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ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed, nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC., express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this report, or as to any product covered by the report. Copyright © 2020 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 10 ICC-ES Evaluation Report ESR-3782 Reissued May 2020 This report is subject to renewal May 2022. www.icc-es.org | (800) 423-6587 | (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council ® DIVISION: 03 00 00—CONCRETE Section: 03 16 00—Concrete Anchors DIVISION: 05 00 00—METALS Section: 05 05 19—Post-Installed Concrete Anchors REPORT HOLDER: MKT METALL-KUNSTSTOFF-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG EVALUATION SUBJECT: SRS+ ANCHOR IN UNCRACKED CONCRETE AND SRS ANCHOR IN CRACKED AND UNCRACKED CONCRETE (REDUNDANT APPL.) 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE Compliance with the following codes: ◼ 2012, 2009, and 2006 International Building Code® (IBC) ◼ 2012, 2009, and 2006 International Residential Code® (IRC) Properties evaluated: ◼ Structural ◼ Nonstructural 2.0 USES The MKT SRS+ Carbon Steel Wedge Anchor is used to resist static, wind and seismic (Seismic Design Categories A and B only) tension and shear loads in uncracked normal-weight or uncracked lightweight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f'c, of 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa). The SRS+ Carbon Steel Wedge Anchor 3/8-inch-diameter (9.5 mm), 1/2-inch-diameter (12.7 mm) and 5/8-inch- diameter anchors can only be used in single anchor applications or in group anchorages if designed according to ACI 318 Appendix D and Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of this report, as applicable. The MKT SRS Stainless Steel Wedge Anchor 1/4-inch- diameter (6.4 mm) may only be used for redundant applications, where multiple anchors support linear elements (e.g., ductwork), if designed according to Section 4.3 of this report. In redundant applications, the anchors can be used in cracked and uncracked normal-weight and lightweight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f'c, of 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa). The MKT SRS+ / SRS anchors comply with Section 1909 of the 2012 IBC, and Section 1912 of the 2009 and 2006 IBC, and are an alternative to cast-in-place anchors described in Section 1908 of the 2012 IBC, and Section 1911 of the 2009 and 2006 IBC. The anchors may also be used where an engineered design is submitted in accordance with Section R301.1.3 of the IRC. 3.0 DESCRIPTION 3.1 MKT SRS+ and SRS: SRS+ and SRS anchors are torque-controlled, mechanical expansion anchors consisting of a stud anchor body, expansion clip, nut, and washer. The anchors are available in diameters of 1/4 inch, 3/8 inch, 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch (6.4 mm, 9.5 mm, 12.7 mm and 15.9 mm) and are illustrated in Figure 1 of this report. MKT SRS 1/4-inch-diameter-anchors: The stud, expansion clip, conical bolt, washer and nut are fabricated from stainless steel. MKT SRS+ 3/8-inch-, 1/2-inch- and 5/8 inch-diameter- anchors: The stud is manufactured from carbon steel and has a minimum 5 μm (0.0002 inch) zinc plating. The expansion clip is fabricated from stainless steel. The carbon steel hex nuts comply with ASTM A563, Grade A. The washers comply with ANSI/ASME B18.22.1. The stud anchor body has a tapered mandrel formed on the installed end of the anchor, and a threaded section at the opposite end. The taper of the mandrel increases in diameter toward the installed end of the anchor. The two-segment expansion clip wraps around the tapered mandrel. Before installation, this expansion clip is free to rotate about the mandrel. The anchor is installed in a predrilled hole with a hammer. When the anchor is set using an applied torque to the hex nut, the mandrel is drawn into the expansion clip, which engages the wall of the drilled hole and transfers the load to the base material. Pertinent dimensions are as set forth in Table 1 and Table 6. 3.2 Concrete: Normal-weight and lightweight concrete must comply with Sections 1903 and 1905 of the IBC. 4.0 DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 4.1 Strength Design (Structural): ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 10 4.1.1 General: Design strength of anchors complying with the 2012 IBC and 2012 IRC must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 Appendix D and this report. Design strength of anchors complying with the 2009 IBC and 2009 IRC must be in accordance with ACI 318 -08 Appendix D and this report. Design strength of anchors complying with the 2006 IBC and 2006 IRC must be in accordance with ACI 318-05 Appendix D and this report. The strength design of anchors must comply with the requirements in ACI 318 D.4.1. Strength reduction factors Φ as given in ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4) must be used for load combinations calculated in accordance with Section 1605.2 of the IBC and Section 9.2 of ACI 318. Strength reduction factors Φ as given in ACI 318-11 D.4.4 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.5) must be used for load combinations calculated in accordance with Appendix C of ACI 318. An example calculation in accordance with the 2012 IBC is provided in Figure 4. The value of f'c used in calculations must be limited to a maximum of 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa). 4.1.2 Requirements for Static Steel Strength in Tension, Nsa: The nominal steel strengths of a single anchor in tension, Nsa, in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.1, are described in Table 3 of this report. Strength reduction factors, Φsa, corresponding to ductile steel elements as described in Table 3 of this report are appropriate. 4.1.3 Requirements for Static Concrete Breakout Strength in Tension, Ncb or Ncbg: The nominal concrete breakout strengths of a single anchor or a group of anchors in tension, Ncb and Ncbg, respectively, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2, with modifications as described in this section. The basic concrete breakout strength in tension, Nb, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.5.2.2 using the values of hef and kuncr as given in Table 3 in lieu of hef and kc, respectively, using a cN=1.0. 4.1.4 Requirements for Static Pullout Strength in Tension, Npn: The nominal pullout strength, Npn,uncr, of a single anchor in tension, where applicable, is given in Table 3. The nominal pullout strength in tension can be adjusted by calculations according to Eq-1: )psi,lb(, 'fNN , c uncr,pnc'f,pn 50 5002 = (Eq-1) )MPa,N(. 'fNN , c uncr,pnc'f,pn 50 217 = where f’c is the specified concrete compressive strength. Where values for Npn,uncr are not provided in Table 3 of this report, the pullout strength in tension does not need to be considered. 4.1.5 Requirements for Static Steel Shear Capacity, Vsa: The nominal steel strengths in shear, Vsa, of a single anchor in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.1.2, are given in Table 4 of this report and must be used in lieu of the values derived by calculation from ACI 318-11 Eq. D-29 (ACI 318-08 and -05, Eq. D20). Strength reduction factors, Φsa, corresponding to ductile steel elements as described in Table 4 are appropriate. 4.1.6 Requirements for Static Concrete Breakout Strength of Anchor in Shear, Vcb or Vcbg: The nominal concrete breakout strengths of a single anchor or a group of anchors in shear, Vcb and Vcbg, respectively, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2, with modifications as described in this section. The basic concrete breakout strength in shear, Vb, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 D.6.2.2 using the values of le and da (do) described in Table 4 of this report. 4.1.7 Requirements for Static Concrete Pryout Strength of Anchor in Shear, Vcp or Vcpg: Static nominal concrete pryout strengths of a single anchor or a group of anchors, Vcp and Vcpg, respectively, must be calculated in accordance with ACI 318 Section D.6.3, modified by using the value of kcp provided in Table 4 of this report and the value of Ncb or Ncbg as calculated in accordance with Section 4.1.3 of this report. 4.1.8 Requirements for Interaction of Tensile and Shear forces: Anchors or groups of anchors that are subject to the effects of combined tensile and shear forces must be designed in accordance with ACI 318 D.7. 4.1.9 Requirements for Critical Edge Distance, cac: In applications where c < cac and supplemental reinforcement to control splitting of the concrete is not present, the concrete breakout strength in tension for uncracked concrete, calculated according to ACI 318 D.5.2, must be further multiplied by the factor cp,N given by the following equation: 𝑎𝑜,𝑁=𝑎 𝑎𝑎𝑐 (Eq-2) where the factor cp,N need not be taken as less than 1.5hef /cac. For all other cases, cp,N=1.0. In lieu of ACI 318 D.8.6, values of cac provided in Table 3 of this report must be used. 4.1.10 Requirements for Minimum Member Thickness, Minimum Anchor Spacing, and Minimum Edge Distance: In lieu of ACI 318 D.8.1 and D.8.3, values of smin and cmin as given in Table 1 of this report must be used. In lieu of ACI 318 D.8.5, minimum member thicknesses, hmin, as given in Table 1 of this report must be used. 4.1.11 Lightweight Concrete: For the use of anchors in lightweight concrete, the modification factor λa equal to 0.8λ is applied to all values of cf affecting Nn and Vn. For ACI 318-11 (2012 IBC) and ACI 318-08 (2009 IBC), λ shall be determined in accordance with the corresponding version of ACI 318. For ACI 318-05 (2006 IBC), λ shall be taken as 0.75 for all lightweight concrete and 0.85 for sand-lightweight concrete. Linear interpolation shall be permitted if partial sand replacement is used. In addition, the pullout strengths Np,uncr shall be multiplied by the modification factor, λa, as applicable. 4.2 Allowable Stress Design (ASD, Structural): 4.2.1 General: Design resistances for use with allowable stress design load combinations calculated in accordance with Section 1605.3 of the IBC must be established using the following relationships: Tallowable, ASD = ΦNn / α (Eq-3) and Vallowable, ASD = ΦVn / α (Eq-4) where: Tallowable, ASD = Allowable tension load (lbf or N). ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 3 of 10 Vallowable,ASD = Allowable shear load (lbf or N). ΦNn = Lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor group in tension as determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.1, and Section 4.1 of this report and 2009 IBC Section 1908.1.9 or 2006 IBC Section 1908.1.16, as applicable (lbf or kN). ΦVn = Lowest design strength of an anchor or anchor group in shear as determined in accordance with ACI 318 D.4.1, and Section 4.1 of this report and 2009 IBC Section 1908.1.9 or 2006 IBC Section 1908.1.16, as applicable (lbf or kN). α = Conversion factor calculated as a weighted average of the load factors for the controlling load combination. In addition, α must include all applicable factors to account for nonductile failure modes and required overstrength. The requirements for member thickness, edge distance and spacing, described in this report, must apply. Table 5 illustrates calculated example ASD values for each anchor diameter and embedment. 4.2.2 Interaction of Tensile and Shear Forces: Interaction of tensile and shear loads must be c alculated as follows: If Tapplied 0.2Tallowable,ASD, then the full allowable strength in shear, Vallowable,ASD, must be permitted. If Vapplied 0.2Vallowable,ASD, then the full allowable strength in tension, Tallowable,ASD, must be permitted. For all other cases: (Eq-5) 4.3 Redundant fastening Design (Nonstructural) 4.3.1 General: For an anchoring system designed with redundancy, the load maintained by an anchor that experiences failure or excessive deflection must be transmitted to neighboring anchors without significant consequences to the item being attached or remaining resistance of the anchoring system. In addition to the requirements for anchors, the item being attached must be able to resist the forces acting on it assuming one of the fixing points is not carrying load. It is assumed that by adhering to and specifying the limits shown for n1, n2 and n3 illustrated in Figures 5 and 6 of this report, redundancy is satisfied, where n1 is the total number of anchorage points supporting the linear element, n2 is the number of anchors per anchorage point and n3 is the factored design load, Nua or Vua, or a combination of both on an anchorage point based on the critical load combination from IBC Section 1605.2 or ACI 318 Section 9.2. For redundant fastening, the MKT SRS 1/4 inch is used to resist tension and shear loads, or any combination thereof, in accordance with Section 2.0 of this report and with the following limitations: • Applications must be limited to the support of nonstructural elements. • Single anchor point applications are prohibited. • Anchor design must be limited to structures assigned to IBC Seismic Design category A or B only. • The specified concrete compressive strength f′c used for calculation purpose must be equal 2,500 psi (17.2 MPa). 4.3.2 Strength Design: For redundant applications of anchors in concrete loaded in tension and shear, the following equations must be satisfied: 𝜙𝑟𝑎𝐹𝑟𝑎≥𝑁𝑢𝑎 (Eq-6) 𝜙𝑟𝑎𝐹𝑟𝑎≥𝑉𝑢𝑎 (Eq-7) where: Fra = the characteristic strength (resistance) for the anchors in Table 6 of this report (lb or kN) Nua = factored tensile force applied at each anchorage point (lb or kN) Vua = factored shear force applied at each anchorage point (lbf or kN) Corresponding strength reduction factors for redundant applications, Φra, are given in Table 6. Fra is independent of load direction and applicable for cracked and uncracked concrete. For combined tension and shear loading of redundant applications, the following equation must be satisfied: 𝜙𝑟𝑎𝐹𝑟𝑎≥√(𝑁𝑢𝑎)2 +(𝑉𝑢𝑎)2 (Eq-8) For redundant applications of anchors installed in lightweight concrete, the design strength ΦraFra in Eq-6, Eq-7 and Eq-8 must be further multiplied by the modification factor, λa, as applicable. See Section 4.1.11 of this report. 4.3.3 Allowable Stress Design (ASD): Design values for redundant applications of anchors for use with Allowable Stress Design must be calculated in accordance with Section 4.3.2 of this report and Eq-9: 𝑅𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑎𝑎𝑙𝑒,𝐴𝑆𝐷=𝜙𝑟𝑎𝐹𝑟𝑎 𝛼 (Eq-9) where Rallowable,ASD is the allowable load (lbf or kN) for redundant applications and where is the conversion factor calculated as a weighted average of the load factors for the controlling load combination. The conversion factor, , is equal to 1.4 assuming dead load only. 4.3.4 Requirements for Minimum Member Thickness, Critical Edge Distance, Minimum Anchor Spacing and Minimum Edge Distance: The values of cmin, cac, smin and hmin must comply with Table 6 of this report. 4.4 Installation: Installation parameters are provided in Table 1, Table 6 and in Figure 2. The manufacturer’s printed installation instructions (MPII) are reproduced in Figure 3. Anchor locations must comply with this report and the plans and specifications approved by the code official. MKT SRS+ / SRS anchors must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s published installation instructions. Holes must be predrilled in concrete with a compressive strength from 2,500 to 8,500 psi (17.2 to 58.6 MPa), using carbide-tipped masonry drill bits manufactured within the range of the maximum and minimum drill tip dimensions of ANSI B212.15-1994. The nominal diameter of the carbide-tipped drill bit must equal the anchor diameter. Holes must be created by drilling to the required minimum hole depth, hhole, as described in Table 1 and Table 6 of this report. Prior to installation, dust and debris must be removed from the drilled hole to enable installation to the required embedment depth. The nut and washer must be assembled on the end of the anchor, leaving the nut slightly below the end of the anchor. The anchors are then driven through the fixture to the required embedment depth in concrete. The nut and washer must be tightened against the base material or item to be fastened until the T T V V applied allowable ASD applied allowable ASD,, .+1 2 ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 4 of 10 appropriate installation torque value, Tinst, as specified in Table 1 and Table 6 of this report is achieved. 4.5 Special Inspection: Periodic special inspection is required in accordance with Section 1705.1.1 and Table 1705.3 of the 2012 IBC, Section 1704.15 and Table 1704.4 of the 2009 IBC or Section 1704.13 of the 2006 IBC. The special inspector must make periodic inspections during anchor inst allation to verify anchor type, anchor dimensions, concrete type, concrete compressive strength, hole dimensions, drill bit size, hole cleanliness, edge distance, anchor spacing, concrete thickness, embedment depth, tightening torque, and adherence to the MPII. The special inspector must be present as often as required in accordance with the “statement of special inspection”. 5.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The MKT SRS+ / SRS Wedge Anchors described in this report comply with, or are suitable alternatives to what is specified in, those codes listed in Section 1.0 of this report, subject to the following conditions: 5.1 Anchor sizes, dimensions, and other installation parameters are as set forth in this report. 5.2 The anchors must be installed in accordance with Figure 3 and this report. In case of conflicts, this report governs. 5.3 The MKT SRS 1/4-inch-diameter (6.4 mm) anchors may only be installed in cracked or uncracked, normal-weight or lightweight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f'c, of 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa). The MKT SRS+ 3/8-inch-diameter (9.5 mm), 1/2-inch-diameter (12.7 mm) and 5/8-inch-diameter (15.9 mm) anchors may be installed in uncracked, normal-weight or lightweight concrete having a specified compressive strength, f'c, of 2,500 psi to 8,500 psi (17.2 MPa to 58.6 MPa). 5.4 The values of f'c used for calculation purposes must not exceed 8,000 psi (55.2 MPa); for redundant fastenings (nonstructural) the values of f'c used for calculation purpose must equal 2,500 psi (17.2 MPa). 5.5 Strength design values must be established in accordance with Section 4.1 of this report. 5.6 Allowable stress design values must be established in accordance with Section 4.2 of this report. 5.7 Redundant fastening design values must be established in accordance with Section 4.3 of this report. 5.8 Anchor spacing, edge distance, and minimum member thickness must comply with Table 1 of this report. 5.9 Prior to installation, calculations and details justifying that the applied loads demonstrate compliance with this report must be submitted to the code official for approval. The calculations and details must be prepared by a registered design professional where required by the statutes of the jurisdiction in which the project is to be constructed. 5.10 Since ICC-ES acceptance criteria for evaluating data to determine the performance of expansion anchors subjected to fatigue or shock loading is unavailable at this time, the use of these anchors under such conditions is beyond the scope of this report. 5.11 The MKT SRS 1/4-inch-diameter anchors may be installed in regions of concrete where cracking has occurred or where analysis indicates cracking may occur (ft > fr), subject to the conditions of this report. 5.12 Use of SRS+ anchors in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F is beyond the scope of this report. Anchors may be used to resist short-term loading due to wind or seismic forces (Seismic Design Category A and B), subject to the conditions of this report. 5.13 Where not otherwise prohibited in the code, SRS+ anchors are permitted for use with fire-resistance- rated construction provided that at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled: ◼ Anchors are used to resist wind or seismic forces only. ◼ Anchors that support a fire-resistance-rated envelope or a fire-resistance-rated membrane are protected by approved fire-resistance-rated materials, or have been evaluated for resistance to fire exposure in accordance with recognized standards. ◼ Anchors are used to support nonstructural elements. 5.14 For redundant applications, the ability of the fixed element to transfer loads to adjacent anchors must be justified to the satisfaction of the code official by the design professional. 5.15 Use of the zinc-coated carbon steel anchor (MKT SRS+) is limited to dry, interior locations. Use of the stainless steel anchor (MKT SRS) is permitted for exterior exposure or damp environments. 5.16 Special inspections are provided in accordance with Section 4.5 of this report. 5.17 Anchors are manufactured in Lonoke, Arkansas, under an approved quality-control program with inspections by ICC-ES. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Data in accordance with the ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria for Mechanical Anchors in Concrete Elements (AC193), dated October 2015, which incorporates requirements in ACI 355.2-07; and quality-control documentation. 7.0 IDENTIFICATION Anchors are identified by packaging labeled with the anchor name and size, the manufacturer’s name (MKT) and contact information, the evaluation report number (ICC-ES ESR-3782). A length identification code is stamped on the threaded end of the anchor as indicated in Table 2 and the identifying mark of the manufacturing plant ( ) is stamped on the expansion sleeve. 7.1 The following report holder’s contact information is the following: MKT METALL-KUNSTSTOFF-TECHNIK GmbH & Co. KG AUF DEM IMMEL 2 67685 WEILERBACH GERMANY +49 6374 9116-0 info@mkt.de ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 5 of 10 TABLE 1—MKT SRS+ INSTALLATION INFORMATION1 SETTING INFORMATION SYMBOL UNITS NOMINAL ANCHOR DIAMETER 3/8 inch 1/2 inch 5/8 inch Nominal Diameter da (d0) 3 in. (mm) 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) Drill Bit Diameter dbit in. (mm) 3/8 1/2 5/8 Minimum Hole Depth hhole in. (mm) 27/8 (73) 27/8 (73) 33/4 (95) Minimum Base Plate Clearance Hole Diameter 2 dc in. (mm) 7/16 (11.1) 9/16 (14.3) 11/16 (17.5) Installation Torque Tinst ft-lbf (N-m) 20 (27) 40 (54) 60 (81) Embedment Depth hnom in. (mm) 27/16 (62) 29/16 (65) 33/8 (86) Effective Embedment Depth hef in. (mm) 2 (51) 2 (51) 23/4 (70) Minimum Edge Distance cmin in. (mm) 2 (51) 21/2 (64) 21/4 (57) Minimum Anchor Spacing smin in. (mm) 27/8 (73) 3 (76) 51/4 (133) Minimum Concrete Thickness hmin in. (mm) 4 (102) 5 (127) 5 (127) For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 ft-lbf = 1.356 N-m. 1 The information presented in this table must be used in conjunction with the design requirements of ACI 318 Appendix D. 2 The clearance must comply with applicable code requirements for the connected element. 3 The notation in parenthesis is for the 2006 IBC. FIGURE 1—MKT SRS+ ANCHOR FIGURE 2—MKT SRS+ ANCHOR (INSTALLED) TABLE 2—LENGTH IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM Length ID marking on stud A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Length of anchor min ≥ (in.) 11/2 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 61/2 7 71/2 8 81/2 9 91/2 10 11 12 13 14 15 Length of anchor max < (in.) 2 21/2 3 31/2 4 41/2 5 51/2 6 61/2 7 71/2 8 81/2 9 91/2 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 6 of 10 FIGURE 3—MANUFACTURER’S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (MPII) TABLE 3—MKT SRS+ CHARACTERISTIC TENSION STRENGTH DESIGN INFORMATION1 CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL UNITS NOMINAL ANCHOR DIAMETER 3/8 inch 1/2 inch 5/8 inch Anchor Category 1, 2 or 3 - 1 1 1 Nominal Embedment Depth hnom in. (mm) 27/16 (62) 29/16 (65) 33/8 (86) Steel Strength in Tension (ACI 318 D.5.1) Specified Yield Strength fya psi (N/mm²) 84,000 (579) 84,000(579) 84,000 (579) Specified Tensile Strength futa psi (N/mm²) 90,000 (620) 88,000 (606) 90,000 (620) Effective Tensile Stress Area Ase,N (Ase) 7 in2 (mm²) 0.056 (36) 0.109 (70) 0.173 (112) Tension Resistance of Steel Nsa lbf (kN) 5,040 (22.3) 9,592 (42.4) 15,570 (69.2) Strength Reduction Factor-Steel Failure 2 Φsa - 0.75 0.75 0.75 Concrete Breakout Strength in Tension (ACI 318 D.5.2) Effective Embedment Depth hef in. (mm) 2 (51) 2 (51) 23/4 (70) Critical Edge Distance cac in. (mm) 41/2 (114) 47/8 (124) 71/2 (191) Effectiveness Factor-Uncracked Concrete kuncr - 24 (10) 30 (12.5) 30 (12.5) Strength Reduction Factor-Concrete Breakout Failure 3 Φcb - 0.65 0.65 0.65 Pull-Out Strength in Tension (ACI 318 D.5.3) Pull-Out Resistance Uncracked Concrete (f´c = 2,500 psi) 5 Npn,uncr lbf (kN) 3,027 (13.5) NA 4 NA 4 Strength Reduction Factor-Pullout Failure 6 Φp - 0.65 0.65 0.65 Axial stiffness Axial stiffness β lb/in (N/mm) 24,888 (4,335) 102,421 (17,924) 49,341 (8,635) For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4mm, 1lbf = 4.45N, 1 lb/in = 0.175 N/mm, 1 psi = 0.00689 MPa = 0.00689 N/mm², 1 in2 = 645 mm2, 1 lb/in = 0.175 N/mm. 1 The information presented in this table must be used in conjunction with the design requirements of ACI 318 Appendix D. 2 The tabulated value of Фsa applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of Фsa must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4). The anchors are ductile steel elements as defined in ACI 318 D.1. 3 The tabulated value of Фcb applies when both the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used and the requirements of ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4) for Condition B are satisfied. If the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used and the requirements of ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4) for Condition A are satisfied, the appropriate value of Фcb must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4). If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of Фcb must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.4 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.5). 4 As described in Section 4.1.4 of this report, N/A (Not Applicable) denotes that pullout resistance is not critical and does not need to be considered. 5 The characteristic pull-out resistance for greater than 2,500 psi concrete compressive strengths may be increased by multiplying the tabular value by (f´c / 2,500)0.5. 6 The tabulated value of Фp applies if the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of Фp must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.4 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.5), Condition B. 7 The notation in parenthesis is for the 2006 IBC. Step1: Select the correct diameter drill bit, drill a hole to required hole depth. Step 2: Remove drilling debris from the bottom of the drill hole using a blowout bulb, or compressed air or vacuum. Step 4: Using a torque wrench, apply the specified installation torque to the anchor. Step 3: Assemble the nut & washer past the impact end of the SRS+. Use a hammer to tap the anchor through the part being fastened into the drilled hole to the required minimum embedment, hnom, until the washer is in contact with the part. ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 7 of 10 TABLE 4—MKT SRS+ CHARACTERISTIC SHEAR STRENGTH DESIGN INFORMATION1 CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL UNITS NOMINAL ANCHOR DIAMETER 3/8 inch 1/2 inch 5/8 inch Anchor Category 1, 2 or 3 - 1 1 1 Nominal Embedment Depth hnom in. 27/16 (62) 29/16 (65) 33/8 (86) Steel Strength in Shear ( ACI 318 D.6.1) Specified Yield Strength for Shear fya psi (N/mm²) 84,000 (579) 84,000 (579) 84,000 (579) Specified Tensile Strength for Shear futa psi (N/mm²) 90,000 (620) 88,000 (606) 90,000 (606) Effective Shear Stress Area Ase,V (Ase) 4 in2 (mm²) 0.0775 (50) 0.142 (92) 0.226 (146) Shear Resistance of Steel Vsa lbf (kN) 3,244 (14.4) 5,453 (24.2) 10,188 (45.3) Strength Reduction Factor-Steel Failure 2 Φsa - 0.65 0.65 0.65 Concrete Breakout Strength in Shear (ACI 318 D.6.2) Nominal Diameter d0 in. 3/8 (9.5) 1/2 (12.7) 5/8 (15.9) Load Bearing Length of Anchor in Shear le in. 2 (51) 2 (51) 2 3/4 (70) Strength Reduction Factor-Concrete Breakout Failure3 Φcb - 0.70 0.70 0.70 Concrete Pryout Strength in Shear (ACI 318 D.6.3) Coefficient for Pryout Strength kcp - 1 1 2 Strength Reduction Factor-Concrete Pryout Failure 5 Φcp - 0.7 0.7 0.7 For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4mm, 1 lbf = 4.45 N, 1 psi = 0.00689 MPa = 0.00689 N/mm², 1 in2 = 645 mm2. 1 The information presented in this table must be used in conjunction with the design criteria of ACI 318 Appendix D. 2 The tabulated value of Фsa applies when the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of Фsa must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4). The anchors are ductile steel elements as defined in ACI 318 D.1. 3 The tabulated value of Фcb applies when both the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used and the requirements of ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4) for Condition B are satisfied. If the load combinations of Section 1605.2.1 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used and the requirements of ACI 318 -11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4) for Condition A are satisfied, the appropriate value of Фcb must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4). If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of Фcb must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.4 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.5). 4 The notation in parenthesis is for the 2006 IBC 5 The tabulated value of Фcp applies if the load combinations of Section 1605.2 of the IBC or ACI 318 Section 9.2 are used. If the load combinations of ACI 318 Appendix C are used, the appropriate value of Фcp must be determined in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.4 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.5), Condition B. TABLE 5—EXAMPLE ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN VALUES FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Nominal Anchor Diameter, d0 (in.) Embedment Depth, hnom (in.) Effective Embedment Depth, hef (in.) Allowable Tension Load, Φ Nn / α (lbf) 3/8 27/16 2 1,330 1/2 29/16 2 1,860 5/8 33/8 23/4 3,004 For Sl: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, ft-lbf = 1.356 N-m, 1 lbf = 4.45 N. 1 Single anchor with static tension load only 2 Concrete determined to remain uncracked for the life of the anchorage 3 Load combination from ACI 318 Section 9.2 (no seismic loading) with Φsa = 0.75, Фcb = 0.65, and Фp = 0.65. 4 30% dead load and 70% live load. Controlling load combination is 1.2D + 1.6L. 5 Calculation of α based on weighted average: α = 0.3*1.2 + 0.7*1.6 = 1.48 6 f’c = 2,500 psi (normal weight concrete) 7 ca1 = ca2 ≥ cac 8 h ≥ hmin 9 Values are for Condition B, supplementary reinforcement in accordance with ACI 318-11 D.4.3 (ACI 318-08 and -05 D.4.4) is not provided. ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 8 of 10 FIGURE 4—SRS+ EXAMPLE CALCULATION Determine if two 1/2 inch diameter MKT SRS+ anchors with an effective embedment depth hef = 2 inches installed 6 inches from center to center and 3 inches from the edge of a 6-inch deep slab is adequate for a service tension load of 2,000 lb. for wind and a reversible service shear load of 400 lb. for wind. The anchor group will be in the compression zone, away from other anchors in f’c = 3,000 psi normal – weight uncracked concrete ACI 318-11 Code Ref. Report Ref. ACI 318-11 Code Ref. Report Ref. 1. Verify minimum Member Thickness, Spacing and Edge Distance: calculating for Nco Nc A A h = 6 in. ≥ hmin = 5 in. o.k. Table 1 ANco = 9hef2 = 9(2)2 = 36 in.2 Eq. (D-5) s = 6 in. ≥ smin = 3 in. o.k. Table 1 ANc = (ca1+1.5 hef) (2 x 1.5 hef + s1) = (3 + 1.5 x 2) (2 x 1.5 x 2 +6) = 72 in.2 ca, min = 3 in. ≥ cmin = 2.5 in. o.k. Table 1 Fig. RD.5.2.1 b 2. Determine the Factored Tension and Shear Design Loads: 2.036 72 A A Nco Nc == 9.2.1 Nua = 1.6 W = 1.6 x 2,000 = 3,200 lb. Vua = 1.6 W = 1.6 x 400 = 640 lb. Calculating for Nb and Ncbg: lb. 4,648(2)3,0001.0x30N 1.5 b == 3. Steel Capacity under Tension Loading: D.5.1 lb. 5,7174,6480.6151. == Nsa = 9,592 lb. Table 3 Φcb = 0.65 for Condition B (no supplementary reinforcement provided) Table 3 Φ = 0.75 Table 3 lb. 3,7165,7170.65NΦcbcb == n = 2 (double anchor group ) Calculating for Φ Nsa : 5 . Pullout Capacity D.5.3 Φ Nsa = 0.75 x 2 x 9,592 = 14,388 lb. NANucrpn, Table 3 4. Concrete Breakout Capacity under Tension Loading 6 . Check all Failure Modes under Tension Loading: D.5.2 D.4.1.3 Eq.(D-4) Summary: Steel Capacity = 14,388 lb where: Concrete Breakout Capacity = 3,716 lb. ← Controls 1.5 efccbhf'kN a= Eq.(D-6) Pullout Capacity = NA with kc = kcr = 30 Table 3 Φ Nn = 3,716 lb. as Concrete Breakout Capacity controls > Nua = 3,200 lb. - OK a = 1.0 for normalweight concrete Ψec,N = 1.0 since eccentrically e’ N= 0 Eq.(D-8) 7 . Steel Capacity under Shear Loading: D.6.1 Calculating for ΦVsa: Ψed,N = 1.0 when ca,min ≥ 1.5 hef Eq.(D-9) by observation ca,min = 3 in. ≥ 1.5hef =3 in. Vsa = 2 x 5,453 = 11,128 lb. Table 4 Φ = 0.65 Table 4 ΦVsa = 0.65 x 11,128 = 7,089 lb. Ψc,N = 1.0 D.5.2.6 Ψcp,N =ca,min cac =3 in. 47 8 ⁄in. = 0.615 D.5.2.7 bN cp,Nc,Ned,Nec, Nco Nc cbg NΨΨΨΨA AN= ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 9 of 10 FIGURE 4—SRS+ EXAMPLE CALCULATION (Continued) ACI 318-11 Code Ref. Report Ref. ACI 318-11 Code Ref. Report Ref. 8. Concrete Breakout Capacity under Shear Loading: 10. Check all Failure Modes under Shear Loading: D.6.2 D.4.1.3 Eq. (D-31) Summary: Steel Capacity = 7,089 lb. Concrete Breakout Capacity = 3,042 lb. ← Controls Pryout Capacity = 4,002 lb where: 1.5 a1co 0.2 o e b cf'dd l7V = Eq. (D-33) Φ Vn = 3,042lb. as Concrete Breakout Capacity controls > Vua = 640 lb. – OK Ψec,V = 1.0 since eccentricity e’V = 0 Eq. (D-36) Ψed,V = 1.0 since ca2 >1.5ca1 Eq. (D-37) 11. Check Interaction of Tension and Shear Forces D.7 Ψc,V = 1.4 for no cracking at service loads D.6.2.7 If 0.2 Φ Vn ≥ Vua then the full tension design strength is permitted. D.7.1 By observation, this is not the case. calculating for Vc0 Vc A A If 0.2 Φ Nn ≥ Nua then the full shear h = 6 > 1.5 ca1 = 1.5 x 3 = 4.5 in. design strength is permitted. D.7.2 AVc = (2(1.5ca1) + s1) 1.5ca1 = (2 x 1.5 x 3 + 6) x 1.5 x 3 = 67.5 in.2 AVc0 = 4.5 (ca1)2 = 4.5 x 32 = 40.5 in.2 Fig. RD.6.2.1b By observation, this is not the case. Eq. (D-32) Therefore: 1.2ΦV V ΦN N n ua n ua + OK−=+=+,042 640 3,716 3,200 D.6.2.1 calculating for Vb and Φ Vcbg da = 0.5 in. Table 4 le = hef = 2 in. D.6.2.2 12. Summary ca1 = 3 in. Two 1/2 in. diameter SRS+ at 2 in. effective embedment depth are adequate to resist the applied service tension and shear loads of 2,000 lb. and 400 lb., respectively. Φcb = 0.70 for Condition B Table 4 (no supplementary reinforcement provided) 1,859lb.(3)3,0000.50.5 27V 1.5 0.2 b = = 3,042lb.Φcbgcb ==859,1 9. Concrete Pryout Strength: D.6.3 Vcpg = kcp Ncbg Eq.(D-40) where: Φcp = 0.70 Table 4 kcp = 1.0 D.6.3.1 Table 4 Vcpg = kcp Ncbg = 1.0 x 5,717 = 5,717 lb Eq. (D-40) Φcp Vcpg = 0.70 x 5,717 =4,002 lb. bVc,Ved,Vec, Vco Vc cbg VΨΨΨA AV= 1.6740.5 67.5 A A Vc0 Vc == ESR-3782 | Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 10 of 10 A redundant system is achieved by specifying and limiting the following variables: n1 = the total number of anchorage points supporting the linear element n2 = the number of anchors per anchorage point n3 = factored load at each anchorage point using the load combinations from IBC Section 1605.2 or ACI 318 Section 9.2 FIGURE 5—REDUNDANT FASTENING APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR STRENGTH DESIGN OF TYPICAL FIXTURES FIGURE 6—DETAIL A; ANCHORAGE POINT TABLE 6—REDUNDANT FASTENING STRENGTH DESIGN INFORMATION FOR MKT SRS STAINLESS STEEL WEDGE ANCHORS 1,2,5 ANCHOR PROBERTY / SETTING INFORMATION SYMBOL UNITS NOMINAL ANCHOR SIZE 1/4 inch Anchor category 1, 2 or 3 - 1 Nominal anchor diameter da [d0] in (mm) 1/4 (6.4) Nominal drill bit diameter dbit in. (mm) 1/4 (6.4) Installation Torque Tinst ft-lbf (N-m) 7.5 (10.2) Minimum nominal embedment depth hnom in. (mm) 1.3 (33.2) Effective embedment depth hef in. (mm) 1 (25.4) Minimum member thickness hmin in. (mm) 3 (76) Minimum edge distance cmin=cac in. (mm) 4 (102) Minimum anchor spacing smin in. (mm) 8 (203) Minimum hole depth hhole in. (mm) 17/16 (36.5) CHARACTERISTIC STRENGTH (RESISTANCE) INSTALLED IN NORMAL-WEIGHT CONCRETE4 Resistance at each anchorage point, cracked or uncracked concrete (2,500 psi) Fra lb (kN) Number of anchorage points n1 ≥ 4 n1 ≥ 3 650 (3.0) 450 (2.0) Strength reduction factor3 Φra - 0.65 For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm; 1 ksi = 6.894 N/mm²; 1 lbf = 0.0044 kN 1 The data in this table is intended to be used with Strength Design provisions of Section 4.3 of this report; loads are independent of direction and may be applied in tension, shear or any combination thereof. 2 Installation must comply with published installation instructions and this report. 3 All values of Φ were determined from the load combinations of IBC Section 1605.2 or ACI 318 Section 9.2. 4 Anchors are permitted to be used in lightweight concrete providing the design strength ΦrFra is multiplied by the modification factor, λa, as applicable. See Section 4.1.11 of this report. 5 For Allowable Stress Design, see Section 4.3.3 of this report.