HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit application checklistBOARDOF OJT COMMISSIONERS C-OLINTY. } J-b.i - PLANNiNG & DEVELOPPOENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building Cade Regulation CHECKLIST FOR REKDENTFAILICOMMERCIAL BUILLWNG PERMIT i Date: Permit Number., Technician: Required I)oeurnents: Apphcation completely filled out wM Notarized Signatures... .................•.....•. Yes OLN/A� Sub Ageemmts with Notarized ignatus (prior to issuance ....)...___._...----- ------------ Yes No N/A its office .......... .......... .............'Y 0 N/ Owner f Builder Affidavit (signed ......... ...,.. � �.. �.. Filled Land Affidavit or to issuance)...................... Yes l0 N1 f ecordcd Wmanty+ Deed, if applicable...................................................... Yek.No_..�.., Recorded Notice of Commence-ment -or to issuance or inspection)._-- . _ _ . _ __ Yes No � NIA Utility AgxLwment or Payment Receipt (prior to issuance) ..,..,..,........................ _„ o , NIA Vegetation Removal Application With copy ofsurvey ........................ . _._____...des No �NIA pjan5, Calculations & Attacfini�jj(3 copies cemm rela4 2 copies residentii Complete set of plans with Engineer I Architect .raised deal.... _ „... - - - - - - .. _ ..... ,Yek No NIA Truss Flans, reviewed and appxoved by Engineer / Architect ...............,............ Yes_[ o=N/AA, Landscapingg and Parking plan (under 6,000 sq -_.--------------------......_-._._... Yes A0 N/ Approved Site Pl n , ............ ............................................................... Yes....,,.. N a=N lA� Sealed SunzeywithDimensions, FinisWfoor............................._-----_t.., Yes n— /A. Elevations levations and Setbacks ......a...............,....................,4Y..i............, des_.to.. ! Plot plain with Setbacks. ,.__.__.___...,..___..____.__._......,...................... Yes No�l l �, Health Department approval sped on suryy and door plan..................... ........................ Yes -No N/A Health Department rtment Food Estabi i sent Peut stain pd on floor platy. , ........, ..... Y--�o�N lA� Manual " ' or Manual ` " Calculations ................ ..............--- Signed Energy Calculations f l set original signatures & signed in 2 spots).......,,.. ," es---.--,Nol N/A z/ Sealed Wind Load Compliance Certification ............. —.— ...................---....... Yes No N/A Pmduct Review Affidavit ...... ................... .....r,....,................. ........... Yes No 4 Excavati-n2 a pond for fill: Site plan showing 5-foot(rninimum) set back from all propefty boundaries, size, Yes No NIA shape, location and quantities of proposed excavation and fill areas Sick sIopus not to exceed 4 to 1 to a niinimum cif 3 feet below water Ic vci.. , .. , ... Yes IN 0 NIA De tb of excavation does not cued 12 feet in depth.................................... Yes— No l IA___ e If Hauling fill off site (excess of 100 cubic yards) you must have a rani ing permit Yes: No N/A Other` Health Dcpament Permit Paperwork........... •-- ..............._.--------------...-.- Yes� No N/A D for Fire Deparr meat if commmial or multi -family, .. , .............. , ......... lies NO N/A DEP, SFWMD or Army Corp ofEngtneer (dock, seawall, SF on beach) .----------- Yes No—1 lA `-- Pool larder Affidavit ................,...,,,,,..............,.....�......,. Yes—NO—N/A� Ground Sign Landscape Affidavit sib).................................................................. esT No r1 } Bum Date for Sign Cabin .. HV and While FloTic-Down Ong (2 eop1es I'extorksh,eet(Tie-Down Diagram)... ...................._._.------ ......................... ... yes No NIA — — -7 wiufacture ScL-Upand Installation Manual .............................................. e� v__._1/ I ani fa Lure blocking Documents ........ ....._.._____ ......__._._ ....t Yes No NIA Signed Penetrometer Test r W ..................... _ ............. _ ................... Yes, o� N/ StairD eta tI,........ ,.,............ -- ................... ................. lobilc Home Inspection Deport for Relocation used only)..._.. _ _ - - .... � ..... _ _ ... Yes No 1 1 Copy of Title for Relocation used only) ................................... . ............... Yes�1�lo�l � Private Pmperty not in a mobilQ home park Class "_A" Approval from Planning € r file ................ ............................ Y I o N/A COMMENTS Revised 1015 18