HomeMy WebLinkAboutORANGE AVE - DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE CALCS S&S (7)Company JOB TITLE ORANGE AVENUE RV STORAGE JAMES E GILGENBACH 4501 ORANGE AVE, FT PIERCE, FL ARCHITECT AR-7457 JOB NO. 21A19 SHEET NO. ONE iegarchAcomeast.net CALCULATED BY JEG DATE 05-04-'21 CHECKED BY JEG DATE 05-04 221 CS2018 Ver 2018.03.17 www.struware.com STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR ORANGE AVENUE RV STORAGE DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE WALLS qEpF F� JAMES E Digitally signed by ........., O,Q/ yP E. GILGENggcJAMES E GILGENBACH • . �Ql�`Eg � •: . AR774457 GILGENBACH Date: 2021.05.05 V 09:01:25-04'00' Company JOB TITLE ORANGE AVENUE RV STORAGE JAMES E GILGENBACH 4501 ORANGE AVE, FT PIERCE, FL ARCHITECT AR-7457 JOB NO.21A19 SHEET No. TWO jegarch@comcast.net CALCULATED BY JEG DATE 05-04221 CHECKED BY JEG DATE 05-04221 www.struware.com Code Search Code: ASCE 7 - 16 Occupancy: Occupancy Group = S Storage Risk Category & Importance Factors: Risk Category = I Wind factor = 1.00 Snow factor = 0.80 Seismic factor = 1.00 Type of Construction: Fire Rating: Roof = 0.0 hr Floor = 0.0 hr Building Geometry: Roof angle (0) 0.00 / 12 0.0 deg Building length (L) 14.0 ft Least width (B) 13.0 ft Mean Roof Ht (h) 6.0 ft Parapet ht above grd 0.0 ft Minimum parapet ht 0.0 ft Live Loads: Roof 0 to 200 sf: 20 psf 200 to 600 sf: 24 - 0.02Area, but not less than 12 psf over 600 sf: 12 psf Floor: Typical Floor 40 psf Partitions 15 psf Lobbies & first floor corridors 100 psf Corridors above first floor 80 psf Balconies (1.5 times live load) 60 psf Company JOB TITLE ORANGE AVENUE RV STORAGE JAMES E GILGENBACH 4501 ORANGE AVE, FT PIERCE, FL ARCHITECT AR-7457 JOB No. 21At9 SHEET No. THREE jegarch@comcast.net CALCULATED BY JEG DATE 05-04-21 CHECKED BY JEG DATE 05-04-21 Enclosure Classitication Test for Enclosed Building: Ao < 0.01Ag or 4 sf, whichever is smaller Test for Open Building: All walls are at least 80% open. Ao >_ 0.8Ag Test for Partially Enclosed Building: Predominately open on one side only Input Test Ao 10.0 sf Ao _> 1.1Aoi[]ES Ag 50.0 sf Ao > 4' or 0.01Ag Aoi 100.0 sf Aoi/Agi 5 0.20 Building is NOT Agi 200.0 sf Partially Enclosed Conditions to qualify as Partially Enclosed Building. Must satisfy all of the following: Ao>_ 1.1Aoi Ao > smaller of 4' or 0.01 Ag Aoi / Agi <_ 0.20 Where: Ao = the total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure. Ag = the gross area of that wall in which Ao is identified. Aoi = the sum of the areas of openings in the building envelope (walls and roof) not including Ao. Agi = the sum of the gross surface areas of the building envelope (walls and roof) not including Ag. Test for Partially Open Building: A building that does not qualify as open, enclosed or partially enclosed. (This type building will have same wind pressures as an enclosed building. Reduction Factor for large volume partially enclosed buildings (RI) : If the partially enclosed building contains a single room that is unpartitioned , the internal pressure coefficient may be multiplied by the reduction factor Ri. Total area of all wall & roof openings (Aog): Unpartitioned internal volume (Vi) : Ground Elevation Factor (Ke) 0 sf 0 cf RI = 1.00 Grd level above sea level = 0.0 ft Ke = 1.0000 Constant = 0,00256 Adj Constant = 0.00256 Company JAMES E GILGENBACH ARCHITECT AR-7457 jegarch@comcast.net Wind Loads: ASCE 7- 16 Ultimate Wind Speed 170 mph Nominal Wind Speed 131.7 mph Risk Category I Exposure Category B Enclosure Classif. Open Building Internal pressure +/-0.00 Directionality (Kd) 0.85 Kh Case 1 0.701 Kh case 2 0.575 Type of roof Monoslope T000araohic Factor (Kzt Topography Flat Hill Height (H) 0.0 ft Half Hill Length (Lh) 0.0 ft Actual H/Lh = 0.00 Use H/Lh = 0.00 Modified Un = 0.0 ft From top of crest: x = 0.0 ft Bldg up/down wind? downwind H/Lh= 0.00 K, = 0.000 x/Lh = 0.00 K2 = 0.000 z/Lh = 0.00 K3 = 1.000 At Mean Roof Ht: Kzt = (1+KjK2K3)A2 = 1.00 Gust Effect Factor h = 6.0 ft B = 13.0 ft /z (0.611) = 30.0 ft Rigid Structure e = 0.33 t = 320 ft Zmin = 30 ft C = 0.30 9o, 9V = 3.4 Lz = 310.0 ft Q = 0.95 Iz = 0.30 G = 0.90 use G = 0.85 JOB TITLE ORANGE AVENUE RV STORAGE 4501 ORANGE AVE, FT PIERCE, FL JOB No. 21 Al SHEET NO. THREE CALCULATED BY JEG DATE 05-04-21 CHECKED BY JEG DATE 05-04-21 H< 60ft;exp B . Kzt=1.0 2D RIDGE or 3D AXISYMMETRICAL HILL Flexible structure if natural frequency < 1 Hz (T > 1 second). If building h/B>4 then may be flexible and should be investigated. h/B = 0.46 Rigid structure (low rise bldg) G = 0.86 Using rigid structure default Flexible or Dvnamicallv Sensitive Structure 34 icy (qj) = 0.0 Hz Damping ratio ((3) = 0 /b = 0.45 /a = 0.25 Vz = 109.6 Nj = 0.00 Hn = 0.000 Rh = 28.282 r) = 0.000 He = 28.282 = 0.000 RL = 28.282 ) = 0.000 9R = 0.000 R = 0.000 Gf = 0.000 h = 6.0 ft Company JAMES E GILGENBACH ARCHITECT AR-7457 jegarch@comcast.net JOB TITLE ORANGE AVENUE RV STORAGE 4501 ORANGE AVE, FT PIERCE, FL JOB No. 21A19 SHEET No. FOUR CALCULATED BY JEG DATE 05-04-21 CHECKED BY JEG DATE 05-04-'21 Wind Loads - MWFRS h:560' (Low-rise Buildings) except for open buildings Kz = Kh (case 1) = 0.70 Edge Strip (a) = Base pressure (qh) = 44.1 psf End Zone (2a) = GCpi = +/-0.00 Open Bildg - procedure doesn't apply Zone 2 length = Wind Pressure Coefficients 3.0 it 6.0 ft 6.5 it CASE A CASE B e=0 deg Surface GCpf w/-GCpi w/+GCpi GCpf w/-GCpi w/+GCpi 1 0.40 0.40 0.40 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 2 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 -0.69 3 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 -0.37 4 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 -0.45 -0.45 -0.45 5 0,40 0.40 0.40 6 -0.29 -0.29 -0.29 1 E 0.61 0.61 0.61 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 2E -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 -1.07 3E -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 -0.53 4E -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 -0.48 -0.48 -0.48 5E 0.61 0.61 0.61 6E -0.43 -0.43 -0.43 Ultimate Wind Surface Pressures (psf) 1 17.6 17.6 -19.8 -19.8 2 -30.4 -30.4 -30.4 -30.4 3 -16.3 -16.3 -16.3 -16.3 4 -12.8 -12.8 -19.8 -19.8 5 17.6 17.6 6 -12.8 -12.8 1 E 26.9 26.9 -21.1 -21.1 2E -47.1 -47.1 -47.1 -47.1 3E -23.4 -23.4 -23.4 -23.4 4E -18.9 -18.9 -21.1 -21.1 5E 26.9 26.9 6E -18.9 -18.9 Parapet Windward parapet= 0.0DO (GCpn=+1.5) Leeward parapet = 0.0 psf (GCpn = -1.0) Horizontal MWFRS Simple Diaphragm Pressures IDs Transverse direction (normal to L) Interior Zone: Wall 30.4 psf Roof -14.1 psf ** End Zone: Wall 45.8 psf Roof -23.8 psf ** Longitudinal direction (parallel to L) Interior Zone: Wall 30.4 psf End Zone: Wall 45.8 psf ** NOTE: Total horiz force shall not be less than that determined by neglecting roof forces (except for MWFRS moment frames). The code requires the MWFRS be designed for a min ultimate force of 16 psf multiplied by the wall area plus an 8 psf force applied to the vertical projection of the roof. Windward roof overhangs = 30.8 psf (upward) add to windward roof pressure Company JOB TITLE ORANGE AVENUE RV STORAGE JAMES E GILGENRACH 4501 ORANGE AVE, FT PIERCE, FL ARCHITECT AR-7457 JOB No. 21A19 SHEET No. FIVE jegarch@mmC st.net CALCULATED BY JEG DATE 05-04-'21 CHECKED BY JEG DATE 06-04221 Location of C&C Wind Pressure Zones -ASCE 7-16 Roofs w/ 0 5 10' and all walls h>60' Monoslope roofs 10-<0530' It 5 60' & sit design h<90' Wails h 5 60' & sit design h<90' Multispan Gable & Gable 7° < 0 5 45' Stepped roofs 0 5 3° h 5 60' & sit design h<90' I I I I I I I I Gable, Sawtooth and Multispan Gable 0 5 7 degrees & Monoslope 5 3 degrees h <_ 60' & sit design h<90' Hip 7° < 0 527° Monoslope roofs 3°<05 to* IT 5 60' & sit design h<90' Sawtooth 100 < 0 5 45° IT 5 60' & sit design h<90' JOB TITLE ORANGE AVENUE RV STORAGE Company 4501 ORANGE AVE, FT PIERCE, FL JAMES E GILGENBACH JOB No. 21A19 SHEET NO. FIVE ARCHITECT AR-7457 CALCULATED BY JEG DATE 05-04-'21 jegarch@comcast.net CHECKED BY JEG DATE 05-04-'21 Ultimate Wind Pressures Wind Loads -Components &Cladding : h <_ 60' Open Building -procedure doesn't apply Kh (case 1) = 0.70 h = 6.0 ft 0.2h = 1.2 ft Base pressure (qh) = 44.1 psf 0.6h = 3.6 ft Minimum parapet ht = 0.0 ft GCpi = +1-0.00 Roof Angle (0) = 0.0 deg qi = qh = 44.1 psf Type of roof = Monoslope Roof Area Negative Zone 1 Negative Zone 1 Negative Zone Negative Zone' Positive All Zone: Overhang Zone 1 &1 Overhang Zone Overhang Zone Para et qp= 0.0 psf urfaCE Pressure (psf) 10 sf 20 sf 50 sf 100 sf 200 sf 350 sf 1 500 sf 1000 sf -74.9 769.4 -62.2 -56.7 -5C3 -93.7 -88.1 -88.1 -39.7 -39.7 -39.7 -39.7 -33.0 -55.3 -48.5 -35.2 -101.3 -94.3 -85 -78 -71.0 -130.6 -123.4 -123.4 -141 -126.9 -108.4 -94.3 -80.3 -137.8 -123.4 -123.4 -16 -16 -16 -16 .16.0 -16.0 -16.0 -16.0 -74.9 -73.6 -71.8 -70.5 -59.1 -99.8 -88.1 -88.1 -101.3 -92 -79.6 -70.2 -60.8 -106.6 -96.9 -96.9 -141 1 -124.6 -102.9 -86.5 -70.1 -113.8 -96.9 -96.9 Solid Parapet Pressure Surface Pressure ps 10 s s s 1 s s s one : Zone 3 : 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :ASEB: Intenorzone: Corner zone: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.o 0.0 OD 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Walls Area Negative Zone 4 Negative Zone 5 Positive Zone 4 & 5 NOTE: Negative zones 4 & 5 pressures apply to all heights. Positive pressures vary wi g , Wall surface pressure at Positive zone 4 & 5 (pSf) z Kz Kzt qz (psf) 20 100 200 In = 0 to 15' 0.70 1.00 44.1 39.7 33.0 30.2 GCp Surface Pressure at h 0 Sf 1 10 --17 1 200s FO-0 20 Sf 1 s 2 s s -1.80 -1.40 -1.23 -1.00 -79.3 -61.7 -54.1 -44.1 0.90 0.75 0.69 0.60 39.7 33.0 th hel 30.2 ht see h-1- 26.4 500 26.4 ---User input 75 sf 300 at -59.0 -48.1 -39.7 -29.1 -80.9 -66.9 -100.1 -72.0 -16.0 -16.0 -71.0 -52.4 -74.1 -55.4 -93.3 1 -60.5 user input s 0.0 0.0 0.0 Userinput 80 s 0s -64.1 -61.7 34.0 33.0 Userinput 80 sf 100 sf 34.0 33.0 JAMES E. GILGENBACH JOB arch@ect SHEET Nou��� Architecture and Qianning 9OOpL Owns puTr pL. CALCULATED BY r �i DATE ��LF7I F0RT Sr LUCRE -,r-L CHECKED BY DATE AR-7457 S49)SG