HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Application pg 2SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION UEN LAW INFORMATION. ESIERN[ E t -NotApplicable Name: I. MORTGAGE COMPANY.- Not Applicable fat Address: ., „�„State: Address: City; City: State: Zip: Phone i s Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Not Applicable BONDING MPWr Not Applicable Name; Name: Address: Address, its ..Phone. �..�..wr... `�}- ne: p: Phone: !. y, 5 ; i l OWNER/ rMR FFI IT. Appfi at n is hereby made to obtalz: a perm to do the vivor -ad i stNiation as indicated, I certify that no wo nk or 1 nstallatiort has corn menced Prior to the issuance of a perrmit. t. Lucie Countv m akes no representation that Is gras n1J ng a permit �! aunt prize the germit hoIder to b&dd Ehe subs st + which is inconffict witany a ppilca bi e Ro me Owners Assodatian wles, bylaws or an d covemnts that may resvict dr prp t4itstich t` re_ lease Consul with your Home Owners Assotiationand re ievv V v *- d e6 fQr any r mom vrhich may appj , I n com tivn of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that vi 1, in arespects, perform the work :n accordame o itb tapproved plans, the F1 orida Building Codes and St. Luse Count+ Amendments. T be foffoWmg buiJding p erm it applications a re exempt from undergoing a full co "rm rear: ►r_ roona addltiortsr accessury res' 5mmming poals.j fences, vialts, �Ig s, screen zooms and accessory u5es to ana :ear WING TO OWNER: Your failure o Reccrd a Notice *41 Commencement, may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public re'Cords of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection- Ii }you intend to obtain financing, co'nult with lender oran attomev before o e cir.work or recordirm vourNdtice of Commencement - Signature ef [owner/ Leese r' STATE T E F FLOPJDA COUNTY OF as Agentfor Owner Sworn to (or affirmed) and sub cri d before me of P lcal Presence or nine Notarization this .— ., ay of ._2f by Name & pma making statement Per orailly KnogM L-�R Prcduced I endfi tion Tie of Identification produc'n -1111LA) LOU J SignaWre of Contra ctor/Wense Holder STATE OF FLORIDA .. COUNT F r worn to (or affirmed) and subscnOed before me of Ph-isical Presence or Online i otarizaoa t*h1 :1 day ofDy f arne of p 'san making statement. Type af i nt cation Produced -- 53 attire f P bi.:ct S 4 0 i N DY W Zt Rorxda Of Not@ b- '' iIotac Public -Slate of m ission � �* � )commission �` � s er� � No M Commission { lyf ng All; 4Ma y Pi EDDY ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS , VEGETAMN COUNTER REVFE-W REVIEW REVIEW R E)AEW DATE RECEIVED DAB COMPI-ETED ,L(�' .rtn TURTLESEA REVIEW IU D" \NE Notary Pubft-9tOte f Elorida 014rrrrnNsto #GG 3 94 or'r%missiorn 7C I res May 63, V " MANGROVE REVIEW