 6049) ASTM D1970/D4798 M36790.07.11 09/30/2011 ERD(TST 6049) ASTM D226,D1970 B40380.08.12 08/28/2012 ERD(TST 6049) TAS 103-20(tensile adhesion) C41420.09.12-2 09/11/2012 ERD(TST 6049) ASTM D1970(adhesion) B41940.09.12 09/13/2012 ERD(TST 6049) TAS 103-20(tensile adhesion) B47390.07.14-1 07/31/2014 ERD(TST 6049) TAS 103-20(tensile adhesion) B47390.09.14 09/04/2014 OC(PDM3838) Physical Properties Equivalency statement 11/02/2017 PRI(TST 5878) ASTM D1970 NEI-031-02-02:REV 10/27/2010 PRI(TST 5878) ASTM D1970 NEI-029-02-01:REV 12/03/2010 PRI(TST 5878) TAS 303-20,(tensile adhesion) NEI-046-02-OIREV 12/17/2010 PRI(TST 5878) FRSA/TRI April 2012 NEI-076-02-01 02/14/2011 PRI(TST5878) ASTM D1970 NEI-034-02-02 01/29/2013 PRI(TST 5878) Wind Uplift BORR-001-02-01 03/17/2015 PRI(TST 5878) Wind Uplift BORR-005-02-01 06/24/2015 PRI(TST 5878) TAS 103-20(tensile adhesion) DAPF-002-02-01 03/08/2018 PRI(TST 5878) ASTM D1970(adhesion) OCF-443-02-01 10/11/2018 UL,U.C.(QUA 9625) Quality Assurance Service Confirmation 08/21/2017 UL,LLC.(QUA 9625) Quality Assurance Florida BUS Current '•oe p eW. Product Material Standard Plants) Description 4.1 oral®TileSeal 50"T ASTM D1970 Brentwood, nominal 50-mil thick,polyester-surfaced,self-adhering SBS NH modified bitumen roof underlayment oral®TileSe ASTM D1970 and Brentwood, nominal 60-mil thick,polyester-surfaced,self-adhering SBS FRSA/TRI 09-18 NH modified bitumen roof underlayment 4.3 Boral®MetalSeal"T ASTM D1970 and Brentwood, nominal 60-mil thick,polyester-surfaced,self-adhering SBS FRSA/TRI 09-18 NH modified bitumen roof underlayment 4.4 GatorSeal° ASTM D1970 Brentwood, nominal 55-mil thick,granule-surfaced,fiberglass reinforced, NH self-adhering SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment 4.5 Citadel®Plus ASTM D1970 Brentwood, nominal 48-mil thick,fabric-surfaced,fiberglass reinforced, NH self-adhering SBS modified bitumen roofing underlayment for use as a base-layer in multi-ply underlayment systems NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M35710.12.10-R12 Certificate ofAuthoriiation k32455 7-EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL14317-R11 Boral Roof Underlayments;(602)269-2288 Revision 12:11/25/2020 Page 2 of 6 A&I WNEmoletc. , o 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions(i.e., Broward and Miami- Dade Counties). 5.3 This Evaluation Report pertains to above-deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4 This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire classification. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirements and limitations regarding roof assembly fire classification. Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use of foam plastic insulation. 5.5 Boral Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.6 Allowable Roof Covers: Table 1 pertains to use of each listed underlayment by-itself beneath the stated roof covers. Refer to the installation instructions for multi-ply underlayment options. 'hAetE 1 RooF COVea OPnoNs j ,d FBCSection: 1507.2 1507.3 1507.4&1507.5 1507.7 1507.8&1507.9 Asphalt Clay and Concreteftle Metal Slate or wood Underlayment Shingles Mechanical Adhesion- Slate Type g Attach Set Panels Shingles Shingles Shingles&Shakes Boral Tiles HT Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (jointstrips,1507.1.1.31005.1.1.3) BoralTileSealHT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (See 5.6.1) Qoint strips,1507.1.13/R905.1.1.3) o Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes (See 5.6.1} I (joint strips,1507.1.1.3/R905.1.1.3) GatorSeal Yes No No No No Yes Yes (jointstrips,1507.1.1.3/R905.1,1.3) 5.6.1 Adhesive-set is limited to use of following underlayment/tile-adhesive combinations. 1ABLIeJ�A`ALtDWABtEUNi]ERLA1fM�AtT�TIC£ADH..,ESNCOtfIBINATICMSl' a Underlayment Adhesive Florida Product Approval Boral TileSealHT or Boral MetalSeall DAP Foam"Touch'n Seal StormBond Roof Tile Adhesive" FL14506 Boral TlleSeal"T or Boral MetalSealHT DAP Foam"Touch'n Seal StormBond 2 Two-Component FL21374 Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive" Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T Dupont"Tile Bond'"'Roof Tile Adhesive" FL22525 Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T ICP Adhesives and Sealants"Polyset°AH-160" FL6332 Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T ICP Adhesives and Sealants"Polyset°RTA-1" FL6276 1 Refer to Tile Manufacturer's or Adhesive Manufacturer's Florida Product Approval for Overturning Moment Resistance Performance. MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M35710.12.10-R32 Certificate ofAuthorization#32455 7T"EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION , FL14317-R11 Boral Roof Underlayments;(602)269-2288 Revision 12:11/251202.0 Page 3 of 6 NNEmoletc. 5.7 Allowable Substrates: TABLE 2.SUBSTRATE OPTION$FOR ADHERED UNDERLAYMEPITS. Underlayment Application Primer Substrates (Optional)ASTM D41 plywood Citadel Plus,Boral TileSeal 501, atororal self-adhering none ASTM D226 Type II felt or Citadel Plus TileSeal"T,Boral MetalSeal"T or GatorSeal ASTM D41 metal(flashing metal,valley metal,etc.) Boral TileSeal"T,Boral MetalSeal"T self-adhering (Optional)ASTM D41 OSS Boral TIIeSeal"T self-adhering (Optional)ASTM D41 Huber"Zip Deck" None G-P Gypsum"DensDeck Prime" 5.8 Attachment Limitations: 5.8.1 For use under mechanically attached NON-TILE prepared roof coverings,attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions,but—for mechanically attached underlayments or base sheets-not less than FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. 5.8.2 For use under tile roof systems, attachment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions,but not less than Section 5.8.3 herein. 5.8.3 Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Tile Roof Applications: The following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are not prescriptive in the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual,Sixth Edition. The Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads,and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2(the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Direct-to-Deck: The maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed that required under FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Gay Roof Tile Installation Manual,Sixth Edition,Appendix A,Table 1A or the critical(highest)design pressure determined in accordance with FBC 1609 or FBC Residential Chapter 3. #1 Maximum Design Pressure=-120.0 post: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: (Optional)ASTM D41 to the plywood deck Base Ply: Citadel Plus,self-adhered Cap Ply: Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T,self-adhered,and back-nailed within the selvedge-edge side laps using 12 ga.x 1%"ring shank nails through 32 ga.,1-5/8"diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o.c. #2 Maximum Design Pressure=-142.5 psf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Base Ply: None Cap Ply: Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T,self-adhered and back-nailed within the selvedge-edge side laps using 12 ga.x 1Y"ring shank nails through 32 ga.,1-5/8"diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o.c. #3 Maximum Design Pressure=-202.5 psf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: Tropical Roofing Products#410 Quick Dry Primer or other ASTM D41 primer to the plywood deck Base Ply: None Cap Ply: Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T,self-adhered,and back-nailed within the selvedge-edge side laps using 12 ga.x 1Y4"ring shank nails through 32 ga.,1-5/8"diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o.c. MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M35710.12.10-R12 Certif sate of Authorization#32455 71H EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F114317-R11 Boral Roof Underlayments;(602)269-2288 Revision 12:11/25/2020 Page 4 of 6 ONEM01 etc. #4 Maximum Design Pressure=-210.0 psf: Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: KARNAK#89 Sta-Tak Primer to the plywood deck Base Ply: None Cap Ply: Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T,self-adhered,and back-nailed within the selvedge-edge side laps using 12 ga.x 1'/0"ring shank nails through 32 ga.,1-5/8"diameter tin caps spaced 12-inch o.c. #5 Maximum Design Pressure=-120.0 psf: Deck: Min.2,500 psi structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of Authority Having Jurisdiction. Primer: ASTM D41 to the concrete deck Base Ply: (Optional)Citadel Plus,self-adhered Cap Ply: Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T,self-adhered #6 All other direct-deck, adhered underlayment systems beneath tile roof systems carry a Maximum Design Pressure of-45 psf. 5.9 Exposure Limitations: TASI>`3 fxiiduRE LIMITATIPN9 Maximum Underlayment Prepared Roof Cover Installation Type Exposure (days) GatorSeal Mechanically attached 30 Boral TileSeal'SO"T Mechanically attached 180 Boral TileSea1HT or Boral MetalSeal"T Adhesive-set tile roof system 30 Mechanically attached 180 Citadel Plus(base ply in multi-ply underlayment systems only) / i80 (prior to placement of subsequent underlayment) 5.10 Tile Slippage Limitations: When loading roof tiles on the underlayment in direct-deck the roof assemblies,the maximum roof slope shall be as follows. These slope limitations can only be exceeded by using battens during loading of the roof tiles. ;;TAeLE4 TR ESta4!PAGE LIMITATIONS t1R i)IREtT DEC.KTfLE IN5TAi1ATIGMS Underlayment* rile Profile Staging Method Maximum Slope Boral TileSealHT or Boral Metalseal"T Flat or Lugged Max.10-tile stack 6:12 o 6.1 Boral Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Boral Roofing published installation instructions subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re-fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application,and prime the substrate(if applicable). 7. 6:3 Boca)TifeSeal 5Q"T;or GatQrSeai 6.3.1 Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for an approved self-adhering underlayment(ASTM D1970)in FBC 1507.1.1.1 or 1507.1.1.3 or FBC Residential R905.1.1.1 or R905.1.1.3 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed,and the manufacturer's installation instructions. When installed over a mechanically attached,FBC Approved ASTM D226 Type II felt,the felt shall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or 11905.1.1. MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report M35710.12.10-R12 Certificate ofAuthorkation#i32455 7TH EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION FL14317-R11 Boral Roof Underlayments;(602)269-2288 Revision 12:11/Z5/2020 Page 5 of 6 NNEMOjetc.' 6.3.2 Multi-Ply Underlayment Systems: One or two plies of Citadel Plus followed by Boral TileSeal 50"T or GatorSeal is allowable for use under mechanically attached, non-tile prepared roof systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top-layer material. This is not a requirement,but is allowable if a multi-ply underlayment system is desired. 6:4 Boral "it eSealHT or Botal Nietal5ealH5; 6.4.1 Non-Tile Applications: Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for an approved self-adhering underlayment(ASTM D1970)in FBC 1S07.1.1.1 or 1507.1.1.3 or FBC Residential R905.1.1.1 or R905.1.1.3 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed,and the manufacturer's installation instructions. When installed over a mechanically attached,FBC Approved ASTM D226 Type II felt,the felt shall be fastened in accordance with FBC 1507.1.1 or R905.1.1. 6.4.2 Tile Applications: Shall be installed in compliance with requirements for a Self-Adhered Membrane in the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition, and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Refer to Section 5.8.2 for attachment limitations. - Refer to Table.4 for tile staging limitations. 6.4.3 Multi-Ply Underlayment Systems: One or two plies of Citadel Plus followed by Boral TileSeal"T or Boral MetalSeal"T is allowable for use under mechanically attached, non-tile prepared roof systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top-layer material. This is not a requirement,but is allowable if a multi-ply underlayment system is desired. Refer to Section 5.8.2 for use of Citadel Plus as a base ply membrane in underlayment systems for use under tile- roof systems. As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction to properly evaluate the installation of this product. Contact the named QA entity for manufacturing facilities covered by F.A.C.Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements. Refer to Section 4 herein for products and production locations having met codified material standards. UL LLC—QUA9625;(414)248-6409;Karen.buchmann@ul.com END OF EVALUATION REPORT- MEMO ETC,LLC Edaluation Report M35710.12.30-Ri2 Certificate of Authorization#32455 77H EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION F114317-R11 eoral Roof Underlayments,(602)269-2288 Revision 12:11/25/2020 Page 6 of 6 RECEIVED �6� ��7 ��A p �p�y ,1��p-��r APR 2.9 10'Gl L 1� 1�V L Cam' kT V�r ff � artment NEW ���o �M""•9 oun Certificate o Authorization#32455 S"•Luctie� 353ChrstianxUnit GODIE COMPLQ C Oxford,L7 06478 ST. LME COUNTY (203)262-9245 ENGINEER EVALUATE3(()CC TEST CONSULT East Coast Metals,inc. Evaluation Report E10240.08.08-R5 7905 W.20th Avenue FL5374-R6 Hialeah,FL 33014 Copy Date of issuance:09/03/2003 (305)885-9991 xn� Revision 5:09/29/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E.for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 7th Edition(2020)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: TRiMLOCK and TRIMLOCIL PLUS Hip&Ridge Anchor LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)changes,the referenced Quality Assurance or production facility location(s)changes, or Code provisions that relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation Reports by the named client constitutes agreement to notify MEMO ETC, LLC of any changes to the product(s), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location(s). MEMO ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Florida Product Approval Number (FL#) preceded by the words "MEMO Ietc. Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in Its entirety. INSPECTioN:Upon request,a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 7. Prepared by: c .yam_ ./... ..'C•h ...J �-J�`.�-i..Ce� l Robert J.M.Nieminen,P.E. "yl ' ,� ; appearing v%,,y� ;o?:� The was Robert Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCAANE1983 ';' i`i„mi;�ti�`°' Nieminen,P.E.on 09/29/2020.This does notserne as an electroniraliy signed document. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. NEMO ETC,LLC does not have,nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. NEW ETC,LLC is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nleminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. S. This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEMO ETC,LLC nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 02019,NEW ETC,LLC ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: e Product Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Roofing Accessories that are an integral Part of the Roofing System Compliance Statement: TRIMLOCK and TRIMLOCK PLUS,as produced by East Coast Metals,have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the 7"' Edition (2020) Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations J Conditions of Use set forth herein. D Section Pro a Standard Year 1507.3.7 installation,non-HVHZ FRSA/TRI(09-18) 2018 1518.8.1 Installation,HVHZ RAS 118,119&120 2020 1523. Static uplift resistance TAS 101 1995 1504.2.1.1 Overturning resistance SBCCI SSTD 11 1997 Entity Examination Reference )tea g ERD(TST6049) Static Uplift Resistance E42730.08.13 08/23/2013 ERD(TST6049) Static Uplift Resistance ECM-SC6795.12.14-1 02/27/2015 ERD(TST6049) Static Uplift Resistance ECM-SC6795.12.14-2 02/27/2015 Florida TEC(TST7393) TAS 101 S10-628R 10/27/2010 MEMO(TST6049) Tensile adhesion 41-ECM-20-SSCRT 09/29/2020 PRI(TST5878) TAS 101 ECM-001-02-01 09/21/2001 PRI(TST5878) TAS 101 ECM-003-02-01 06/13/2008 PRI(TST5878) TAS 101 ECM-004-02-01 06/13/2008 PRI(TST5878) TAS 101 ECM-005-02-01 06/13/2009 PRI(TST5878) TAS 101 ECM-006-02-01 06/13/2008 PRI(TST5878) TAS 101 ECM-007-02-01 06/13/2008 PRI(TST5878) TAS 101 ECM-008-02-01 06/13/2008 East Coast Metals Metal Quality Mill Certifications Various Intertek(ATI(QUA1844) Quality Control Participation Letter 03/11/2015 lntertek/ATI(QUA1844) Quality Control Florida BCIS Current 4.1 TRIMLOCK: i Pre-farmed metal channel designed for use as a hip and ridge base to which roof tiles are bonded in FBC Approved roof tile adhesive. TRIMLOCK is characterized by its profiled and perforated upper horizontal flange designed to receive and allow for interlock with the overlying the adhesive. e TRIMLOCK is available in 119-3/8-inch(-+3/8")length by 3,3.5, 4,5 or 6-inch L 3/8-inch)heights with 1.5-Inch(±1/16-inch) deck flanges. MEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report E70240.08.08-R5 Cenl tcote of Authorkotion#32455 r EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ&HVHZ EVALUATION FL5374-R6 TRIMLOCK andTRiMLOCK PLUS Hip&Ridge Anchor Revision 5:09/I9/2020 Page 2 of 7 W0.6 Originally Issued: 07131/9015 Revlsed: 08/21/2020 Valid Through: 07/31/2021 BORN.ROOFING 3.0 PRODUCT USE JCL _ n g q q 7575 Irvine Center Drive,Sure 100 Irvine,California 92618 3.1 General: Boml Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles shall be (949)756-1605 RECEIVED used as a roof covering,in accordance with IBC Section ww*.boralamerieaxom 1503 or IRC Section 903,as applicable. APR 2 9 1011 � CONCRETE ROOF TILES 3.2 1 stQWf16W--' E Pwrnitt:,ng Department h� � St. Lucie Ceunt', C®2F (� ) CSI Section: 2.1 n tallatinv�j�fnstalle fq accordance with the `'�f' ty 9% a�q e9 n rr 07 3216 Concrete Roof Tiles +mgtdre of the. 01 IBC GGGGGG���or,1RC: Boral Concrete isi �,—. 1 .,z Roof Tile sh be'installs iii accordance with 2018 IBC 1.0 RECOGNITION Section Section 1507 3�oyr�r201�8�IRC Section R905.3,including the attachment requirements of 2018 IBC Section 1507.3.7 or Boral Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles recognized in this report 2018 IRC Section R905.3.7,as applicable. Undcrlayment have been evaluated for use as concrete roof tiles. The shall conform to 2018 IBC Section 1507,1.1 or 2018 IRC weather resistance, wind uplift resistance and fire Section R905.1.1 classification properties of the roof tiles comply with the intent of the provisions of the following codes and 3.2.2 Installation when the 2015,2012,2009 or 2006 IBC regulations: or IRC is applicable: Boral Concrete Roof Tile shall be e 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009, and 2006 .International fastened in accordance with The Concrete and Clay Roof ,Building Code"(IBC) Tile Installation Manual for Moderate Climate Regions, A 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009, and 2006 International dated July 2015,published by the Tile Roofing Institute and Residential Coe(IRC) the Western States Roofing Contractors Association, and e 2019 California Building Code(CBC)—Supplement this report.. The TRI manual is available for download attached attached to ER-2015 from the UES website at ® 2019 California Residential Code (CRC) — wwwuniform- s,or Concrete Roof Tile shall 'be Supplement attached attac;�dltbi�am ;he ture based on the applicable code 0 2020 Florida Building Code, Building (FBC, and criteria for applicability as noted in Table 1 of this Building)—Supplement attached report. e 2020 Florida Building Code, Residential (FBC, TABLE 1—ATTACHMENT DESIGN �fofa Residential)—Supplement attached Applicable Criteria for Applicability Code 2.0 LIMffATIONS Ultimate Design Wind 2015 or 2012 Spcods(V u)<_130 MPH Roof Tile Use of the Boral Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles recognized in IBC and Mean Roof Height_60 Installation this report is subject to the following limitations: fact Manual&'cable 2009 or 2006 Basic wind Speed(3 sec 1507.3.7 of the 2.1 The roof tiles shall be manufactured, identified and IBC gust)c Roof HHe mph and Mean applicable IBC i lu<60 feet installed in accordance with this report and the applicable Roof Tile Code.In the event of a conflict this report governs. 2015,2012,2009 or 2006 Mean Roof Height<4D feetinstallation Manual&Section 2.2 Boral Roofing"concrete roof file shall be installed on IRC R905.3.7 roof slopes of 21/z units vertical in 12 units horizontal(21- For ST:1 foot—305 mm,1 mph Q 1.9 mis percent slope)or greater."IBC Section 1507.3.2. 3.4 Anchoring: Bora1 Concrete Roof file may be anchored 2.3 The supporting structure shall be designed to support the by mortar in accordance with the applicable building code loads and is beyond the scope of this report. and,where permitted,the TRI Manual or adhesively attached in accordance with the adhesive manufacturer's research 2A The Concrete Roof Tiles recognized in this report are report issued by an approved evaluation service agency. produced in Lake Wales,FL;Bivokshire,TX;Phoenix,AZ; Henderson, NV; Okeechobee, FL, Rialto, CA; French Camp, CA; Henderson, CO and Lathrop, CA; Tables 2 A through 21 describe the tiles produced at each location. A The,product described ut this Uniform Eveluadon Service(UES)Report has been avalusted es an allematve material,design ormethod olconsbucton to orderto sadw and comply ' end me salary,as oppn�le�oar ordance with noted In this IBO Becton report and f document oy equivalence o that rescribed I entirety. rammed. In Quagy,�n�,etlecUvenew,file resistance,duralift y 020 b IntrnationalAssoclafion of Plumbing and Machankel Officials.All dgMs reserved.P+inted in the United Sterns. Ph:f 877-4IESRPT•Farc 808.4T2.4f7t Copyr1gM02 y web:wvnv.untfomras ore g• -28i6—USA 4755 East PhNodelphia Sheet Ontario,CaGfomla 91761 iDrs a a+r_as W;d+�t aro*u+�a+,xanotPage 1 of 7 mrse ' Originally issued: 07131/2015 Revised: 08121/2020 Valid Through: 0713112021 4.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 7.0 STATEMENT OF RECOGNITION Boral Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles comply with ASTM This evaluation report describes the results of research C1492 as required by Section 1507.3.5 of the IBC.The roof carried out by TAPMO Uniform Evaluation Service on Boral tiles are described by model, weight, dimensions, and tile Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles to assess conformance to the factor in Tables 2 A through 2 I,for each of the production codes shown in Section 1.0 of this report and serves as locations listed in Section 2.4 of this report When installed documentation of the product certification. Products are. in accordance with this report on minimum 15/32 inch thick manufactured at locations noted in Section 2A of this report (12 mm)plywood solid sheathing or non-combustible decks, under a quality control program with periodic inspection the assembly incorporating the roof tiles achieve an ASTM under the supervision of IAPMO UES. E108 Class A rating per Section 1505.2 of the IBC and Section R902.1 of the IRC, as applicable. Roof classifications for adhesively attached systems shall be in t . accordance with the adhesive manufacturer's approved research report. Brian Gerber,P.E.,S.E. 5.0IDENTWICATION Vice President,Technical Operations Shipping pallets are identified with the report holder's Uniform Evaluation Service name (Boral Roofing), manufacturing address, product �i 0., name,installed weight,inspection agency,and evaluation Richard Beek,PE,CB ),MCP report number(ER-412).The Cedarlite 600,Madera 700 Vice President,Uniform Evaluation Service and Madera 900 tiles are imprinted on the top side of each tile with an"M",all other filed tiles-are imprinted with the name `Boral", "Boral Lifetile", "Monierlifetile",.or the, GP Russ an t' Boral Roofing,or MonierLifetile or"Vostile"or logo.The O,The IAPMO Group identification includes the IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Service Mark of Conformity.Either Mark of Conformity For additional information about tills evaluation report please visit may be used as shown below: or email us at9nfo ftnffarm-es.ore lApMo or UES ES IAPMO UES ER-412 i 6.0 SUBSTANTIATING DATA ` Data in accordance with ICC-ES AC180, dated February 2012 (editorially revised March 2018), manufacturers descriptive literature and installation instructions. Test reports are from laboratories in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025. Page 2 of 7 ' ' Q i` Originally Issued: 07/31/2095 Revised: 08121/2020 Valid Through: 0713112021 Table 2 A.Tiles Manufactured at Denver(Henderson),CO memsionsZ Installed Dry Di inch Tile Factor Tile Weight (psf) Length X Width TF(ft�) Ratio Saxony—Shake,Slate,Country 9.6 17 X 13 1,568 1.115 Slate S lit Old English Thatch S — act 10.5 l7 X 13 1.568 1.115 Villa 900 9.0 17 X 13 1.503 1.068 Villa act 10.1 17 X 13 1.5Q3 1.068 For$I:1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf=4.89 kg/m2 Table 2 B-Tiles Manufactured at Henderson,NV Dimemslons2 Installed Dry Tile Factor a—Shake. Weighft inch (pgfl Length X Width TF(f Ratio' Es aiia 9.0 17 X 123/e 1.470 I.045 Saxony 900 ZSlate, 91 17 X 13 1.533 1.090 Conn Slate For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf=4.88 k9W Table 2 C=Tiles Manufactured at Katy(Brookshire),-TX Dimemsione Installed Dry Tile Factor. Tile Weigi►tl tnch , (pg fl Length X Width TF(ft) do Barcelona—Im act 10.3 16'/:X13 1.444 1.027 Saxony—Country Shake,Country 16'/z X 13 1.392 0.989 Slate,Country Split Shake,English 10.3 Thatch 16%X 13 1.392 0.989 Sax o —Im act 1 Q.5 Saxon —Shake State l 0.3 16'/s X 13 1.392 0.989 Te as Es ana/Barcelona 9.0 16'�X 13 1.407 1.000 Villa 9.0 16'�X 13 1,407 1.000 For Si:Iinch=25.4 mm,I psf=4.88 kg/m= NOTES TO TABLES: 1. Used on a 3-inch head-lap. 2. Nominal dimension. Page 3 of 7 ri a � JWN � r t a _ice Originally Issued: 07131/2015 Revised: 0812112020 Valid Through: 0713112021 Table 2 D-Tiles Manufactured at Lake Wales,FL Installed Dry Dimemsionsi Tile Factor 6mm,1 Weights (inch) (pg) Length X Width TF(ft3) Ratio iFor8i, iifftAhvr7-t 9.5 17 X 13 1.525 1.084 9 5 l7 X 13 1.545 1.098 9.9 17 X 931d 1.144 0.813 9.2 17 X 13 1.533 1,090' kg/m' Table 2 E-Tiles Manufactured at Lathrop,CA Dimemsionsz Tile Installed Dry inch) "Factoreighe (psf) Length X Width Barcelona 900 9.3 17X 13 Saxon 900-Shke Statc9.1 17 X 13 For 8i:1 inch=25.4 min,1 psf=4.88 k Table 2 F-Tiles Manufactured at Phoenix,AZ . Dimemsions� Tile Installegd Dry inch) Tile Factor Wei bt (ps f) Length X Width TF(ft3) Ratio 1 Mission S/Barcelona 10.3 I6'/z X 13 1.494 1.062 Saxon —Shake Slate 9.5 16'/2 X 13 1.494 1:062 Villa %0 16%:X13 1.40? 1.000 For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm,I psf=4.88 Table 2 G-Tiles Manufactured at Okeechobee,FL Installed Dry Dimemsione Tile Factor Tile Weights (inch (psi Length X Width TF(ft3) Ratio I Bermuda 12.44 161/s X 101/s 1.036 0.736 „S 7.9 16'/a X 13 1.417 1.007 Galena S apish"S" 9.3 17 X 10 1.144 0.831 10A 16'%X 13 I A26 1.1 Plantation Sax o 900 9.3 17 X 13 1.533 1.090 For Si:1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf=4.88 lcglni NOTES TO TABLES: 1. Used on a 3-inch head-lap. 2. Nominal dimension. Page 4 of 7 i ^ 57 .isr r� Originally issued: 0713112015 Revised: 08121/2020 Valid Through: 07/31/2021 Table 2 H-Tiles Manufactured at Rialto,CA r Installed Dry Dimemsio nO Tile Factor (Pfl 73ilemisP ht�" a Wei ine L1br Length XWtdth TF(ft3) Ratio' Es afia/Barce 9.0 17 X 1231s 1.454 1,033 Es ana 60 Barcelona 60 5.9 17 X 123/e 1.454 1.033 Saxony 60 , ake,Split 5.9 17 X 13 1,533 1.090 Shake Saxony 700—Slate,Shake,Split 7.1 17 X 13 1,533 1.090 Shake Saxofry 900-Slate,Shake,Country 9.3 17 X 13 1.533 1.090 Shake 1.494 1.061 Villa 600 5.8 ]7 X 13 'Villa 900 9.0 17 X 13 1.494 1.061 For SI:1 inch=25A min,1 psf=4.88 kghn3 Table 2 I-Tiles Manufactured at Stockton(French Camp),CA Installed Dry Dimemsione Tile Factor Tile Weight' inch) (pgfl Length Width TF(W) Ratio� Cedarlite 600 5.9 13! X 13 0.942 0.673 7.2 `/a X 13 4.947 0.673 Madera 700 111"X 13 0.947 0.673 Madera 900 9.5 17 X 13 1.525 1.084 Saxon 600—Slate Shake S lit Shake 5.7 17 X 13 1.525 I.094 Saxon 700—Slate Shake S lit Shake 7.2 Saxony 900—Hartford Slate,Shake, 91 17 X 13 1.533 1.090 Slate,Coun r Slate 17 X 13 1.525 1.084 Saxon 900— lit Old En lish Thatch 6 0 17 X 13 1 A94 1.115 Villa 600 9.3 17 X 13 1.494 1.115 Villa 900 , For 8I:1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf=4.88 kg/m NOTES TO TABLES: 1. Used on a 3-inch head-tap. 2. Nominal dimension. Page 5 of 7 girl, Originally Issued: 0713112015 Revised: 0812112020 Valid Through: 0713112021 CALIFORNIA SUPPLEMENT 2A Boral Rooting concrete roof tiles used on.structures regulated by the Division of the State Architect or the Office BORAL ROOFING of Statewide Planning and Development are subject to . 7575 Irvine Center Drive,Suite 100 installation provisions in CBC Section 1513, Irvine,California 92618 For additional informationabout this evaluation report please visit (949)756-1605 tiMMMiform-es.ora or email us at infolaunifoi ni-es.orr� iJ w.boralalg erlea.co CONCRETE ROOF TILES CSI Section: 07 3216 Concrete Roof Tiles 1.0 RECOGNITION The Boral Concrete Roof Tiles evaluated in IAPMO UES ER412 is a satisfactory alternative to the following codes and regulations: • 2019 California Building Code(CBC) • 2019 California Residential Code(CRC) 2.0 PRODUCT USE 2.1 The Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles may be used as a Class A, B, or C roof covering systems complying with Sections 1505.1.1 of the CBC or R902.1.1 of the CRC; Sections 1505.1.2 of the CBC or R902.1.2 of the CRC; or Sections 1505.1.3 of the CBC or R902.1.3 of the CRC, respectively. The design and installation of the Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles shall be in accordance with Sections 1507.3.10 and 1513 CBC or Section 905.3 of the CRC,as applicable,and ER-412. 2.2 Roof Tiles shall be installed in accordance with Sections 3.0 and 4.0 of ER-412 except, where the building official requires conformance to the CBC or CRC,the following shall be substituted: 2.2.1 Underlayment shall conform with CBC Section 1507.1.1 or CRC Section 905.1.1. 2.2.2 Attachment of the concrete roof tiles shall be designed to resist wind loads according to CBC Sections 1507.3.7 and 1609.5 or CRC Section 905.3,as applicable. 2.3 Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles may be used in"new buildings located in any Fire Hazard Severity Zone or any Wildland Urban Interface Fire Area designated by the enforcing agency constructed after the application date shall comply with the provisions" in accordance with Sections 701A.3 and 705A of the CBC, or Sections R337.1.3.1 and R337.5 of the CRC, as applicable, and with the IBC as presented in ER412. Page 6 of 7 Coo Originally Issued: 07/31/2015 Revised: 08/2112020 Valid Through: 07/3112021 FLORMA SUPPLEN[ENT loads shall be in accordance with Section'1609.5 of the FBC, Building or Section R301.2.1 of the FBC,Residential, as BORAL ROOFING applicable. 7575 Irvine Center Drive,.Suite 100 Irvine,California 92618 For additional information about this evaluation report please visit (949)756-1605 w v.uniform•es.ara or email us at snfp car Wf-oM-mom wwww.boraiamerica.com CONCRETE ROOF TILES CSI Section: 07 3216 Concrete Roof Tiles 1.0 RECOGNITION The Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles evaluated in IAPMO UES ER-412 is a satisfactory alternative to the following codes and regulations: • 2020 Florida Building Code, Building (FBC, Building) m 2020 Florida Building Code, Residential (FBC, Residential) 2.0 LIMITATIONS 2.1 Verification shall be provided that a quality assurance agency audits the manufacturers quality assurance program and audits the production quality of products,in accordance with Section(5)(d)of Florida Rule 61020-3.008.The quality assurance agency shall be approved by the Commission(or the building official when the report holder does not possess an approval by the Commission). 2.2 Evaluation to the high velocity hurricane zone provisions in Section 1512 of the FBC, Building and Chapter 44 of the FBC,Residential is beyond the scope of this report. 3.0 PRODUCT USE The design and installation of the Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles shall be in accordance with the 2018 International Building Code and the 2018 International Residential Code, as applicable, as noted in ER-412. From FBC, Building Section 1507.3 and FBC,Residential Section R905.3 states that the installation of the Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles "shall be in accordance with the requirements of the FRSA/TRI Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roqf Tile Installation Manual, Sixth Edition where the Vwd is determined in accordance with" FBC, Building Section 1609.3.1, FBC Residential Section R301.2.1.3, or the recommendations of RAS 118, -119 or 120. Load combinations shall be in accordance with Sections 1605.2 or 1605.3 of the FBC,Building,as applicable.Design wind Page 7 of 7 For Immediate Release e-&4►n4 RECEIVED To: All Roofing Contractors From: St Lucie County Building Department APR 9202] Farmittwlg Daaartment St. LuciaCount- St Lucie County Building Department is no longer accepting roof sheathing affidavits. This process has proven to be inaccurate and ineffective. During the process of construction, alteration, re-roof, etc., a sheathing nailing inspection is required to be performed by the Building Department. This inspection may be performed by an inspector on site or it may be done using the virtual inspection process. This inspection is considered to be an in-progress type of inspection and should be performed while the work is underway. Contractors are encouraged to call the inspector on the day of the inspection to schedule times for your inspection. While it is not anticipated the entire roof will be accessible for the inspection in the case of a re-roof, the majority of the sheathing is expected to be viewed, whether in person or virtually. To use the virtual option, please have access to the permit, the ability to show the address and a tape measure to indicate fastener spacing. In place of the roofing affidavit is a new roofing permit attachment that is intended to help you, the owner, the plan reviewer and the inspector. All information related to the roof needs to be put on this document and submitted as a part of the permit package, along with specification and product approval (NOA) documentation. Both the permit application and the roof information sheet.can be found on the St Lucie County Building Department forms page of the St Lucie County website. The following documents can be found on the St Lucie County website: Permit Application Roof information package As always, please contact the St Lucie County Building Department with questions at 772-462-1553 and we thank you for your cooperation. v 1 ST LUCIE COUNTY ROOFING PERMIT INFORMATION SHEET RECEIVEo Florida Building Code 7th Edition (2020) APR 29 9 2021 Based on Section 1525 of the Florida Building Code-Building >rmi'Mlg Department INSTRUCTION PAGE St. Lucia Count, COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING SHEET APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AS NOTED BELOW: Required Sections of Attachments Required Roof System the Permit Application See List Below Form Low Slope Application A, B,C 1;2,3;4,3,6,7 Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 A,B,C 2,4,5,6,7 Asphaltic Shingles A,B,D 1,2,4,5,6;7 Concrete or Clay Tile A,B,D,E 1,2,3,4,5#7. Metal Roofs A,B,D Wood Shingles and A,B,D 1,2,4,5,6,7 Shakes Other As Applicable 1,2;3,4,5,6,7 ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED As Applicable): 1. Fire Directory Listing Page 2. From Product Approval: Front Page Specific System Description Specific System Limitations General Limitations Applicable Detail Drawings 3. Design Calculations per Chapter 16,or if applicable,RAS 127 or RAS 128 4. Other Component of Product Approval 5. Municipal Permit Application 6. Owners Notification for Roofing Considerations(Reroofing Only) 7. Any Required Roof Testing/Calculation Documentation Form.RoofinfoFeb21 Rev Feb 18,2021 ST LUCIE WORKS Section.A(General Information). MEWE Master Permit No. Proces� 0 Contractors Name: �1)`� License# C�1� 5-Z-L ,- 0UNTY ffff�"3 REci;IUEO Job Address g 47 ©✓� 1Q� 1 C.i OR -9 9 202, FarmittLng rr ` F c:�L...�n RY st. Lucie counment ,� ❑Low Slope Mechanically Fastened Ti ❑Mortar/Adhesive Set Tiles ❑Asphaltic Shingles ❑Meta a s ❑Wood Shingles/Shakes ❑ Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 �f „�� ���� ROOF ROOF TYPE. ❑ Reroofing 13New roof E3 Repair ❑ Maintenance 13Recovering .ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION ' Low Slope Roof Area(SF) Steep Sloped Roof Area(SF) Ll s. Total(SF) Section.B(Roof Plan) Sketch Roof Plan: Illustrate all levels and sections, roof drains,scuppers, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. Include dimensions of sections and levels,clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. 27 I' i I 13 18 � f o • N N ? p I . I 13 27 18 13 18 w cn . w N N w N N (O - 16 16 13 13 W LUCIE WORKS' RECEIVED APR 2 9 2021 RE VnE jc p[armlttkng D�parrm9nt COMPLUANCE Section D (Steep Slope.Roof System) . ST. LUME COUNTY Roof System Manufacturer: Notice of Acceptance Number: II Minimum Design Wind Pressures, If Applicable(From RAS 127 or Calculations): Zone 1: Zone 2e:_7one 2n: Zone 2r:-Zone 3e:_Zone 3r: Deck Type: P n O CP Type Underlayrnent 14 T _6 D e2 Roof Slope: 12 Insulation: Fire Barrier: Ridge Ventilation?n ® Fastener Type&Spacing: Adhesive Type: G J Type Cap Sheet Mean RoofHeight: Roof Covering: ^ Type&Size Drip 3)( � ,y Edge: File COPS' e RECEIVED i APR �'9 2021 REVIEWED FOR ST .•irr r { FarnittR^g CEpartmznt L ° �Jj MP U h1 f,� CE Sc. Lucia Count Section E(iile'CaiculaUonsl,. T. LUGM, ( For Moment based the systems,choose either Method 1 or 2.Compare,the vafu®fo Ir r With�the values from Mr.If the Mr values are greater than or equal to the Mr values,for each area of the roof,thenrthetile attachment method is acceptable. Method 1'Moment Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 12T (Zone is 57 x 3,0.301 = f"''1�I-MX O _Md )D IV,Approval , --- (Zone 2e: ":57. x J.3ttt t7�_MF�_�tn,,q ProductApprovalM s..811 (Zone 2n: x a,3al. .2 j,:3q)-.�6.74._�20,(, product Approval Mr 3 (Zone 2r. �,x 1301 z Z?;3 _Mg; ,7`_C M&2,G Product Approval Mt 761- (Zone 3e, : tt l xV,21 =;I-NJ h%. -Ma 20,6 Product Approval M( '(zone LO4 xXLI a3LO_i�1-7E 3[1. �f7 3r: --�s Product Approval M � Method 2"Simplified Tile Calculations Per Table Below" Required Moment of Resistance(Mr)From Table Below Product Approval M M►'required Moment Resistance* Mean Roof Height Roof Slope 15' 21Y 25' 1 30' 40' 2:12 34.4 36S 38.2 $9.7 42.2 3:12 32.2 34.4 36.0_ 37A 39.8 J 4:12 30.4 32.2 33.8 35.1 37.3 j 5:12 28.4 30.1 31.6 32.8 34.9 6:12 26.4 28.0 29.4 30.5 32.4 - -7:12 24-A 25.9 27.1 28.2 30.0 'Must be used in conjunction with a list of moment based tile systems o For Uplift based tile systems use Method 3.Compare the values for F'with the values for F,If the F'values are greater than or equal to the Fr values,for each area of the roof;then the tile attachment method is acceptable. Method 3"Uplift Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 12T (Zone 1: x L =x W:= )-W: cos r =F,i Product Approval F' {Zone 2e: x L =x W:= )-W: cos r =Fri Product Approval F' ®Ply. (Zone 2n: x L =x W:=____)-W: cos r =F,u, Product Approval F' (Zone 2r: x L =x W.=____)-W: cos r =Fr2r Product Approval F (Zone 3e: x L =x W:=_J-W: cos r =Fae: Product Approval P (Zone 3r: x L =x W:=__)-W: cos r =F,a, Product Approval F' Where to Obtain information -� .Description I Symbol Where to find Design Pressure Zones 1,2e,2n,2r,3e,3r From applicable table In RAS 127 or by an engineering analysis prepared by PE based on ASCE 7 Mean Roof Height H Job Site _ r� { Roof Slope 8 Job Site � Aerodynamic Multiplier a -- 1 rodyn P Product Approval Restoring Moment due to Gravity Ms Product Approval Attachment Resistance Mf Product Approval +� Required Moment Resistance M6 Calculated -J Minimum Attachment Resistance F' Product Approval Required Uplift Resistance F, Calculated ---- Average Tile Weight W Product Approval Tile Dimensions L=length W=width Product Approval All calculations must be submitted to the building official at the time of permit application. I