HomeMy WebLinkAboutTopography SurveyJ, FIM `c + + 4 + n Al POWER POLE 0 + VALVE C?^gym VALVE VALVE ,00 >< + + + >< VALVE 0, >< 0 BOLLARD (TYP) + _X 0. + 20' CONCRETE PAD 401^9 ^yy + 'b" + 46 _J o 1 0 1 SCALE: 20' oy —SIGN FOR: POWER 0 UNDERGROUND SEWER POLE GV 10 REPORT OF SURVEY Reproductions of this drawing are not valid without the signature and the original SITE* PLAN raised seal of a Florida licensed surveyor and mapper. +off + Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of a Florida licensed + + lap + + ADJUSTMENT surveyor and mapper. 0 X Ile X I 1� -�i*' — - C Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports, by other than the signing Gvp I I surveyor is prohibited, without consent of the signing surveyor... + + 10/6/2020 The last date of field work was May 21st, 2019. INV. I Si 22' 9noApproval Date This map is intended to be displayed at a scale of 1 20'. + Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for right-of-ways, + + + +11 00 + Resolution 2020-197 reservations, agreements, andlor easements of record. such information should + r OW�R be obtained and confirmed by others through appropriate title verification. UGW F OLE� UGW 14% UGW UGW UGW Approval Order # "2,9, + IbI CW1 A9 'All + W + + + Underground utilities, utility services, foundations and improvements were not 0 + 4P Ary + located as a part of this survey. N% - 41b, 14" To make the map legible the symbols shown hereon and as described in the + P SON 4IGA SIGN + + ""*so woq##, pe "'JegeW, are not always to scale, but indicate the surveyed location Expected use of property: Rural a. + SIGN ASPHALT ROAD +e + 4- ASPHALT ROAD + + + Qrp All measurements are in accordance with the United States standard in feet Horizontal relationships, as shown hereon, are based on the Florida State Plane 1P Coordinate grid, east zone, using the North American Datum of 1983 with the LIGHT SIGN + 2011 adjustment (nsrs 2011). LIGHT 1P ry - I ^q + x 0. CONCRETE x N J - _,ETE Cb° SIGN C CS Qo)p� COINCRE4�_ Ar 'N p lb + NIP 11- SIGN + s. + +K + + SIGN iry 1bP CONCRETE 1(b� + + + + 4q, INLET '4 + TOP = 17.50 49 lb + _+:T 11 INV. 15.64' JP '�§ T_ + + 1 6� RCP ca_ DESCRIPTION OF ENTIRE PROPERTY 4- INLET 4b' 51 + Being the East Half of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest TOP = 17.5 1P POWERO INV. E. = 16.96' Quarter and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of POLE INV. N. = 15.39 Section 11, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, less lights -of -way for public ASPHALT PARKING Oe + roads and drainage canals. LIGHT A AND + +ryo +ryo +n. + + + 0 The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, less rights -of -way for public roads and drainage canals. oo Containing 68.974 acres more or less. SIGN + + + + +0- 'I, +gym' > ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND C: + lb + + 71 lb" Ob + N + 09 > Itp + 0 ID = Identitication + + X + 141 ch PLS Professional Land Surveyor + + + + M IRC =Iron Rod and Cap X 0 t of Way + ,lb% Z NSLRWMD = North St Lucie River Water Management District + b9+ C' + Z CM = Concrete Monument IT! GV II CERTIFICATE: / hengby certifythat the boundary survey represented hereon, dated X this 5th day of June, 2019, was performed in the field under my direct supervision and Gv b% lb% + + + + +4oN + + 1q9 is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and meets the Standards of x X Practice set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter CIP 5J-17.052, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.072 Florida Statutes. X x 4 Rod Reed Signatt4re + Date: 02111119 NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE + Professional Land Surveyor AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A + + + FLORIDA'LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER Florida Certificate Number 3916 f:JILF, GO, C\I LO Ir Cc > Z cc N6; < 1) T (1 U) U) N 00 IX Z LU 0 Cf) IT Z U) 0 Z 0I0 W 0. ;; W Z W [Z 0 _Zpxc� W 0 (-) , � 5 L) !Li `0 MIT Z Z W CL Z Z 0 (.) F W 0 0 D W 0- W > X U_ Lj W > W 0 co 0 rt Li 5; O c) m. qW, > D 0 W X U. 0® uj LV* J. 0 Ii PROJECT SLC4AILAND WAREHOUSE VISITOR SITE SHEET NO. 1 OF 1