11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208
NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.2ov/economy
1 Campus Drive
Parsippany, NJ 07054
This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction
materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami -Dade County RER -
Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami -Dade County Product
Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County)
reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or
material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing
and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within
their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade
County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the
applicable building code.
This product is approved as described herein and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building
Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code.
DESCRIPTION: GAF EverGuard® TPO Single Ply Roofing Systems over Wood Decks.
LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state
and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted
RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has
been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product.
TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or
change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an
endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate
this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of
ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, and
followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is
displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety.
INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its
distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
This NOA renews and revises NOA No. 15-0729.18 and consists of pages 1 through 38.
The submitted documentation was reviewed by Jorge L. Acebo.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 1 of 38
Sub -Category:
Single Ply Roofing
Deck Type•
Maximum Design Pressure:
-120 psf.
Test Product
Product Dimensions Specification Description
EverGuard® TPO Various ASTM D6878 Thermoplastic olefin reinforced
TAS 131 single -ply membrane.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
ASTM D6878 Thermoplastic olefin reinforced
TAS 131 single -ply membrane designed for
advanced protection against heat
aging and UV degradation.
EverGuard® TPO Fleece -back
ASTM D 6878 Thermoplastic olefin reinforced,
TAS 131 fleece back single -ply membrane
EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra
ASTM D 6878 Thermoplastic olefin reinforced,
TAS 131 fleece back single -ply membrane
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
ASTM D6878 Thermoplastic olefin reinforced fleece
Fleece -back Membrane
TAS 131 back single -ply membrane designed
for advanced protection against heat
aging and UV degradation.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO FB
ASTM D6878 Thermoplastic olefin reinforced fleece
TAS 131 back single -ply membrane designed
for advanced protection against heat
aging and UV degradation.
GAFGLAS® #75 Base Sheet
39.37" (1 meter)
ASTM D4601 Smooth asphaltic base or base/ply
sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat.
Tri-Ply®#75 Base Sheet
39.37" (1 meter)
ASTM D4601 Smooth asphaltic base or base/ply
sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat.
GAFGLAS® #80 Ultima' Base
ASTM D4601 Smooth asphaltic base or base/ply
(1 meter) wide
sheet reinforced with fiberglass mat.
Ruberoid® 20 Smooth
ASTM D6163 SBS polymer -modified asphalt base or
(1 meter) wide
ply sheet reinforced with a fiberglass
ASTM D4897 Smooth surfaced asphaltic nailable
Nailable Venting Base Sheet
(1 meter) wide
venting base sheet reinforced with
fiberglass mat. Bottom side surfaced
with granules.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 2 of 38
LRF Adhesive M
1:1 applicator
Two-part VOC free polyurethane
foam adhesive.
LRF Adhesive O
1:1 applicator
Two-part VOC free polyurethane
foam adhesive.
EverGuard® #1121 Bonding
5 gallons
Solvent based adhesive for fully
adhered TPO systems and membrane
EverGuard® WB 181 Bonding
5 gallons
Water -based bonding adhesive for use
with smooth TPO, fleece backed TPO
and fleece backed PVC membranes.
EverGuard® Low VOC TPO
5 gallons
Low VOC adhesive for TPO fully
Bonding Adhesive
adhered systems and flashings.
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant
12" x 100' rolls
Non -asphaltic fiberglass reinforced
Roof Deck Protection
underlayment and /or fire barrier.
VersaShield® SoloTm Fire-
42" roll wide,
ASTM D146,
Non -asphaltic, fire resistant fiberglass
Resistant Slip Sheet
100 ft.
D828, D4869,
EverGuare TPO Coated Metal
4' x 10' sheets
24 gauge steel with a 25 mil thick
GAF TPO for edge detailing.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
4' x 10' sheets
24 gauge steel with a 25 mil thick
Coated Metal
GAF TPO for edge detailing and
designed for advanced protection
against heat aging and UV
EverGuard® TPO Cover Tape
6" x 100'
GAF TPO laminated to white butyl
10" x 100'
tape primarily used for edge metal
EverGuard® TPO Cover Tape 6" x 100'
Proprietary Flashing strip manufactured from
Heat -Weld
unreinforced GAF TPO laminated to a
six inch wide strip, half the strip
with a self -adhered side and half the
strip with a heat -weldable edge; used
for edge metal details.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO 6" x 100'
Proprietary Flashing strip manufactured from
Cover Tape Heat -Weld
unreinforced GAF TPO designed for
advanced protection against
heat aging and UV degradation.
Laminated to a six inch wide strip,
half the strip with a self -adhered side
and half the strip with a heat -weldable
edge; used for edge metal details.
EverGuard® TPO Detailing 24" x 50'
Proprietary Unreinforced flashing material
manufactured from GAF TPO.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 3 of 38
Test Product
Specification Description
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
24" x 50'
Proprietary Unreinforced flashing material
Detailing Membrane
manufactured from GAF TPO
designed for advanced protection
against heat aging and UV
EverGuard® TPO Flashing
Proprietary Reinforced flashing membrane
manufactured from GAF TPO.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
Proprietary Reinforced flashing membrane
Flashing Strip
manufactured from GAF TPO
designed for advanced protection
against heat aging and UV
EverGuard® TPO Pourable
9" x 6" x 4" oval
Proprietary Pourable sealer pocket is molded with
Sealer Pocket
with 3" base
GAF TPO compound to a nominal 70
mil thickness designed for
waterproofing irregular shaped roof
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
9" x 6" x 4" oval
Proprietary Pourable sealer pocket is molded from
Pourable Sealer Pocket
with 3" base
GAF TPO designed for advanced
protection against heat aging and UV
degradation compounded to a nominal
70 mil thickness designed for
waterproofing irregular shaped roof
EverGuard® TPO RTA
6" x 100' roll
Proprietary Reinforced GAF TPO membrane with
pressure sensitive adhesive primarily
used to secure membrane transitions
from the field to vertical surfaces.
EverGuard® TPO RTA (Roof
6" x 100' roll
Proprietary Reinforced GAF TPO membrane with
Transition Anchor)
pressure sensitive adhesive primarily
used to secure membrane transitions
from the field to vertical surfaces.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
6" x 100' roll
Proprietary Reinforced GAF TPO membrane with
pressure sensitive adhesive primarily
used to secure membrane transitions
from the field to vertical surfaces.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
6" x 100' roll
Proprietary Reinforced GAF TPO membrane with
RTA (Roof Transition Anchor)
pressure sensitive adhesive primarily
to secure membrane transitions
from the field to vertical surfaces.
EverGuard® TPO Split Pipe
1 "- 2"
Proprietary Reinforced GAF TPO membrane split
3" - 5"
to accommodate most common pipes
6" - 8"
and conduits.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 4 of 38
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
1 "- 2"
Reinforced GAF TPO designed for
Split Pipe Boot
3" - 5"
advanced protection against heat
6" - 8"
aging and UV degradation split to
accommodate most common pipes
and conduits.
EverGuard® TPO Square Tube
4" x 4"
Reinforced GAF TPO with split
4" x 6"
design overlap to be wrapped around
6" x 6"
square or rectangular tubing.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
4" x 4"
Reinforced GAF TPO designed for
Square Tube Wrap
4" x 6"
advanced protection against heat
6" x 6"
aging and UV degradation with split
design overlap to be wrapped around
square or rectangular tubing.
EverGuard® TPO Corner Curb
Corners fabricated from reinforced
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
Corners fabricated from reinforced
Corner Curb Wrap
GAF TPO designed for advanced
protection against heat aging and UV
EverGuard® TPO Scupper
4" x 6" x 12"
Scupper manufactured from coated
8" x 10" x 12"
metal and unreinforced GAF TPO.
EverGuard® TPO T-Joint
100 patches per
T-Joint patch manufactured from
Cover Patch
unreinforced GAF TPO.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
100 patches per
T- Joint patch manufactured from
T-Joint Cover Patch
unreinforced GAF TPO designed for
advanced protection against heat
aging and UV degradation.
EverGuard® TPO Vent
2 vents per
Vent manufactured from reinforced
GAF TPO membrane and galvanized
EverGuard® TPO T-Top Vent
4" or 6"
Vent manufactured from reinforced
GAF TPO membrane and galvanized
EverGuard® TPO Walkway
Rolls 1/8" x 30"
Standard duty TPO walkway rolls.
x 50'
EverGuard® TPO Inside
6" x 6" x 5'/4"
Inside corner manufactured from
unreinforced GAF TPO.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
6" x 6" x 5'/4"
Inside corner manufactured from
Inside Corner
unreinforced GAF TPO designed for
advanced protection against heat
aging and UV degradation.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 5 of 38
Test Product
Product Dimensions Specification Description
EverGuard® TPO Universal various Proprietary Universal corners manufactured from
Corners GAF TPO that are heat seamable and
designed to accommodate both inside
and outside corners of base and curb
flashings manufactured from GAF
EverGuard Extreme® TPO various Proprietary Universal corners manufactured from
Universal Corners GAF TPO designed for advanced
protection against heat aging and UV
degradation are heat seamable and
designed to accommodate both inside
and outside corners of base and curb
EverGuard' TPO Vent Boot
1" - 6" o.d.
Vent pipe boot molded from GAF
6 pcs. crtn.
TPO and supplied with stainless steel
clamping rings.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
1" - 6" o.d.
Vent pipe boot molded from GAF
Vent Boot
6 pcs. crtn.
TPO designed for advanced protection
against heat aging and UV
degradation and supplied with
stainless steel clamping rings.
EverGuard® TPO Expansion
Low profile joint cover manufactured
Joint Cover
from reinforced GAF TPO.
EverGuard® Extreme TPO
Low profile joint cover manufactured
Expansion Joint Cover
from reinforced GAF TPO.
EverGuard® Extreme
Low profile joint cover manufactured
Expansion Joint Cover
from reinforced GAF TPO.
EverGuard® TPO Cut Edge
1 quart squeeze
Clear solvent based sealant for TPO
cut edges.
EverGuard® Low VOC Cut
1 quart squeeze
Low VOC clear solvent based sealant
Edge Sealant
for TPO cut edges.
EverGuard® TPO Drain
Spun aluminum drain pre -flashed with
unreinforced GAF TPO.
EverGuard® TPO Seam
1 gallon
Solvent based seam cleaner.
EverGuard® TPO Primer
1 gallon
Solvent -based VOC compliant TPO
EverGuard® Low VOC TPO
1 gallon
Low VOC TPO primer
EverGuard® TPO Low VOC
1 gallon
Low VOC TPO primer
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 6 of 38
EverGuard® TPO Standing
White butyl cover tape.
Seam Tape
EverGuard® TPO Batten Seam
10' length
Accessory applied over GAF TPO
1 %2" base
roofing systems to simulate a standing
1 1/4" vertical rib
seam metal roof.
EverGuard® TPO Standing
10' length
Accessory applied over GAF TPO
Seam Profile
1 %2" base
roofing systems to simulate a standing
1 1/4" vertical rib
seam metal roof.
EverGuard® TPO Fluted
8" diameter
Flashing for outside corners of base
nominal .05"
and curb flashing manufactured from
non -reinforced
non -reinforced GAF TPO.
EverGuard Extreme® TPO
8" diameter
Flashing for outside corners of base
Fluted Corner
nominal .05"
and curb flashing manufactured from
non -reinforced
non -reinforced GAF TPO designed
for advanced protection against heat
aging and UV degradation.
EverGuard® C1eanWeldTM
1 gallon
Low VOC cleaner for TPO
EverGuard® Low VOC TPO
5 gallons
Low VOC adhesive for TPO fully
Bonding Adhesive
adhered systems and flashings.
TOPCOAT® Membrane
1, 5 or 55 gallons
ASTM D6083
Water -based elastomeric coating
1 gallon
Solvent -based primer for TPO
TPO Red Primer
1 gallon
Solvent -based primer for TPO
TOPCOAT® FireOuem Fire
5 or 55 gallons
Low VOC, water -based fire barrier
Barrier Coating
1 or 5 gallons or
TAS 139
Solvent -based elastomeric sealant.
1 qt. tube
EverGuare 3 Square Low
Low VOC TPO bonding adhesive that
VOC TPO Bonding Adhesive
5 Gallons
provides 3 square coverage per pail.
EverGuard® TPO Quick Spray Proprietary Sprayable solvent based adhesive for
Adhesive 40.15 lbs fully adhered TPO systems and
membrane flashing.
EverGuard® TPO Quick Spray Proprietary Sprayable Low VOC solvent based
Adhesive LV50 36.3 lbs adhesive for fully adhered TPO
systems and membrane flashing.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 7 of 38
Product Name Product Description
EnergyGuarC Polyiso Insulation Polyisocyanurate foam insulation
EnergyGuarC HD Polyiso High density polyisocyanurate foam
Insulation insulation
HD Plus Polyiso
Ultra Polyiso
RA Polyiso
RH Polyiso
EnergyGuardTM RH HD Polyiso
EnergyGuardTM RN Polyiso
High density polyisocyanurate foam
Glass -faced polyisocyanurate foam
Polyisocyanurate foam insulation
Polyisocyanurate foam insulation
High density polyisocyanurate foam
Polyisocyanurate foam insulation
DensDecV Roof Board Gypsum board
SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Gypsum board
SECUROCK® Glass -Mat Roof Glass faced gypsum board
StructodeV High Density Fiberboard High -density fiberboard
Roof Insulation
Fastener Product
Number Name
1. Drill-TecTM #12 Fastener
2. Drill-TecT"` #14 Fastener
Phillips head, modified
buttress thread, pinch point,
carbon steel fastener for use
in steel or wood decks. With
CR-10 coating. Available
with a pinch point or drill
Truss head, self -drilling,
pinch point, high thread
fastener for use in steel,
wood or concrete decks.
(With Current NOA)
Georgia Pacific Gypsum LLC
United States Gypsum
United States Gypsum
Blue Ridge FiberBoard, Inc.
Dimensions (With Current NOA)
#12 x 8" GAF
max. length,
#3 Phillips
# 14 x 16" GAF
max. Length,
#3 Phillips
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 8 of 38
(With Current NOA)
Drill-TecTM AccuTrac®
Galvalume® steel plate with
3" square;
Recessed Plate
recess for use with Drill-
.017" thick.
TecTM fasteners.
Drill-TecTM AccuTraco Flat
A2-SS aluminized steel
3" square;
plate for use with Drill-
.017" thick
TecTM fasteners.
Drill-TecTM 2-3/8 in.
Round galvanized steel
2-3/8" round
Barbed XHD Plate
stress plates for use with
Drill-TeeTM fasteners.
Drill-TecTM 2 in. Double
Round galvanized steel
2" round
Barbed XHD Plate
stress plates for use with
Drill-TecTM fasteners.
Drill-TecTM Eyehook
Round Galvalume® steel
2-3/8" round
AccuSeam Plate
plate for use with Drill-
TeeTM fasteners.
Drill-TecTM 3" Steel Plate
Round Galvalume® steel
3" round
stress plate with reinforcing
ribs and recessed for use
with Drill-TecTM fasteners.
Drill-TecTM 3" Standard
Galvalume® coated steel
3" round
Steel Plate
stress plate for use with
approved Drill-TecTM
Drill-TecTM 3 in. Ribbed
Round Galvalume® plated
3" round
Galvalume Plate (Flat)
steel stress plate with
reinforcing ribs for use with
Drill-TecTM fasteners.
Drill-TecTM ASAP 3S
Drill-TecTM #12 Fastener
with Drill-TecTM 3" Standard
Steel Plate.
Drill-TeeTM RhinoBondo
Gold primer coated plate for
3" Round
use with TPO membranes.
Drill-TeeTM RhinoBondo
Round, coated Galvalume®
3" Round
TPO XHD TreadSafe Plate
plate (Gold primer coating)
used for TPO membranes.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 9 of 38
Test Agency/Identifier Name Report Date
UL 790
UL 790
UL 790
UL 790
UL 790
Factory Mutual Research Corp.
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
3040377 LTR
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
TAS 114
TAS 114
Atlantic & Caribbean Roof Consulting,
TAS 114
TAS 114
Exterior Research & Design, L.L.C.
TAS 114-J
ASTM D6164
ASTM D6163
ASTM D4601
ASTM D4897
NEMO I etc.
ASTM D6163
PRI Construction Materials
TAS 139
Technologies, LLC
ASTM D226 / D146
ASTM D6083
TAS 110
ASTM C1289
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 10 of 38
Test Agency/Identifier Name Report Date
PRI Construction Materials GAF-411-02-01
ASTM C1289
Technologies, LLC GAF-412-02-01
ASTM C1289
ASTM C1289
ASTM D6878/TAS 131
ASTM D6878/TAS 131
ASTM D6878/TAS 131
ASTM D6878/TAS 131
TAS 117
TAS 117(B)
TAS 117(B)
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
ASTM C1289
ASTM D6083
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
FM 4470
TAS 117
ASTM D1876
TAS 114
TAS 114
TAS 114
TAS 114
TAS 114
ASTM D1876
ASTM C1289
ASTM C1289
ASTM C1289
TAS 114
TAS 114
TAS 114
TAS 114
TAS 114
TAS 114
PRI 376T0017
TAS 114
PRI 376T0025
TAS 114
PRI 376T0026
TAS 114
PRI 376T0027
TAS 114
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 11 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: Min. 15/32" thick plywood attached to structural wood supports spaced maximum
24" o.c. using 8d ring shank nails spaced 6" o.c. at panel edge and intermediate
System Type B(1): Base layer(s) of insulation mechanically attached to roof deck. Top layer of
insulation is adhered. Membrane is subsequently fully adhered to top layer of
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
(Optional) Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOut7 Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
One or more layers of any of the following.
Base Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
EnergyGuardTM Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RH Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM Ultra Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 2" thick 2, 3, 4, 8, 9,10 1:2 ft2
Note: Base layer(s) shall be mechanically attached with fasteners and density described. Insulation
panels listed are minimum sizes and dimensions; if larger panels are used the number of fasteners
per board shall be increased maintaining the same fastener density (See Roofing Application
Standard RAS 117 for fastening details).
Top Insulation Layer
SECUROW Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board
Minimum 0.25" thick
Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
Note: Apply top layer of insulation with OlyBond 500 applied in 0.75 —1.0" wide ribbons spaced
12" o.c. or with LRF Adhesive M applied in 1" wide ribbons spaced 12" o.c. Please refer to
Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation attachment. Insulation listed as base layer
only shall be used only as base layer(s) with a layer of approved top layer insulation installed as the
final membrane substrate.
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO, EverGuard Extreme® TPO, EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra,
EverGuard Extreme® TPO FB Ultra is adhered to the substrate as follows. Broom
or roll the top surface of the membrane per manufacturer's installation instructions
after adhering the membrane to the substrate to ensure complete bonding.
Membrane side laps are minimum 3.0 in. wide and sealed with minimum 1.5 in.
wide heat welds for automatic machine welding or with minimum 2.0 in. wide heat
welds for hand welding.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 12 of 38
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO adhered with EverGuard® TPO
(Continued) #1121 Bonding Adhesive applied per manufacturer's installation instructions at a
total rate of 1.67 gal./sq. One half of the adhesive is applied to the substrate and the
other half is applied to the back of the roof cover and sealed with minimum 1.5 in.
wide heat welds for automatic machine welding or with minimum 2.0 in. wide heat
welds for hand welding..
EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO adhered with EverGuard® Low VOC
TPO Bonding Adhesive applied per manufacturer's installation instructions at a total
rate of 0.91 gal./sq. One half of the adhesive is applied to the substrate and the other
half is applied to the back of the roof cover and sealed with minimum 1.5 in. wide
heat welds for automatic machine welding or with minimum 2.0 in. wide heat welds
for hand welding.
EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO adhered with EverGuard® WB 181
Bonding Adhesive applied per manufacturer's installation instructions at a total rate
of 0.83 gal./sq. Three quarters of the adhesive is applied to the substrate and one
quarter of the adhesive is applied to the back of the roof cover and sealed with
minimum 1.5 in. wide heat welds for automatic machine welding or with minimum
2.0 in. wide heat welds for hand welding.
EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra or EverGuard Extreme® TPO FB Ultra adhered with
OlyBond 500 applied in a spatter pattern at 0.318 gal./sq. and sealed with minimum
1.5 in. wide heat welds for automatic machine welding or with minimum 2.0 in. wide
heat welds for hand welding
EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra or EverGuard Extreme® TPO FB Ultra adhered with
LRF Adhesive M applied in 0.75 — 1.0 in. wide ribbons spaced 4 in. o.c. for full
coverage and sealed with minimum 1.5 in. wide heat welds for automatic machine
welding or with minimum 2.0 in. wide heat welds for hand welding.
One ply of EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO fully adhered to the
insulation with EverGuard® TPO Quick Spray Adhesive applied at a total rate of
0.705 lbs./sq. Apply half to the insulation and half to the underside of the
membrane, roll with a weighted roller. Apply a minimum of 1'/2" wide heat weld in
the side lap of the sheets.
EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO adhered with EverGuard® TPO
Quick Spray Adhesive LV50 applied per manufacturer's installation instructions at a
total rate of 0.837 lbs./sq. One half of the adhesive is applied to the substrate and
the other half is applied to the back of the roof cover and sealed with minimum 1.5
in. wide heat welds for automatic machine welding or with minimum 2.0 in. wide
heat welds for hand welding.
EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO adhered with EverGuard® TPO 3
Square Low VOC Bonding Adhesive applied per manufacturer's installation
instructions at a total rate of 1.67 gal./sq. One half of the adhesive is applied to the
substrate and the other half is applied to the back of the roof cover and sealed with
minimum 1.5 in. wide heat welds for automatic machine welding or with minimum
2.0 in. wide heat welds for hand welding..
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 13 of 38
Surfacing: Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
(Optional) application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
1. TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
2. TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying TOPCOAT®
Maximum Design
Pressure: -52.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 14 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: 19/32" Plywood APA Span -Rated nailed 3"o.c. at the field of the sheet with #8 ring
shank nails and 3"o.c. at the perimeter of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails.
Plywood installed over wood trusses spaced 24"o.c.
System Type B(2): Base layer of insulation mechanically attached to roof deck. Top layer of insulation
is adhered. Membrane is subsequently fully adhered to top layer of insulation.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDecko Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection VersaShield® SoloTm Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOufm Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Base Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
EnergyGuar&m Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 3.0" thick 1 or 2 & 8 1:1 ft.,
Base Insulation Note: All Insulation layers shall be mechanically attached with fasteners and
density described above. Insulation panels listed are minimum sizes and dimensions; if larger panels
are used the number of fasteners per board shall be increased maintaining the same fastener density.
See Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for fastening details.
Top Insulation Layer Cover Board Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board
Minimum 0.25" thick N/A N/A
Top Insulation Note: The top insulation layer is adhered to the base insulation layer with OlyBond
500 with 1 in. wide ribbons spaced 4 in. o.c. See Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for fastening
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra or EverGuard Extreme® TPO FB Ultra is adhered to the
cover board via Olybond 500 applied in spatter pattern at a rate of 0.325 gal/ 100ft2
with a 3" side lap and sealed with a 1-1/2" wide heat weld.
Maximum Design
Pressure: -120 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 15 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: 19/32" CDX Plywood nailed 6"o.c. at the field of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails
and 6"o.c. at the perimeter of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails. Plywood installed
over wood rafters spaced 24"o.c.
System Type C(1): All layers of insulation are mechanically attached to roof deck. Membrane is
subsequently fully adhered to insulation.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTm Fire -
(Optional) Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOuC Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board
Minimum 1/4" thick 1 & 4 1:1.33 ft.2
Insulation Note: All Insulation layers shall be mechanically attached with fasteners and density
described above. Insulation panels listed are minimum sizes and dimensions; if larger panels are
used the number of fasteners per board shall be increased maintaining the same fastener density.
See Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for fastening details.
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra or EverGuard Extreme® TPO FB Ultra is adhered to the
SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board in an approved asphalt applied within the
EVT range and at a rate of 20-25 lbs./sq. with a 3" side lap and sealed with a 2"
wide heat weld. Broom top surface of membrane to ensure complete bonding.
Surfacing: Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
(Optional) application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
1. TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
2. TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying TOPCOAT®
Maximum Design
Pressure: -82.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 16 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: Min. 15/32" thick plywood attached to structural wood supports spaced maximum
24" o.c. using 8d ring shank nails spaced 6" o.c. at panel edge and intermediate
System Type C(2): All layers of insulation are mechanically attached to roof deck. Membrane is
subsequently adhered to stress plates used to fasten insulation layer.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTm Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOufm Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
One or more layers of any of the following.
Insulation Layer
Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
EnergyGuardTM Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuard"RA Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM RH Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RN Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM Ultra Polyiso Insulation, StructodeV High Density Fiberboard Roof Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM HD Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM HD Plus Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM RH HD Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 0.5" thick 2 and 12 or 13 1:2.67 ft2
DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board,
SECUROW Glass -Mat Roof Board
Minimum 0.25" thick 2 and 12 or 13 1:2.67 ft2
Insulation Note: Insulation shall have preliminary attachment. Preliminarily attach insulation
through the top layer and underlying layer(s), when present, with the RhinoBondo membrane
stress plates applied as specified in the membrane section of this roofing system. See Roofing
Application Standard RAS 117 for fastening details.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 17 of 38
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO, EverGuard Extreme® TPO mechanically fastened using Drill-
TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM RhinoBondo TPO XHD Plates or Drill-TecTM
RhinoBone TPO XHD Tread Safe Plates applied at a rate of 12 fasteners per 48 x
96 in. board (2.67 W per fastener).
The membrane is bonded to stress plates using the RhinoBone Portable Bonding
Tool per manufacturer's installation instructions. Weighted cooling magnets are
placed over the bonded membrane/plates for a minimum of 45 seconds. Side laps
are minimum 3" wide and sealed with a minimum 1.5" wide heat weld for
automatic machine welding or a minimum 2" wide heat weld for hand welding.
*Drill-TecTM RhinoBondo TPO XHD Tread Safe Plates shall only be used with a
minimum insulation thickness of 2" and require a 5/8" diameter pilot hole when
used with gypsum or wood fiber top layer insulation.
Surfacing: Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
(Optional) application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
1. TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
2. TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying TOPCOAT®
Maximum Design
Pressure: -52.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 18 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: Min. 15/32" thick plywood attached to structural wood supports spaced maximum
24" o.c. using 8d ring shank nails spaced 6" o.c. at panel edge supports and 12" o.c.
at panel intermediate supports.
System Type C(3): All layers of insulation are mechanically attached to roof deck supports. Membrane
is subsequently adhered to stress plates used to fasten insulation layer.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
One or more layers of any of the following.
Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft'
EnergyGuardTM Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RA Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM RH Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RN Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM Ultra Polyiso Insulation, StructodeV High Density Fiberboard Roof Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM HD Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM HD Plus Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM RH HD Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 0.5" thick 2 and 12 or 13 See Below
DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK° Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board,
SECUROW Glass -Mat Roof Board
Minimum 0.25" thick 2 and 12 or 13 See Below
Insulation Note: All insulation shall have preliminary attachment prior to the installation of the
roofing membrane at a minimum application rate of two fasteners per board for insulation boards
having no dimension greater than 4 ft. and four fasteners for any insulation board having no
dimension greater than 8 ft. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation
attachment requirements.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 19 of 38
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO, EverGuard Extreme® TPO mechanically fastened using Drill-
TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM RhinoBondo TPO XHD Plates or Drill-TecT"`
RhinoBone TPO XHD Tread Safe Plates. Fasteners are driven through the
plywood roof deck and into the structural wood supports as described in the
fastening details below.
The membrane is bonded to stress plates using the RhinoBone Portable Bonding
Tool per manufacturer's installation instructions. Weighted cooling magnets are
placed over the bonded membrane/plates for a minimum of 45 seconds. Side laps
are minimum 3" wide and sealed with a minimum 1.5" wide heat weld for
automatic machine welding or a minimum 2" wide heat weld for hand welding.
*Drill-TecTm RhinoBonde TPO XHD Tread Safe Plates shall only be used with a
minimum insulation thickness of 2" and require a 5/8" diameter pilot hole when
used with gypsum or wood fiber top layer insulation.
Fastening #1:
Fasteners are driven through the wood deck and into the structural wood supports
in a maximum 24 x 36 in. grid.
Maximum Design Pressure: -52.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
Fastening #2:
Fasteners are driven through the wood deck and into the structural wood supports
in a maximum 24 x 24 in. grid.
Maximum Design Pressure: -75 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
Fastening #3:
Fasteners are driven through the wood deck and into the structural wood supports
in a maximum 18 x 24 in. grid.
Maximum Design Pressure: -82. S psf. (See General Limitation #7)
Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying TOPCOAT®
Maximum Design
See fastening options above.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 20 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: 15/32" Plywood APA Span -Rated nailed 6"o.c. at the field of the sheet with #8 ring
shank nails and 6"o.c. at the perimeter of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails.
Plywood installed over wood trusses spaced 24"o.c.
System Type C(4): All layers of insulation are mechanically attached to roof deck. Membrane is
subsequently fully adhered to insulation.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDecko Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
EnergyGuardTM Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 1.5" thick 1, 2 & 8 1:1.78 ft.2
Insulation Note: All Insulation layers shall be mechanically attached with fasteners and density
described above. Insulation panels listed are minimum sizes and dimensions; if larger panels are
used the number of fasteners per board shall be increased maintaining the same fastener density.
See Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for fastening details.
Membrane: EverGuard® or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is fully adhered to the insulation layer via
EverGuard® #1121 Bonding Adhesive at a rate of 1.67gal/100ft, with a 3" side lap
and sealed with a 1-1/2" wide heat weld.
EverGuare or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is fully adhered to the insulation layer via
EverGuard® TPO 3 Square Low VOC Adhesive at a rate of 1.67gal/100ft2 with a 3"
side lap and sealed with a 1-1 /2" wide heat weld.
EverGuare or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is fully adhered to the insulation layer via
EverGuard® Quick Spray Adhesive at a rate of 0.705 lbs/100ft2 with a 3" side lap
and sealed with a 1-1/2" wide heat weld.
EverGuare or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is fully adhered to the insulation layer via
EverGuard® TPO Quick Spray Adhesive LV50 at a rate of 0.837 lbs/100ft2 with a
3" side lap and sealed with a 1-1/2" wide heat weld.
Maximum Design
Pressure: -52.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 21 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: 15/32" Plywood APA Span -Rated nailed 6"o.c. at the field of the sheet with #8 ring
shank nails and 6"o.c. at the perimeter of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails.
Plywood installed over wood trusses spaced 24"o.c.
System Type C(5): All layers of insulation are mechanically attached to roof deck. Membrane is
subsequently fully adhered to insulation.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDecko Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
EnergyGuardTM Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 1.5" thick 1, 2 & 8 1:1.6 ft z
Insulation Note: All Insulation layers shall be mechanically attached with fasteners and density
described above. Insulation panels listed are minimum sizes and dimensions; if larger panels are
used the number of fasteners per board shall be increased maintaining the same fastener density.
See Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for fastening details.
Membrane: EverGuard®or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is fully adhered to the insulation layer via
GAF EverGuard® #1121 Bonding Adhesive at a rate of 1.67gal/100ft2 with a 3"
side lap and sealed with a 1-1/2" wide heat weld.
EverGuard® or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is fully adhered to the insulation layer via
EverGuard® TPO 3 Square Low VOC Adhesive at a rate of 1.67gal/100ft2 with a 3"
side lap and sealed with a 1-1 /2" wide heat weld.
EverGuare or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is fully adhered to the insulation layer via
EverGuard® Quick Spray Adhesive at a rate of 0.705 lbs/100ft2 with a 3" side lap
and sealed with a 1-1/2" wide heat weld.
EverGuare or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is fully adhered to the insulation layer via
EverGuard® TPO Quick Spray Adhesive LV50 at a rate of 0.837 lbs/100ft2 with a
3" side lap and sealed with a 1-1/2" wide heat weld.
Maximum Design
Pressure: -60 ps£ (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 22 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: Min. 19/32" thick plywood attached to structural wood supports spaced maximum
24" o.c. using 8d ring shank nails spaced 3" o.c. at panel edge supports and 3" o.c. at
panel intermediate supports.
System Type C(6): All layers of insulation are mechanically attached to roof deck supports. Membrane
is subsequently adhered to stress plates used to fasten insulation layer.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection VersaShield® SoloTm Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
EnergyGuar&' Polyiso Insulation 2 and 12 or 13 See Below
Minimum 1" thick
Insulation Note: All Insulation layers shall be mechanically attached with fasteners and density
described below. Insulation panels listed are minimum sizes and dimensions; if larger panels are
used the number of fasteners per board shall be increased maintaining the same fastener density.
See Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for fastening details.
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO mechanically fastened using Drill-
TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM RhinoBondo TPO XHD Plates or Drill-TecT"`
RhinoBone TPO XHD TreadSafe Plate are installed at 9 in. o.c. fastener spacing
and 24in. o.c. row spacing into joists.
The membrane is bonded to stress plates using the RhinoBone Portable Bonding
Tool per manufacturer's installation instructions. Weighted cooling magnets are
placed over the bonded membrane/plates for a minimum of 45 seconds. Side laps
are minimum 3" wide and sealed with a minimum 1.5" wide heat weld for
automatic machine welding or a minimum 2" wide heat weld for hand welding.
Maximum Design
Pressure: -105 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 23 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: 19/32" or greater plywood secured 6 in. o.c. at panel end and intermediate supports
to structural lumber joists spaced maximum 24 in. o.c using 8d ring shank nails or
wood plank.
System Type D(1): All insulation is loose laid with preliminary attachment to roof deck. Membrane is
subsequently mechanically fastened through insulation to the wood deck.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
(Optional) Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOuC Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer instructions.
One or more layers of any of the following.
Base Insulation Layer (Optional) Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
EnergyGuardTM Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RA Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM RH Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RN Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM Ultra Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM HD Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM HD Plus Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RH HD Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 0.5" thick N/A N/A
Top Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board,
SECUROW Glass -Mat Roof Board
Minimum 1/4" thick N/A N/A
Insulation Note: Insulation layer(s) above shall have preliminary attachment prior to the
installation of the roofing membrane at a minimum application rate of two fasteners per board for
insulation boards having no dimension greater than 4 ft. and four fasteners for any insulation
board having no dimension greater than 8 ft. All Insulation panels shall be mechanically fastened
along with the roof membrane as specified below. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard
RAS 117 for insulation attachment requirements.
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO, EverGuard Extreme® TPO or EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra is
mechanically attached with Drill-TecTM#14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM 2-3/8 in.
Barbed XHD Barbed Plates, Drill-TecTM 2 in. Double Barbed XHD Plates or Drill-
TecTM Eyehook AccuSeam Plates spaced 6" o.c. within fastener rows spaced
maximum 114.5" o.c. The minimum 5" wide side laps are sealed with minimum
13/4" wide heat welds for automatic machine welding and with minimum 2" wide
welds for hand welding.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 24 of 38
Surfacing: Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
(Optional) application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
1. TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
2. TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying TOPCOAT®
Maximum Design
Pressure: -45 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 25 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: 19/32" or greater plywood attached to structural wood supports spaced maximum 24"
o.c. using 8d common nails spaced 6" o.c. at all panel edges and intermediary
System Type D(2): All insulation is loose laid with preliminary attachment to wood deck. Membrane is
subsequently mechanically fastened through insulation to the wood deck.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
One or more layers of any of the following.
Base Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft'
EnergyGuardTM Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RA Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM RH Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RN Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM Ultra Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 1.5" thick N/A N/A
Top Insulation Layer (Optional) Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft'
Dens Deck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board,
SECUROCK® Glass -Mat Roof Board
Minimum 0.25" thick N/A N/A
EnergyGuardTM HD Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM HD Plus Polyiso Insulation
EnergyGuardTM RH HD Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 0.5" thick N/A N/A
Insulation Note: All insulation shall have preliminary attachment prior to the installation of the
roofing membrane at a minimum application rate of two fasteners per board for insulation boards
having no dimension greater than 4 ft. and four fasteners for any insulation board having no
dimension greater than 8 ft. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation
attachment requirements.
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO, EverGuard Extreme® TPO or EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra
mechanically fastened using Drill-TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM 2 in. Double
Barbed XHD Plates, Drill-TecTM 2-3/8 in. Barbed XHD Plates or Drill-TecTM
Eyehook AccuSeam Plates spaced 6" o.c. in rows spaced 55" o.c. The outside
1.75" of the 5" lap is heat welded and the fasteners are centered within the
remaining 3.25" lap area.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 26 of 38
Surfacing: Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
(Optional) application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
1. TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
2. TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying TOPCOAT®
Maximum Design
Pressure: -52.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 27 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: Min. 19/32" thick plywood attached to structural wood supports spaced maximum
24" o.c. using 8d ring shank nails spaced 4" o.c. at panel end and intermediate
System Type D(3): All insulation is loose laid with preliminary attachment to roof deck. Membrane is
subsequently mechanically fastened through insulation to wood deck.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDecko Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
One or more layers of any of the following.
Base Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft'
EnergyGuardTM Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RA Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuar&' RH Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuard"RN Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM Ultra Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM HD Polyiso Insulation,
EnergyGuardTM HD Plus Polyiso Insulation, EnergyGuardTM RH HD Polyiso Insulation
Minimum 0.5" thick N/A N/A
Top Insulation Layer (Optional) Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
Dens Deck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board,
SECUROCK® Glass -Mat Roof Board
Minimum 0.25" thick N/A N/A
Insulation Note: All insulation shall have preliminary attachment prior to the installation of the
roofing membrane at a minimum application rate of two fasteners per board for insulation boards
having no dimension greater than 4 ft. and four fasteners for any insulation board having no
dimension greater than 8 ft. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation
attachment requirements.
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO mechanically fastened using Drill-
TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM 2 in. Double Barbed XHD Plates, Drill-TecTM 2-
3/8 in. Barbed XHD Plates or Drill-TecTM Eyehook AccuSeam Plates spaced
maximum 8" o.c. in fastener rows spaced maximum 55" o.c. The minimum 5"
wide side laps are sealed with minimum 1.5" wide heat welds for automatic
machine welding or with minimum 2" welds for hand welding.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
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Surfacing: Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
(Optional) application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
1. TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
2. TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying TOPCOAT®
Maximum Design
Pressure: -45 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 29 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: 15/32" Plywood APA Span -Rated nailed 6"o.c. at the field of the sheet with #8
ring shank nails and 6"o.c. at the perimeter of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails.
Plywood installed over wood trusses spaced 24"o.c.
System Type D(4): All insulation is loose laid with preliminary attachment to roof deck. Membrane is
subsequently mechanically fastened through insulation to the wood deck.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft2
EnergyGuar&' Polyiso Insulation N/A N/A
Minimum 1" thick
Insulation Note: All insulation shall have preliminary attachment prior to the installation of the
roofing membrane at a minimum application rate of two fasteners per board for insulation boards
having no dimension greater than 4 ft. and four fasteners for any insulation board having no
dimension greater than 8 ft. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation
attachment requirements.
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is mechanically attached with
Drill-TecTM #14 Fasteners (1.75 in.) and Drill-TecTM 2 in. Double Barbed XHD
Plates, Drill-TecTM 2-3/8 in. Barbed XHD Plates or Drill-TecTM Eyehook AccuSeam
Plates. Fasteners are installed at 12 in. o.c. with 48 in. o.c. row spacing. Fasteners
are installed into structural supports trusses with min. 1" embedment. The
minimum 6" wide side laps are sealed with minimum 1.5" wide heat welds..
Maximum Design
Pressure: -52.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 30 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Insulated
Deck Description: 15/32" Plywood APA Span -Rated nailed 6"o.c. at the field of the sheet with #8
ring shank nails and 6"o.c. at the perimeter of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails.
Plywood installed over wood trusses spaced 24"o.c.
System Type D(5): All insulation is loose laid with preliminary attachment to roof deck. Membrane is
subsequently mechanically fastened through insulation to the wood deck.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: DensDeck® Roof Board, SECUROCK® Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board, SECUROCK®
(Optional) Glass -Mat Roof Board, minimum'/4" thick (see insulation note below for
preliminary attachment details).
VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection VersaShield® SoloTm Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Base Insulation Layer Insulation Fasteners Fastener
(Table 3) Density/ft'
EnergyGuardT'Polyiso Insulation N/A N/A
Minimum 1" thick
Insulation Note: All insulation shall have preliminary attachment prior to the installation of the
roofing membrane at a minimum application rate of two fasteners per board for insulation boards
having no dimension greater than 4 ft. and four fasteners for any insulation board having no
dimension greater than 8 ft. Please refer to Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 for insulation
attachment requirements.
Membrane: EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is mechanically attached with
Drill-TecT #14 Fasteners (1.75 in.) and Drill-TecTM 2-3/4 in. Barbed SXHD Plates.
Fasteners are installed at 12 in. o.c. with 48 in. o.c. row spacing. Fasteners are
installed into structural supports trusses with min. 1" embedment. The minimum
6" wide side laps are sealed with minimum 1.5" wide heat welds.
Maximum Design
Pressure: -67.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
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Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -Insulated
Deck Description: 15/32" or greater plywood or wood plank
System Type E(1): Anchor sheet mechanically attached to roof deck. Membrane fully adhered.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: VersaShield® Fire Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
Anchor sheet:
GAFGLAS® #75 Base Sheet, Tri-Ply® #75 Base Sheet, Ruberoid® 20 Smooth or
GAFGLAS® Stratavene Nailable Venting Base Sheet is secured as described
Miami -Dade County Approved min. 12 ga. annular ring shank nails and min. 1-5/8
Option #1:
in. diameter tin caps are spaced 8 in. o.c. in the min. 4 in. wide anchor sheet side
laps and 8 in. o.c. in the field of the sheet in two staggered rows.
(Maximum Design Pressure —45 psf. See General Limitation #7)
Miami -Dade County Approved min. 12 ga. annular ring shank nails and min. 1-5/8
Option #2:
in. diameter tin caps are spaced 6 in. o.c. in the min 4 in. wide anchor sheet side
laps and 6 in. o.c. in the field of the sheet in two staggered rows.
(Maximum Design Pressure —52.5 psf. See General Limitation #7)
Drill-TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM 3 in. Standard Steel Plates, Drill-TecTM
Option #3:
AccuTraco Flat Plates or Drill-TecTM 3 in. Ribbed Galvalume Plate (Flat) are
spaced 16 in. o.c. in the min. 4 in. wide anchor sheet side laps and 16 in. o.c. in the
field of the sheet in two staggered rows.
(Maximum Design Pressure —52.5 psf. See General Limitation #7)
Drill-TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM 3 in. Standard Steel Plates, Drill-TecTM
Option #4:
AccuTraco Flat Plates or Drill-TecTM 3 in. Ribbed Galvalume Plate (Flat) are
spaced 12 in. o.c. in the min 4 in. wide anchor sheet side laps and 12 in. o.c. in the
field of the sheet in two staggered rows.
(Maximum Design Pressure —60 psf. See General Limitation #7)
Drill-TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM 3 in. Standard Steel Plates, Drill-TecTM
Option #5:
AccuTrac® Flat Plates or Drill-TecTM 3 in. Ribbed Galvalume Plate (Flat) are
spaced 8 in. o.c. in the min. 4 in. wide anchor sheet side laps and 8 in. o.c. in the
field of the sheet in three staggered rows.
(Maximum Design Pressure —97.5 psf. See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
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Membrane: EverGuard® TPO FB Ultra or EverGuard Extreme® TPO FB Ultra adhered to
anchor sheet in a full mopping of approved asphalt applied within the EVT range
and at a rate of 20-401bs./sq. with a 3" side lap and sealed with a 2" wide heat
weld for automatic machine welding or a minimum 2" wide heat weld for hand
welding. Broom top surface of membrane to ensure complete bonding.
Surfacing: Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
(Optional) application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
1. TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
2. TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying
TOPCOAT® Membrane.
Maximum Design
Pressure: See fastening options.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 33 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1: Wood, Non -Insulated
Deck Description: Min. 15/32" thick plywood attached to structural wood supports spaced maximum
24" o.c. using 8d ring shank nails spaced 6" o.c. at panel end supports and 12" o.c.
along panel intermediate supports.
System Type E(2): Membrane adhered to stress plates which are mechanically attached to structural
wood supports.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier: VersaShield® Fire -Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
(Optional) Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer instructions.
EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO mechanically fastened using Drill-
TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM RhinoBondo TPO XHD Plates. Fasteners are
driven through the plywood roof deck and into the structural wood supports as
described in the fastening details below.
The roof cover is bonded to stress plates using the RhinoBond® Portable Bonding
Tool per manufacturer's installation instructions. Weighted cooling magnets are
placed over the bonded membrane/plates for a minimum of 45 seconds. Side laps
are minimum 3" wide and sealed with a minimum 1.5" wide heat weld positioned
on the outer edge of the lap.
Fastening #1:
Fasteners are driven through the wood deck and into the structural wood supports in
a maximum 24 x 36 in. grid.
Maximum Design Pressure: -52.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
Fastening #2:
Fasteners are driven through the wood deck and into the structural wood supports in
a maximum 24 x 24 in. grid.
Maximum Design Pressure: -75 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
Fastening #3:
Fasteners are driven through the wood deck and into the structural wood supports in
a maximum 18 x 24 in. grid.
Maximum Design Pressure: -82.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
Chosen components must be applied in accordance with manufacturer's
application instructions. Any coating listed below used as a surfacing must be
listed within a current NOA.
TOPCOAT® Membrane applied at 1 to 1.5 gal./sq.
TOPCOAT® TPO Red Primer applied at 0.5 gal./sq. prior to applying TOPCOAT®
Maximum Design
Pressure: See fastening options above.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 34 of 38
Membrane Type: Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I: Wood, Non -insulated.
Deck Description: 15/32" Plywood APA Span -Rated nailed 6"o.c. at the field of the sheet with #8
ring shank nails and 6"o.c. at the perimeter of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails.
Plywood installed over wood trusses spaced 24"o.c.
System Type E(3): Membrane is mechanically fastened to the wood deck.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier:
VersaShield® Fire Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOutTM Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is mechanically attached with
Drill-TecTM #14 Fasteners (3 in.) and Drill-TecTM 2 in. Double Barbed XHD Plates,
Drill-TecTM 2-3/8 in. Barbed XHD Plates or Drill-TecTM Eyehook AccuSeam Plates
as described in the fastening details below.
Fastening #1:
Fasteners are installed at 12 in. o.c. with 48 in. o.c. row spacing. Fasteners are
installed into structural supports trusses with min. 1" embedment. The minimum
6" wide side laps are sealed with minimum 1.5" wide heat welds.
Maximum Design Pressure: -60 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
Fastening #2:
Fasteners are installed at 6 in. o.c. with 48 in. o.c. row spacing. Fasteners are
installed into structural supports trusses with min. 1" embedment. The minimum
6" wide side laps are sealed with minimum 1.5" wide heat welds.
Maximum Design Pressure: -67.5 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
Maximum Design
See fastening options above.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 35 of 38
Membrane Type:
Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I:
Wood, Non -insulated
Deck Description:
15/32" Plywood APA Span -Rated nailed 6"o.c. at the field of the sheet with #8
ring shank nails and 6"o.c. at the perimeter of the sheet with #8 ring shank nails.
Plywood installed over wood trusses spaced 24"o.c.
System Type E(4):
Membrane is mechanically fastened to the wood deck.
All General and System Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier:
VersaShield® Fire Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOuC Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO is mechanically attached with
Drill-TecT #14 Fasteners (1.75 in.) and Drill-TecTM 2-3/4in. Barbed SXHD Plates.
Fasteners are installed at 12 in. o.c. with 48 in. o.c. row spacing. Fasteners are
installed into structural supports trusses with min. 1" embedment. The minimum
6" wide side laps are sealed with minimum 1.5" wide heat welds..
Maximum Design
-75 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 36 of 38
Membrane Type:
Single Ply, TPO
Deck Type 1I:
Wood, Non -insulated
Deck Description:
Min. 19/32" thick plywood attached to structural wood supports spaced maximum
24" o.c. using 8d ring shank nails spaced 3" o.c. at panel edge supports and 3" o.c. at
panel intermediate supports.
System Type E(5):
Membrane is adhered to stress plates.
All General and System
Limitations apply. Roof accessories not listed in Table 1 of this NOA are
not approved and shall
not be installed unless said accessories demonstrate compliance with
prescriptive Florida Building Code requirements and are field fabricated utilizing the approved
membranes listed in Table 1.
Fire Barrier:
VersaShield® Fire Resistant Roof Deck Protection, VersaShield® SoloTM Fire -
Resistant Slip Sheet or TOPCOAT® FireOuC Fire Barrier Coating applied per
manufacturer's installation instructions.
EverGuard® TPO or EverGuard Extreme® TPO mechanically fastened using Drill-
TecTM #14 Fasteners and Drill-TecTM RhinoBondo TPO XHD Plates Fasteners are
installed at 9 in. o.c. fastener spacing and 24in. o.c. row spacing into joists.
The membrane is bonded to stress plates using the RhinoBone Portable Bonding
Tool per manufacturer's installation instructions. Weighted cooling magnets are
placed over the bonded membrane/plates for a minimum of 45 seconds. Side laps
are minimum 3" wide and sealed with a minimum 1.5" wide heat weld for
automatic machine welding or a minimum 2" wide heat weld for hand welding.
Maximum Design
-90 psf. (See General Limitation #7)
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
Page 37 of 38
Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials
Directory for fire ratings of this product.
Insulation may be installed in multiple layers. The first layer shall be attached in compliance with
Product Control Approval guidelines. All other layers shall be adhered in a full mopping of approved
asphalt applied within the EVT range and at a rate of 20-401bs./sq., or mechanically attached using the
fastening pattern of the top layer
All standard panel sizes are acceptable for mechanical attachment. When applied in approved asphalt,
panel size shall be 4' x 4' maximum.
An overlay and/or recovery board insulation panel is required on all applications over closed cell foam
insulations when the base sheet is fully mopped. If no recovery board is used the base sheet shall be
applied using spot mopping with approved asphalt, 12" diameter circles, 24" o.c.; or strip mopped 8"
ribbons in three rows, one at each side lap and one down the center of the sheet allowing a continuous
area of ventilation. Encircling of the strips is not acceptable. A 6" break shall be placed every 12' in
each ribbon to allow cross ventilation. Asphalt application of either system shall be at a minimum rate
of 12 lbs./sq.
Note: Spot attached systems shall be limited to a maximum design pressure of -45 psf.
Fastener spacing for insulation attachment is based on a Minimum Characteristic Force (F') value of
275 lbf. as tested in compliance with Testing Application Standard TAS 105. If the fastener value, as
field-tested, are below 275 lbf. insulation attachment shall not be acceptable.
Fastener spacing for mechanical attachment of anchor/base sheet or membrane attachment is based on
a minimum fastener resistance value in conjunction with the maximum design value listed within a
specific system. Should the fastener resistance be less than that required, as determined by the
Building Official, a revised fastener spacing, prepared, signed and sealed by a Florida Registered
Engineer, Architect, or Registered Roof Consultant may be submitted. Said revised fastener spacing
shall utilize the withdrawal resistance value taken from Testing Application Standards TAS 105 and
calculations in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117.
Perimeter and corner areas shall comply with the enhanced uplift pressure requirements of these areas.
Fastener densities shall be increased for both insulation and base sheet as calculated in compliance
with Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 and/or RAS 137. Calculations prepared, signed and
sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, or Registered Roof
Consultant (When this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #9
will not be applicable.)
All attachment and sizing of perimeter nailers, metal profile, and/or flashing termination designs shall
conform to Roofing Application Standard RAS I I I and applicable wind load requirements.
The maximum designed pressure limitation listed shall be applicable to all roof pressure zones (i.e.
field, perimeters, and corners). Neither rational analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for
enhanced fastening at enhanced pressure zones (i.e. perimeters, extended corners and corners). (When
this limitation is specifically referred within this NOA, General Limitation #7 will not be
All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building
Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code.
NOA No.: 20-0518.02
MIAM4DAD, COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/22/25
Approval Date: 08/20/20
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