HomeMy WebLinkAboutFilled Land AffidavitPLANNIN, G & DEVELOPMENT SERVIC, E&DRPARTMENT 1COUNTY guilding"&,Code -Ei6gulationsDivision 2300-VIRGINIA AVENUE FORTWERCE, EL 34982>5652 (772) 462-1553 RECEIVED MAR 3 01011 F)ILEWIAM -AFFIDAW--T ,,tt,,g DepartmentPe courm St. LLI 1, the undersigned, ain the owner of the following described property, (PareeIrIM/Legal descripfion/Address) XjDUIS ?-I vO-berg ri RU -POYA- SN. L-vr-tf-" FL -449W4 for Which I have applied to St. Lucie County for a Final Development Permit, - In -aCoeptriffig this Final Development Permit, BP Number, I acknowledge that as owner of the above described property; and in accordance with Section 7.04-41(b), St. Lucie County Land -Development Coda, 1,shall.be.responsible for -assuring adequate drainageso, that the, immediate community WILL NOT be adversely affected. I fluther aelmowledge. that in granting this permit for the development. of tWS property, St -Lucie County is neither obliged znor liable to provide for, or maintain in any form, adequate drainage off my property which will not adversely affect the; immediate community. tx� ]rr6.p dvy omid'Nuxnc,(jelease Print) Property Omer Siguatme- Date STATE OF FLORWA. COUNTY OF S4 ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME -THIS DAYOF. '20a. PRODUCED SfGi4ATIJRE OPNOTARY PUBLIC V �� ACOMMJSSI614 NUMBER SLCPDSDRevised 04/11/2011 OR-WHOMAS V, TYPE'OkPRINT NOTARY ' '00' PAZ • 89LIN CL FF' Notary PuMteof'FloridaC C9mmisslan.1 GG 9 ' 516 ' 51 mmi Ayy Ccommmm. Expire's Apr--17,'10.24