HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub Contractor Agreements MEPPERMIT# 1906-0537 !ISSUE DATE _L.. C7LINTY f L. D R I b A the Electrical PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Cade Compliance Division Namc dividual Name) (type of Trade) SUING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Jackson Construction Group, Inc (Primary Contractor) For lbe project located at 12375 Skymaster St Port Saint Lurie, Florida 34987 (Project Strut Addrm or Properly Tax TD #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Got SIG,'VAIURE (Q) Michael Jackson PRM-F L4"IE CGC1519160 Ct LIN-rY CERYWICATION NUMBER y sate or Florida, Ceuaty of - t,-7 The rarcgaing %astramaat ►vas signed before me this � { day of 2W�, by wha is mrsonalty I=wm Vor has omduced a as idr»tifiuf3on. STAMP Print Name yr Notary Public 6 IN Notary PUW Stole of F€oikda 4ovum C�nzGG 340952 ,,� g Revised I1/16aiil5 °p SUB -CON -TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) 1 PRINT NAM.Ir CoVNTV CF-RTIFICATION NI AMER Slate or Florida, County of The foreguin@ instrument was signed before me this U day of + 24 by - n t +rho is persotutiy kmoxar bas produced a as id "ficadoa_ NOtary ftNFC State of Fbnea Jennie JohnSTAMP 5EP za [Notary DYF� c on mS GG 20aa69 LIQ�IES outtvitiu ,%v,rv-r Print Name of Notary Public Scanned with CamScanner PERMIT # 1906-0537 f ISSUE HATE a U - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division sUtDP;G PER.Nfff sU]a-.eOjN-I•RACTO 4G EME�*- LtCA ( P[�. uU 61 (Compariy Namelludividual 1 thLe Pluming (Type of Trade) LILA, have agreed to be Sub-conuacto°r for Jackson Construction Group, Inc (F�imary Contractor) For the project located at 1237.1 Skymaster St Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34987 (Pros cet Street Acidness or Property Tax D #) it is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding ouT participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub-contmetor notice. Michael'Jackson PAN'r>4,ME CGC1519160 COUNTY CERTrRCATION- NUMBER State of Florkle, County of i q The forcgOfing instrument was signed before me this '2--1 +dsr of who is Personally known V ar bas prodaeed a ua ictcc€crlicatLns signature of Nut I. u Print Name of Notary Public Revised t i. if+%20tb SL N ELACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) Adw, /� PAIWNAW COUN-FY CERTMCAT ON, NUMER Suit of Florida, CuUnry Of P� I {et 'L The foregoing instrument was sigrwd before we this 2'1 dav of � rL Ui01-- v%be is Persoasiy iuoi3�a or itas produced a l)L— ss ideaet�4ica�po_ d4, fPSTAMP Ska f'abiic. Print Name of nit$-v Plublic Y► -t Atotary Pu61ic Stale of FMda Skmnie Gomez .. My Commission GG 34 E)Ores 0812flrl= �cr 6�N 0 A PLANT"ONG & DEVFLOPIMENT SERVICES Building & Code COMPliance Division RU1LDr_%-G'PF,R__,N11T SUB-CON-FRACTOR AGREE MI ENT Eno 1 VAVI have agreed to be (Company N-aTmne:7Rdi vidual N the Mechanical Sub -contractor for Jackson Construction Group, Inc vp, f Trade} fArimaru Ca "traitor} For the Project located at 12375 Skyrnaster S'L Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34987 'Troject St -eet Addmss or Property Tax ID it is understood that- if there is anantechange of status regarding Our participation with the aboVe mentioned Project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St- Lucie County will be advied pursuant t th e filing of a Change Of Sub -contractor notice - CONTRA O-NrRACTOR SIGNATURF Michae; Jackson FRMT �NAME CGC1519150 COUIN r CERT -State of Florj&' county The faregoiag instmment Ivas si_gued before me thi!� day of wh0kSP9Mva1kykZZUWU Vllorhas prvduceda Nignatu ]'uhlie &IDYM_t e_ Vrmt Name of_NotAr-v public NatWy pUbiC SUM of Florida Bonnie Go pAy Cmmywguon GG 34M2 E EM -OMS M-2012= 11116,"2016 PRINT COL"Nry State of Fiorida. Caantv of—MM 16e C'_C'k) The foreping iuqmment WIS Signed before UW this _15dy Of who is Psanionnliy knoivii nr has prodnre a PVA k 1 0 � -7, 0 �, *-r1nr_..aMe of: Lary P"blk 1 .1 HOLLY PDLLFFZOR MV GDMMISSIDN #GG97227 5 DWES: FES 05,2024