HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (6) =r c�GUI Vj MIAMI•DADE ; � , � �'y"• lY1IAMt�DADE;COUNTY ' , PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OI'REGULATORX t1ND_ECON..OititIG;RESQURCES°:(RERj���� 11805 SW 26Strvvt Itaom 248'• 90Altl);AND CODUADM NISI RATiQN DIV1$ION M�an1►,Fonda 331`95 247q': T(�86):375 2590-F(78bj-15 2599s NOTICE OAF ACCEPTANCE (Nam} w��w• �m� �d�•�ov/economy<. Boral:;Roofng,LTJC 7575 I Center Dnve;Sulte]QO` FILE COPY Irvine,CA;92618. SCOPE+ tation T1its.NUA is being i'ssued under:the:applicable rules andxegu "s gaverntttg the�use of:con5tructioti materials:The docwnentation:submitted has been reviewed"and accepted by Miami Dade,:County-RER,-Ptoduct Control Section ' be used:tir Miam-Dade Countj!.Od.other areas; Here allowed'=by'the::Auffior ty Having Jurisdiction(AHJ), This=N,.OA;shall not'be valid%attei the expiration-d'ate.stated'below,The M al- Dade County l io, Control Section Mtn Miami Dade County)and/or the=AHd(tn areas ofher than Miami Dade=;Counf reservee the right"to have tfiis product or material tested for quality_a5surarice purposes-:If this product.Mrnaterial f ffis.to perfornI 19 the accepted; manner,the;manufacturer,wih iiiCcur.the expense:of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke;modify,;or' suspend the use ofsuch,product or material witliin,thetr�urisdtetton RER'reserves the right to revoke tlits acceptance, tftt�is_Qermined by;IVhamt=Dade County Product Con€rot"Scetigh that.this:produ6 or material fads to:ffid-tt e requircment's'of tN-applicable buildi i code.: ThisproducL'=.is approved as:described herein,and has been:desrgned to comply with the;Flarida;Biiilding Code: including tlieHigh Velocity-}-lurrxcanc Zone af,theT1`orid'a Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Saxony % :C.Oncrete:.RoofT le LABELING::Each>,unit§stall bear a perniar.e►it label with;the manufacturer's name or"logo,city,sfate,and'following statement "Miami Dade County,'Product Control Approved"',unless.otherwise noted-herein. RENEIYAL;of�this'NOA hall,be considered atteva renewalnapplication'W been filed'and tl eiea as been-no change in4he applieable,buildtng code neg4tiXejy;affecting.`the perforii ance-of this.product: TERMINATION.:°ofthts NOA-will..occur.after the expiration date or;if#here has been a-.revtsion or change�n;the materials;use;and/or-,manufacturd..of'the Product or process,lVli'use of thi's NOA as an;end.dfa m nt of,'any'pr.'oduct;. far sales;advertising or any,other purposesshall automatically terminate flits NQA.Failure to.compty with anysect on ofEhis,NOA shall'be"cause-for.tert�nation";and removat of NOA, ,A; VERTISEM9,N:T The NOA:number preceded by thewwords Miami=Dade,C.ounty,Tlorida;and;followed,by the expiration dale may;tie c�tsplayed an,'adverf smg.literafurc.. If any-portion of the NOA ts:dtsp' d,ttten:.if.sliall be done tn,its:enttrety INSPECTIUN" A',copy of flits entire NOA shall:le provided to; he:user-by lie=manufacturer or its-distiibuiors and, sl#il b:a av_atlable foz,inspectiowatihe job-site at the request oFthe Building Off cial, ThwNOA;nevi"ses NOA NoA 9'040.9,b1 and,'consists of pages 1 throug_h;"y: The,submitted-documentation,was.reviewed by,Freddy Semrno NOA Na: 1'9-0814:0,1, rttnrtrouaneeoutrrr -gxpir4t*ion Date::.04126/22, 1l.f�Ir1II Approval-Date: 1.1/27119 Page;l�nf�9 c• ROO, ING ASSEMBLY A►k'PROVAL Cateorv:; I oofingF.. ..Sub GateQorys IKaofingTiles; iMaterraf. Concrete.; 'Deck Tvpe: 'W:ood: 1, SCOPE; Tbis:NOA ,approves; a. system.using Saxony 90Q (Slate;; Shake & Splrt Shake) Concrete;Roof: '171e, as manufactured Boral Roofing hLC to Lake Wales, Fj and descrit edtthis:Notice:of Acceptance:: For locations where_the pressure requirements,'as,detenrined hay applicable Building Code, do not exceed the design p"ressurc values,obtained.byrcalculafiaris-in!compliance with':RAS 127 using the values listed �w, a installation:section. herein.:The;attachment caleulationss'hatltbe done as.a,moment based�sgstem. 2, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 1VIarinlactured tiy, Test; =Product Anpt'ican'r. bitnenstons. SMMrIcatioris. Description Saxony 900:-SIate Length 17=" TAS 112 Elat profile,interlocking,highpressure extruded_ W�dth.. .13" concrete raof tile,wrth;two nail.holes. ;)i or direct deck;, thickness: =.1 5/32" batten,,mortarset or'-4 dfloiv, set applications:. Saxony.900`:- Length 17 TAS:,112 'Fiat profile,interlocking,high pressure extruded. Sp1it:Shake, Width- 13.," concreteYoof the with;two n'it holes ;For direct deck,: t}iickness 1 9/32" fatten,nortar set or adhesive set applications.. Tops surface,produced with;4 different°configurations 1 Complete file brushed, 2 Might hOtt' ghed(shown in-drawing); 3. 'Left=:half bmshed 4. 'Na. brush Saxony 900;Slake; Length=1.7 TAS:112 Flat,profile,interlocking,high pressure extruded. Width=13" concretc'roof file with two nail holes.;Fbt direct deck;, xh ckness= 'r1 9%32" 'batten,mortar'set*adhesive set applications;. Trim Piecesi Leno-war'ies. -TAS IJ2 Accessory trim,boosted Barcelona,concrete roof Width canes. pieces<for usOAt hips,xr`i`dges and_rakes varying thickness; 21. MANUFACTURING LOCATION 211, :-Lake'Wales,FL No 19 0814:01 rnaaiFaanscouKrr _Eacpirution DateiO4/26/22 _:' .' .. Approyat Date:,it/27/19' Pagew2 of<9 c 22 2, >EVID,ENCE<SUBMTTTIri); Test:AgeocY: Test Identifier' Test Name/Renort: Date: The.;Center:for:Applied 94 084. Static Uplift Testing: ;May 1994-, Erigineenng,Inc; TAS 101 (Mortar Set. 94=060A Static Uplift Testing .1V1'arch, 1�994 TAS 101:(Adhesive Set) -2S 7183=6 Static Up111Z`Testing TAS 102; FFeb. 1995, (2 Quik-DnverScrews�D�rect Deck} 25 7183=5: Static Uphff Te§iing TAS 102 Feb. 1995 (2 Quik Drive Screw., Battens); 25 72'.1;4,f Static Uplift Testing TAS 102 1Vlarcfi;19,5 (1 Quik Dave ScrewF.Direc(Deck) 25 7214=5. Static Uplift Testing TAS 1,01 March,1"995 (I:Qui1c Dnve,Sgew,Battens}; 'Troj:ect No 307025 Wind;Dnveri`Rain 'Oct..199'4 Test#IvIDC 7Z'` TA8:106 Redlaid Technologies; ?161=03 Wynd Tunnel Teslin I�eo, 199>I' Appendix-41&.III. TAS;1a08,(Nail=Qri) :Letter Dated;Aug;;l; 1994 �Wind;Tunnel�Testing: Aug.'1994 TAS.108(Nail Ong; P0631,4t)1 WindATunnyl [esttng' July 1`994 TAS:t08(Mortar Set) Pg4Q Withdrawal:Resistance Testing;of Sept a9.93 -screw vs.';sinooili shank nails. Atlanta Testing& Rl_894/R2.894/R3.,894 Thy IT Aug:1994 Eng neenng,.„I,nc TAS 1.12 Celo.tex Corporation 5201;Q9 'f StatieUpliftTesfing, Dec;:t99 . `Testing-Service. 5201.11-4 TAS 10"1 5.20,19 till Static".Uplift Testing Nlareh.1999: Vdlker Engineer'i- Inco Evaluation Cald'ddti6i& 25,709.4, Februa`ry.1996 Evali atton:CalculationS. 25 7496 Apn11096. Evaluation,Calculat ons 25 7584/25 7000-8/25 78-04 &5 Aecember 19.96 25 7848:4, Evaluation-:Calculations 25 71<83. :March 19,95 Evaluation_Calcul'ations: Aerodynamic Multipliers; 09/(}t/,1�6 ;Calcutation s 1'xwo,Patty:Adhesive Sex'System, :April 1"99-9., Evaluation Calculations; Restoring Moments.:bve to Gravity 09/01116. American Test Lab of RT0617.04._L6 TAS t.T2' 06%29%1;G South Ftoiid" I RI:Constructian Matenat. coPo-oat 02 12 TAS 161 10%12/2016 640=002:02-06 TAS,101 1o/f2/20i& -'COPO=Qt)2 02 O5 TAS 101 initzr l6' BORR.Q22 Q;1 TAS 141 02%2;5120.1.9' BORR=022-02`=02' AS 10't. 021251201'9_ B.ORR=022-02-03 TAS,101 02/25 2019' nQRR U22 02 04 'TAS'104 02/28/2019' NOA No. :19 0814:01 tltaMioaaecai Expiration Dote 04/26/22( "• Approval.Date- 1112JAI, Page 3"*'9" I,IMITATIQNS 3al Fire classification=rs not-part of°this acceptance: 1 For mortar or adhes}yc Set.tile;appl*catians, a staticfeld uplift test shall be,perfonned in:accordance`with ` TAS l.Of " 3:3 Applicai&shall`.:retarn the'services of a:Mramr Dade County Certrfied'Laboratory;to perform quarterly test in::<accordiki with TAS 112;, appendix. `A'. Sued testing<stiall be;sulimrtted ao _the Building, Code Cornphance Of>icc for review: 3 4 Miniinum:underlaymenis shall?be incompliance with the applicable Roofing Applicahoi s$tandards Iisted? section.4'l'herein. 3 S Mechanically attached tiles minimum slope 4I1>2 SA, 30J90,hot:mopped under"Taymentapplications maybe installed pcipetA -'1ar<towthe roof slope unless:stated ot$crwise`;by tl e underlayment material'manufacturers<pul lisped-literature. 3.7 Thissacceptance is for wood deck appilcatzons:. Minimum:dec 6F 4uiiements shall bean:.compliance;with,. the applicable gilding Code. 4 . INS,TAY.LATION 4.1 Saxony 900,(Slate,Sliakc&Split Shake).Concrete-Roof Tite:,and its;cornpor ents shall 6 installed iri strict; compliance wtth<Roof ng Appl canon;Standard RA-118,RAS 119,1nd'KAS.120.. 4:2, Data For.Attacl ment Calculations: 'Table 1 A,er"age Weight(.W W Dimensions;(I x.w) Tile,Pcofile Weight=tnf:(ibfj: Length=l (ft) Width-w MY Saxony 900 1.0.9 1 417 1.08 Table 2 Aerodynamic Multip 'j Tile 3) Profile Batten Application Direct.Deck Application Saxon 900 Q:29.1 0 315; Table 3: Restoring'Moments,due to Gravity-M9(ff4biq Tile 2.. 12 3";12., :�..s12 soil 2 6..;12'• 7.. 12"ar. _profile: 'greater Saxony.900, Direct Deck' ;Direct Deck, ,Battens; Direct: Battens Direct,,-. Batteps) -Direct Batterjs Direct: Slater . Shake$: - Deck Deck Deck' Deck S li't;Shake_ 770, 7.62} 6:61 7:50' 6;48 734 6 31, 7:16 _-...... 1vOA No.; 19(9UO'l MIAMhGgDECOUPtrY E,xok tkn Date:64/26/12 "'• A royal Date;._11/2-7/19 `Pa�e4�of�9: 3 f' ;ggt F• Table 4 Attachrrient Resistance Expressed as a-Moment--Mi{ft-lbf};; for Mechanically Fastened Systems: . . Tile. Fastener'Type ofr,`ect.De'ck Direct Oecki fBattens Profile (min 1SM' {mAW1,9i321, i r plywood) plywoodI Saxony 900 2-TOd Rini',Shank Nails381 17.2 Slate,Shake 8_ 1.10d Smooth or Screw-Shank_Nail' 9 8 4.9. Split Shake: 2=10dSmoofhor=Screw;Shank';Nails , :, :14.0= 1:8:8: .7:4 1 #8:Screw 30.8; '2 ',"Screws 51.7 . . 5 i .T . 24-4. 1=1;Otl;Sm'ooth or S.crevir Shank'Nail(Field 24 3.. 24;3 1 1t)tl_Smofh or Screw Shank Nailx(Eave 19.0` 1'9 0, 221 ,t 2=10d`Smo6th or Screw Shank Hafts(Field; 355 35:5 34 8 dip) 2104Sm66th or Screw Shank Nails(Save322' cli Tabte'.5 Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment Mr(ft.-ltif} far Two Paddy Adhesive SetSystems . _. Tate TIIe.Applicatton Mintmum;Attaclment;. Profrie Resistance: Saxon 900 _ _ Adhesive?. 3 2&^ .. - Slate,,Sha[ie,8�Spltt S:ha[ce •5.9 a t See foam-adhesive manufacturers:com onenf a"roval.for`in's'tattation re uicements: 2 The Dow`ChemicaJ Company TileBond'"-,one component-foam m+rnmum weight„per paddy 13:9 grams. AdiieswesP.olysetq AH 160;two=component foam;minimurii weight per;paddy 8 grams, 4 . ;DAP Products',Touch eal:Storm S'on62 two corn"onent foam"'minimum wei 'lit: er add 8 rams; f' NO, ivo 9".08, 14 01 rncounirr ;Ex r+ia pira`ton Date;04/ZS/22 t Approval=Rate:41/17A0, j Page 5,ofi:9 f'. z Table 6 Attachment Res�stance<Expressed as a.Moment, ;Mr(ft=1bf); ; ';;for Single�Pi ddy;Adhesive'•Set Systems Tile Tile�;A datlon Minimum Attachment, Proble Resistance. Saxon 900 IGP A 4Wv,es Pdi 'set AH-1-60 119 s Slate,Shake.&Split:Shake; "TW6.,component foam; 115,4 6 DAP Products Touch N''Seal Bond 2'two com „onent.foam _ 45rs 3' Large paddy:piacement of 45 grams of Polyset�AH-160. 4<. ,Lar a add'"-'"lecement=.of;34: rams of:Pol set®.AH=160 5;' Medium' add:", lacementof,24:Y"rams of7P..o1`§et®-AH=160::: . 6` ..Medium: `add` lacement�of.-18 rams:of Pol'setca�i4H-160 - - =T Lar e add „DAPProducts-Touch.N'Seal:Stor6i.Bond2•two-com onent'foam:minimum:wei ht' er add' 455 rams:._ . 8 Medium add DAP�Ptoducts Touch.N'SeaL:StorrriMBond 2 two=com""orient foam?minimum�wei ht: er" add 24 rams: i Table 7-.'AA achment,Resi§tMide E pressed as.a;;Mament. Mf,(ft ,Ibf) r . .., . for Mortar S°.et 5.ystem's 4... Tile Tll`e ;Minimum Attachment Profile .Application- Resistance Saxon 900 Y Mortara Seth" 43 96 Slate,:Shake&Split_"Shake _. . 9 Tild-Tile Roof T11,Moitar' S, I1;A$EIING; Sit All ttics shall'bear the imprint qr identifiable-mark>ng o£the, nanufacwre 's;name£or''1'ogo as:detailed i below;rorfollowmg statement "Mianu,Dade County:Pcoduct Control Approved".. - �; b o .. LABEti.FOR:_BORAL SAXONY 9�00 TILES(LAKE WAGES FL PLANT' UCATED'VNDERNEATH TILE; fKOA No 10 U814`Oh Muu��►oanec°u^rTM P.,O D Expiration DAti 04/26/22' " _ A' royal Date 1'1%27H9 Page;6 011 T >f.; BUILI3I�iGPERMI'TREQUIRENtENTS 61 Aptilrcation for buildingpermi =shall b d b o e accompaniey cpres;of the fallot+ng<; b fA Thix Nbtke of Acceptance 6.1:2 Any otherdocuments required by the BuildingOfficial or applicable buildtngcode,tri order tos +�•+ properly�et%aluatcthe�installatipn of fbis system. ' PROFILE DRAWINGS" NAIL HOLES 4 17'" COVERLZ3CIC: 13 :UND)✓RY.00K w SAXONY`9;00--SLATE` j iv �i NOA No 19 0814 01: Irm Expirat�onDate'04/26f22+; x; Approeai Date:11i27,/19 -pi 7 of 9` is a x -PROFILE.DRAWINGS - A 7S S F NAIL HOLES, g. co Note ;Available Top=Surface Finishes= 5 Complete the_brushed r % Right half brushed fshownlm draw 7. Left half, brushed. 8 No litush � l r ii SAXONY'900',-SPLIT:SHA,KE i t i i i is 3 a Yj NOA Na 19 Of � � x' $xpiration:Date O4%l6/22, Approval Date;11727/1.3, 4 Page.B.of:9 � t -FROFILE'DRAW INGS NAIL HOLES - F *� IN �R t�4 � S 1711 C � _ � e a• SAXONY 90.0=SHAKE; END OF THIS-ACCEPTANCE t �NqA No 19 0814 OP MAMMA E Expiration Date 04/2G/22 �` ;Approvai;Datc i,1X2711`9 r ST LUCIE COUNTY ROOFING PERMIT INFORMATION SHEET Florida Building Code 7th Edition (2020) Based on Section 1525 of the Florida Building Code-Building INSTRUCTION PAGE COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING SHEE LE COPY APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AS NOTED BELOW: Required Sections of Attachments Required Roof System the Permit Application See List Below Form Low Slope Application A,B,C 1,234,5,6,7' Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 A, B,C 2,4,5,6,7 Asphaltic Shingles A, B, D 124,5;67 Concrete or Clay Tile A, B, D,E 1234567 Metal Roos A,B, D 1y ;45;�,7, Wood Shingles and A,B,D 'f24;5,67 Shakes Other As Applicable °123;4;5B;7 ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED As Applicable): 1. Fire Directory Listing Page 2. From Product Approval: Front Page Specific System Description Specific System Limitations General Limitations Applicable Detail Drawings 3. Design Calculations per Chapter 16,or if applicable, RAS 127 or RAS 128 4. Other Component of Product Approval 5. Municipal Permit Application 6. Owners Notification for Roofing Considerations(Reroofing Only) 7. Any Required Roof Testing/Calculation Documentation Form RooflnfoFeb21 Rev Feb 18,2021 L-W ST;�,"LUCIE,'*'VV R IT _ _.) CC-""�)L___ uWPL_'`npCC Section A(General InformatiohTT. L ucm:- � �1�., f`�U y Bocc Master Permit No. Process No. Contractors Name. George & Associates License# CCC1328132 Job Address 2990 CONIFER DR Fort Pierce, FL 34947 FILE Copy ROOF CATEGORY Low Slope QMechanically Fastened Tile ❑Mortar/Adhesive Set Tiles 13 Asphaltic Shingles ❑Metal Panel/Shingles ❑Wood Shingles/Shakes ❑ Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 ROOF ROOF TYPE 0 New roof ❑ Repair ❑ Maintenance V Reroofing ❑Recovering _ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION Low Slope Roof Area(SF) Steep Sloped Roof Area(SF) 3666 Total(SF) 3666 Section B(Roof Plan) Sketch Roof Plan: Illustrate all. levels and sections, roof drains, scuppers, overflow scuppers and overflow drains. Include dimensions of sections and levels,clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. i w pour w ,., r' v i S ction C(Low Slope Roof) Surfacing: Fill specific roof assembly components and identify Fastener Spacing for Anchor/Base Sheet Attach nt: manu cturer Zone 1':_.._." oc @ Lap,#Rows (If a co onent is not used,identify as"NA") Zone 1:—" oc @Lap,#Rows System M ufacturer: Zone 2:_" oc @ Lap,#Rows Zone 3:_.._." oc @ Lap,#Row ® a Product Appro I No.: Number of Fasteners Per Insula ' n Board: Design Wind Pressu s,From RAS 128 Or Calculations: Zone 1': Zone 1: one 2: Zone 3: Zone 1':—Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3: Illustrate Components N ed and Details as Applicable: Max. Design Pressure,fro the specific product approval Woodblocking, Gut r, Edge Termination, Stripping, system: Flashing, Continuo s Cleat, Cant Strip, Base Flashing, Counterflashing, oping, Etc., Deck: Indicate: Mean oof Height, Parapet Height, Height of Base Type: Flashing,Co ponent Material,Material'Thickness, Fastener Type,Fast her Spacing or Submit Manufacturers Details that Gauge Thickness: Comply ith RAS 111 and Chapter 16.. Slope: Anchor/Base Sheet&No.df Ply(s): Anchor/Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: FT. Insulation Base Layer: Base Insultation Size and Thickness: Parapet Base Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: Height Top Insulation Layer: Top Insulation Size and Thickness: FT. Top Insulation Fastener/Bonding Mater' I: Mean Base Sheet(s)&No.of Ply(s): Roof Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding aterial: Height Ply Sheet(s)'&No/nding Ply Sheet Fastener Material: Top Ply: Top Ply F tener/Bonding Material: Section (Steep Slope Roof System) Roof System M ufacturer: Notice of Accept nce Number: Minimum-Design Win Pressures,If Applicable(From RAS 127 or Calculations): .Zone 1: Zone 2e: Zone 2n:-Zone 2r: Zone 3e: Zone 3r: eei<Type: e:Underlaymenf. 'Roof Slope 42 I ula-t! e'$arrtec Rt.dmkvp"0""on? F tenerTyp r&Spacing ' h eve type: 4 T e=Cap Sheef. f Mean R v+df Height R Covering; NO Size Dnp. lEd 9e f'"LLUCI `VVR Section E(Tile Calculations) i. ;f a For Moment based tile systems,choose either Method 1 or 2.Compare'fhevalues for Mr ith the a�luestfrom Mr.If the Mf values are greater than or equal to the Mr values,for each area of the roof,then the the a'tt ch em nt method is acceptable. Method 1'Moment Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 12T (Zone 1: X : ;_,``;M9 Product Approval MI (Zone 2e Product Approv I . f (Zone 2n K = _) Mg Mom, Product Approval PY (Zone 2r -7 _�` Mg M,� Product Approval Mf (Zone 3e X� ;_�"-=Mg' '=M; T - Product Approval Mf (Zone 3r X Product Approval Mf, Method 2"Simplified Tile Calculations Per Table Be o Required ent of Resistance(Mr)From Table Below 24.4 Product Approval Mf N01-0814.01 Mr required Moment Resistance* Mean Roof Height Roof Slope 15' 20' 25' 30' 40' 2:12 34.4 36.5 38.2 39.7 42.2 3:12 32.2 34.4 36.0 37.4 39.8 4:12 30.4 32.2 33.8 35.1 37.3 5:12 28.4 30.1 31.6 32.8 34.9 6:12 26.4 28.0 29.4 30.5 32.4 7:12 24.4 25.9 27.1 28.2 30.0 *Must ed in conjunction with a list of moment based tile systems • For Uplift based i ms use Method 3.Compare the values for F'with the values for values are greater than or equal to the Fr values,.for each area o o is acceptable. Method 3"Uplift Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 12T (Zone 1: x L =x W:= )-W: cos r =Fri Product Approval F' (Zone 2e: x L =x W:= )-W: cos r =Fr2e Product Approval F' (Zone 2n: x L =x W:= )-W: cos r =Fr2n Product Approval F' (Zone 2r: x L =x W:= )-W: cos r =Fr2r Product Approval F' (Zone 3e: x L =x W:= )-W: cos r =Fr3e Product Approval F' (Zone 3r: x L =x W:= )-W: cos r =Fr3r Product Approval F' Where to Obtain Information Description Symbol Where to find Design Pressure Zones 1,2e,2n,2r,3e,3r From applicable table in RAS 127 or by an engineering analysis prepared by PE based on ASCE 7 Mean Roof Height 15 H Job Site2990 CONIFER DR Fort Pierce Roof Slope 7/12 6 Job Site 2990 CONIFER DR Fort Pierce Aerodynamic Multiplier a Product Approval N01-0814.01 .315 Restoring Moment due to Gravity Mg Product Approval N01-0814.01 6.95 Attachment Resistance Mf Product Approval N01-0814.01 31.3 Required Moment Resistance Mg Calculated 6.97 Minimum Attachment Resistance F' Product Approval N01-0814.01 31.3 Required Uplift Resistance Fr Calculated 31.3 Average Tile Weight W Product Approval N01-0814.01 10.9 Tile Dimensions L=length W=width Product Approval N01-0814.01 1.417 X 1.08 All calculations must be submitted to the building official at the time of permit application.