HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Design Pressure Report (Owens) - Master Craft Aluminum ProductsProperty Information Owner:Owens Address:6036 Indrio Rd R1 Ft Pierce, Fl 34951 Building Information Wind Zone:160 MPH. Exposure Category:B Minimum Building Dimension:24 ft. Mean Roof Height:15 ft. Risk Category:II Design Pressure Calculations Opening Number Location Zone Device Width (in) Device Height (in) Device Elevation (ft) Max Positive Pressure (psf) Max Negative Pressure (psf) 1 Int 75 51 7 30.4 -33.2 2 Int 98 82 7 28.9 -31.6 Prepared in accordance with: ASCE 7-16, Chapter 30. Wind Loads - Components and Cladding. 7th Edition (2020) Florida Building Code. Page 1 of 1