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L*iuSi it Eivval:pe IG, dEIal'5 18-5+1OB-4131GI-NC2-2CN8E9732l5A CENER6L NOTE I PRODU"T 1. CONCRETE: Strength of Dwcrete (nBplar weight) shall be o minim m of 5,000 at 26 days. 2, P'Rt-STRESSED STRAND-. Strand to be 7-wre, 112* diameer, 270K stress-relie` ed or lC-lox onf9rniing to ASTAI-416. Tne numbe- of strands fire indicated by ttt? first two digits follotwling N letivrs CS in the Spun Schedulo, 3, THLERArNCE; Width Length-- ....... ......... t 1 f ? ull width units._ ±I/ S*M -,u; 4nts...,.d:1 F. Devioticin from sq... #1/2" 4. : Camber is m -inherent "ridition in 0 pre*esae6 flea ural Ix►emb&s. The Canard] Contract -or shot make allomnees fo.• this Comber, S, OONNECMN DETAILS: Ancharoge details shown are consfrw4a7ole s4gesfws offered by CCreslab Structures (Orlando) Inc, They may be -honed at the &gr-retion of the designer ar customer to satisfy design criteria. !Ix, NO L+P or CAP: No Rap carrrditiM may resolt in a gip in the de- lk. Any resulting gap ?s the customer's respmibility. Feld-spF ng of a slob is sometimes required. This procalss will emote a rlaWd edge on--,' any necessary iework is the customez's resnansibi''rty. 7a, TMPINI Where structural in to ie n 9 r h r in P 9 toe appl d, plc k- a to be thomoug ly clear-ed orrd wetted by the O-C. prior to kopp 9 to =rrsure adequate bond strength_ Structural topping shall be a minimum of 3,000 psi. 28 Coy slrswigth omerete. The thickmss a such toppiN shall ke measured at the center of Che spon, A minimum of 2° structural b3pping shal. be applied at midspan and will vory toward the support as required for a lewel surface. The topftg pMr design and all makerials regi.Ared for same are not r 1db. Coreslob $Ueurn (Crlor do) Inc. recommends toppirq in all txte-for areas aW will not be resporrsib[e for tht consequuncm for, dliminating the some, The design of wpplermentol reinforcing steel placed in the tdppirr) is the customer's reepon9ibili'ty. 7b. 7D13P1Nr;,.- Strut t=l reinforced concrete topping as andiicated on the drawings shall he prod ided as an integral pit of the deck congrudian_ Plank sufface shall be free or farms nwteriiaks and wetted 74 hours prior to the topping pour, The dRink shall be sprinkled lightly prior to the pour_ The General CDntrectwFa aktier tion is directed to the inhawt combe-, in p-ntre5sed r:ancrete and should seal .011 screads acardinq-r. 5, FINR UNITS; Hollow core is a structural floor system which is influenc& by tclerancEs in both the buildinrg and the precast. Thee -afore, it should :Fiat be designed as a inisMd ter. It is the cutatomer's responsibility to apply ti lev ' Fag -course or use a su i -0b;e separate pad with Carpet: gWicativns on untoirped skifas or to apply an undedayrnsipt far an rigid Moor iinieh applie©trons. S. CEiLAC UN : Prestressed cvncrf.ie stabs will �e supplied with a plant finish. It is the resocnsa`lhil r of the General Contractor to make sure cilequate prepmtions are made regarding clearlttlg; staling, etc. of slabs` to -Ensure prapBr aoyrrage of Specified f inisfi_ 1Q. ROOF UNITS; Slight var#col moverrant al pre !st Lvwretg ref uniti is anticipoted but con be redurred with pr r inpulotian. CareVga �tructum (Qdando) Inc. recorrMmends a plrtysic-rl sepamtian at the plaster planes ut the intersectium :?f nDn-beraring walls find otilings. FINISH NOTES CEILING TYPE ❑ EXPOSED ® DROPT31`D DESIGN LOADS rLOORS:65 FSF 5L( +- VLF on b" or 10" rrpo5llta Vab 156" or V C oroislcb + 2" TOP CONIE-S; 65 f15V SU4ZU#:25D,-) or 8' Composite 5Icb (V C4resldb + 2" Topping TOPPING UPIE NOTES, 1, C014STRUCTI`CH LOADS NOT TO EXCEED DE SIGN — - LOADS. THE FU RNISHff+IC AND PLACEMENT CF ALL ]REINFORCING BARS IN 'rHE SLAB CORES AND/OR KEYWAYS ARE NOT Uy CCRE$LAB_ 3_ THE GROUTING OF BUTT j OtHTS I$ NOT DY '00 R ESL AB U i'llu"r- #4 bor r t; In boxr 0 I) GYPCRETE 4'-0' o z., #3 bar cant., and ® COMPOSITE #4 locir 9"oAsid in Sorg.. kex� rr€ q 6r gapping, one per plea riot; N + oalcib. k�pping r�ta. 6" cW 6' Czroslab plank 'V' . r4nn_ pone, rot Ly I 11. OPAWINGS 1. General GDilracfar and/or Arvhiteck,/Eirgineer should check all Fall dilnien3ions ffhowrl for + curacy. Approval of these shop dre.ingt will rb.rrstitute wrrrifirmlbn of dlmC'Islar►a shun thereon. Coresl0 Structures (Odanda) Inc- must t>e adwi5ed of any dimension changes mods after approval of these draw -nags. Cusfamer may be Gable for duel s -and casts incurred due to changes made oftet ree6pl of appmved stlap dr-airings as well as far 4iddi(onal contract drawing raw-ews, ress,lrnikkals ar similar rewisionL 2, APPRpVk: These drawings yore tQ be oppmed by the purchaser prior to fabrication of product, 3. AL This symboi indic,tc* saw -auk (r spk t a of hollow core planks., H. ERECTION 1_ i'IGIIrxs care units may Fiat be lifted by insorting huak3 Cr bars infio. voids, and may not be inverted. AV holes and aper.ings, lather than those °shawn on these drawir are to be field slut ab less than 24, kum after hmi.D r c4Ye has bean erected end grouted. All flefd cut bores are the rasperosibilRy of the ♦aane€ol Cmirocter who Most mure approval from Gveslab 54ructure3 (Oftrlda) Inc, FAgineer;N Depornot prior to Butting openings. AOI-3115 recommends a rrininvurn of f beating Tar hollow "t p4r3nk. Yhis may bt� r> ed by the enqineer for -amain canftkion5_ 2. VERTICAL RISER- : The 1,erwnl Carntraactor Shall inisure that vaertiCal risers, etc, do +rot interfere wft the pl=ement of hollow tm planks, 3. TIE BEAMS: Tie bums n wst he true. I@wel and free of knots` 11 precasi pe,irreier beams. or knockaut blaeks are ised, May must be (�QMPLETELY 'ILLED 36 haunt prkif to APBUHDr... All -calurnns, s,tt-el ar precast, mAt ine leveled, securely baited, shared if rreeded ,Ind prop" Ruled or grouted 36 11ours(o fully cure) prior to the erection of hollow core, 4-. MWTIN�: The grWing -of the keyway is the responsibility of the erector. All joints between slabs shall be mrnpletely filled with gr-Nit i;cnsisting of one port Portland cement to three parts aeon sand_ The granted deck. shrdl be allowed to carp 24 hours before removing orry leveling shares (when used), cutting holes, restraining -mds or applying any further construicUn colds. Any finish to -arcs, axpasad ends, etc., not ty C'cresla b. Tapping concrete shall nut he sr tikutEd for grout. 7ran5WtprLs due t,a difftrenUal keveling in fx�ess of 11-V sh rjld be feahhereo out not -sLeeptr khan 1:12_ S. All non -hearing walls should be held down I inch. Deice slabs are set anrd grouted olyd all loads ore applied to the Ala , -cry pack the g1p (by IxC.% beN&W the non -beaming woyi and Ohs fib, 6, ACCESS: General Contractor agrees to provide and maintain far the duration of precast inetollgOion, &rtg6lized access, acceptable to Coreslab Structures (Orlando) Inc. sv trucks and crane van move under their awe power to varia,s points of erKlidn w'lir no Dverhead of obstrrnctions. Customer =wts all liability far dellimies beyond the curb line, including all undaargruund utilities and costs far lass of time. Carealab Structures (Orlando) Inc. reserves the Fight to stop deliveries and/or erectim in the ev@Dt wch corad&ons are not pemrided. 7_ RE : it will be the respmsibilit r of the castors r to pr&ride Ord irf9tall r&aT rap® can all expmed vertical rebor priorto the ere-,yion of the hollow care *be. Only rebar caps designed to pi-ovide irndolement proteciion, such as those contuiniflq slueei reinforoernert, should be used. Mushroom style caps are not acceptable, a. CQNTROL; Coreslab 5truc%ww (t vlorrdo) tnc. is to be granted she and ucobstrud4A use of the structuvt for the dumtio i of ir1011.11Ftir}r urea grawkinq operations. 5_ SAPM- The General ControdW sheaf Mai'Vtaifl the project in o wfe workmanlike mq ner in compliance with all Cpplcable goMc:rnrreritul rules and ntguletirmt Safety provisions thdi benefit. CoreslQla ruc#orm (Odanda) Inc- field perwrinel only wlr be provided by 5ru-�kurts Inc, Sifietf prarisions that benefit the entire fats a wit be the responsi6lAy of the General Contractor: Safety Milin®s, barrier% cg--eriag of deck penetrations are w6dimily excllyded and are agrmd to be the rssponsibi1 tyr of the General Corriroator.. IV. FIRE REWANCE 1- Fire resistance, where required, is colouklted ty pmcedur-es foumf in the KI Design for Fne Resistance of Pre oastlPreslimed Gmcrate Manual (MNL 124-37), the International Bui5J M Code 2C1.5, and the FlarWo wilding Code 2014r, Dopier 7, *4 biw r a5t. m baorn jis W 't ' cat k- be * 4`-On o.,g " tar Y 4.'-0' ip.,., 03 Ipw Garrl.,r by i�or'eslab. k by Co reslafa_ o-Of'FrN note �a� toppma note.00 0 -- --0 Q 6i FO Q-0- 6' eeleb picnic 1�' ; g-mldCII:i RICrr1plonk Fir I — For I For I noc q c4r"lft. not: q des Iclb, 1 kl,'J 1 Jr 11 — 1 i INN 2 44* '41INS Ficy- cm vim' 131:p5i'MO l S�TR+P- I+ UP i `-110� 501 F41TMIw . Poor OF EW-ARINS END ANY IAL CASE WL.L ssc vwmrrrGALLY VeNGUkrrP rVeN S'T •ti15 S aTM. Era= %W Z.r E S ITrO!EIP AT EW LFF .H. ]PC CERTIFIED PLANT or 04 oaf Gzmt i horn 9 -'-0" o,L Y #9 b:x cost.,. rlc°t N 60r0slab. Soo opp-rig note. 0 000 _ e 6crisislob plank. C" 1 raslata pl for Lap For If s plan we ph not 4 ck,rsslab. AddiLlonal topp ripqwlred Gr the $' to ac-hlavo J L-vr F— 50a tapping nab. #& hookah bar -rout; In Loam is 4'0" c'z_. x ' bar gvrrtoo 'm Gzrv. gr+vy 4r b;Ppplrq art �•�r�el�k�• � F.c�vvinB -" C-0r0:DlCb p Iorlk 5' bra. mate. :�' tea. norm, r 00.0 � l?i' r�31ab plank t 0� CoreWab. 'lilt no „Aig--d by 11712021 F E L B ( , .) SCHEDULE LW pov LINT TOTAL I LB TH I TH VU ff REMARKS - 555N!57 SAYy-CVT '.A I 1 - 1 27-2" 2 9 ; 4DNT 5521_ - 2 - 2 2T-10" 4-0„ - , - 2 14T-21, 5 !XT' - 4 - 1 1 15' 3i fiCU� - 45 IT m 15-b" Z-51 21.2-7 6 AY, . -UT- 4'-C" .2451 - 5A 1 - 1 1 '- .2'-.2" 1344 5Ar<4)T' - 4 - 4 'T-10" 4'-0" 1g11 - 51-.211 1261 _ " 51 {l''6" 52!� !EiAr4f�UT — 1 ' 1 5-411 -2" i �5A?rUT - 19 b!:-,5 Z T 2 .2 e'- 2 2, -.2 �, 4'-C' 51 1' - -CiA d 0 1'� '" 212b k' T r 10 J�4 T 1 .2 9 -.2. 4' ' 5603 - - t 1 NH-DL 1 2'-4" - - HANG ^55EM5LY ---------- —T- - EN0 E -50LAES KTH ANT161 PAT EP cAMBETZ IN EAZ-55 OF I "AT TIME OF ERECTION. CONTRACTOR NOTE: To re❑elve aI detivery dcxte, please PHDNE: ❑RLANDO (352) 436-1 14 DAT JEI 11 en QHE-CKED 4k �_ �T DVAWv DATE D�DRI PTION Re UrA U � k� Wi—RE)ASION — ,,'ontrac.t r \cto; hoc x.tiorl can not tie schadulad until our shcp dioarllnas ar-0 Sigma cont;rmtor)r mar d 'Approved' or Appr ed :�s Noted' and retuned_ Frodurtion v01 not commence prior ko flnodlzaticm of wntrccc. --- Approved --- Approved as Noted r�rt�rlltr�G,t Poto ihls seal ccrMfles the strt rol r &cv � of only the pro :gas: compone?% s 5holwn cri this rr,onvFa;lcWr@d md rsat d No 54847 i rr 7f1 P • STATE CIF , � � ti 0 1D..4% .a. eJ I.F0.ss"•. 47 I Lei so I TO % I ; I ; M, VIA A, _ D0 NOT USE FOR FABRICATION NOTE,; The pr-ecast er-ection r rowings, se ism ono, detolls, €and ijesign cglcurd ions have Meer, prepared by Coresklt� 15trmctura3 (Qrloncla) Inc. for use 'n t-obria-atinq end-erecaing th's spe iftr project. Any «,rise of these do-ruments without Care3lpk;i's written pennies"on is pro'Ct?ited. 511VE RESIDENCE AATEPWN6 AALer. HV76HI-�WN 15LAhV, FL 0MtR: �Ufi0—M 10 M E5 2720 County Road 470, 0ku h ar mpka, FL 34762 PHONE..- OM71855•3192 OF2 Ici-025 DacuBkin Elr,-akwe 10 4@EIF5218-54OB-41319�—EWMCNBE9732BA Additionol topping re,gvire-d on the " to rook bv Coresibb. 21, LE0- — — — — -- r l3r-- 7.4-) - I 1 E ( I 0 11 I I II 1 1 I 111 I1—q11 uy I I A I 1_ 11 .2Lap II - L �I II I I II I II I I C I 0 , nkl6-naked 20 p sP V4011 I0-nd on ho, ICA coris. 6 1" Antio gated 550 p1F wall load on hol lo:q core. ON GORE 2ND FLOOR PLAN �" Win. STFKAF1 Ir 6 H21-L004 C ?R.E. -ni;N VVK-%Of owl, L-W 11_ 1 1-011 ART AL IOULL BE SPECAF31 ,,ALLY Ur-S*"= ON Ste. !"F Lk #14�E It P5$ITUDNE5 AT END IF SL+�P Ak4D ALI&N MTH E?UhfaASE lVJL%?M F f� hl TE5 OFENIN TO K UT IN FI ELP AFTER &RCVT HA5 CUR , T BY CORES A.13. Additional Copp- rec[virad on the V' to a,.hl-eve, Floor e not 4 re!blai kU HOLL GORE ':`5RD F1.00R,FRAMING= F;LAl\ _. -ClatiSpnsd hA" i Fi1���4�44 1/7/2021 u_11,0u FAR APPROVAL DCl NOT USF Ff1R FABRICATI❑N 04/18/19 NOTE: The pratost tretion drowings, sectiarls and details, -and design calculations hove been �, a"red by aresl-ob Structures (Orlando) Inc. for use in fabricating and ereotirlrq this specifac pwajcct. Any use of these dacurnents. without Careslab's written permission is prohibited" r,. CERTIFIED PLANT acri�i�n Elveslo�� �88�5�,'1�•�1����15�6131�-BE:973tE#A =LIF°E SAFETY WARNING symbol ideaffies Life Safety Warnings that should be read and given special attention to all persons in falllnq trusses. SPACING NOTE All trusses are to be set 2'-,D" on center except as noted. MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES MUST BE FASTENED TOGETHER PER ENGINEERING BEFORE SETTING. REFER TO ENGINEERINQ DRAWING f TO DETERMINE IF MULTIPLE PLY, DON'T l_FFT VAUSSE-S 4'IIITH SPAN& Lgr4GEP T14AN 3iy O%e THE PEAR. CONSULT KS1 30' Spam or less 3g' W—aff Span Spreaftr Sa I SO delgreea or less Too 1sEk-A cmp km APPMA an n REFER TO &= APER To 640 r.r7m mAA bit W. tr! m*+ E -PvrmI r# rW Rum& n°um bd ut this wW if Garet is a"-d TfL� is an e)i mpid. Femur LnuwF rriy rQ matt.. TmI4 4 pn mmi!AGt4. yi;& Ifui6 fn6r im'. •,wMi ImMi m®ne :ubs :k W5 Ilum 7" "F. Perim -:nrft !ap"* r of tk9F thou'PL" All load bearing walls, headers, bears, & lintels mast be in place at indicated height before trusses are installed. AIR HANDLER DOTE Unless noted elsewhere on this layout, these trusses are not designed for air handlers in the roof or for any other A/C requirements. This may he in conf llct with building node and AJG Design req u i remer ts_ Consult with Building Department and AfC Contractor. WARNING The size of these trusses makes it necessary that they a set by a profeesiona l b trifler farnii1jar with and experienced in the problems and der ngem of set i rig large spar~ Irussas. The builder ano erec'tcr -should consult with an engineer Tice nsed in Florida s pecializi ng ir) wood rooF trusses about the safe eredlim of these trusses. The engineer should W at the jots site when trusses are erected to pruvide supervision and advice SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS TRUSS 1p %w RE PR ES ENTS A HANG EFL HAMER ;3CF-Ir0LJLE LAE HU826 FOR 2)(A, SLIH* FOR 4K2 EXCEPT AS SHONN rAnnyiN17 nER ID FnrENER rOF FAM Lhr H F rR TFII,J i�WAR FS C-G TFAJ �$ °:PJ#�Y NC• I{rl�. RU&S ¢Pleaaa feler to Stardard EvQirwefing pakaye fof garters! Inaluction ors inue ing Mang*re 10d=g.14F x F tad=a.1or x 3 10 Hatch Legend LOAD BEARING AT 11 {-0" LOAD BEARING AT 33'-S" HIP VALLEYS ARE DIFFICULT TO INSTALL, PROBLEMS CAN BE ADDRESSED BY CUTTING FLIP VALLEYS IN HALF & FINDING CORRE T LOCATION. 9 9 Do not stand on trusses until they are braced per BCSI & property nailed to straps and hangers I I 'ARRANGE WITH CRANE OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A STRONG BACK OF MIN LENGTH!! METAL ROOFS H '► IMPE FE TI NS. SPECIAL INSTAL L TI I ICE MU T EE TAKEN_ UJI*itiil l'ORT�ts ,ACKCUi�II1kECTlOi+MDETA�IL �1aH�y�iui+e rr �sz&m-No �� .Iles'M 34o4910w NOTES: * ALL BEAMS ARE BY OTHERS. " ALL CEILINGS ARE FLAT. * FLOORS ARE BY OTHERS. o� r uir: nr. PLUMB CUT ENDS 2 4 TOP CHORD ''VVALL HE[GiHT 11'-D„ END D ETA6L: LOWER MAMMILIM GANTILEVER PLUMB CUT END 2 4 70P CHORD WALL HEIGHT 3X-8" END DETAIL- TYPICAL I, - 1-Z-00-001 1 M •�J l OGk G" C" ..�wIA�T x o-c T.Au x "'F CORNER QUAIL IFri btl ~ i 11.1T/02 x FABRICATION AGREEMENT 711450 CMND7 BE STARTEDF UKL THIS AiREBENT 18 SfGNEII & RET:.JRNED The ur "Oiv xIowet" aw vew 1. Trunm A M ffWe In quid tald9i i L41h Ihis inns p!acemwl dogram ley%L is Itre .51* auf"ifir far de"Mg 8AMMU fdWAIDA OJ dst hL . 2 Al dimersia-4 in this layout hags been ate' W blr Ilse uwJwsgnW. 5 Unks wr(W rocs is Rroar M brf certified W rub Chi# Truro min ten (101 da)re of delhrefy° iY+ urrdangaed $gmm!� thal no WdOergas *1 be alwebt n tie avmt auEh wMen Kftp � himsbW Chamlaem Tnm hm IhIee 3} bra da,,d h whdi ;o loin repairs rewind° of to swminfM alhe, Ir1,.r m. M Chamttere Wom. A 10 ors d oelir q rater MT be =+ rftg 4a NrWa $=In W. 14 vdersigned ao TOMedges Ntelpl of 'SCW aL9warl314W by TM E. OffC.;_ 5• adi wy is to jot sits It is the huyere rmpmsd ilty 10 nrdkt i-te 0 rile suilaA fir &16ark. CnamDEr°x Truss h;* one sdu aulho'ily Lb Mcfmin #t4 suhkil gi the 0 Pita or a piznon of the j�b sit Ibr del v q- Chambers Tn broil We feepofrsihle faf lump ddh&q ccfy. T_'c kx 4 is ngW*ible bf a2 t inaa cl&iwerf' exferaee ' Ch&r rn15$ has iv wMw bwzAe jab ana r3 ra prep -Ed ru ddh&q fir bWw i� rct prepared far 4e wy of xurses Buyer is 4zspv+Mil4 to Chambers Truss fmf twin coeis due in sA a .rd *is, 6. Prix as strtu M r p4r gr h 7 belm is s1 to change d my char aye r'usde in 11iis email. A SO per hair fee far re�egbm mey be cwgM by Ch rrij, 3s Truss, F. This re a NRCHASE CAMR In Chamber$ Tws of the sum agrsd M or •rf net agm€rsrent a rya prime Im vim NCI be Trade or dapiw fyf ad pac WAhin ter , ce W do d veiy. Ins may be made eL 3&e2UW a* 01 de;%&y it bijirz mnV awM dIVNW OF faabrv9W tfru5ses. The undP,rsi n&d Nrm M ply uhemhe s Tres. ne8&Vi.w x anff'e~} iee V : I9wiq,ds it ernml qr pa -Wl nal leely m, ..°-1F2 % W M&M aer6M u roil tLe added far el suurre ra pull wOln 6fm 8 -k'Axe or iribalE ar%ywhefe on Iha sheel oorslivA8 a e.vm0l 1q 41 W-ris herein. g. In c nsi eraPon of Cham` s Tr-.s erwdirrg creed lof ME rrialerisl Ric und+rsi i-W Irpmndffenely guaranlees paw r + ' of any a-4 a! i-�lness owed to Chambers 'rpw� hr any ftlity mwivtj material a rj *re unrleregned sg°ees h> p,ay oid1 niiduns ini:Wng a°J i serr`a fees., a defeuh In Mrnmi fu ft%*j rA be made by 1% errl. V. h the ewnl of any II"on doocwN Ihi� oyooff4M the amm-s fumed hereunder nr prrlrn k rdevf-d o hen° ft W,4s aW-n'Par. the EdLL ararwue for any auurh aelion will bu- ' 4inI Luse Courrty° FFarid 9. ll Dc*isn rs onAiliies xe per "'61a'doal Standard AM I mrruer►kd GuCk1�r9� On RasfanacilL3a Fef Ceii�!'u}I:u IJ>ing P*j§ P4AB DxneuM 1Havd TruaseG ANSIfiPM d - Wit.... 12 kair;nnfK is per Q wnbm TnAs Warranrh' attao`ued DATED IGNEU FOR, _TITLE A spreads r bar may be required par "BCS I" w prevent Injury & darnage. Multiple plyr trusses rhust be fastonsd tagettier per engineering Wore they ar$ seta failure to do so can FEI%Ult in roof collapse. Temparary and permanent bracing are required and can 5avG life and property and is the responsibility of the truss erector, r� Study the contents of the information packet included on delivery before slating trusaras. Trusses mist be set and braced per design to prevent injury & damap. Trumes rnust be set plumb and square Do nod set bunks oT stuck of plyW6Td, roofing material or any other concentrated loads on trussem, lhie can cause collapse. DO HOT M87ALL TRUSSES USING THIS USE PLAN DELIVEREO WITH TRUSSES TO SET TRUSSES CHAMBERS TRUSS INC 3105 041 er Avenus Fort Pierce, Florida 349824423 BO D-551-15932 Fort Pierce 772-465.2012 Eat€ 772-465-13711 'hero Beac h 772-58N-2012 Stuart 772-286.3302 Web Site; CH.AMBERSTRUSS_CD(M Email- MAID @G AMBERSTi RU SS,C OM ArrrEK VEFnOm s 41 411 .. ._. ..- L F,CIMGrrJF:L;IC:hI {:RITrRIk REGUCl3LE DEMN CIRITEFldl}# PEA GCnE u,CH AS 7m4,- GDWty ST. LI MCIE kildirg C%-alt7lwn1 :ST LUCIE COUNTY VAmd llfls° jn Criteria ASC'E 21310 4', and Gesgn Method MWFF f�E%sal l) hybrdlWind ASCE 7-10 RaoFrrg malenal METAL tai01r� in P&F Floor R.D.t Flaar Tap !Ghcwd Liw$ 20 p Top° Chord Dead 7 4.2 D 13oftm Gh¢rd Live "I 0-Nan iCoMCurunl a Barham Chorj Dead 'IC C Tolai Load 47 7.2 0 D-w°z -+ n Focjw 1.25 Q *And Sped 165mph Tcp Chord C.d. Sbuathirtp bry builder e¢t•, :n Dhr*rd C.B. SheaMiri,9 tfy builder Kghey. Meeru Height 21�- Buila`:ng Twe Ewlosed Quild':ng Dabe94r-y II: Non Rest l Expoeure °Calego�y il);� FLAT Miles lr= Ooean Q C frdr $fad Fkarida: Buildung Code 2017 R.D.L.-Reaftnirvq EWd Load C.R.=CGr11nuCilnS Brwirmp Ve* DESIGN CRITERIA shown aba a wiIh it°.p, building department and pur engineer, Dessjgn Criteria is the rr spwsibilityr of the Building Deer andror Engineer of Record Chambers Tress Inc. Dfawing Name: 756$$ SCALE: 1/4 14 = 11_011 111 total trusses, 30 unique designs Designer RLC Reviewed by: R L Date: 12J14Y1B 03f2'511 FOR GROUP ONE CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION: WAT'ER N WAY/ SIME Page 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIAI,5 EACH PAGE