HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub contractor agreement, electricalISSUE DATE PERMiT # ffi PLANIiII\C & DEVELOPME:'{T SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BLJII,DI\G PIIIN'IIT S I B-CO\'I'R{.CTOR AGRIE}{EI'IT Love E[ectrical Solutions have agreed tr: Lre 16" Electrical {Ci*rnpany Name,r.lndi vidi.ral NameJ Sub-contractor icr Sweet lndustries l-LC {Priurary Colltractor)il'ype of Trade) 10525 S. Oce an Drive, Jensen Beach, FL 34957 For thc project localcd at {Pro-iect Strect Atidress or Propr'ny Tax ID F) It is understt1r:cl that, if tirerc is any change ol status regarding our parlicipation rvith the above mentioned project. the Building and Code Rcgulation Division of St. Lucie Ciounty will hc advised prrsltant to the filing ilf a Change of Sul-r-contmctor notice. (]O:{TR.\CTOR SIG\.{ Eric Sweet SIC\{TURE {QU&Iifier) Sean Love PRI\'t -\..1\lfl PRll l" x.{i\IE cGC1524682 '?t i { z,.) Z-f V L .lrareot l.torida.Courrrr'rrrf|{-f t (, r Iht l^oregoilg irstr$$!*na was sigred hetbre mc $ris 7-tao1 of JCtii .nZl-u, (--r-rr' !rr-trT ',"ffi.tt,r-,.* as idcntiliration. EC tYm qCI?- r COUNTY CERTIT'I(ATIO:Y I{UMAER s$re sf Ftrrida, c*orry or ft$f\*$r & The foregoing iritrumrnt was signed trefore rne ,ll, i 0t"y ur i.r: rvho is personalll- knoun as identilicrtior. of \otan. Pu nr has produced a STA\TP Fublir s] ,{i\lP A. 8. Da- #Hft 049321 \arnr Public *=f{oEr ft*lic strt of Flci!. Sebrine X" GhrEr lry Cdtrniarlst CiG 9titt77E{*tr 05,s3J?02.{#Rcvis*d I l,'l6i?{il6 * lx: i{ tr STAIE