HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchefter appAII APPTICABTE INFO MUST BE COMPTETED FOR APPTICATION TO BE ACCEPTEDDate:Permit Number:Building Permit ApplicationPlonninq ond Development ServicesBuildins ond Code Requlotion Division COmmefCial2jOO Virginio Avenue, Fott Pierce FL 34982Phone: (7721 462-7553 Fax (7721 462-L57aResidential xPERMIT APPLICATION FOR:PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION:466ps55. 5654 Sunberry Cir Fort Pierce,FL 34951Property Tax lD S: 1 31 2-502-021 5-000-21s1 t\q.503Site Plan Name:Block No.Project Name:DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Build a 12' x24'screen room wilh an insulated aluminum roof system on exisling concreteNew Electrical MeterSecond Electrical MeterCONSTRUCTION I NFORMATION:Additionalwork to be performed under this permit - check all thatapply:_Mechanical _ Gas Tank _ Gas Piping_ Shutters _ Windows/Doors _ PondGenerator Roof Pitch_ Electric_ Plumbing_ SprinklersTotal Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor:cost of construstion: S 6'950 00Utilities: _ Sewer _ SepticBuilding Height:lf value of construction is 2500 or mor€, a RECORDED Notice of Cgmmencement is required.lf value of HAvc is 57,500 or more, a RECoRDED Notice ofcommencement is reqqired.OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR:ll"mgDaniel and Catherine Schefter466pss5.5654 Sunberry CirCity:Fort PierceState:Zip Code: 34951Fax:p6on6 ps.701-305-0392E-Mail:Fill ln fee simple Title Holder on next paSe ( if differentfrom the owner listed above)136g.David F MillerCompany: A Quality Construction, LLC466rg5s.3531 S 25th StCity:Fort PierceState: FLzip code: 34981Fax:pSeng r{q 772343-0805g-1y1211 AqualityOl @bellsouth.netstate or county License!!!l!!!{
SUPPLEM ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LI EN LAW I NFORMATION :DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _NotApplicableNa me: rhonas P AmetAd d ress : 5601 r,radne' stCity:Lstate:3360s P hone s13-37t-2a03zip:MORTGAGE COMPANY: X Not ApplicableName:Address:City:State:7ip:Phone:FEE SIMPLE TITIE HOLDER: _ Not ApplicableName:Address:City:7ip:P ho ne:BONDING CoMPANY: _Not ApplicableName:Address:City:Phone:OWNER/ CONTMCTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated.I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit.st. Lucie Countv makes no reDresentation that is Erantine a oermit will authorize the permit holder to build the subiect structurewhich is in conflict with anv a'oolicable Home Owiers As<ociation rules, bvlaws or and covenants that may restrid 6r prohibit suchstructure. Please consult with'iour Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply.ln consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that i will, in all respects, perform the workin accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building codes and st. Lucie county Amendments.The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions,accessory structures, swimming pools, fencet walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential useSTATE OF FLORIDACOUNTY OFoR Produced ldentifi cation UName of person making statement.STATE OF FLORIDA ^COUNTYOF \ Lr,- v*.r/Personally Known - OR Produced ldentificationName of person making statement..'Z;,.ft '",",, il,r ,i lsi"*'iir."oeJ.iG /" c6Stadlon , 66 2e7e5 r--7"=*-'$ uy 6u"6. i"orres Feb 4, 20218oed0a thro!qh llatLonrl liotarv Assn+f-ii. ::Tftfl qi :, li i1i,) il l,tgi'i-:] l,1y Comrn. Expirer Feb 4, 2021Zip:or affirmed) and subscribed before me ofPresence or _ Online Notarizationday ofaffirmed) and subscribed before me of