HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application and specselizabeth lambertson All APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: y s2n� I Permit Number: lt-toguN�� �; —BuildingP-ermit Application--- Planning and Development Services Residential X Building and Code Regulation Division Commercial 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772)462.1578 PRRITAPPLICATION FOR 100 �PRQ,r'bS�D Addre sMs;; 2401 holiday ct Property Tax lD.li: 2421-605-0032-000-9 Lot No. . . Block No. Site Plan Name: Project Name: Shutters Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing _Spr Additional wori<to be performed under this permit— check all that apply: —Pond xMechanical _Gas Tank _GasPlping _ — Generator —Roof Pitch _, Sprinklers — Total Sq. Ft of Construction: _. Cost of Construction: $ 4868.00 Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Utilities: _Sewer —Septic BuildingHeight: Name elizabeth lambertson Address: 2401 holiday ct city: fort pierce state: fl zip Code: 34982 Fax: Phone No. 772-465-3704 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page (if different from the owner listed above) company: Sea Coast A/C and Sheet Metal Inc. Address: 3108 Industrial 31 st Street city: Ft Pierce State: FL zip Code: 34946 Fax: 772-448-4416 Phone No 772-466-2400irC_om — 35 E-Mail infogseacoasta State or County License CMC0421 If value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required . Address: City: — FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: — Not Appucaole State: _ Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Address: City: BONDING COMPANY: Address: Not Applicable Not Applicable e.itiY: Phone: Zip• Phone• Zip' OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obCain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated I certify that no wa'k or installation has commenced prior Co the Issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes noyepresentation that is granting a permitwill authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure StructurenPleasle consultwith your Home Ow�ers AssoclaC ontlandrreview gour deed for any estritcttons which inay applyhlbit such -In-consideration ofthegranting.of this requested permit, Ldo hereby agree that.l Will, In all.re5p.ects, perform the wor,<.,,_. .. _. in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property: A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attornel before commencin work or recordin our o ice of Commencement. as Agent STATE OF FLO,�1pP��� COUNTY OF Syvyqrn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of this Physical Presence or_Online Notarization this -_ day of MBY 202� by hrlg5 DD� �i Name of person m'a\kiing statement. Personally i(nown X.OR Produced Identification Type of Identification S ,($ignature of Notary P Commission No. REVIEWS FR( COU JU8TINAL. STATE OF FLOf;1pA ' 1 �� COUNTY OF � f�5� thi S onto (or affirmed) and subscribed before me of Physical PresenceOnlinz0tabrization s S day of may Y Ckt rIN �� Name of person making statement. Personally known .OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Notary Publlc- VEGETATION REVIEW i CERTIFIED' Certificate of Producti AHRI Certified Reference Number: 10574896 Date : 05-03-2021 Model Status : Active AHRI Type: HRCU-A-CB-O (Mini -Split Heal Pump, with Remote Outdoor Unit Air -Source, Free Delivery) Outdoor Unit Brand Name: DAIKIN Outdoor Unit Model Number: RXB18AXVJU Indoor Type: Mini -Splits (Non -Ducted) Indoor Model Number(s) : FTXB18AXVJU Rated as follows in accordance with the latest edition of AHRI 210/240 with Addendum 1, Performance Rating of Unitary Air -Conditioning & Air -Source Heal Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (9118000 EER (95F) : 10.50 SEER: 17.00 High Heat (47F) : 17900 Low Heat(17P): 10200 HSPF :9.00 Sold In? USA, Canada - f"Active" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is currently producing AND selling or offering for sale; OR new models that are being marketed but are not yet being produced'Production Stopped" Model Status are those that an AHRI Certification Program Participant is no longer producing BUT is still Racollie or offering for sale. t a th t re omo led by WASindicate aninvoluntary r to Then published rating is shown along with the pravlous (I e WAS rating. DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility fort the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the directory at www.ahridlrectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for Individual, personal and confidential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, in whole Grin part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for the users individual, AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, personal and confidential reference. & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at wwwahridirectoryarg, click on "Verify Certificate" link tte inake life beue, and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom right. CiERT�F�Crl4TE NQ.: 132645208536743308 ©2021 Air -Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute a. A �. p a � � �� N N Cd O W N� A N �-+ W z �N r c c e [� x `r � R i3 ���� �xx� rn fn O ro C x n Daikin Norih America LLC San Felipe, Suite 500 Houston, TX 77056 (Daikin's products are subject to continuous improvements. Daikin reserves the right to modify product design, specifications and information in this data sheet without notice and without incurring any obligations) Page 2 of 4 Submittal Revision Date: Marcb 2021 ;► ■ ■ , ■,, �� i�� k # ( / © 2\2{ 2\»{ � /\/\ « gsgs - # #2 t f\j/ + ^k3# /y{$ . /\\\ ° \\}\ � \{\j m \\\{ - }�\� r \}\} ® . 7/ƒ\ �t�e /{}} � °a^m yyyy * \$\) r \{\{ & /[j/ « o /\\{ _.�._ma»��_m_aa_• c a� � = mw,__,� __�_._�� � � 22 �� �� � ,w� _=aw m _._a a� ,_a _� .� «,w �'-f u Cnolina Mode _ _ _ Outdoor tem era[ure AfR EWB EDB 66.E°F JJ.O°F 86.0°F 96.0°F 104.0°F 114.8°F (CFM) TC $C PI TC SC PI TC SC PI TC 8C PI TC 6[ PI TC $C PI 69.E°F 169I1 1120] 1.30 163]i 10914 5.41 15)62 10620 1.5E 15130 3031fi 1.68 13893 9600 1.]9 12826 9030 1.9J ]4.6°F 16994 13419 1.30 16390 1311E 1.41 1sJ83 1280> 1.5E 1515E 12489 1.65 13921 116M 1.J9 128)6 11006 1.9] 61.6°F 80,0'F 1]128 15215 1.30 16666 14869 1.41 159]6 14618 1.93 163]4 1414J 1.66 1418fi 13168 1.80 13198 12364 1.98 e5A°f 1J665 1]666 1.31 1J14R IJ148 1.4E 16628 16628 1.64 16093 ]fi093 1.6J 1491] 1491] 1.61 13956 13956 2.00 J4.6°f 18J19 10463 1.3E 18063 10198 1.43 iJ400 992fi 1.66 16]11 9646 1.68 16358 898d 1.8E 14198 8460 2.01 80.0°F IS]32 119]1 1.3E 180)2 11]OS 1.43 1]411 11433 1.65 16]29 11166 1.68 153]3 10436 1.8E 14216 9886 2.01 318 6J.0°F 85.4°F 18J61 14J)2 1.3E 18113 1446] 1.43 1]4J3 1413J 1.65 16810 13J9] 1.68 354]8 1290E 1.8E 14359 12230 2.01 90.8°F 189R3 18983 1.3E 18366 183fi6 1.43 1]]JO 1>J]0 I.65 iJ164 1]164 1.69 ]5881 1R881 1.83 1484) 1484] 2.0E 80.0°F 20694 10241 1.34 19881 9993 3.46 ]916] 9]43 1.68 ]8408 94J6 S.]1 1692J 8829 1.86 15669 8324 2.06 85.4°F 20601 12480 1.34 19889 12214 1.46 ]9160 1193J 1.98 1841E 11653 I.]1 16933 10908 1.86 186J6 10344 2.06 J2 9°F 90.6°F 2061E 146]6 1.34 19899 14296 1.46 191]4 14014 1.68 18425 13)24 1.]1 16965 128M 1.86 19]14 12239 2.06 96.E°F 206]9 16628 1.36 19996 1619] 1.46 1930E 198fi0 168 18600 I5510 1.]2 1]352 14641 1.86 16948 13]96 2.06 69.E°F IJ689 31698 1.31 1J021 1136] 1.4E 163]6 SIOB4 1.64 19JOJ 30]]2 1.66 1441E ]0030 1.61 13296 9490 1.99 ]4,6°f 1]]12 1418] 1.31 1]0]5 13656 1.4E 1fi436 13524 3.64 15JJ2 13184 1.6] 14490 12300 1.81 13394 11608 1.99 61,6°F 80,0°F 1]925 16114 1.31 1]323 16J38 1.4E I6J26 16334 1.90 16125 148JJ 1.6] 14886 13818 ].82 13869 1292fi 2.00 85.4°F 186J2 18fi]2 1.3E 1813E 1813E 1.43 1]5>9 1J5)9 1.56 SJ006 1]008 1.69 19J69 16]59 1.83 14J30 14]30 2.03 J4.6°F 19464 1I066 1.33 18]61 30]80 1.44 ]8058 ]0499 ].56 SJ331 10230 3.69 16916 9614 1.89 14]04 8968 2.0E B0.0°F 19968 12]36 1.33 18J93 ]2466 1.44 ]8090 121J3 1.56 1]360 11884 1.]0 15964 51110 1.84 14]99 10519 2.03 3]4 GJ.O°f BSA°F 19581 ]5]12 1.33 18900 ]53]2 1.44 16223 16028 1.5] 1]52] 14660 1.J0 1613J 13J08 1.84 149]2 12950 2.03 90.8°F 19908 19906 1.34 19301 19301 1.45 16696 18686 1,5] 18066 18066 1.]1 16]34 ]6J34 1.86 16645 ISfi46 2.06 80.0°F 213]6 10826 1.36 20623 306J2 1.4) 19896 10306 1.59 1906] f002] 1.J3 1]521 935E 1.8J 16206 8829 2.06 85.4°F 21401 13286 ].36 2064J 13010 1.4) 198]] 12J20 1.59 ]9069 12423 1.]3 1]544 11636 1.8] 36229 1104] 2.06 J2 9'F 90.8°F 21440 16568 1.36 20698 162J0 1.4) 19935 14969 1.60 19180 14640 1.>3 1]618 ]3]32 1.68 16330 13038 2.0] 96.E°F 215J2 1]998 1.36 208]6 1J266 1.4) 20146 36906 1.60 19414 ]fi612 1.]4 1>911 1545E 1.88 16699 145J] 2.08 69.E°F ]8313 1219] 1.3E IJ641 1186J 1.43 16964 116]4 1.56 16261 11260 1.68 14914 104J6 1.8E 13J48 9861 2.01 ]4.6°F ]8409 14821 1.3E IJ]39 14469 1.43 SJOJ2 14115 1.66 1638E 13J44 1.68 16046 12826 1.8E 13900 12093 2.01 61.6°F B0.0°F IB>B6 16964 1.33 18093 16546 1.44 1]482 1608E 1.96 16866 15586 1.69 166]6 1443) 1.83 14514 134J9 2.0E 85.4°F 19641 19641 1.34 19066 19066 1.46 18480 18480 I.5] 1]BJ2 1J8J2 1.J1 16648 16946 1.86 15455 16466 2.05 J4.6°F 20166 11699 1.34 1942J 11410 1.45 18688 ]111> 1.66 1]928 30836 1.)1 36453 10083 1.86 16190 9611 2.04 80.0°f 20216 13635 1.34 19489 13226 1.4fi 18]66 12916 1.68 1652] 12J64 1.86 162]4 11148 2.04 930 6J.0°F 65.4°F 2038E 1668] 1.36 19661 16294 1.46 1895J 15921 1.66 18230 1552E S.J1 S6J86 1449) 1.86 1558E 13665 2.05 90.8°F 20824 20624 1.39 20215 20216 1.4] 1959E 1959E 1.69 18946 18946 1.]3 1>552 1155E ].88 16419 16415 2.0) B0.0°F 2211] 11444 1.3J 21331 11194 1.48 20629 30913 I.61 19703 10626 1.J4 16098 9915 1.89 16J26 9363 2.08 86.4°F 22163 14109 1.3] 213)3 1384E 1.48 205]0 13540 1.61 19]43 13233 1.J4 16140 12391 1.89 16]]J 11J4] 2.08 J2 9°F 90.8°f 22240 ]6535 1.3] 214>1 16246 3.49 20681 15904 ].61 19868 16653 1.J5 182]9 345]8 1.89 16934 13839 2.09 96 2243> I86J0 1.3] 21J35 18330 1.49 20983 1]929 ].62 20229 iJ484 i.]5 1669] 36308 1.90 1]436 16353 2.10 I`[�7i1'iL•7 i[•TC� Indoor Outdoor W B°F 5.0 14.0 23.0 32.0 42,8 60.0 DB°F TC PI TC PI TC PI TC PI TC PI TC PI 60.8 8981 1.14 11141 1.23 1330E 1.30 16493 1.38 18086 1.48 19814 1.64 64.4 8888 7.20 11049 1.28 13240 1.36 16400 1.44 17993 1.63 19721 1.60 68.0 8796 1.26 10966 7.34 13148 1.41 16308 1.60 19629 1.66 69.8 8765 1.28 30926 1.37 13086 1.44 15246 1.5E 17870 1,6E 19698 1.68 71.6 8703 1.31 10696 1.39 13065 1.47 16216 1.55 17808 1.66 19636 1.71 7 8611 1.37 1080E 1.46 1296E 1.63 16723 1.61 17716 1,70 19444 1.77 Remark: AFR: Air flow rate (CFM) EWB: Entering Wet Bulb Temp. (°F) EDB: Entering Dry Bulb Temp. (°F) TC: Total Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) SC: Sensible Cooling Capacity (Btu/h) PI: Power Input (kW) Notes: 1. Ratings shown are net capacities. 2. � Shows nominal capacities. 3. Direct interpolation is permissible. Do not extrapolate. Daikin North America LLC San Felipe, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77056 (Daikin's products are subject to continuous improvements. Daikin reserves the right to modify product design, specifications and information in this data sheet without notice and without incurring any obligations) Submittal Revision Date: March 2021 Page 4 of 4