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Copyright, 2012, International Code Councit, Inc. Reproduction by any means is prohibited. ICC is F) W the trademark of fntamalional Code Council, Inc., and is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. For additional forms, conlact: INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, INC. PHONE 1-888-ICC-SAFE , WWW.ICCSAFE.ORG m Item No.0102PRI2 CORRECTION LIST (confd.) Nd...' = QESCRIPTiCf1V ' . Code "Section 7. -2- NOTE: Entries to this Plan Revlew Record that require h field check or inspe4on olell f the lnsahon must be coordinated with the Inspection phase (R109) or the project. BUILDING PLANNING (Chapter 3) DESIGN. CRITERIA [Table 13301,2(1)] Floor live load (Tab/aki30is) • INSPECT.. Of Roof livb load (Table R30i.6) ON PLANS psi . Ground snow load p$f Bisic.wind speed ON PLANS : lnph - Wind-aposure category (R30.1.2 �1.4) ON PLANS High wind design criteria, applicable Seis'rtiic design category (SDQ) LF1gme•R30-1-?(2)j_. SDC C&D provisions (307.2.Zj wA' Wdathefing ON PLANS ' 'Frost linedepth N/A Tefmit@.ar@S' ON PLANS Decay. area ' N/A Winter design temperature ON PLANS Ice barrier underlaytright required .- Flood hazards N/A FIRS-RI=SISTANT CONSTRUCTION (R302) 'N/A • Exterior walls., (R302.1, Ta41es R302.1(1) and.R302.1(2)J N/A Townhouse separation (R302.2j '"sPecT Cand structural independence tinu't' 7(R3021; R302.2.4) ROOM PLANNING REnufA�tvir`nlrc rran�.+F,v,,��„1, >z�n>_1 NIA' . Parapets and construction (R302.2.2, R302.2$) "�� Two-family dwelling separation (R302 3)' "/A Dwelling unit penetrations jR302 4) !NSP� ECT. dweling%garage opehinglpenetratioh protec. tl6w(R302.6) INSPECT.� dweilirig/gltrage fire separation {R302 6) . "iA—:: Under-stairprotection (I?302.7)- oN PLANS WWI and'ceiling finIshes.(0302.0) °N PLANS' .-,Flarrie'spre;ad.indax (R304?,9.1) . ON PLANS :.Smoke -developed index (Fi'302.92) ON PLANs Testing (R3b2.,9.3, R3029:'4) ON PLANS Insulation (R302.10) ' ON PLANS Flatrtespreadlsrrlolo-developed (R30210.1;-R302.10.2)' ON PLANS Coilulose loose -fill and-ezposed attic insulation: (R302.'f0:3, R362 10.4) ON PLANS Testing (R302.10.5) INSPECT Pkeblocldng (R302.11) INSPECT Draftstopping (8302. �2) INSPECT Combustible insulation clearance (R302.13) Use. Area (W) Width- ''Cell : Natural ligh# - Natural vehtilation` Living 120 Dining 70 7,-0" 7, 0" : , " .: ' ' : 81% floor area 4 o floor area . Kitchen N.A. 7'-0" 7.'--Q" 8%fioor.' Aly- lborarea Bedroom TQ N.A 7,-0" 7'�(i" 7,-0" 8% floor area �8mlbdr.area 4b/,� f(e�br area' 4%.iloor area 8athrobrit N:A. " N.;4 ' 7'i p" 3 squalefeet'la•'square�-feet - otiv am -awns mau:7.7 its HUM --.tor met:nanlcar vantlfatlon and arliticial lightend R3.08.4 for requirdd iftWhouse fh cliantca(•ventrl'aflo i t 61-Brreln. at plufnbing fbdursa and fair hon-habitable•basements. O"?LA"s ,_Required Beating'• (R303..9) SANITATION (R306 and R307) ON PLANS- .:. jjj(aterdos.et ON PLANS ''Lavatory. ON P'�_Tub or shower ON PLANS . Kitchen area with sink ON PLANS SanitarySewer (Chapfer30) "/A Private disposal (Appendix ►) GLAZING•{R301�) ' • • - . oN'PLaNs ' .Identifcatlon (R308.1)'' "�A _L90eted windows or.jalousies (R3082J INSPECT' MUmon•impect lOadS/ iatdrdouS locations N/A . Skylights and slopad gluirig (R308.6) -3- BUILDING PLANNING (cont'd.)� GARAGES AND CARPORTS (R309) ON PLANS Floor surface noncombustible; sloped floor (R309. i) N/A . ;. Carport: open two sides;•noncorribustible . floors; sloped Vbor-()?309.2) -. INSPECT Automatic garage door opaner.,(R309 4). ON PLANS ; Fire sprinklers (R309:5).. EMERGENOY ESCAPE.AND RESCUE OPENINGS (R3t0).. . ON PLANS . Where required'(R31a. () • . INSPECT Areas; height, wicfth,.operati0iio. . ' (R3f0.1:1: = R310.1.4}' ' "/A' Window wells ,(R3irr>;2} ' "/A grilies,.c0VgM' nd'screens (R31a4) N/ Under decks.and porches .(R310,5) MEANS OF EGRESS (R311) N/A .' Gerieral (R311.1) . oN PLANs Egress door (R311.. ' ON PLANS Landings at exterior doors N/A . -Vertical•egress,(R911.4) "/A Construction and attachment (R31 1.5) ..Hallways. (R311.6): N/A ' , Stairway wldth,.headroom; vertical'rise, 'walkline • (f�3>!'1J t•- R31 i.74} N/A Stalrwey treads, rh9ei's profiles ' "/A . ' S#airway liddinas. and walking surfaces ' .. (R311.7.6, R31.1.?-7) "/A �Andrails. required (R3.'1 i.7.8) N/A - He ndiaifhbight, continuity grip -size . ...(R311.•7.,8 t•- R311;7.�.:4j; � .: '; ' N/A .-Stairway illumination (R303.6,R311:79) N/A. (R3t t.7.•10)' . NIA Ranip slope, landings,'-i andrails (R31 i.8) GUARDS'AiUD WINDOW PROTECTION (R3i2) "/A ' � . Ftequli'ed�foropan-sidedsurfaces,atairs, ramps arld findings above floor/ - grade (R3i2.1. �):: , N/A Height - 36" (R312.1.2) N/A Opening limitations (R3t2.1.3) N/A Window fall protection (R312.2) . AUTO MATIC.FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTFM$ (R313) N/A Townhouses (F?313.1) ' "/A One. and twQ family dwellings (H313.2) 'SMOKE ALARMS: (13314) . INSPECT Referenced standards- (R314.1, R314.2) • INSPECT: Location and interWhinectlon . (R314.3, R3i4:5).' ON PLANS , power source (R.114.4) CARBON'MONOXIDE ALA14MS 114315) . oN PLANS Newconstwcelon (R315.t, N315.2) . "/A' - Existing construction (R315:3) INSPECT Referenced standard (1g315.4) FOAM PLASTIC (R302:8, R316) ' N/A.' Labeling (6316.2) "/A 8uiWe'-burnIng; •thermal barrier; specific. approVal.(R316.3'- DECAY ANDTERMITE PROTECTION (R317' and R318) oN PLANS_, protection required" . (Table RS01.2(1), R317,.1, R318.1) INSPECT.- . ' quality mark (R317.2 and R3ta-1j) SITE ADDRESS (R319). INSPECT Address numbers (R3ia 1) ACCES$lBll.ITY (R320) : "/A' `Ijrpe' B dwelling -units applicable -(R320.1) i=LEVATORS/PLATFORM U TS (A301) .N/A; ;: � :Reference�lstandard� (R32-1.i•-R32i.3)' , FLOOD -ASSISTANT CONSTRUCTION (R#2) "/a General (R322 i) N/A Hazard area and requirements (R301.24, R309.3,. R42 2;'R. 322.3) N/A i)esignpr6fessional'(R3223:6) STORM SHELTERS (R323): NIA feneral/.referenced standard (R3.23 i) 10 FOUNDATIONS (Chapter 4) MATERIALS (R4.02). N/A Concrete foundation walls (R404.1.2) N/A -------,-Wood foundatlons.(R402.1) N/A Wall height, unbalanced backfill.- nominal ON PLAN5 Ccinc;rpte, compressive strength (R492. thickness traplos R4k.'j.2(j) R40.4.142(8), R404J.-Ul. -FOOTINGS (R403) N/A Horizontal and vertical r6111116iceirientsize -and ON PLANS Soli bearing value (R401.4, R403. 1) spacing jTib1bsR4k1.2(j);-.' ON PLANS rooting..widi h (Table fl403. 1) R404.1.2(8),--R404.1.2.2,-R404.1.2. ' 3.7 . ON PLANS Footing .edge-thicknoss = Sm inlniffiUt77; fddting N/A ' N/A fty-In-placb forms (R404. 1) projection 4e m1hlinuip, Wt.-;5 fbqi�6.: and D provisions - (R404iI..29.4, R404.1.4)' N/A 1 Footings --.—fi SD0,G dr D- (9463. i-2, B4P.J.3 Height aboveThished g , rade andR40d.j.' N/A 8.111 plate size (R404.3) INSPECT -7-DepO.bibi6w.(oLitside)grade :i,12Y'MI [MUM; beiovliline except for frost pro- N/A Pre' cast 06fidretelouriddtion walls'(R404.5) ette ing (R403.1.4, WiJ33.4; d -ah f t 03.d - ?bf ) R4 1.4.2 N/A DrWhi r6quitodif-frabitabld or ugabje--�pades - N/A arb belqwgiadd* R405 . ), 'Sill pl4td bdift in cbn6rkefta$6�ry:� 1Z -jfi- .2 N/A Soil clais.5 (Table P405.9, ameter boIL%.w'JtWJn 121, but noit ldds.lhon I b6lt diariieters -frbin:Qnds, lil ambedmeht. N/A Pompprobfing if basementq aregradd* (R400,1.6). .below R406. 1) INSPECT Footings adjqontto-slopes' (R409.1.j) N/A Wataiptp ofing if high . water table . (R40a.R) N/A Frost protactbd shallow fbu'r1dations'(R'403.$) Uninhabitable,-s6e.u6der-Ploo.t spate p4o N/A Footings for . precast concrete foundation .8 COLUMNS ,(R4P7) (R403.4).' FOUNDATIONIRMINING WALLS (R404'R406. N/A . Protection from dopey or corrosion rrosion Jn�d-R40Z2) N/A Mas_o'n'ryfburidationwalls '*(f?404.1'. . 1) N/A StJ`dCtUW.-req6irements (R4973) N/A —Wall height; unbklanced bicldllf, n6mi6al'. N/A Anch6ragei,(R4073)' thickn6ii Nblos-R404,; i. 1(1) N/A _wo . in! V sq6ar6) (R40,�.3) - 0171obluMns (m filum N/A —Reinforcem6rit-size.and spading 'N/A Steel columns (minimum 3i, -diameter,, Sc.h6d;. [fables R04.1. 1(2) - R404.1.1(4)] We,.40 OiR6)'(R407.S)f TABLE R*40-1 MINIMUM WIDTH OF CONCRET410FIRCAST OR MAS0NRVF0hTjNat r1*nr-*hn4A8 -LQADaBEARJNG VALAM OF SOIL (00) 7 Ponv,pnildna" I'llobt-ftme 601drOctlon. 12- 12 v • 12' F. 12 7 2-90 16 12. 32 :12- 1T. .4-Inch brickirenesi cWT-light fromerbi 8Wn'th-holl6ir ddhorate masonry :12 12 .12. 12 21, 32 12 24 is 12.' 77, -- -12 y 12 12 14 -, . .12. 1 ................... F-ar.ql- I Int-h *4 A M— -2 42 32 21 —1 . , .. Is ....... I IL Where MinIMUM foogh-q 4doj -j7 wpon9�fai0ild'oifullYgrouted !2-4nqhnominal condratemosonry.-urgitis per hied.' -5- UNDER -FLOOR SPACE (R408) N/A Vefitilgtfion (Rfoa. I -and R408.2) N/A Unvented crawl . space (R408.3) N/A --Access (R408.4) wo6D JOISTS*ANb alAbiERS (R802) FOUNDAtIONS(conVd.) 1 N/A - Removal of debris (R4615) N/A Finished grade ('R"408.6)- NIA.- god resistance (R408.7) FLOORS (Chapter S). -N/A Species Mid d %•(MOZ 1) 91st"I IL psf . N/A. JoistsNons! 3:jnjareas, LL=.40opf 21 N/A - Cantifiiyqied-jolsts. */is A30_3.3(t) and RsOg.Aqgg. N/A IM6r spend arid- he-aderspans for exterior N/A Girder header -spars for Interior. - bearinR.Walls N/A joists under beadnig partltlons (R5020.4) N/A Bearing._-(1.5 pInIfnqm on Wood or metal; 31, on masonry :or concrete) and -lapped Joists. .(311 (R6619. P, '1002 6. i) - N/A i Lateral reitjalniand bridging (R502.7; A50 -N/A �2.7 1) Drilling and- notching (R502'.8)i - N/A. Fastening;:(R502;0) N/A Ffaming.of dpbnIh§s (R502.10) NIA trusses (R502-. 11) N/A Draflstopping-(R.102.,!g) LUMBI~R FL06R,9HEATHING-'(Add&f) N/A Alloviable span (Table R503. 1): End joints (R603. 1j) -WOOD STRUCTURAL PANtL. SHEATHING (R503.R) ON PLANS. drAde (A5012:1) N/A 'Thickness (R603.2. 1) ON P MA-flowablespipp ITabies R503.2.1.1(1) and R503.2 1. 1(2)1' N/A InitillationIT"ab/6602.3(t)] PARTICLEBOARD UNbERLAY*NT (.N663-3) ON- PLANS ON, PLANS La .�_Thlckn ss' A5612.2). insii!1aflon [Table 1?602.3(1)j. THEATeb-WOOD F'LQORS (ON'G* AOUNP)- (Fj504) N/A B"e course: 4!1 thick with maidmdrm 8411. grave! 1) mve 2. N/A. Wstuie'bihjor. p66ed`dve* r base e course (R5O4.42)- N/A Materials -M504A STEEL-FLOOK FRAMING (R505) - N/A -Col d-forined steel; qp0IIc4ibII1ty!imIts:, In-linGframino N/A i Structural framing PS.R). N/A ON PLANS Identifidatipp (F?505.2.2) N/A' 0&roslod protection jR605.2#) N/A Fast 61 no .'.( R. .50 j. g. 4). N/A . Floor �bn, strV.Cr1bn,.(fiiQ5, CONCRETE FLOORS '(ON GROUND) (R506) 6N PLANS' - --------------- Thickness: 31/21' minimum; Concrete strength .(R6063V ON'PLANS- - SupopM'ptepgredbubgradb; maximum earth fill = 8";JT1qjdfnVnj, sspd or. gidval fill =-0_40 (R -1). ON PLANS - '130be course: -411:graded With 21! maximum aggregate I.NSPECT Vapdrr etitridiw 060.6. 2. 1J. .INSPECT keinfomernent su'iigrt 0�0E1:q p DECKS (M07) N/A Support, attachment .(R507. 1 7-M672-3). N/A. s cllplast� material'. tR507 3). 0 WALL CONSTpUGTION (Chapter 6) GENERAL (R601) N/A Corrosion protection (R603..2.3) ON PLANS Design (R601.2) N/A Fastening 0603.24) ON PLANS Cornponerit-and.cladding wind loads N/A Wall construction (A6033-R603.5) ' : (Table•R30f,2{2}j � N/A ' -' • • - 'Mead . (fi'6bS 6) ' WOOD CONSTFttOCTION (R6P2) N/A ' ' .ON. PLANS Studs; tracks and structural sheathing :Gcnstructfoh R603 9} [Figures R6023(1)-and R602.3(2)j. INSPECT St6d, gdade (Ri602.2) SHEATHING (R604 and R605)' N/A VA wood structural panels {R604) Exterior walls .(R6Q2.3) ON PLANS stud spacing (R8023.1, Taple:R602 3 S (] Paitrcleboard ,(R605) . N/A MASONRY CONSTRUCTION'(11606 - Rai0) Interior load -bearing waf ls.' (R602.4). ON PLANS :. General design .(R606y ON PLANS Interior nonb6Mng walls: 212 x or. 2" x:4" flat;at 16" o:c: (R602 5). N/A -SDC C and D. (R606_12) • ; INSPECT Drillin afld.notchin g g—studs (R602 8) : :. ON'PLANS Unit masgnry' (R607): INSPECT Drilling and notching=top plate (R6026:)).,' N/ Multipla-wythe.rriasonry (R608) . INSPECT Headers jIables R502..5(f); R502:5(2), ON PLANS 6touted masonry MOO) R662.Z2 acid Rgure A.602_7.2j, N/A Glass smitn-Iniqnrim (R$i0) INSPECT Fireblocking 0602.8; R302.11) INSPECTCripple)4alld (R602.8) N/A Wall bra0ing., lines; panels (R602, f0.1; ftso210:2) - N/A ReciOlredlength.of bracing, method 16602:10.3, R602,1.0.4, Tables . , R60-?. 10.41(f)gird.R602.10:3(8)J N/A Minirriuin 166-cft , connections; support, joihts, cripple walls '(R602 i0.5 - f/sot! io 11) ' N/A Wail anchorage (SDC'C end D)' (R602.11). NN/_ A Slmpliffed wall bracing (R602.'12)' ' ' STEEL WALL FRAMING (R603) N/A ' General (R603 f) N/A Structural framing (R603.2) N/A Material (R6032.1) N/A fderitifioatlon (R603.2.2) 'EXTERIOR CONCRETE WALL CONSTRUCTION (R611) N/A APPlicability (RM.2) N/A Concrete wall iystems (R611.3) N/A stay-iri-place forms (R611.4) N/A. Materials, ophstruction'detalls EXTERIOR WINDOW6 & DOORS (Rfi12) ; INSPECT _ General;. performance; testing and labeling (R612) ' STRUCTURAL INSULATED:PAN% WALL. CONSTRUCTION (R613) N/A Appl1cabil1ty.((?613.2) 'N/A Materials (R613.3) N/A Wall panels, constructiori details (R613 4 = R6f3.10) 7' WALL COV.91111ING (Chapter 17)'--' INTERIOR WALL COVERING (R702) Plaster materlatfl?702.2) Platter support (R02.2.3) ate - Gypstimhoard m dal• ( R76241).' INSPECT.Qypsut,h board support,a0pIWfion and 14s= Is nrn j (R7q2. 3.2 -.11760.3, 8) Ceramic. the (9702, .4) Othdr finishes (R.702.4 and R70A-6) Vapor retarders. (WOZJ). Wood shakes and shingles (R703.5) ON PLANS. 6,19rjor6lisier.-(1703 6).- _.Stbne'&rhgiiRonr.y.voileei(R703.*iA l 'Wrq Fr7037);'SIael iriole llfitals4ff nilhiMurn bearing -each' 6nQR?0.?.?) Wfieer ties: #9 U.S: gage w g wire .gage N!/," 6orrugiitbd.'mof4l;.-h6nzont.al'- oln I-afid.4eiticalsim i01,2.67AquatefidV ' max1rhUri) area supported (wind �40:psf - Flashihil(R703.7 iTand R7UjAY EXTERIOAWALLCWEERING (R743*) Water: resistive bakrier • Wood ildi'n6 tR7Q3. 1 Attachment -arid jbihimum.thlbkriess (Table i?103.4). • IsUktionah0fiiih systemsExreri6r Ir 1766r cementsiding (0703.16) GENERAL. (Reol). N/A Spacincj 9N.PLANS Design. (84Q1-.29ndR80.1...7) - N/A Sbacles; and grade ON -PLANS - .' Com*gofidnt and 61 adding wind loads N/A Span: tRable F730j-.2(2)] N/A —SI76 WOOD ROOF ORA44'ING. (ROO?) N/A RAFTERS : [Tables Rep2.'5,j-(1)- mog.&I (6)] _.F(ra.rataidant-treated wood (R802. 1,3) 'N/A WA Ground snow -loidU =200sf - framing details 943) N/AntroIII ng daslqq 4 .6i snow) N/A Rafter tie. (Rg02 1) N/A Ceiling not Attdq.hed/cqil!n0Atia6hed . N/A ObIldrIes'(411o.c.; Inupper .third bf;ttqq)... • N/A N/A - (2 at 41,0.c. minimum) N/A . . . 8 p@ as and grAda —Puons g.�x 0 I�WW . 5. 1, R86-5. N/A., Span .INSPECT Beelho N/A' —size INSPECT Cutting -and . notching (Rit927) N/A H01H, W. Adjustment favor INSPECT Engineered wood products (A602.Z2) '1 ROOF SHEATHING- (R8941) INSPECT Lateral support Md"bri #1802.8) - 13P.0 dg ng ON PLANS'. Grade INSPECT Framing -of oPqn1ngS'(Fi8qAP) ON PLANS Thickness ON PLANS Wood trusses ( R80,19) - ON PLANS FRrW ali6Wible.stressds/gnadJi . i_ INSPECT . . . Appi go -down (R80Z 11) . . . ON PLANS, AlloWable spans (Table R503 CEILING JOISTS [Tables R002.4(1), F1802.4(2)] N/A Installation (R803.2.3) N/A- Wthbut'attic storage, LL =10psf N/A With attic storage LL - 20psj -8- ROOF-CEI1IN.G CONSTRUCTION (cont'd:) STEEL ROOF FRAMING (R804) • N/A Roof construction (R804.3).- N/A Gen®r4l•(R804.1) N/A Roof tie-down•(R804.3.9)- N/A Stnrctutal .framing .(RB04.2) ROOF VENTILATION (11806) . N/A Material (R8042.1) ON PLANS Veritilation requirements (R806.1-R806.5) ON PLANS Identlfic6tion•-(R804,2.2)• • ATTIC ACCESS{ReDi) N/A -Corrosion proteotion f14804.2a) INSPECT Access'requirerneitts (807,'1) • N/A Fastening (R804.2.4).: 1300F AS$EMBLIES {Chapter: 9) r►Uvr ULF1001H sAl {UN (H902) ' ON' PLANS Roof covering materials (R902,1)- 'WEATHER PROTEMON 0 03) INSPECT' Flashing (R903,.2) INSPECT Coping (R903.3) . • N/A Adbf drainage (R903.4). MATERIALS (R904) ON PLANS Compatibility; specifications; physical chaiac- taristics; Identificatlon .(R904,2 - R904.4)• :.REQUIREMENTS FOR ROOF COVERINGS#19" G5). N/A _Asphalt.shingies (R905.2) . N/A Cray and concrete the [R905.3} N/A Metaf roof'shingles (R905.4) N/A 'Mineral -surfaced -roll roofing JR905- ) N/A •• •Slate and slate -type shingles'(11908:6) N/A Ul.,..r+ �hinrirec. ro�nC 71 N/A Wood shakes '(R905.8) . 'N/A Buiit�up.`ropfs (R905.9) •QN PLANS . ' Mat'a! roof panels (R9054.0)� . . wA :: • ' • `•.Mod€fled bitumen roofing (R905. t1) N/A. 7hermosei single -ply roofing: (R905- 12) N/A ThbrrhPP ladc single -ply roofing (R00513) N/A Spigyod.polyurethanefa'am roofing (490514) N/A Liquidapplied.coat€ngs (R90515) N/A Photovoltaic sh1ngles(R90516) ROOF INSULATION-(R906) N/A ,r Genera! (69061) REROOFING (14907) N/A Materiai$ and methods .Mg7,1) N/A Structural su N/A • Recover ys: replace- (R907.3) CHIMNE S.:ANp. FIREPLACES (Clio r.10) ..'' MASONRY FIREPLACES (R1001) N!A Hearih;extensiori (R100i:9, R1001.1-0) N/A Construction N/A Firsplaca clearance (R10.01.11) N/A (Figure R1001.1 and Table Ri001:1 j fV/A Fireblocking (Rf00f, i2). SDC.D reinforcinwanchorage (R1001.3 and R1001.4) N/A' Firebox vuglls and dimensions (R1001.5 and R1001:6) N/A Steel fireplace units (R1001:5.1) N/A Lintel (noncombustible) (14t001.7) MASONRY CHIMNEYS (Ri 003). N/A Construction (Ta61a-R10.01. i,. ft 1003.2, R1003 3, and flg'ure Rt00f.1) N/A Corbeling (Rip035) -9- 0 CHIMNEYS AND FIREPLACES (60' nt1d.). NIA * Changes in dimension (RI003.6) N/A A-difional loid 1003.8) N/A Terminaffort (R10099) N/A Spark arrestors (R Y 00. R. g) N/A Wall thlckhess;.2t 411 (R1i10$.jQ)-- N/A Flue lining - materiaMnstallatibri (R*100. If and R100112) N/A Chimney qleWance (RI003,18) N/A Flrebl . ocldng (R1003..1.8) N . /A Ohirfiney crlclwts (AI403.20) - FACTORY-BUILT'FIREPLACES.'(AidO4) N/A Listed and label 0 R10041) N/A installation (R1004.2)' NIA FACTORY71BUILT CHIMNE'Y*S (R1005) - ,Mu ues.(Rj000.I$) N/A N/AUsted and libelid -ff? 105. 1) -,-..Flue area (apolianob) (RI.063.14): NIA, N/A Fluearia (mbisonFy fir6place' )'(h1663. it) Installation (qI . 005,3 andR1005.4). N/.P' .1rf1et(f?I003.*-16)., EXTERIOR AIR SUPPLY (R100Q) N/A- N/A pleanout opqnihg fRIO03.1* Intake size. M f 008,24 RfQ06t4) I NENERGY CALVS 06rhpliance-, Worm agon INENERGYtALC'S' !jmele zone -(T 11, aboNI101.1p). IN ENERGYPALCIS .13uh.ding'thermal envblooe(iVltp2) IN ENERGY CALVS Systems (NIIO?) IN ENERGY CALC Electrical (NI 1041 IN . ENERGY CALUS • -Simulateft! performance (NY 165). M126HAkId A*L (Chapters 12-2 INSP CT Appliance labeling (013'Qg';'A'OSO8j N�6 Chimney and Vent Iodation andter.ininkl6nt (Chaptor ' . ' .... s . INSPECT appllance access (MI305,441401 N/A INSPECTOpeclal-dqu"' d rit*(Chapiei 10) Appliance Installation (A4I3'0'7')' ON PLANS :13oildrstwiter heat6ra' (Ch#P10r20) ON PLAN8 Heatin (einO c6olinb equipment; load. 6W 9. cula- N/A Hydrqnid Moft fCpEotej�0 tldns(Cftdpter'14),* 7 ON PLANS. N/A. Special plolhd'.ancl storage syptirhs . -Exhaust systems (Chapter M-) ory 01:ANS Dpot s0ems'(ChaWer . 10) N/A Pql4rPY0tqms (Chapfer 23) N/A Combustion . air.(Chapt6r 17)- INSPE(jT Penetrations bffire--resrstanOe rated ass6tn- bileg (q342..4j R302.5) N/A Application (G240,1) N/A Gerierail jiegulation )' ' s f09404j/A Appliance location(0240) _N/A Me requiremeirillb (G240) N/A Installation (G2408) PUMAO(Chapto' 24). N/A --------------- -Clsaiancis (G240.9) N/A n Eledirlical a'd electrical bonding (9#4 -iQ, 4,?411) N/A , �.Fipg . sizing AN.13).. N/A Piping materials' (tw2414) -10- FUEL GAS (contlid) N/A -Piping installation (G2415and G2419) N/A Venting (G2425 - G2429) N/A -(G211 N/A Piping support. 8 G2424) M16c appliances N/A Valves, co6tmisi, connections'.'. (G2423,. G2430 - 02464) (G2426p -G2421 dnd G;922.). PLUMBING (C- hiPtera 25,33) INSPECT location and dep.th' (PO- 603, P2604) INSPECT.-. 'SanitkryArid storMsewer. io' .depth cation —and 2603,.p 0604 INSPECT. Piping support (Table.P2605.J) INSPECT Listedi Pla.s fic Materials M2800 INSPECT .-p- s .(Chi* lumbiho �4um .16r071 INFECT heater size and I l6n (C Water, 609it hahtbr'28). 'N/A. Water supply and diatributiori 6yst Qt6 design and calculeit!666 7 (Chapter 29) N/A Dw'elilhg unit -fire sprifivorsy*Ms (R2904) N/A NFPA1 313 syste6 (P2904. 1)... N/A Tempertkture rat' '"g (P,9904.2. 1, P2904.2.2) ELECTRICAL N/A Freezing protectioA.(P2904.23) N/A Spfinklir Coverage (F!2004. N/A Piping materials (P2904.$).- NIX mow rat s,(P2904.4, i, P290.4.4.2) N/A' ----- - W, ater supply cap adity (P2904.6.2) Nffi Draln I -*Aste- aid vq'rit,p.loe� sizing andriser diagram.(P3Oq4,,PqOC6,..Cplh!"*tp'ter'*I 31) N/A' SUmos.and Ajqd!oM-(P39&) N/A Oadekgfer'valves; (P4008).. INSPECT. h LXty T traps.( 19,92bY) N/.A. Stqrrt -drainage (GftapWj3)' . INSPECT PoOetmtlons of fird-teslstani:6 rited.assem- blop (R;Q?A, 8492.5).. INSPECT fire -resistance nbe rated adgem- - -INSPECT' 1Penptnatiori.of Wiring methods (Ph4p48 bl.fe§ (E3.4 0 _?.2) INSPECT Listed' and Iabelb . d materials ?W463), INSPECT . e.oU!Idts -'jfif3001, g3903)..' ON PLANS Services ulpment and Iodation E 3405! E�60, E3006) INSPECT bro6nd �ujt* and am ault dirwit interru ir pie pro%ctId6'(.c,09q2) ON PLANS Pervice"size.'and.lbadjcalcuiatioris(43002) INSPECT. Devices,fb�Jyrds..(thapte .40and lightin 0N PLANS. Available. fault current (096) INSPECT . Applian4aJins.tallation (PhV�fbr4j)'. . ON PLANS _Z__• Systerh grounding (EF3607) N/A Swimming pools (0popter42) - ON PLANS Req6ired branch circuits (E3703) N/A Clasi"i remote -control, ilbfiallng, and powor- ON PLANS Feeder requirements and load cal6ulations firni iod.dircuits (Chapter 43) �3 70 4) MANUFACTURED .HOUSING USED At DWELLINGS (A0 -'endix. e)'. P NIAProvisions adoptod (Riongj N/A Compliance'With Apppndik E vefifled -11- RADON CONTROL MEASURES (Appendix F) NZ ._Provisions adopted.(R102:5) N/A Compliance with Appendix F verified . :. • SWIMMING -POOLS; SPAS AND H.OT t17t3$'(Appendix). N/A .. R102 5 . Prcvisidns adopted l ) N/A Compliance with Appendix G verified RATIO COVERS •(APPendiuc H) N/A.�: o fed R.102 5 : P ( ) N/A J Compliance -with Provisions adAppendix Hverified 'PRIVATE SEWAGE. DISPOSAL (Appendix I) : -ProvisN/A. Ions ado ed i .$)T� with•Appendixp*. verified EXISTING M iLDINGS AND -.STRUCTURES (Appendix J) N/A .: Provisions adopted- (RI02.5)N/A. ' _ Compliance with Appendix J verified SOUND'TRANMWISSION (Appendi c ICj N/A Provfslons.ado ted71.02.5 P ( i "/A Compliance�vi'ith Appendix K veFifldd HOME; [UTCANk i:14 O6. GCU 'ANCY (Appendo�. tU�) ' N/A :: Provisions adopted {R102 5J N/A_ • CompliancQ wi#h Appendo M•:verifled ' AUTOMATIC VEHICULAR GATES (Appendi O) N/A ,�Provislops adopted A10z^,5 ' N/A ; P ( ) Compliance with Appendix O v®rifled '• •''• ,• •'•.••. .NOTES• .•• ..•• •. . :. -12-