HomeMy WebLinkAboutRevisions; New Home Construction - Foundation Plans to include Pile & grade beamOFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: REVISION FEE: , PERMIT # 0 PM RECEIPT #�- PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BUILDING & CODE REGULATION 2300 VIRGINIA AVEN FORT PIERCE, FL 3498i (772) 462-1553 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: 633 SE Hidden River Drive, Port St Lucie, FL 34983 Building Permit # 2008-0279 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: New home construction - foundation plans to include pile and grade beam CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CGC060247 BUSINESS NAME: Southeast General Contractors Group ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: QUALIFIERS NAME: Larry McDonald ADDRESS: 10380 SW Village Center Drive - 232 CITY: Port St Lucie STATE: Florida PHONE (DAYTIME): (561) 756-1321 FAX: OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: N/A ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME: STATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: Charette International Architecture [W.1m ZIP: 34987 ZIP: ADDRESS: 2528 N 38th Avenue CITY: Hollywood STATE: Florida ZIP: 33021 PHONE (DAYTIME): (561) 756-6094 FAX: SLCCC. 9123109 Revised 06130117 4 Fh-r L OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: REVISION FEE: PERMIT # 2008-0279 RECEIPT # PLANNING &DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION RE-CEIVED 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE APR 2 9 7921 FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462.1553 Pgrmiwng Department St. Lurie 0owxi?ey APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMITREVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION LOCATION/SITE ADDRESS: , 1 633 SE Hidden River Dr. Port St lucie FI.34983 ©,` DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: Adding piling and gradebeam to the project due to soil boring report. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CGC060247 BUSINESS NAME: Southeast General Contractors Group Inc QUALIFIERS NAME: Larry McDonald ADDRESS: 10380 SW Village Center Dr CITY: Port St Lucie STATE: FI. PHONE (DAYTIME): 877-407-3535 OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME: STATE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE (DAYTIME): SLCCC: 9123109 Revised 06130/17 STATE: ST. LUCIE CO CERT. #: ZIP: 34987 FAX: ZIP: FAX: FAX: ZIP: Headquarters 11345 U.S. Highway 1 Sebastian, FL. 32958 la 11VL Orlando 723 Progress Way Sanford, FL. 32771 April 6, 2021 Paul Charette 10380 SW Village Center Dr Port St, Lucie, FL 34987 Re: 633 SE Hidden River Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida KSM Project #: 211934-b Dear Mr. Charette: ENGINEERING AND TESTING Mailing P.O. Box 78-1377 Sebastian, FL. 32978 Phone: 772-589-0712 C.A. # 5693 KSMengineering.net RECEIVED APR 2 9 2021 Pwmitozg De-prtment St. :Lll' l'- ��Ay As requested, KSM Engineering & Testing has performed a subsurface investigation at the referenced site. Presentation of the data gathered during the investigation, together with our geoteclinical related opinions, are included in this report. At the time of drilling, the riverfront site was sloped upward from the front of the property to the rear. The building areas were cleared prior to our investigation and the site had many trees remaining. Project Description: A two-story single-family residence, a one-story detached garage/guest house and a swimming pool are planned to be constructed on the site. Loads from the detached garage/guest house are planned to be transferred to the ground by a monolithic shallow foundation and loads from the two-story residence are planned to be transferred to the ground by shallow stemwall footings. We anticipate maximum wall loads for the structures will be less than 10,000 pounds per linear foot along the wall foundation for the residence and less than 5,000 pounds per linear foot along the wall foundation for the detached garage. Any individual column loads are assumed to be less than 25 kips. We estimate that several feet of site fill will be required to reach the desired grades. Site Investigation: The site investigation program consisted of performing six (6) Standard Penetration test borings (SPT), in the construction areas. The borings were terminated at depths of 10 to 40 feet below existing grade. The locations of the borings are shown on the attached location plan. "VISION Page 1 of 5 633 SE Hidden River Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida KSM Project #: 211934-b 'mil C 1 At ENGINEERING &%Oil % AND TESTING The SPT boring was completed in accordance with procedures described in ASTM D 1586. A standard 1.5 inch I.D., 2 inch O.D. split -spoon sampler is driven into the soil by successive blows of a 140 pound hammer freely falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler 1 foot, after seating 6 in., is designated the penetration Resistance, or "N" value. At regular intervals the sampler is extracted from the ground and opened to allow visual examination and classification of the retained soil sample. Also, the groundwater table was allowed to stabilize and the depth of the groundwater elevation recorded from existing grade. The records of the soils encountered, the penetration resistances and groundwater level are shown on the attached logs. Engineering Evaluation and Conclusions: Based on the information obtained from this site investigation we are pleased to offer the following evaluation: The boring logs indicate the subsurface soils are not consistent across the site. In the locations of B-4 and B-5 (detached garage/guest house location) we encountered medium dense to dense fine-grained sand and some clayed sand. In location B-2 (northern section of the residence) we found mostly medium -dense fine-grained sand and some slightly silty sand. In the locations of B-1 and B-3 (pool and southern section of residence), however, an unsuitable layer of silty sand with organics, approximately 1 to 2 feet thick, was encountered. The layer was loose and was encountered at varying depths between 3 and 6 feet below existing grade. In the location of B-6 (center of proposed residence) we encountered a very loose layer of fine-grained sand below a depth of 10 feet. Please refer to the soil boring logs for specific information relative to the soil description. In order for a shallow foundation to perform satisfactorily, it must be able to support the structural loads with an acceptable factor of safety against excessive settlements; both total and differential. Due to the settlement potential of the very loose soil layer found in the area of the proposed residence, we do not recommend ' supporting the proposed residence on conventional shallow footings. The anticipated settlement,in our opinion, would be too excessive and beyond the general accepted safe limits for the structure. In the area of the proposed detached garage/ guest house, it is our professional opinion that the existing subsurface soils are suitable for a conventional shallow foundation. In order to avoid any damaging structural distress due to settlements, and based on past experience of other projects that had similar underlying subsurface conditions with similar loading conditions, we recommend the installation of a concrete pile supported foundation system for the proposed residence. The concrete piles will carry the structural loads below the weak soil layers. We recommend using auger cast -in -place piles. Based on the estimated structural loads provided, we assume that the following capacities will be sufficient to support the intended loading. Page 2 of 5 633 SE Hidden River Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida KSM Project #: 211934-b 'F 01 I ENGINEERING A%QXVi AND TESTING Pile Specifications Pile Capacity Pile Diameter - P.ile Depth_. ,Allowable Uplift Lateral toad, , . (kips) (in). (ft). (Kips) (Kips) 51 14 *30 30 5 64 14 *35 40 5 59 16 *30 35 6 71 16 *34 43 6 * Below Existing Grade All Piles should be installed and inspected in accordance to the recommendation published by the Auger Cast -In -Place Pile Committee of the Deep Foundation Institute. Piles should be placed at a center -to -center distance of not less than 3 pile diameters. The capacity of a pile group must be reduced depending upon the number of piles in the group and their respective position. A minimum time period of 12 hours should be specified for the installation of piles within 5 feet, center -to-center of each other. The minimum acceptable grout factor (actual grout volume divided by theoretical grout volume) should be 1.10. Site Preparation: The proposed building areas and areas to be paved, plus a minimum margin of five feet beyond the proposed construction shall be stripped and grubbed of surface debris, including vegetation, roots and organic matter. Any stumps shall be removed entirely. This is important on this site due to the amount of vegetation that must be removed. The building area should be graded level and proofrolled. Any soft yielding areas shall be excavated and replaced with clean compacted fill. Sufficient passes.should be made during compaction operations to produce a density no less than 95 percent of its modified dry Proctor value (ASTM D 1557) to a depth of two feet. We do not recommend using heavy vibratory equipment on this site due to the proximity to the neighboring structures. After the exposed surface has been proofrolled, the building and pavement areas may be filled to the desired grades. The fill material shall consist of clean granular sand containing less than 10% material passing the U.S. Standard No. 200 mesh sieve. Place structural fill in loose layers of 12 inches in thickness and compact each lift to at least 95 percent of its modified dry Proctor value, After excavating for the footings, the disturbed footing subgrade should be recompacted to 95 percent (minimum) of its modified dry Proctor value. This can be best achieved by making several passes with a relatively light -weight walk -behind vibratory sled or roller. Page 3 of 5 633 SE Hidden River Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida KSM Project #: 211934-b 'V 01 At ENGINEERING A%QJ i AND TESTING We recommend field density tests and on -site inspection be performed at appropriate times during the earth work operations in order to verify that the site preparations have been properly constructed. Foundation: Providing our recommendations for site preparation are followed, the proposed detached garage/guest house may be supported on conventional concrete, steel reinforced footings designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot, or less. With the foundation properly designed and the site properly prepared, we anticipate total settlements less than 3/ of an inch and differential settlements'of less than of an inch. The majority of the settlement should occur during construction. This estimate is based on a minimum continuous footing width of 24 inches and and minimum 3 foot square. pad footing, embedded a minimum of 16 inches. If the actual footing dimensions do not meet these minimum criteria, please contact our office so we can provide updated settlement calculations. Monolithic footings are very sensitive to eccentric wall loading and are notorious for producing differential settlements if not properly designed by the Structural Engineer. The soil pressure at the exterior edge of the footing should not exceed the specified,allowable soil pressure and the soil pressure at the interior edge of the footing is always compressive (based on the principle of having no tension in the soil). Therefore, it is important to have the structural engineer verify the footer does not exceed the soil pressure given. As an alternative, the detached garage/guest house can be supported on a deep piling foundation system as well. Please see our pile capacity estimates above. Floor Slabs: A conventional slab -on -grade can be used in the "at grade" portion of any soil supported buildings. We recommend the disturbed subgrade below the floor slab be re -compacted to 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557) prior to placement of the concrete. An estimated modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 pounds per cubic inch (pci) can be used for design of the slab -on -grade. We recommend that control joints be incorporated in the slab at frequent intervals to control shrinkage cracks. A moisture barrier is recommended beneath the floor slab to prevent moisture migration from the underlying soil resulting'in dampness of the slab. Page 4 of 5 633 SE Hidden River Drive Port St. Lucie, Florida KSM Project M 211934-b RI IV 0'1 I' ENGINEERING A%Q I %% AND TESTING We believe the pool shell can be supported on a conventional pool foundation provided that the soft organic layer encountered from 4 to 6 feet below grade is removed from the pool bottom. This can be done by over excavating the pool and backfilling with %" stone so that there is a firm layer of compacted stone extending from the bottom of the excavation to the bottom of the pool shell. We are estimating this will require the removal of approximately 6 feet of soils from existing grade. The rock shall be placed in layers of 12 inches thick and compacted with a small vibratory sled or "jumping jack" type compactor. Please note that granular fill should never be added on top of compacted stone. A visual inspection is also recommended to verify all unsuitable soils have been removed below the pool bottom. Provided that the site is properly prepared, the pool can be designed and constructed using an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot, or less. As an alternative, the pool can also be supported on a deep piling foundation. Please see our pile capacity estimates above. Closure: This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practice based on the results of the test borings and assumed loading conditions. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between the borings. If variations appear evident during the course of construction, it would be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this project. Environmental conditions, wetland delineation, karst activity, water quality, and municipal requirements are not a part of this report. We are pleased to be of assistance to you on this phase of your project. When we may be of further service to you or should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office. Respectfully, ��``� t i i ����� Digitally signed ` V. KE�� ��',�, wkedhYla a K6w, PEfl Z6816 by Julie Keller theda stated direnlyta the dght osima s. '�� sF •. diewsenaue. Date: Meted coDles of thh dow are not ron9d—daiVWeood seated a"-o 2021 .04.10 No. 68366 i den tna att he Fad an,memum` 15:41:31-04'00' Christop er S. LeBrun, E.I. �� ulie E. Keller, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer �,� STATE OF l�j` g' ,��. '•., toe�vA.-'G��''. President 4/6rida ic. No. 1100022858 �'i�MAlt.`�?�`�` 4/6/2021Florida ic. No. 68366 JEK/jt E-mail to: Paul@charettearch.com; frank@southeastcontracting.com Page 5 of 5 KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-1 KSMP.O. Box 78-1377 PAGE 1 OF 1 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Paul Charette PROJECT NAME 633 SE Hidden River Drive PROJECT NUMBER 211934-b PROJECT LOCATION Port St. Lucie, Florida DATE STARTED 3/17/21 COMPLETED 3/17121 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample �-ZATTIME OF DRILLING 5.83 ft LOGGED BY SF & SR CHECKED BY Julie E. Keller, P.E. AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING — W o w A SPT N VALUE A U 20 40 60 80 a p -1�¢ y L- LL P��— W v -� MATERIAL DESCRIPTION �� a > Q O � m O > w " z Q ' 20 40 60 80 O � z U z U } < W a 0 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 Brown Sand :... Gray Sand 2-3-5 ....... .... ... .... ... Light Brown Sand SS SS 567 ...................................... Dark Gray Silty Sand with Some Organics 5 ...... .............................. SL SS 3-4-5 :....... :................ :...... Grayish Brown Sand with Traces of Roots (9) ... ... . :...• . m ' 6-9-9 m SS .. ... Brown Sand 10 :.::. SS 4-7-10 :.......:............... :...... . :....... :....... :....... :....... •`.; . (17) ....... c� w:••. ...SS 8-9-9 :.......:.......:....... J Gray Clayed Sand (18) 0 •; • SS 45-7 :.......:.......:.......:....... Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. h W w rr w T M w Y N O O w w J LL 2 N Y_ ]C M 0 a F O m g ❑ Z 0 J a x m x U w O w C7 KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-2 Box 78-13 KSMP.O. Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Paul Charette PROJECT NAME 633 SE Hidden River Drive PROJECT NUMBER 211934-b PROJECT LOCATION Port St. Lucie, Florida DATE STARTED 3/17/21 COMPLETED 3/17/21 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample �-Z AT TIME OF DRILLING 3.92 ft LOGGED BY SF & SR CHECKED BY Julie E. Keller, P.E. AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING — W o A SPT N VALUE A U =�9 Ix W r o:� w 0H� W a 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL `� O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -j 2 j Ci j¢ > i j� " z C,— " I 180 � —� o O m O U } 20 40 60 p FINES CONTENT (%) El O < z U z o n0. 0 20 40 60 80 Brown Sand with Traces of Roots :• Light Brown Sand SS 3-4-5 :....... :....... (9)... ... .......:....... Gray Sand 4-5-7 ... ........... :....... ....... :....... :• SS (12) 5 Dark Gray Silty Sand with Some Roots 3-5-7 o SS (12) ............. :....... :....... :....... : o ......:.......:.......:.......:....... m :::•':;: Gray Sand SS 6 8-9 :.......:....... :....... n(17) ..... . ....... z::: • :.: 0 SS 7-7-9 (16) .............. :....... :....... :....... 10 Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. to to W z J_ O N V CY W W W N N Y N U O W W J LL fA Y_ Y tq 0 N 7 F J W F- Z c� N H O J IL x m x O W r 0 w KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-3 � P.O. Box 78-1377 KS7� lyl Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Paul Charette PROJECT NAME 633 SE Hidden River Drive PROJECT NUMBER 211934-b PROJECT LOCATION Port St. Lucie, Florida DATE STARTED 3/17/21 COMPLETED 3/17/21 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample �Z AT TIME OF DRILLING 3.17 ft LOGGED BY SF & SR CHECKED BY Julie E. Keller, P.E. AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING — w o A SPT N VALUE A U } > m w W 20 40 60 80 LL P�—�— a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION J Co j C1 j q j W z a ov Q. o i 20 40 60 80 �� mOZ v" }" W Oa ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 0 r¢ 20 40 60 80 Brown Sand with Traces of Roots Gray Sand SS 3 4 7 :.. (11) :.. Silty - Dark Gray Sand with Some Organics 3-3-4 - ...................................... SS (7) :....... :......:....... :....... Brown Sand, Slightly Silty with Roots = = 5 o ...................................... :. Light Brown Sand SS 5-7-9 ..--. a Gray Sand (16) m .. `. SS 6-8-9 (17) :•.•. . Z 10 SS 5-6-8 Brown Brown Sand (14) .. ... ... ... ... SS 7-8-12 :.......:.......:....... Z Gray Clayed Sand J (20) ......... 9SS 11-16-19 .......:.... .:.......:.......:....... (35) Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. W W N Y_ U O O ' U W J LL N _Y Y C C7 m Q J N H Z 0 J a x in x U " W F O W 0 KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-4 P.O. Box 78-1377 KSM Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Paul Charette PROJECT NAME 633 SE Hidden River Drive PROJECT NUMBER 211934-b PROJECT LOCATION Port St. Lucie, Florida DATE STARTED 3/17/21 COMPLETED 3/17/21 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample VAT TIME OF DRILLING 2.50 ft LOGGED BY SF & SR CHECKED BY Julie E. Keller, P.E. AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING — w A SPT N VALUE A Cn w 20 40 60 80 o Wm wo -z---� 0¢ H� ~� Z PL MC LL o v O -' MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g o > O O _ m 0 > w " Q " I—�----1 20 40 60 80 2Z V v } ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ (� < 0z 0 o Brown Sand ;..•.. SS 2-4-8 (12) :.......:.......:.......:....... .:.: SS 10-12-16 ...................................... :..-.. (28) Grayish Brown Sand :-.." SS s 1as (18) Gray Sand SS 9-8-9 SS 16-28-33 (61) .:.": :: •': •: : :.......:.............:....... Gray Clayed Sand .. . `- SS 19-27-25 (52) :.......:.. .. ......:....... Ss 16-14-13 = (27) Bottom of borehole at 14.0 feet. KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-5 Box 78-1377 KSMP.O. Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE 1 OF 1 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Paul Charette PROJECT NAME 633 SE Hidden River Drive PROJECT NUMBER 211934-b PROJECT LOCATION Port St. Lucie, Florida DATE STARTED 3117121 COMPLETED 3/17/21 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample �-Z AT TIME OF DRILLING 2.67 ft LOGGED BY SF & SR CHECKED BY Julie E. Keller, P.E. AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING — W o A SPT N VALUE A O w 20 40 60 80 =O �m _ wo �z� O: He H� 0 PL MC LL n=~x W `� O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > C! ¢ W '' z O �0—; o O m O> Y `� 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ O < z W U z 0 o 0 20 40 60 80 Brown Sand SS 3-5-7 ::: • :.; 6-8-9 SS ...................................... ' Grayish Brown Sand 5 :•:::• ............................... •.-:.: 14-20-16 SS a Gray Sand •... 9-10-8 SS :....... :.......:....... .:•.:,.; (18) ...... ........ ;.... •... `•; 0 10 (21) Bottom of borehole at 10.0 feet. w z_ J_ O fq V l+J WK 7 W fA N Y_ N U O' W ' J LL f/1 _Y Y r N G (o F 0 C7 m Q J H H Z a ' x in x U W F O W a KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-6 KSMP.O. Box 78-1377 PAGE 1 OF 2 Sebastian, FL 32978 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Paul Charette PROJECT NAME 633 SE Hidden River Drive PROJECT NUMBER 211934-b PROJECT LOCATION Port St. Lucie, Florida DATE STARTED 3/29/21 COMPLETED 3/29/21 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR GROUND WATER LEVELS: DRILLING METHOD Split Spoon Sample -VAT TIME OF DRILLING 3.50 ft LOGGED BY SF & SH CHECKED BY Julie E. Keller, P.E. AT END OF DRILLING — NOTES See Attached Location Plan AFTER DRILLING — ~ w 0 0 v 0_OO MATERIAL DESCRIPTION W CO o z alz j Cif O 9 Lu W O: Q m 0 > U? w � j y `X " p z a � `� Q SPT N VALUE A 20 40 60 80 PLC— �L 20 40 60 80 ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ 20 40 60 80 Brown Sand with Traces of Roots :.. ..... ..... ..... .. Light Brown Sand SS 2-3-4 (7) 3-4-5 (9) 5 .............. :....... :....... ........ ...... ...... :......:....... :....... ...................................... :....... :....... :....... :....... ° SZ Dark GraySiltySand with Some Roots SS Gray Sand 4-6-7 (13) ° Brown Sand, Slightly Silty with Roots SS Gray Sand - -•. S.S. 5-8-8 (16) , :.......:........ SS 6-8-8 (16) 10 :' ;'•: Brown Sand :..: :.. :. SS 2-2-2 (4) 15 ::•:•:- Gray Sand S3-3-2 TS (5) 20 :' `:::: .......:.......:.......:...... — Brown Sand, Slightly Silty and Slightly Clayed = ... ... ... ... SS 2(3) 25 = ' Light Gray Silty Sand : :.......:......:.......:...... .. VSS 45-3 (8) 30 :.:..: ... ...................................... 35 :• (Continued Next Page) KSM Engineering & Testing BORING NUMBER B-6 Box 78-1377 KSMP.O. Sebastian, FL 32978 PAGE 2 OF 2 Tel: (772)-589-0712 Fax: (772)-589-6469 CLIENT Paul Charette PROJECT NAME 633 SE Hidden River Drive PROJECT NUMBER 211934-b PROJECT LOCATION Port St. Lucie, Florida w o ♦ SPT N VALUE A U =O fL 0� m _ w0 cl) w �z� w �� ~C, 20 40 60 80 PL MC LL IL O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION g > C� O 5 Q w.4 v Z n o (� n 2Z O� U m O> UZ v }� 20 40 60 80 < w a ❑ FINES CONTENT (%) ❑ Light Gray Silty Sand (continued) Light Gray Sand, Slightly Silty with Shell Fragments Bottom of borehole at 40.0 feet 12-13-4 SS_............. r 1t :l � LOT . AM9L F20GYT Q 8JD' •''6 a. .mr A— il ti 8 1Tf Hurt [14vU.i RA 1 _ _ ,, a1 Nv�YA¢sGAaL B 4 ENTS ♦♦�\ r O 7� 1L r_ � \ ��A\ ♦ �\ ` gym` F LOT 5 c �\ LOCK 1B-3 IN gF, v1 4 1 LOT 5 DMWC RERMYCF r)M9f Flow a 9.00' LOCATION OF SOIL BORINGS Hidden River Drive, Port St. Lucie, Florida t#: DRAWN BY: C.V. ir ENGINEERING DESIGNED BY: J.K. AND TESTING DATE: 20210322 SCALE: NONE POOL 31- 10811 DECK CONC. NOTES - PAVERS g7 m 1. CONCRETE STRENGTH IS 5000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. 2. SLAB THICKNESS 10" 3. CONCRETE COVER ON INTERIOR STEEL: L TOP: 3/4" BOTTOM: 1 1 /2" 4. CONCRETE COVER ON EXTERIOR STEEL: N TOP: 1 1 /2" BOTTOM: 1 1 /2" 5. TEMPERATURE STEEL IS #4 AT 18" O.C. RUNNING PERPINDICULAR TO THE MAIN STEEL. _ / 6. SLAB AND GRADE BEAM SYSTEM SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY. TOP OF GB = TOP OF L SLAB. SEE SLAB AND GB ELEVATION CALL OUTS. USE TYPICAL BENDING DIAGRAM FOR ONE WAY PER CRSI AND ACI. 41-qIl G 7. #4 HOOKS 3' LONG INTO SLAB ©18" O/C TYP. `9 W/ HOOK AT TOP OF ENTIRE SLAB PERIMETER. F I fn 0 F---1 f - _ O IX/ L L_ F L 31 —011 f L J POOL 12 X 42 L_ 31 —011 REVISION REVIEWED FOR RECEIVED CODE COMPLIANCE ST. LUCIE COUNTY APR 2 9 1021 BOCC h'3Cmitt" L'apartment g;. Lucie Count'i TOTAL POOL PILINGS = 10 �p. C(O", Pv DENOTES 14" DIAMETER AUGERCAST PILE W/ A 50 TON CAPACITY. APPROX. DEPTH 15 30 FT. PILES SHALL HAVE 4#5 BAR TO 30' 20 TONS I— 3' X 3' X 16" GONG CAP 5 #5 "" OC IN PAD FOR PILE 4 #5 VERT. o_..a,ELAIN GRADE BEAM (REFER TO PILE LAYOUT) EXTEND REINFORCMENT 4" INTO PAD TYPICAL 14" DIAM. AUGER -CAST CONCRETE PILE N TS 10" THICK GONG. POOL 2 LAYERS BOTTOM #4 REBAR 012" OC Or- DBL MATT ° a u ° a ° ° a ° . a_ aO ° a a °. 4 a4 °. • a d ad - a a ° a a Z ° a - Q a d a °d°.. a Q a a' ° °° �.° aa4_ ° °G Q4.4° �.n ° °d ° as ° ° °O.-a as _° °d°a4. a as n 14" DIA. AUGER -CAST PILE BEYOND 3' X 3'X 16" TOTAL GONG PAD (SEE PLAN) 5 #5 @6" OC IN PAD FOR PILE PILE STEEL HOOK TO PAD POOL PAD DETAIL SCALE: N.T.S. PAUL CI- Y E W91 NV ��b'b rL• 0 (n O E� Q Z LL. Ld � a o 3 W U_ CE J Q) ,- o Oto ♦ L0 ,..� c� z Ln .. � z z ® J U ♦ J O Q v W C Of H � U D N z00 N E d- _LIJ _ Cr N ++ �Q N .2 �0 QU � a a 0 w w 0- O z w O � U D Q Lil LW U) (W Q O Z r0 O O U QO [L N STARTED: PRELIM: PRELIM FINAL PRELIM FINAL BLDG DEPT: BLDG DEPT: 4-12-2021 BLDG DEPT: CHECKED: PC SCALE: 1 4 PER FT POOL PILING CMU FIRST FLR. SLABId ELEV. \ j U m ,\ w fy 0 Q 4 w W 14" DIA. AUGER -CAST ° SIC AE PILE (SEE PLAN) I i 1 S1 SCALE: N.T.S. SLIDING GLASS DR. (SEE PLAN) #4 //- LONG 0 18" O/C X 3' w/STD. ACI HOOK 311 SGD TRACK RECESS 1'-0" IIN TOP OF ENTIRE SLAB PERIMETER. 6" THICK CONC. SLAB (REFER TO.S1) I 1 -------- - ------- 6 MIL. VISCREEN � I �, /\ 6 MIL. VISCREEN #4 0 18"o.c. I \ #4 0 18"o.c. w/ STD. ACI TYP. 0 ; HOOK (TYPICAL AT DOOR STEP I PERIMETER OF SLAB) h1-4 4. 1 TYP SECTION AR7(DE BEAM (REFER TO SCH).. 14" DIA. AUGER -CAST PILE (SEE PLAN) i 4 SECTION @ SG S1 SCALE: N.T.S. .OMPOSITE WOOD OVER T SLEEPER 6" THICK CONIC. SLAB VERIFY V) GRADE BEAM (REFER TO SCH). DOOR — 8'W CONIC, CAP W/1#5 MID. CONT. #5 VERT. STL. IN - GROUTED CELLS SEE PLAN FOR SPACING - 8" CMU 4 #5 VERT. GRADE BEAM (REFER TO PILE LAYOUT) EXTEND REINFORCMENT 18" INTO GRADE BEAM TYPICAL 14" DIAM. AUGER -CAST CONCRETE PILE NTS GENERAL PILE NOTES: AUGERCAST CONCRETE PILES PILES SHALL BE POURED TO PROPER ELEVATIONS ALLOWING A MINIMUM OF 12" OF PILE STEEL TO PROJECT INTO CAPS AND GRADE BEAM. ALL PILE WORK SHALL BE DONE ACCORDANCE WITH "RECOMMENDATIONS FOR DESIGN, MANUFACTURE, AND INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE PILES" NO. 70-50 IN ACI 543R-74(80). PILES SHALL HAVE THE SPECIFIED CARRYING CAPACITY. AUGERCAST CONCRETE PILES SHALL BE MADE WITH A CONCRETE MIX DESIGNED BY A RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY TO ATTAIN A STRENGTH OF 5000 PSI IN 28 DAYS. FOLLOW ACI 318 RECOMMENDATION ON SALT ENVIRONMENT WHEN THE AUGER CAST PILE DRILLING PROCESS IS COMPLETED AND THE PUMPING CEMENT GROUT BEGINS, FLUID RETURN SHALL OCCUR AT THE GROUND SURFACE BEFORE STARTING WITHDRAWAL OF THE AUGER A POSITIVE HEAD OF GROUT PRESSURE SHALL BE REQUIRED AT THE AUGER TIP, PRESSURE GAUGES SHALL BE REQUIRED TO BE CALIBRATED, LOCATED AND INSTALLED AT BOTH PUMPS AND THE CRANE LEADS. PRODUCTION AUGER CAST PILES CLOSER THAN SIX PILE DIAMETER CENTER OR CENTER SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL INITIAL GROUT SET OCCURS ON THE FIRST PILE AND ADDITIONAL FOUR HOURS TIME HAS ELAPSED. PRESSURE GROUTED AUGER PILES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN 3 INCHES FOR THE GROUP PILES AND ONE INCH FOR SINGLE PILE OF THE STAKED LOCATIONS AND WITHIN 2% OF VERTICAL INSPECTION - A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER SELECTED AND RETAINED BY THE OWNER SHALL OBSERVE THE INSTALLATION OF ALL PILING; AN ISSUE A REPORT ON THE ACCEPTABILITY OF EACH PILING. (CERTIFIED PILE LOGS) ANY CHANGES IN CRITERIA DUE TO PROBLEMS IN THE FIELD SHALL ONLY BE MADE WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 42" BAR LAP C FINAL GRADE SLAB NOTES FULLY GROUTED \ \ / 1. CONCRETE STRENGTH IS 4000 PSI AT 28 DAYS. RANF. CMU PARTY WALL 2. SLAB THICNESS IS 6" ON 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER. (SEE PLAN FOR / ' 3. CONCRETE COVER ON INTERIOR STEEL: "E" BAR REINF.) TOP:. 3/4" (SEE PLAN) ' ' ' BOTTOM: 1 1/2" 6" STIR. SLAB 6" STIR. SLAB \ 4. CONCRETE COVER ON EXTERIOR STEEL: (SEE PLAN) (SEE PLAN) TOP: 1 1/2" .. _ -.._. - -,a' - BOTTOM: 1 1 2" MAIN REBAR MAIN REBAR .,�..� --- --- -.:RADEBEAM "`�"'. _ .-..., --_.. ]EEL IS # A $`_O.C. RUNNING - (SEE PLAN) (SEE PLAN) ,y TOP OF GRADE BEAM (SEE PLAN) PERPINDICULAR TO THE MAIN STEEL. In SEE PLAN 6. SLAB AND GRADE BEAM SYSTEM SHALL BE POURED MONOLITHICALLY. TOP OF GB = TOP OF SLAB. SEE SLAB AND GB ELEVATION CALL OUTS. TEMP. REBAR TEMP. REBAR USE TYPICAL BENDING DIAGRAM FOR ONE WAY SEE PLAN SEE PLAN PER CRSI AND ACL GRADE BEAM (SEE _/ PLAN) AUGER PILE (SEE PLAN) 2 SECTION MID SLAB 7. #4 HOOKS 3 LONG INTO SLAB 018 O/C TYP. 14" DIA.' W/ HOOK AT TOP of ENTIRE SLAB PERIMETER. AUGER -CAST PILE(SEE PLAN) CONCRETE TR N TH FOR PILE CAPS/GRADE BEAM: CONCRETE STRENGTH 0 28 DAYS SHALL BE 4000 PSI PRESSURE INJECTED w/MAX. WATER /CEMENT RATIO OF 0.4 CONCRETE STRENGTH FOR STRUCTURAL SLAB: CONCRETE: STRENGTH. 0.28 DAYS SHALL BE 4000 PSI PRESSURE INJECTED w/MAX. WATER /CEMENT RATIO OF 0.4 5 TYP. PRIVA Y NALL S1 SCALE: N.T.S. S1 SCALE: N.T.S. #5 7' BAR AT 6" O/C #5 7' BAR AT 6' O/C TOTAL PILINGS = 37 SLAB REINFORCING LEGEND SR1 4's 0 6" O/C "E" BAR SR2 5's 0 6" O/C BOTTOM SR3 5's 0 6" O/C "E" BAR SR4 #4's 0 B" O/C BOTTOM x Z' BAR 0 ELEVATOR/ RECESS SR5 #4's 0 18" O/C TEMP. STEEL ON TOP OF PRIMARY BOTTOM STL: TYPICAL AT ALL STRUCTURAL SLAB 9 ��� 32'-0n r, .©� 12'-10l" 61_2n , 12'-38" \\ all \ PILE LINE A IV-2'I BLOCK RECESS — 6'-0" 21- 11 GB -I \ 1 N SR4 E 1 \ ° I In 2 RECESS I ZBAR D iIN O YARD \ \ 131 O n \ L--- F=f4-- r =- i 1 co v Ln B" STRUCTURAL SLAB (TYP.) I ° _= Li 3 10 4" STEP C'�-I In CID1 W =J 3 ,f =1� I I _ 4 52 ° I SR2 S1 LO I SR4I AVIAR I \ 1 I -------------------------- _____________ _ - ® 1L --- L_ _____.'RECESS___ - _ _ \ PILE LINE B -' ----------� \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 �� �i• GB-1la \ 30 -4° I u I I 4 BE I 1 0 0 N i 1 I G$_2 i ZB IR \\ !GB-1 0 m 1 i I i i IN 41_001 ELEV I GBH 3" SGD TRACK RECESS I gl_211 I i 6" STRUCTURAL \ 10.0' NAVD 88 _ SLAB (TYP.) °112 III o I C3J 10—II fl' SLOPE jr PILE LINE C — — — — — — — -- 1 :II 11 1111 II -� Ilhl 2'-10 "III IIIII 1 �_ I. I --6 (141. 211 1 I I III -lip I, Na, O 4� r' SCREENED 0 I 1 S1 OD I 0 PILE LINE D — 8E LANAI GB -y ---� I I I I N II °W i i N N I 6" STRUCTURAL 4 4 it S 5 I I SLAB (TYP.) S1 I ZB R; J I I'-0" m ° L. SR5 1 I SR5 0 SLOPE I G I 9.75' NAVD 88 Nb SR3 i 12'-2" 1 i Y i I R'3 8`-g�° I 3'-bl�j' FIN FLOOR ELEV 6' 2" rr r i rr 1.5" BLOCK RECESS i _1i __� �� J I I��( L--------------------- t --------------- ------J GB-2 -------GB------- `GB=r It allQMD 3'-51' r I ELEV Gs, 9'-10' NAVD$p 09/04/2020 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- --- _ ------------- -_ --- -- COV — o E R i 6" STRUCTURAL 1° i ® 1.5'I ST i SLAB (TYP.)' GBiI I \ - , 10' NAVD 1 3 p ELEVif I- ° / SR5 );Al/ r SR4 N �--------- --I Of i a PILE LINE EIf 1 n I -- ---—Iro 11 I t -7 21_111 6'-7" 4/8E SR4 { r P23 2i SR4 i \�`�--rr PAD 12" BELOW GRADE p _ 1n 1 ZBAR I GBrI TYP c 3'-8" O 3i.5"" RECESS I i .0 n I DIA TO BE PRC VIDED j 1 V) P27 r P24 — 1 Of-----' PILE LINE F /_ +-----`) - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — a1-------------J GB-2 ° I ,� 14 / --- P25 --------- GB-1 -------------- GB 2 -=---------- - --- o PAD 12" BE OW GRADE fm 141_�li 26 TYP !GB-1 I i .STEP I GBrI ° 3" SGD TRAC< RECESS PILE LINE G - _ 6' STRUCTURAL. L EXTEND INTO SLAB MIN. 30" EXTEND INTO SLAB MIN. 30" co r -� - - - - P2 SLAB (TYP.) P30 I C 0 V PATIO - - - - - - 6" THICK CONC, SLAB 6 THICK (REFER TO Si) CONC. SLAB (REFER TO St) a d ' 1-------- --- -- ---------- ------ BTM. BAR I GRADE BEAT" I SCHEDULE MARK WI IZE THxHT ELEVATION REINFORCING #3 HOOPS (TYPE T-1) REMARKS TOP MID BTM GB -I l6x241 ' 01-011 3 #7 @ 8" T.O TYPICAL GB OF PERIMETER WALLS GB-2 6x20I 0'-0" 3 #6 @ 8" T.O. GB @ INTERIOR SLAB 6 MIL. VISCREEN I BTM. BAR 6 MIL. VISCREEN L__________, - DENOTE 0 14" DIAMETER AUGERCAST PILE W/ A 50 TON CAPACITY. APPROX. DEPTH IS 30 FT. + PILES SHALL HAVE 4#5 BAR TO 30 14" DIA. AUGER -CAST �+ GRADE BEAM BEYOND DENOTES #4 @ 18 O/C X 3 LONG IN TOP OF SLAB ENTIRE SLAB PERIMETER. PILE BEYOND (REFER TO SCH). (SEE PLAN) DESIGN LOADS FOR THIS LEVEL FLOOR DESIGN LOADS: 6" STRUCTURAL SLAB - INTERIOR (TOTAL 125 PSF) ERF"AA IT 3 SECTION RECESS SLAB DEAD LOADS (TOTAL DEAD LOAD = 85 PSF) START 04 08 2020 CHARETTE _ SCALE: N.T.S. SLAB SELF WEIGHT 75 PSF FLOOR FINISHES 10 PSF PRELIM FINAL:S1 .:....:.. 06 08 2020 LIVE LOADS(TOTAL LIVE LOAD = 40 PSF) BLDG -0 PT: 09 04 2020 633 SE H BALCONY LIVE LOAD .............................. 40 PSF 04 04 ---- BLQG 6" STRUCTURAL SLAB - PATIOS/DECKS (TOTAL 145 PSF) PORT T. DEAD LOADS (TOTAL DEAD LOAD 85 PSF) - -- SLAB SELF WEIGHT 75 PSF FLOOR FINISHES ......................................... 10 PSF � --- I 220-06. 0 6 � LIVE LOADS (TOTAL LIVE LOAD= 60 PSF) ', H PATIO/DECK LIVE LOAD ....................... 60 PSF in SR5 Of I - icox PAD 12" BELOW Gf AlE, TYP GB-1 a i o 221 _611 I 1 S1 GBrI I 1 PILE LINE H GB-1 - 1 5" BLOCK RECESS GB -I ° ----- REVIE ED FOR \ \ P3 CODE CO PLIANCE 4 o P32 POOL PAD 12" BELOW GRADE O 8'-81i ST. LUCI OUNTY PAD 9'-6' NAVD 88 FIN FL OR ELEV Ilk i--------------------- ---------- ------- i B C PILE LINE I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J I----- -- E�37 PILING PLAN L------�----- ------ -- -- ]��1 / ��j SCALE: I/4" 11-0" 241-011 Ln c R.� �I �ST �1�4 RESIDENCE 2008-027J PAUL CHARETTE A.I.A. CHARETTE INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE INC LICENS 6279 AA26002424®'®� )DEN RIVER DRIVE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING' HISTORICAL RENOVATIONS44. .01 .0 C) E, FL_ 34983 2528 N 38 TH AVE HOLLYWOOD, FL �„�° m paul@charettearch-com (561) 756-6094 LICE ° AID �. 784 on