HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED GAF Product of ApprovalMIF DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISiON NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA GAF I Campus Drive Parsippany, NJ 07054 Ml I I-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION I t 905 S W 26 Street, Room i1ami, FIotida 175- 2474 ww.mixmidade.af)%-recongmY SCOPE* This ILI A is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations goveming the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RE - Produet Control Section to be used in Bain[ Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction ( ICJ ) . This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade Courtly Product t Control Section (In Miami Lade County) andlor the AHJ in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by ,Miami -Dade County Product C o ntrol Secti o u that th i s pr-odu c t or materi a l fai is to meet th e rc q u ire ments o f th e app l 1-cable bui l ding code. This product is approved as de cribcd herein. and has been deli med to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone o l' the Florida .Building. -Cod .. DESCRIPTION: E Conventional Built -Lip Roof Systems for wood Decks. LABELING*. Each unit sball bear a p c an er-t a e t with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and followingstatement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise anted herein{ RENEWAL of this NOA shall he considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has. been no change in, the applicable buildin code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or eh at1 e in the rrraterials} use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOS► as are endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other pure o sc s shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shalt be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVEI TI S EM E NT: The N OA number preceded by the words M iami-Dade County, Florida and Followed by the expiration date may tic dii s la cd in advertising literature. if any portion of the N A is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPE TI N 6. A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall he available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This N OA ren ews and rev i s es N OA No. 14-10 3 0.0 f and c o n s i sts of pages 1 th rough 2 7. The submitted doe u men t ali ors was reviewed by Jorge L. Acebo. NOA No.: 18-0 1 .07 Expiration Oates IV04/23 Approval Date: 1110 /1 page 1 of 27 RoOFENG SYSTEm APPROVAL Category: Roofing u b-Fate o : BUR Material: Fiberglass Deck Tylp : Wood Maximum Deli n Pressure: -97.5 ps f`. TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED By APPLICANT.-, Fludact AF L "a ply 4,, Tri-Pl}l Ply 4 FL *' FlexP .�. Dimensions . 7'�-v (I r-nete r Wide -37"" (1 meter) wi'de , 3 7" 0 meter) Wide Base Sheet wide Tri -PI 75 Bas e Sheet FGL '* # 0 lti "' Base Sheet GAF L Stratavcne Perforated Venting Base Sheet 39.37190 meter) Wide . 7" 1 meter) Wide . 7" 1 meter) Wide TABLE I Test yee fieatign Product Decriytion T 1 i D2178 Smooth surfaced asphaltic ply sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat. ASTM D 1 78 Smooth surfaced asphaltic ply sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat. ASTM D2178 Smooth surfaced asphaltic ply sheet reinforced with fiberglass gnat. ASTM D4601 Smooth asphaltic base or base/plybase/ply sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat. ASTM D4 01 Smooth asphaltic base or base/plybase/ply sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat. ASTM D4601 Smooth asphaltic base or base/ply sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat. ASTM D4897 Smooth surfaced asphaltic perforated venting base sheet reinforced with fiberglass neat. F L TO- , 3 7" 1 meter) ASTM D4897 Smooth surfaced asphaltic n a i l ab l e venting base Stratavent' 1 ai lab l e Wide sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat. Bottom side Venting Base Sheet surfaced with a-au1es. l u b ero r d' 20 39.3T' G meter) ASTM D6163 SBSpolymer-modified asphalt lase or Smooth wide anchor sheet reinforced with a fiberglass mat. uberoid Mop 3 9.37"* 1 meter) ASTASTM D6164 Smooth surfaced mop applied SBS base or Smooth wide anchor sheet reinforced with a polyester mat. uberoid' Mop . 7}' 1 meter) ASTM Dfi 1 4 Smooth surfaced mop applied SBS base or anchor Smooth 1. 5 wide sheet reinforced with a polyester mat. F ub er o l d' Mop . 7" 1 meter) ATM D 1 4 Smooth surfaced mop applied SBS base or Plus Smooth wide anchor sheet reinforced with a polyester mat. Ruberoide HW 25 3 . 7" (1 mete`) I'M D 1 3 Smooth surfaced torch applied SBS base or anchor Smooth wide sheet reinforced with a fl'ber lass mat. NOA No--.1 091 .07 Expiration Date: 11/04/23 Approval Date: 11/ 8/18 Page 2 of 27 TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED iBv APPLICANT: Product Smooth .37'1 1 meter) wide IFL `� A-.,,.39. 7" I meter) Mineral Surfaced i d *gip let Y- Tri-ply' BUR 3 .37" (l cter) Granule Cap Sheet Wide GAFGLASg 3 .3 7" 1 meter) E n erg ap` Wide Mineral Surfaced Cap Sleet Topcoat* Surface 5 or 55 gallons Sea] SB Topcoat" 1 } 5 or 55 gatlions Membrane Topcoat: MB Plus 5 or 55 gallons Topcoat"' F y reut" Fire Barrier Coating ersaShiel& Fire - Resistant Roof Deck. Protection or 55 gallons 1211x 100' rolls ersaShield'Solo' 42" roll pride, 100 Fire- esistarit Slip Sheet Topcoat* FlcxS afrm. TABLE 1 Test specification Product Description ASTM D6164 Smooth surfed torch applied SBSbase or anchor sheet reinforced with a polyester mat. As,rM D3909 Granule surfaced asphaltic cap sheet reinforced with fiberglass rat. ASTM D3909 Granule surfaced asphaltic cap sheet reinforced with fibergl as s trrat . ST i D3909 Granule surfaced asphaltic cap sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat. Cap sheet is factory coated with TOPCOAT' Lner CoteI" lasto me ri c Coating. ASTM D 0 3Solvent-based thennoplastic rubber sealant designed to protect and restore aged roof surfaces and to increase roof reflectivity. TM D 0 3 Water -based elastomeric coating Proprietary Water based, lo OC primer designed to block asphalt bleed -through. Proprietary Lover VOC, water based fire barrier coating. ASTM D226 Nora -asphaltic, fiberglass reinforced underlayment and/or fire barrier ASTM D 14, D7 7 1} 5 gallons or TAS 139 1 qt. tube CHIAMIMADE COU=NTY Non -asphaltic, fire resistant fiberglass underlayment Solvent -based ela tomeric sealant. NON No.: 18-0 19.07 Expiration Date: 11 /041 3 Approval Date: 11 /08/1 Psige 3 of 27 APPROVEJ) INSULATIONS* Product Name E n er uard" Pol i sn Insulation En er u rd' Tapered Polio Insulation Energycard" Ultra Po l i su Insulation TABLE Product D e e riutio n Pulueanurate foam insulation P o lyi ne anurate fo a in insulation Glass -faced pol i soc yams rate foam insulation EnergyGuard'" RA Pol tso Polyi oe anurate foam insulation Insulation nergyu rd'" RA Composite Polyisoc anurate foam insulation with high Pot so Insulation density fiberboard or perm lito Ener u rd" RH Pnl riso Insulation EnergyGuard' RH Tapered Polio Insulation EnergyuarC RN Po l r i sn Insulation E n er uardr' Perl i to Roof Insulation Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Polyisocyanurate foam insulation Po 1 i snc anurate foam insulation Perfite insulation board Energyu rd " Perfite Recover Pert i to recover board Board SecurocO Gypsum -Fiber Roof Gypsum hoard Board Securock' Glass -Mat Ruof Board Glass faced gyps urn board Stmctodekl High Density Fiber High density fiberboard Board Roof Ihisulation Ike n sI ec Pri one Roof B and Gypsum b o and DensDeck" Roof Board ,psum board anufatu rr (With Current I) GAF W ME GAF GAF GAF Min GAF GAF United States Gypsum Corp. United States Gypsum Corp. Blue Midge Fiberboard, Inc. Georgia-Pacific Gypsum t_.L Georgia-Pacific Gypsum LL N O a.. 1 -0 1 .07 Expiration Date: 11/04123 Approval Date: I V0811 Paa-e 4 f 7 APPROVED FASTENERSO Fastener Product Number Name l . Drill-Te ' ## 12 Fastener . Iri ll-T� # 1 4 Fastener . _ Drill -Tee"' ASAP . Drill -Tee"" '' Steel Plate . Drill-TeCT"' " Standard Steel Plate . Drill -Tee'" cuTrac'�' Flat Plate 7. Drill-T T" uTrae , Recessed Plate Drill-Tec 3 M Rihhed alvalurrre Plate (Flat) hFAlII•DE COUNTY TABLE Product Des r i Phillips head, modified buttress thread, pinch point, carbon s t e e l fasten er- for u se its steel or wood decks. with 1-1 0 coating. Available with a pinch point or drill point. Truss lead} self -drilling, pinch point, high thread fastener for use in steel, wood r concrete decks. Dri 1 1 -Te c` ## 1. Fastener wi t h Drill -Tee' #` Standard Steel PI ate. Round ail va l u m e' steel stress plate with r6nforcin -fibs and recessed for use with Drill-Tec• "" fasteners. al alumeg' coated steel stress plate for use with approved I rill-Tec " fasteners. A2-SS aluml-nized steel plate for use with Drill-Te"" fasteners. al al ume' steel plate with recess for use with DrillTee"' fasteners. - Round ralvalume" pl t d steel tress plate with reinforcing ribs for use with Dril l-Tee "' fasteners. Dimensions 412 x " rna . l tith, #3 Phillips head. 14x1 " max. l en th, # 3 Phillip head. See components " Round 3 " bound .0 17"* thlick '" square; .0 17" thick " Round Manufacturer with Current N OA F GAF GAF G1; GAF GAF GAF GAF NOA No.:19-0 1 JI? Expiration Date: 11104 3 Approval Date: 11 /0811 Page5 027 E IDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Azency Factory Mutual Research Corp. UL LL P F l Construction Materials Technologies, LL =MIAWDADE COUNTY w Test Identifier Description Date 3014547 4470 0 / /03 3029832 4470 111/07 3033135 447 11 / 4/0 3034312 447 410 /0 ."3036980 447 0 114/0 ;037 447 1111 111 3040738 4470 1111 11 .-'4 17 1 3042887 4470 11J14111 3042905 4470 01/10/1 .3046081 4470 0 113/13 3046388 4470 0 1 411 3047636 447 0 /0 / 1 ODOA8,AM 447 07/09/99 ODIA8.AM 4470 07/ / 4 OY9Q5.AM 4470 04/01/98 IB9A8.AM 4470 0/04J7 1B8A4.AM 4470 07/01 7 B9 1. M 4470 01/09/98 3D4Q2.AM 4470 0 /3 / 7 7 7-0 ] - 7 4470 / 7/07 7 7-0 - 7 4470 07/21 /0 77-1 -7 4470 1131 t Rt306 UL 790 / 1/1 GAF- 1 -0 -01 TAS 1 107/0 GAF- 70-0 a02 ASTM D226 11115/1O GAF- 7-O�-01 Rev ASTM D0 3 1 11 /10 GAF-276-02-02 ASTIR D226 11115110 GAF- 0 r0 -01 A TI I E96 07/07/11 GAF- 14-0 -01 ASTM D 17 0 1 .3/11 GA-F-315-02-01 ASTN4 D 17 0 1 3/ 11 AF- -0 -01 ASTM C 12 89 10/221t2 GAF-417 -0 -01 ASTM C 1 / / 1 � GAF-44-0-01 ASTIR C1289 10// 1 G F- 4-()')=O1 ASTM C1289 02/06/14 GAF-499-02-0 l ASTIR! D6083 0 /1 /14 GAF- 0O-0 -01 ATM D6083 0311 / 14 F-4-0-01 TAS 114 10/14 CiAF-549-02-02TAS 114 10114 GAF- -02-01 TAS 11 7 B 0 13 0114 F- -0 -0 4 ASTM D 1876 10/01 / 14 GAF-559-02-05 ASTM D 1876 1011 114 GAF- -0 -0 TAS 114(H) 1010 / 14 GAF- -0 -07 ABTA D 903 10/0 / 14 F- -0 - i TM D � 1 / / 14 NOA No.: 1 =091 .07 Expiration Date: 11/04/23 Approval Date: 11 /08/1 page 6 of 27 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: (CONTINUED) Test Aimney r1lest Identifier Description Date PRI Construction Materials GAS- - 0 - 9 A Tel D 903 1 /0 11 Technologies, LLC GAF- r0 -1 I TAS 114 10/ 14/ 14 GAF- - -1 TAS 114 10/ 14/ 14 GAF-559-02-13 TAS 114 1011 114 GAF- -0 -14 TAS 114 10/1 /14 GAF-5 -0 -1 TAS 114 10/15/14 GAF - -0 -1 TAS 114 10/ 1 / 14 GAF- 9}0 -1 9 TAS 114 10/ 1 / 14 GAF-5 --1 TA 1 l 4 / 1/ 1 GAF- -0 - l ASTASTM C12890/ 1/1 1 T of S. Fl. 02-005 TAS 114 1/1 /0 -0 14 TAS 114 0//0 Trinity E1-D C8500SC.11.07 TAS 117 11 / 0107 0 0.0 .10-3+ A TM D3 0 0 /0 1 G31360,03.1 ASTASTM D 1 4 3/ 111 G33470.01.11 ASTASTM D 164 11 / 1 / 11 G34140.04.11-2 A TM D 1 04/ 111 34140, 4.1 1--4- ASTM D 401 / 411 G34140.04.11-5-R3 ASTASTM D4897 0 104Y 1 3 780.07.1 I -R 1 4470-TAS 114 / 1 111 40 0. 01.14-1 ASTIR D 1 1 / / 14 G40630. 01.14- A ASTASTM D 1 4 01 /07/ 14 4 06 3 . 1.14- 2A- I - R 1 A TM D6164 4/ [ / 14 G43610.01.14 ATM D3909 01/ /14 G6850.08.07-1 ASTASTM D3909 0 /1 / 7 ' 7 .0 .14-1 ATM D3909 0 /04/ 14 ' 7 0. .1 -1 1 ATM D 17 8/3112015 SC 10680.05.16 A T t D 1 / 10/ 01 1 10 +03.17- 1 ASTIR D 1 4 3/23/2017 D n at c h Engineering Corporation ##44 .. r -- I TAS 114 09/01195 At lanttc & Caribbean Roof 11-0 3 TAS 114 0 / 1 / 11 Consultants, LL 1PL'a APPROVE NOA No.: 1 091 .07 Expiration Date: 11/04/23 Approval Date: 11/0811 Page 7 of27 Membrane Type: BUR Deck, Type 1'. Wood, on -insulated Deck Description: 1 /3 " or greater plywood or wood plank decks secured 6 in. o.c. at panel end and intermediate supports with d ring shank nails to supports spaced 4 in. . �� max. system Type EM: AnchOT sheet mechanically attached to roof deck. All General and System Limitations shall apply. Fire Barrier: Topcoat' Fire utTN' Fire 'BaiTicr Coating, ersa hieldl` Fire Resistant Roof Deck (optional)Protection, ersa hi e ld' Solo" Fir - lies i stani Slip Sheet installed per r nufacture r' s installation instructions. Base { sheet: F LAV # o UltilllaTm Base Sleet, StrataventeNailable Venting lase Sheet, l uberaid`i� 20 Smooth, l ub er o id11 �.S13S Hat- e l dTkl moth or Ruhero ie SFAS Heat -Weld'" base sheet mechanically fastened to deck as described below-, Fastening w FLU' Flex Ply" , FL qcjwt B;approve Sheet, ri-F1.�Base hcet or and of Option # 1the above anchor sheets attached to deannular iing shall rails and tin _..._ .. _. caps at a fastener spacing of " o.e. at the 4" lap staggered and in two rows " o.c. in the field. (Maximum Design Press ur —52.5 psf. See General Limitation Fastening FG 1. A S -�# 8 0 Ul ti m a" B a se S h e t, R ubero 1 d" 2 0 S month or Rub ern y d M op S mooth Option ## : attached to deck with approved 1 1/4 " annu i a r r) n g shark nail s and i nverted 3 91� steel p 1 at a at a fa s tener spa e i rg of 9 " n. c . at the 4" lap a nd i r tw o rows staggered w ith a fastener sp ac i ng of " +c. in the center of the membrane. (Maxi(Maxirn u m Design Pressure —6 0 psf. See Gen eral Lim nation # ) PIv Sheet: One or more plies (-'IA i L :' P I Y 4, .-i-Ply �- P [y 4 or GAKI L * ## tl U ltinia Base Sheet adhered in a full mopping o approved asphalt applied within the E T range and at a rate of 20-40 lbs./sqf installeci per mar eC ,l Nation instructions. Cap Sheet: (Optional) One ply of AF L � Mineral Surfaced Cap hei Tri-pl " BUJ 1 ranule Cap Sheet or FL- nerr a i eel adhered in a full rno pp i ng of approved asphalt applied within the E T range and at a rate of 0 -40 l b s . / s q . installed per manufacturer's installation instructions. Surfacing: optional on granular surfaced membranes; required for smooth membranes. Chosen components must be applied according to manufacturer's application instructions. All coatings must be listed with in a current NOA. 1. Gravel or slag applied at 400 lbs#/sq. and 300 lbs./sq, respectively in a flood coat of approved asphalt at 60 lbs./sq. . Topcoat' Membrane or Topcoat` Surface Seal SB applied at I to 1.5 gal./sq. R Topcoat* M B P [us applied at 0. 5 to 0. 7 5 ga 1./sq.(to be used as a pri inter) followed b Topcoat* Membrane applied at 0,5 to 0.75 gal./sq. . Fiber Aluminum Roof Coati rg. Maximum Design Pressure: See Fastening Options NOS► No.: 18-0919.07 Expiration Date* 11104123 Approval Date: 11 /08J l S Page 21 of 27 WOOD DECK SVSTEm LimITATI N l A slip sheet is required with FLU` Fly 4 and FL--" Flex plT" when used as a mechanically fastened base or anchor sheet. I inirnuM /4" DensDe k" Rood` board or' 2" Type X gypsum hoard is acceptable to be installed directly over the wood deck. GENERAL UmIT TI I I * 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. .. Insulation may he installed in multiple layers. The first layer shall be attached in compliance with product Control Approval guidelines. All other layerss shall be adhered i D a ftl l l mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 0-40 lbs./sq., or mechanically attached rising the fastening pattern of the top layer 3. All standard panel sizes are acceptable for a cchanical attachi-rent. When applied in approved asphalt, panel size shall he 4t 4' ma irnum. 4. Aii overlay and/or recovery board insulation panel Es required on all applications over closed cell foam insulations when the base sleet is fully mopped. if no recovery board is used the base sheet shall be appl icd using spot rnoppi n g wit h ap prove d a spha l t, 1 " d i anieter c irc l es, 24 "4 o+e +; or s t r i p m o pped 8 " ribbons in three rows, one at each sidelap and one down the c ni r of the sheet allowing a continuous area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips is not acceptable. A 6 " break shall be placed ever 1 ' in each fib bon to allow cross vent11ation. AsphaIt application of either system shall be at a minimum rate of 12 lbs./sq. Note: Spot attached systems shall he limited to a maximum design pressure of -45 psE . Fastener spacing for insulation attachment is based on a. i n i m u m Characteristic Force Ff) value of 275 lhf., as tested in compliance with Testing App 1 i ca tion Standard TAS 105. If the fastener value, as field-tested, are below 275 IV. insulation attachment shall not be acceptable, . Fastener spacing for mechanical attachment- of anchor/base sheet or membrane attachment i's based on a minimum fastener resistance value in conjunction with the maximum de -sign value listed within a specific system. Should the fastener r s i stark a be less than that required, as determined by the Building Official, a revised fastcn- r spacing, prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida Registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect* or Registered Roof Consultant may be submitted. Said revised fastener spacing shall utilize the withdrawal resistance value taken from Testing ppl i ation Standards TAS 105 and calculations in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 11 7- 7. perimeter and comer areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift pressure requircm nts of these areas. Fastener densities shal I be increased for both insutation and base sheet as carlcul t d an compliance with Roofing ppii ation Standard 1A S 117. Ca l c u l a t i o n s prepa re d, si fined and seal ed by a F Lori da regi stere d Pro fes s io nal F n g i n e er., Registered Architect, or Registered istered Roof Consultant (When this 1i:mitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #9 will not be applicable* g. All aIta hment and sizing of perimeter nail rs, meta profsle, andlor flashing termination designs shall conform to Roofing Application Standard C AS 1 1 1 and applicable wind load requirements. The maximum designed pressure limitation listed shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e. field, perimeters, and corners). Neither rational analysis, nor t ra po l at i on shall be permitted for enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones(i.e. perimeters,. extend nd d corn a rs and corners) . when this limitation 's specifically referred within this NO , General Limitation # 7 will not be applicable. 10. All products listed herein shall have a qualm assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 6 1 G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA o.: t 091 .07 Expiration Date: 111 4/23 Approval Date: 11 /fit / l Page 27 of 27