HomeMy WebLinkAboutPatrick_O'Brien-NOTICE_OF_COMMENCEMENT-20210422-PatrickObrienNOC-001MICHELLE R. MILLER, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4851767 OR BOOK 4596 PAGE 271, Recorded 04/22/2021 10:06:34 AM tiCIENIJE*N'T Perinit No. State of Florida, County of St- Luck 'fhe undersived hereby giver, notice that improvement will he made to certain real propertyand in accordance with Chapter 713,'Florid2 statutes, the following information iA provitivit In this Notice of Conarnrpace tnent. Legal aescription of property and address if available oi!Z� �P3 r All tot G,cncrAl description of improvements om' .address Interest in property. Fee Simple Title holder (if othcr than owner) kddrIcss Phone r; ,-Addrcls's FAA Phone 4'__ .,Xddrcss Fax h Aniount of 11ond Lender Phone IT Addm"-i Fax # PrrsAus within the State of Oorida dr-414nated by (hrncr upon whom notices or other docufftents MAY be sc.rved is provider! 11v Section 713.13 (a) 'I-, Florida Statuts: Phone P Name Addrts-_. VIA%, In addition to himself, owner designates nl Phone to rcct!jve a I I copy of the LitnIII Notice as provitictl in Section 71.1-13 (J) jb), Florida SCatures. Expiration date of notice cotumcneentent is one star fror" the date. of recording unless a different date isspecific t). WAR-N'I-N('w TO ONV\FR- ()V ',v"J)7 BY! F )�PTiAMW OF 'Mill NCY1,RT 0-.'T '�kr CON I k7T r OWNER R T11F F Y0II:R PAY2\Q'T"A'X" FOR',,N 1PR 'I "EN' PA' VFN­,� N 1 '3. 1 -1, Fs , AN'D Cast N1E;%'('tMLXT Mus f BE REr(mt)ED AND POSTED ONTHE Jt-IRIUTY Ht.i ORE, T14F F I WST lX'5PEC'j'j(XX, YCIL"? -1,PNnnT., OF. COM%"EXCINO W0rCU­­'K k7C(�RD�',M: 5-,; I&J71 ..... � i,,, o%;-neet car 1,tuee*s Amth-,=ritcd sigaatvr.'x fltk.Offirx' State of Florida. (:ounty of e4 —_ I ' * - - ... 0 �! a_� da, of by A&-nowledged before nit this lbnallv knownee yor who bAN produced as idcntiflza�on' A V Type or Print Natne of NotArlY (Scab N07 ARV PUVKTC�_ TitIc n_larvPudic Commission Number -ATEC S CIF FLOR GG 10-51 36 Enires 12,410121