HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED LIFE SAVER FENCE PAVER DECK PAVER DECK Life Saver fool Fence Systems, Inc. Removable Pool-Safety Mesh Barrier Fencing Technical Specifications Life Saver Pool Fence Systems,Inc.has manufactured removable pool safety fencing for over 13 years and has continuously evolved their methods and materials, often-time leading industry wide changes.A Manufacturer's Limited Lifetime Warranty guarantees ,,.every system,fo _ras:long as.they.own it.LifeSaverTool Fence-meets and�exeeeds•all--- code requirements throughout Florida. Below you will find technical specifications on the components used in assembling the Life Saver Pool Fence. Textilene Mesh Textilene mesh has been used as the highest quality material to the pool fence industry for over 15 years.Laboratory testing shows its strengths to surpass all code specifications and applicable ASTM standards. T70.DFS Product Description: Fabric using .025" dia. vinyl-coated 1000 den_ polyester core yarns in the walp and fill. s , -01 Construction, end/inch D3775-96 13.0 -+- .5 11.0±.5 Weight,ozTyd2 D3776-96 — — 9.9 Tensile Strength (grab), lbf D5034-95 221.4 213.3 Tensile Strength (strip), lbf D5035-95 194.9 153.8 Tear Strength, (Trapezodiai), lbf D1117-97 65.4 54.0 Ball Borst, lbf . . D3787-89 335 Bursting Strength, psi D3786-89 433 Elongation, % D5035-95 24.3 21.6 Abrasion Resistance D3884-92 No expQwe of core yam (CS101600 cycles/with no added weight) Flammability Rating CS-191-53&CA 117E Weatherability, 1200"hours G53-96 No discoloration Mildew Resistance G21-96 No growth The above results are a representative of real data From single test samples. Presently no specification is incorporated. Warp refers to the horizontal threading while fill refers to the vertical threading.As shown,all testing confirms Textilene mesh meets and, on all strength tests, amply exceeds the set code requirements. LIFE SAVER POOL FENCE SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS General Description: Pool fence designed specifically to provide a barrier around residential swimming pools for toddlers and young children.Life Saver Pool Fence Systems®does not have any gaps,openings,indentations,protrusions,or structural components that could allow a young child to crawl-under,squeeze•through or-climb-over•the-banier.Our excliisive Perma Locking System will not allow the barrier to be removed without the aid of tools. Life Saver Pool fence is manufactured and installed in compliance with the Florida Building Code R4101.17.1.1 through R4101.17.1.14 and the Florida Statute 515.29. System: Tension based system utilizing a series of 15 foot sections of fence with inserts for mounting in non-conducting polypropylene sleeves core drilled 4 inches deep into a concrete deck or other substantial surface,connected in series at the top with our exclusive 2112 inch Perma Lacking System. Construction: Mesh: Polyester mesh fabric with a mildew resistant polyvinyl coating to provide for years of use in direct sunlight Continuous basket weave with a tensile strength rating of 270 lbs.Per inch making it impossible to rip under normal use. Color selection is black,white or green.Available in 48 or 60 inch heights. Bordered on all four sides by a reinforced vinyl material with a rating of 387 lbs.To prevennt sagging and provide the necessary tension to insure the fence's integrity for its intended purpose both at the top and bottom. The mesh is pre mounted on aluminum support poles and secured by aluminum cove molding strips. Poles: Poles are constructed of marine grade aluminum,black,white or green powder coated or silver finish: Pole spacing is at 36 inches. Stainless steel screws(14)are utilized for securely attaching the aluminum cove molding to the poles and mesh. Surface of the poles are finished for handling and to prevent injuries from physical contact. The poles are capped to provide a neat finished appearance. Revised 030608 END POST DETAIN ---- Q-cbcr Cos t 4t fl I.- $eo.n.e94 Site,Scrcbs �.----Alvm.n.Rn COsL MQIO . Y TO MOD),U.00 53tifCh `{ � � 1 44 !.. I 8 t� 3 � } J- i 3 J' z - ec Uaca,ny PAVER DECK 10" I ' ti SHEET 1 Of 4 Pool END POST DETAIL f Fence __ .. POINT OF ATTACHMENT t 1 jarasp or W011 1 1 }j;Nut Ttgnicrra Parmo Loa eels t 1 >i 0 b v� 1 v� . O m 0 Max Gntsn V Abvm 8,.1. ?AVER DECK POLY SLEEVE loll Lif esaver POINT OF SHEET 2 OF 4 1 Pool ATTACHMENT j Fence i GATE OPENING � 3- Snap koo63 Fro+.c cS Bac%, 1 z1famI666site! 3Crtws fit Lit-ITT T TO Mcah T?p MCjk � ID I Ulf- # a i # & 1 v m ' PAVER DECK NonCo+ldtittirs Poly$ioaw —> l o„ t Lifesaver Pool CAPE OPENM6 SHEET 3 OF 4 Fence r rreerawaiie. 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