HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION�� _/ All APPLICABLE | MUST BE COMPLETEDFOR APPLICATION TO8EACCEVED Date: 3/11 tzozi Permit Number: u Building Permit Application -- - —'- - - ^°��K"x�8K��� . ���K��u^ ����k�xK�=~Kon Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division COrnr08rcidlResidential 2300Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce Fl34982 ' Phone: (772)462-1S53 Fax: (77Z)46Z'l57Q ' PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Address: Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter AddMona|work tobe performed underthispennit-chezkaUthatapply: Mechanical GasTank Gas Pipinp- Shutters Total Sq. FtofConstruction: Cost ofConstruction: $ Generator Sq. Ft. of First Fluor: VVindows/D000 Pond Ruuf Pitch Utilities: —Sewer —Septic Building Height: M7411- .10 Name E&4 Name: Company: Addrq5-14. L. City: State: Address: '.Mi 5(ayel- Fill in fee simple Title Holder on nlWxt page if different E-Mail -2�4U"M!J & 14V from the Owner listed above) State or County License fvalue ofconstruction is 25Doormore, aRECORDED Notice ofCummencementh^aquired. Ifvalve ofH/uJC is $7,5VOormore, aRECORDED Notice ofCommencement brequ[/ed. '�i '��„.. �,,,5 '. `H�+ DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not ApplicableMORTGAGE COMPANY: ` Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING COr,,IPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or any covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie Cour'ty Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concun ency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded in the public records of St. Lucie County and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attornev before commencing work or recording your Notice of Commencement. C jj &2 E&4 Ai-lju_il-)eJA_ ri 'Lo' , iRlro Signature of wn re Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner Signature of Coactor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA ',, COUNTY OF SworD,teJUr affirmed) and subscribed before me of Physical Presence or Online Notarization this ``'day of , ,2eK by Name of person making statement. Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification 31 Produced (Signanr otary Public- State of Florida } Commission No. ( (Seal) ,:t•*ct REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPS I COUNTER I REVIEW REVIEW RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED STATE OF FLORIDA�� f; COUNTY OF Sworn r affirmed) and subscribed before me of Physical Presence or Online Notarization this day of — 2VZ0 'by �Z { ne of person rnaking statement. mrially Known OR Produced Identification e of Identification a = duced _ ;natur o ot��a))ry Public- State of Florida) ITIf 05 3�S 1 emission No. _ (Seal) c•r $PLANS I VEGETATION I SEATURTLE I MANC REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW J FEMA Flood Zone data shown here on is based on the visual inspection of the digital Flood Hazardous Maps provided by the Federal Emergency FIRC Management Agency (FEMA) and is limited to the accuracy of such maps. LB4049 Flood Zone: X Community #: 120285 Panel #: 0406 Suffix: J Date: 2.16.2012 LEGEND FCM — Found 4 z4 Concrete Monument Unit 2, Plat 6 nP — Found #' Iron Pipe FIPC — Found Iron Pipe with Cap ' FIR — Found 15 Iron Rod O F7RC — Found 15 Iron Rod with Cap tri SiRC — Set 15 Iron Rod with Cap 'LB17357' rn FiPC — Found 1/2' Iron Pipe with Cap W FM — Found Mug Nail FMD — Found Mag Nail with Disk O FN — Found Nail FNTT — Found Nail with Tin Tab t FPK — Found PK Nail FPKO — Found PK Nail with Disk (D Z FRRS — Found Rail Road Spike /CO — In Pavement Cut Out Unit 2, Plat 6 N22021'09"W 148.04' FIRC L84049 1 00 j Utilities 20.4' i ----"�- r 28.0 0 8.7' 6 va N Unit 3, Plat 6 O ' One Story Residence l Oak Lane Laurel 0,4.02 2006 NW 20.4 � - - --25.1'--- 4. 7'c� 4.46.9' --21.7'- c> SIRC m 145-o > O U Uy C6 Z` p 4.6' t 4.5' o 14.5 � o 14.5 ___ Cat ui o „E 117, 86 ' S0.4 S26o46 to Unit 4, Plat 6 SIRC Ellen L. Browne Lucie Coun LEGEND CIE — Covered Entry CAC — Concrete Pod with Air Conditioning CB — Catch Basin CBS — Concrete Block Structure CIAP — Corrugated Metal Pipe CPE —Concrete Pad with Pool Equipment CIV — Cable TV Box GEN — Concrete Generator Pad GV — water Gate Valve HYD — Fire Hydrant 0/L — Overhead Utility Line PP — Power Pole SSMH — Sanitary Sewer Manhole TC8 — Telephone Commynic U8 Met otions 8px —Utility Box I I wM —water er 9FIRC I WM0 - 4049 30.0' FPII ❑ -10.4'-1 0 c Concrete E cv DrivewOY % N N W 1 r 0 SIRC Q�CM+'J 0� frJ ii t •-1 cU aU W v� M to SIRC R .3'-®1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Unit 3, LAUREL OAK VILLAGE, HARBOUR RIDGE PLAT NO. 6, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 25, pages 40, 40A through 40E, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SURVEYOR'S REPORT I This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of this Survey. 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 3-16-18. 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy in a suburban area as set forth by the Minimum Technical Standards (5J-17.050-052FAC). 6 Left Blank 7 Unless other wise noted all bearing and distances are in accordance with the record plat and have been verified by field measurements. See map for bearing base. 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on found survey control along the adjacent right of way of NW Laurel Oak Lane. There are some discrepancies in the control that prohibited proration, therefore occupation was held 9. Left Blank. 10 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives. 11 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Suryey. 12 Off set calls to found survey control are relative to the nearest property corner, intersection of lines, point of curvatures (PC), point of reverse curvatures (PRC) or other E identifiable point. 13 Compliance with local zoning requirements and or with a. requirements set forth by other State, Public, and/or Private o entities has not been verified as part of this Survey. KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Commercial Surveying Services ` I 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd.#333, Palm City, F1.34990 �� , Phone: (772)288 7206 Fax:(772)223 8181 WWW. KARNERSURVEYINGINC. COM karner®comcast.net V-d PREPARED FOR: Ellen L. Browne City National Bank Laurie Rusk Sewell, P.A. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Prepared By: Regina C. Kamer, PSM#4363 Kamer Surveying, Inc. LB#7357 Date, Revision Desmiptloru—.-- Sheet ntre, Boundary Survey SCaie,T�,W7 iYu.r 1-18 D£aen Book, rhcei I ofGCDD1802-57 .;ob No., GADD fie, FRe No, 1803-15 sLc--HR-o Pa=2 0.5" 7 01`� I14 L 1T1, .. to 04d"Ni ED" 044" 060 050" M " iOTYP. y . TrP. ,ri 55" 1 N In N `O .055" . }{ - TYP. 5555'= �f ai 0.51 .'•;. 2.0 102 1 X2 1 X3 02 2X3X.060 2X3X.050 GUTTER R FASCIA DOOR :JAMB #14 TEK SCREWS FOR - 2X4X.050 7LB OR LARGER OR 2X5X.050 FOR COLUMNS 5" DEEP• ::''::'•,'::'•:'.::-'`.'.:•. #10 S.M.S. FOR 6LB OR GREATER INSTALL '{:'::'::;:: ::!::�Qy•.:.,,.:};. OR SMALLER 0 18' C.C. { o ADDITIONAL 2X2"X2"X7/8"•.;:;;.;:•;.:::,:'::::::;•• TOP & BOT. z ANGLE EA. SIDE OF INSIDE.: i:::.i::.'::,'::• 2" 2 81 OF COL. W ,.4 .e.• 6 TO COL:::::::'•':r` EXPOSED / .( )•..�•. z & (1}-".;•X:':2::'1.7'2" LG. 1'ApC6pt:;,.. ;.,• r, o TO CONC- EA;.:CGP ; • ; ;. BEAM TYPE I t t 4LB 1 .100 .046 5LB .116 .050 6LB .050 7LB .120 .055 BLB .224 _ '.072 9LB i .224 .072 9LBH 306 .082 1OLB .389v .092 O 5.094 , 2" 3.0" Z-GUTTER BRACE "•�3~'`.'�;°�'��:�. 4LB.5LB,6LB,7LB 3X3X.070 4.0" 4.67' E i :_, N fA W Npd .•:'•1:'•1l•:1•:• P ;M a a �'10Y6P4." o 0 L125" ' w!`1{•: :' `" ' : t;i,; 064" n 78" ,064 D60" 0 0 125" .050" 125" c 1:b,.::'•':: 2.0" 5.25" 3.75" 2.0" C :•1'2'.;;::;: C 2X2 2X2 :;.;'` -i� : `•, C 't'X::'' C 2X3 3X3 2X4 3X2 SUPER GWITE•R '::.�. .::;::':1 }' :2', H-3 L 2X2 4X4 2X5 ` ..•...;.•. 2"X2"X1 ' X 2" LG 1 M N. 8 / '. JG2"Xt 8" X 3" LG. MIN. ANGLE EA. SIDE OF COL. 3X3 OR 4X4.:. / W/ (4)- 6 TO COL & ALUM. COL. :,;;.::q�.:;:::.;: ":::•;::;r•.:.::.:;;:;:;r: NOTL :.TWO SIDES L. COL. (()) / #1 TO COL. ® lAp td 2 X 3 1 j2 LG. :.., ... :: i3.:i:; ' '•;'e' '.t:`&:: (2)- 3/8"X2 1 /2" LG. 0 CO TO CONC. :' TAPCONS TO CONC. ® --- FOUND, k. ^ •. '•:... 8LB.9LB.9LBH LLO3 BOL�r'�bN} COLUMN ANCHORING DETAIL 10LB LAP BEAM SEE COLUMN ANCHORING DETAIL 1X2 OR 1X3 ° PAVERS OR TILES OPTIONAL I 3" FROM DG TO BOLT �MINF) ° 3" 00 3" FROM EDGE - TO BOLT (MIN.) 41 8- 5. 12"P STRIP FTG. DETAIL W/ PAVER OR TILE * 12"X 8" FTG. IS MINIMUM FOOTING SIZE. REFER TO SITE SPECIFIC PLANS, AND STRIP FTG. SCHED. FOR ANY :-F . - SL ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. MIN. FOOTING SIZES SHOWN APPLY TO NEW FOOTING'S ONLY. FOR EXIST. FOOTING'S SEE :,FjBdil5 SITE SPECIFIC PLAN. SEE COLUMN ANCHORING CO FINISH GRADE 3" FROM EDGE SODDED REQD. TO BOLT (MIN.) FOR EROSION `'•'s `.' PROTECTION ;:;;;';T {:;•;:; 2" MIN. J CONG;:kA$; COVER �{c•�•..::. * NOTE: I _ " SITE SPECIFIC ENGINEERING REQtJJl1E0'•;EOR' WHEN THIS MEASUREMENT IS LESS:;iJlAM';3' SOLID ALUMINUM RO. (EXCEPTION:':S TE> :. ENGINEERING IS NOT'.:it OFSb'UIRED FOR-'-.rC,t?EEE EXISTING HOUSE.- (4)_ #6 TO COL (TYP) (1)- 1/2" X 3 1/2" LG. CLIP ANGLE :'::'::•'.i•'::'::':.. '':`i::'.:':i.• COL TAPCON TO CONC. SEE COLUMNf';R�iCN¢Ri[y�;'ES{ 1�11} ;. � (TYP.) 2 PER COL COL 3 0 18" O.C. 1K2 In EWHERE ;::�:•J'AVF,�iS:-:©$ TILES •'• t1 FTG.. ° ;::,:•:,;::;:Op06JJAL;•;:. DELETE 1X2/1X3 FOR FRONT ELEVATION OPEN PORT (TYP.} . •a NOTE: ANGLES ARE NOT REQD. FOR 202 DOOR JAMB COLS. h�, ::• ;g:;;. ALL ANGLES SECURING THE COLUMN TO THE CONCRETE TO BE A MIN. 2"X2"X1/8'X2' a } :';'; :};•' LONG. 1/2' DIA BOLTS ARE TO BE EXPANSION TYPE. (SEE ANGLE TO CONC. DETAIL)'., B EXPANSION BOLTS TO BE 'HILTI KWIK BOLT 11" SYSTEM OR EQUAL ,::•,.:;-- '.:''•'•:'•:.V/ X8" FI � O/W. 1�A -4" LG. EXPANSION BOLT OF SAME DIAMETER MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF TAPCON ' TAPCONS ARE TO BE SIMPSON "TITEN" OR EQUAL OR TILE SEE GENERAL NOTES 2 & 4 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS uEU of 6X6 - 10/10 W.W.M. GENERAL NOTES ' -:-:-:-.:-.'-,.*.-.-:-.'-"-'-*-":-- THIS THIS STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED & TESTED IN ACCORDANCE W/'�Ifi :;RQ ` F.B•C 2020 (7TH EDITION). THE MIN. MECH. PROPERTIES; f3f•;:{(CUhi:--ARE•'IN;;A�C ,• THE ALUM. CONST. MANUAL THIS STRUCTURE ALSO CQt+►F>7RftS rtt3•7H::'•.D rSS}G�}, OF THE ASCE 7-16 LATEST ED. SEE COLUMN ANCHORING DETAIL COL SCREEN WALL & SCREEN ROOF ,LOADS BASF Q•;:�?Il;:,i,$X14 SCREEN '.}MESH. 3" FROM DG ALUM. PAN &INS. PANEL STR#1CTUfS BASED:•:OAf;;1.6r7%•LNE LOADS TO BOLT MIN 1. ALL PRIMARY MEMBERS WILL BE CONNECTED:-.:]If,:$OLTS, POP'R{YE{ ';>?R OTHER POSITIVE FASTENERS. i • • 2. ANCHORS SHALL BE PLACED GREATE'A"TRAN 3"'''F.[fgFd::.DO$; OF CONCRETE SLAB OR FOOTINGS. I' ? ALL CONC. FASTENERS MUST $E1 i3,: A MIN. OF;:j:::1: ;2"•,.'!INTO SOLID CONC. REGARDLESS OF ..:..: . a • ;`f LENGTHS SPECIFIED IN INDIVIb'QkC "6ftAiLS;::':.:;•• :•; 4" CONC. SLAB 3. FASTENERS FOR ALUM. SHQE -.'S:g ALL NOT:•,:EX.CEED 8"'•�C}N"tENTER 8 W/ 6X6 - 10/10"W.W.M. 4. ALL CONC. ANCHORS SHfK:T"-'-I A'V' E A:OW'•_K PROVIDED 8"X8" FIG., W/ 1-#5 W/ 1/2 INCH DIA. WASk O� '.;'M•IN. 5. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSI$ -1',:T-0 INSULATE ATkJM •;.MEMBERS FROM DISSIMILAR METALS FTG. & SLAB DETAIL..°' r TO PREVENT ELECTROLYSIS:. ;•;:•:;•:::;:i:•. NOTE: FIBERMESH MAY BE USED IN UEU,.OFA6X - 10/10 W.W.M. 6. ALUM. IN CONFG1{;4y/ COATC:;F7E2:.:`cQQD•;$f}A1LjBE PROTECTED W/ HEAW BOOTED BITUMINOUS ::''IP';:"SLAB FOO({5:';:'•; _ PAINT OR Wr�R::+H) MEIH7xC{YiRtir:•:IAC(iLTEFt OR THE WOOD SHALL BE PAINTED W/ TWO COATS OF ALUM b5 :. PAIN E';1 E fSINTS SEALED W A GOOD AL CAULKING. %i . P (1Rt . QUALITY FOR COL{)MNS 5' DEEP 0 2'X3'X1 8' X 2' LG. / Q NOTE: THIt';;b E,`Alk•..-AL d:; R GREATER INSTALL COL j APPLIES;::1Q,'.ZH �iiP:.,�IF:$". ADDITIONAL 2"X2'X2`X7/e' ANGLE EA SIDE 2» 2" MIN. ANGLE EA. SIDE OF 7• ALL DOORS TO"lfCkOSING AND LATCHING, W%5 FT. HIGH DOOR HANDLES WHERE POOL OR WIDE MA YNfiY WALiS::::}';::;.;;; OF INSIDE OF COL. W/ (3)- #6 TO COL COL W/ (4)- #6 TO SPA•;EJCiS....o0OR LOGA EON:'•; .202 DOOR JAMB PLACEMENT IS OPTIONAL. ALL OTHER COLUMNS & (1)- 3/8" X 2 1/2" LG. TAPCON COL. & (2)- 3/8" X TO'::fLE4A1NFIDVh(t<i; CONC. 0 EA. CUP ® O 3 1/2" LG. TAPCON TO 8. Al •:;iVCFTES 8k-'-vM. f1 �' SgQWN qN' SITE -SPECIFIC PLAN SUPERCEDES ANY REQ.'S SHOWN ON CONC. 0 EACH CUP. THES::bA{IF�A{Z'DEFft{C::$i�ET:;: .:4)`=#6 TO COL. (TYP) _ •C:: s:•.: CUP ANGLE COL (2}- 3/8" X 3 1/2" LG. TAPCON N;;1 X2'S' A11.R':' be `� ARE NON�'S7RUCTURAL MEMBERS �TO CONC (NP.} 4 PER a N . .'•:•:an1n >azv:+>:x:Ifisn INTPRrHAmrPARIv_ STRIP FOOTING SCHEDULE ##3 0 18" 1X2 1X3 O.C. ELSEWHERE = z FIG. 3' FROM EDGE ' 2' MINti MIN. OPEN PORT/1X3 FOR MIN FASTENE FRONT ELEVATION tYP•) COLUMN ANCHORING DETAIL NOTE: ANGLES ARE NOT REQD. FOR 202 DOOR JAMB COLUMNS. *4" LG. EXPANSION BOLT OF SAME DIAMETER MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF TAPCON TAPCONS ARE TO BE SIMPSON 'MEN" OR EQUAL SEE GENERAL NOTES 2 & 4 FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL DETAIL SHEET: RE-TE' ;Ffifl}PJDATIONS TO BE 250OPS1 MIN, EXCEEbji�Q';Tf~iIS SPECIFICATION MAY BE PER LOCAR;:•E#UILDING CODES. J'R1 14S,. COLUMNS ................. *AL, 6005-T5 2.:EX3RUSIONS .........................AL. 6063-T5 ...................................*AL. 3003-1-116 :FLEWS, RIVETS, WASHERS ......AL 2024-T4 SENERS TO BE ALUM., NON-MAGNETIC SS STEEL CADMIUM PLATED STEEL OR STRUCTURE FOOTING (MIN.) REBAR WIDTH X DEPTH SCREEN ROOF W/ 12"X10" 2-#5 UP TO 7LB SCREEN ROOF W/8LB 12"X12" 2-#5 SCREEN ROOF W/ 12"X76" 2-#5 9LB OR 10LB ALL SOLID ALUMINUM 12"X16" 2-#5 ROOF 3' TO FRONT ELEVATION INTERIOR FASTENING 4 - #10 X 1 1/2" SMS. INTO SCREW SLOTS EA. SIDE RAIL CHAIR RAIL CONNECTION * CHAIR RAIL PER SCHEDULE HEADED (NYLO-TEC OR PRO-TECT) FOOTING SIZES SMALLER THAN SHOWN MAY BE USED WITH SITE SPECIFIC PLAN. *UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED F.B.C. 2020 117TI1 EDITION) & ASIDE 7-16 6005-T5 2"X2"X1/8" X 3" LG. MIN. ANGLE TWO SIDES OF COL W/ (6)- #1 TO COL. & (2)- 3/8'X2 1/2' LG. TAPCONS TO CONC. (6) - #10 X 3/4" SMS. (3 EA. SIDE) 2" X 2" X .062" RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ 6 - 10 X 3/4' SMS. TO SIDE F COWMN Z2" RAIL*- ,j I -RAIL* ALT. CHAIR RAIL CONNECTION * CHAIR RAIL PER SCHEDULE FASTENING SCHEDULE #1 - #14 TEK SCREW/HEX HEAD #2 - #10 S.M.S./ HEX HD. 3- 1 /4" X 2 1 /4" TAPCON ANCHOR 4 - 1/4 BOLTS/WASHER/NUT 5 -CLIP ANGLE .125 MIN. THICKNESS 6 - #12X1" LG. S.M.S./HEX HD. v ? 7 - 1 /4" X 3" LAG 1 /4" LAG*, WITH 1 " WASHER 9 - #10 X 1 1/2" S.M.S./HEX HD. 12 CLIP ANGLE, 3/32 MIN.THICKNESS --BOLT LENGTH TO BE 1" LONGER - THAN : ALUMINUM PANEL THICKNESS DATE : 0101 /2021 ENGINEERING BUSINESS CA 00009677 SCALE - N Tl S...'m TAR NOWSKI : SHE : ;'c IEENGINEERING CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 7360 N.W. 5th Street Phone (954) 727 - 92027 644 Plantation, FL 33317 Fax (954) 727 - 9644 C.TcTAR01#dSKI _ E. THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TARNOWSKI ENGINEERING C TAR 0 4. , f E INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR IN PART cro, irn,on, o,r_,eeo `.- nn nr nnanaao,..r.,n.m,..,,Tc...n..oe..r nc r„o,.n,.,,evi enr_..eeon,n loin ALL CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1. FOR SCREENING WITH OPENINGS USING 18X14X.013" MESH. SPANS ARE BASED ON LOADS FROM FBC TABLE 2002.4 2. 22.7 PSF WALL LOAD 3. WIND LOAD = 150 M.P.H. / EXPOSURE C / CATEGORY I 4. DESIGN MEETS L/60 DEFLECTION REQUIREMENTS CHAIR RAIL SCHEDULE MAXIMUM RAIL SPAN RAIL 4.0' 5.0' 6.0' 7.0' 8.0' 202 6.1 E 5.4 4.9 4.6 4.3 2X3X050 & 9 ; 8.0 7.3 6.7 6.3 2X3X060 `10 9. 8.6 8.0 7.4 2X4X050 ` 0.7 9.5 8. 88.0 7.5 2X5X050 11.0 10.9 9.9 9.2 8.6 > LOAD FACTOR* RAIL LENGTH *LOAD FACTOR = 1/2 THE DISTANCE TO CHAIR RAIL OR GROUND BELOW + 1/2 THE DISTANCE TO CHAIR RAIL OR BEAM ABOVE COLUMN SCHEDULE (EXIST. HOUSE ROO MAXIMUM COLUMN HEIGHT WINO ROOF LOAD COLUMN 4.0' 5.0' 5.5' 1 6.0' 6.5' 7.0' 1 7.5' 8.0' 2X3X060 8.6 _4.5' 8.1 7.7 7.3 7.0 6.7 16.5 6.3 6.1 41-13 11.9 1.• 10.6 10A 9.7 9.3 9.0 8.7 8.4 5LB 14.6 k.13.7 F' 13.0 12.4 11.9 11.4 11.0 10.6 10.3 6LB 16.6 15.6 14.8 14.1 13.5 13.0 12.5 12.1 11.7 71-6 18.4 17.4 16.5 15.7 15.1 14.5 13.9 13.5 13.0 81-13 1 25.6 24.1 22.9 21.8 20.9 20.1 19.3 18.7 18.1 9LB 1 27.7 26.1 24.7 23.6 22.6 21.7 20.9 1 20.2 19.5 9LBH 30.9 29.1 27.6 26.3 25.2 24.2 23.3 1 22.5 21.8 10LB 36.0 34.0 1 32.2 30.7 29.4 28.3 1 27.2 1 26.3 1 25.5 COLUMN > SPACING COLUMN HEIGHTS BASED ON WALL LOADS ONLY. FOR LONGER SPANS NOTE: THIS TABLE APPLIES TO NON BEARING WALLS FOR HORIZONTAL 2X4X.050 MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF 4LB, 2X5X.050 MAY BE USED IN 3" 2"X3"X2" LONG X 1/8" N ANGLE EA. SIDE OF COL W/4#6TOCOL &2- 1/4" 3-1/2" LG. LAG BOLTS TO WOOD. 0 EA. CUP 2 - 1/4"::X'::3 .%2" LG. LAG BOLTS TCS';NL}pii;;(TYP.) 4 PER COL TO COL COLUMN HEIGHT EXIST. CBS HOUSE WALL 1X2 CONTINUOUS - INTERIOR FASTENING: (4)-#1OX1 1/2" LG, SMS INTO SCRB9 SLOTS N1 CHAIR RAIL PER (NOTCH 2X3 AROUND 1X2 P 1/4"X2 1/2" LG. FROM CHAIR JO AND 0:-24"`.•CGr WALL 2•6X0.62" X 2" LG. CHANNEL '(Fa)gr .7'OX3/4" SMS TO COL. 3{,pXf4" SMS TO TOP & BTM OF CHAIR RAIL N I CHAIR RAIL PER SCHEDULE (NOTCH 2X3 OR LARGER AROUND 1X2 AS NEEDED) / 1/4"X2 1/2" LG. TAPCON 6" MAX FROM CHAIR RAIL EDGE & ENDS AND 0 24" C.C. MAX ELSEWHERE ALT. CHAIR RAIL CONNECTION HOUSE WALL 2"MIN EDGE DISTANCE L ri O O 0 0 2"X3"X2" LONG X 1/8" ANGLE COL EA. SIDE OF COL. W/ (4)- #6 _" TO COL & (2)-#3 TO CONC. 1L _ II ® EA. CLIP [NOTE - (1)- 3/8" TAPCON OR (1)- 3/8" EXPANSION BOLT MAY BE USED IN LIEU OF PLAN (2)- 1/4" TAPCONS] EXIST. CONCRETE ROOF/FOUNDATION #3 0 24' O.C. ) 1X2 II ii ELSEWHERE" 2 - #3 TO CONC. (TYP.) / 4 PER COL 1 CUP ANGLE 4-#6 TO COL (TYP) _ NOTE: ANGLES:*ARE NOT REO'D. FOR 202 OR 402 DOOR JAMB COLS. NOTE: ANGLES ARE ICif;:€tEQ'D. FtiR:'•2137?;O.R:402 DOOR 'JAMB COLS. NOTE: -3/8-:i.AFEcSNS ?dAY BE USED:'M} .ttU • OF SPECIFIED EXPAN$IQN 60LT$;::'. COLUMN TO WOOD ROOF DETAIL COLU.M�:i *::TO.:C-.".:ONC.RE-`:�t*:* ROOF **ALL CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON 6005-T5 ALUMINUM ALLOY **1 /3 STRESS REDUCTION NOT USED IN CALCULATIONS **LINEAR INTERPOLATION BETWEEN COLUMN SPACING IS ALLOWED SCREEN FABRIC DETAIL SHEET: 18X14 MESH I EXPOSURE C 1 150 MPH F.B.C. 2020 17TH EDITION) 2 1 SCREWS REQUIRED CUP ANGLES O O T PER SHEET C TO COL W/ 010 S.M.S. ® 10' O.C. O BELOW. {NOT REQUIRED FOR 4LB OR 5LB COL) O EX1£ HOL �l COL / o CPER SCHEDULE CUP ANGLE SCHEDULEPER SHEET C ALT. CORNER COLUMN 18X14 MESH EXIST. HOUSE'•;1?QDf CONC•;%90Qp:'•; :'•:: i �hy EXIST. HOUSE WALL L•. `:';'::''i,'.,, 1 t':=0" MAX. SNAP LtAY BE USED 202 ':.•.: ••:•::r::•:•:':'•;•'•. _ :'•:'fi: MAX. SCRLP]:Ah 20F A ICAL ELEVATION W/ aoa 2-#2 :;'::::;:SR:4:• WALLS W/ N 0 COLUMNS 2 -§2J� #2 ® 16- O.C, r....'r'. N •:' •:'• •::•• CORNER CQt::�:;::':.' 2" (NOT TO BE USED FOR GUARD. - GUARD RAIL CORNER COLUMN$.: pi h:_.;•;•.::}{;:'{.': COLUMN SCHEDULE ' 2X ALUM. BEAM LEDGER s ® e ® (TO MATCH COLUMN SIZE) INTERIOR FASj,&46'' :' X2" LONG X 1/8- SIDE - #10.:X'.4;• 2" S.MS:'::' :' SIDE OF COL 2" INTO SCE2EW:S1 t7 S .R :;5t1)E EA. ANGI 1 WS FACE (IYP.) COL p PLAN 24" 2X3* ;::•;_2X3* t H fi# :: �i4{' :O:fi1{ ECTION i3ac BOLTS To LG *OTHEk?:.'•jAF.l 1ERS PER SCHEDULE EXIST. STUCCO SOFFIT EXIST. WOOD ROOF #10 X 3/4" SMS. (3 EA. SIDE) 2X ax 2" X 2" X .062" RECEIVING CHANNEL W/ iv 6 SIDE - 910 X 3/4" SMS. TOF COLUMN 2 X2"X2" LONG X 1/8" COL 2X ALUM. BEAM LEDGER ANGLE EA. SIDE OF COL (TO MATCH COLUMN SIZE) EA (4) #E1 FACEK (SCREWS CUP ANGLE 2" 2X3*-2X3* FRONT ELEVATION COL NOTE: ANGLES ARE NOT REQ'D. FOR 202 DOOR JAMB COLS. ALT. CHAIR RAIL CONNECTION r _' *OTHER MEMBERS PER SCHEDULE w .COLU.MN TO SOFFIT DETAIL FASTENING SCHEDULE 1 14 TEK SCREW/HEX HEAD 2 - 10 S.M.S./HEX HEAD 3 - 1 f4'; X 2 1/2" TAPCON ANCHOR,,: 4 - 3/8 BOLTS/WASHER/NUT #5 - CLIP ANGLE,.125" MIN. THICKNESS' :: DATE : 01 �01�2021 ENGINEERING BUSINESS CA 00009677 TARWSKI ENGINEERING ' SCALE :R zN T S SHE ;F # c1 6 - #12 X 1 "LG. S.M.S/HEX HEAD 7 - 1 /4' X 2 1/2LAG 9 - #10 X 1 1 /2" S.M.S./HEX HD. CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING 7360 N.W. 5th Street Phone (954) 727 - 2027 E Plantation, FL 33317 Fox (954) 727 - 9644 THIS DOCUMENT IS THE PROPERTY OF TARNOWSKI ENGINEERING, INC. AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED IN WHOLE OR INPART '.` `=4 n __ �O05-T5 D.T. �A pX171(BfC+tt) -. !t �. C !i(�LYVWSK r ttwi ern 1on1 n.irwcro - Mn 1 11 nnFnaco .... f FEMA Flood Zone data shown here on is based on the visual inspection of the digital Flood Hazardous Maps provided by the Federal Emergency FIRC Management Agency (FEMA) and is limited to the accuracy of such maps. LB4049 Flood Zone: X Community #: 120285 Panel #: 0406 Suffix: J Dote: 2.16.2012 FIRC L84049 SIRC LEGEND FCM — Found 4 WConcrete Monument Unit 2, Plat 6 nP — Found J' Iron Pipe FIPC — Found Iron Pipe with Cap FIR — Found 5 Iron Rod FIRC — Found 15 Iron Rod with Cap SIRC — Set 15 Iron Rod with Cap 71.817357" FIPC — Found 112" Iron Pipe with Cap FM — Found Mag Nail FMO — Found Mag Nail with Disk FN — Found Nail FNTT — Found Nail with Tin Tab FPK — Found PK Nail FPKO — Found PK Nail with Disk ERRS — Found Rail Road Spike /CO — In Pavement Cut Out Unit 2, Plat 6 N22021 '09 "W 148.04' I — I j Utilities 20.4 i 8.7' 28.0' o 6 4 N_ Unit 3, Plot 6 4.02One Story Residence .0 2006 NW Laurel Oak Lane tri 4.46.9, w — U ;.� 14.5' > o, O n U � SIRC 20.4' 14. 5' 14.5 14.5' i u; S26046S0.4"E 11'. Unit 4, Plat 6 Ellen L. Browne LEGEND CIE — Covered Entry CAC — Concrete Pad with Air Conditioning CB — Catch Basin CBS — Concrete Block Structure CMP — Corrugated Metal Pipe CPE —Concrete Pad with Pool Equipment CTV — Cable TV Box GEN — Concrete Generator Pad GV — Water Cate Valve HYD — Fire Hydrant OIL — Overhead Utility Line PP — Power Pole SSMH — Sanitary Sewer Manhole TCB — Telephone CommpInications B�x UB — Utility Box WM — Water Meter FIRC WM LI84049 _ - - 30.0' FPLI ❑ 0 c Concrete E C� Drivew0Y 1u N to W I o SIRC CO cp M U to ,q .1 5 q � v 1a 'A W to to SIRC -10.4'--1 tv 0 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Unit 3, LAUREL OAK VILLAGE, HARBOUR RIDGE PLAT NO. 6, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 25, pages 40, 40A through 40E, of the Public Records of St. Lucie County, Florida. SURVEYOR'S REPORT 1 This Survey shall not be valid unless sealed with an embossed Surveyor's Seal 2 No underground improvements have been located as part of this Survey. 3 The last field date of this Survey was: 3-16-18. 4 This Survey was prepared using the Plat of Record only. No other documents were provided and no search of the public records was performed by this office. 5 The Survey shown hereon meets the requirement for field accuracy in a suburban area as set forth by the Minimum Technical Standards (5J-17.050-052FAC). 6 Left Blank 7 Unless other wise noted all bearing and distances are in accordance with the record plat and have been verified by field measurements. See map for bearing base. 8 Parcel/Lot line locations have been based on found survey control along the adjacent right of way of NW Laurel Oak Lane. There are some discrepancies in the control that prohibited proration, therefore occupation was held 9. Left Blank. 10 The Legal Description shown hereon was provided by the client and/or his/her representatives. 11 No ownership of fence lines has been determined as part of this Suryey. 12 Off set calls to found survey control are relative to the nearest property corner, intersection of lines, point of v curvatures (PC), point of reverse curvatures (PRC) or other E identifiable point. 13 Compliance with loco/ zoning requirements and or with o requirements set forth by other State, Public, and/or Private o entities has not been verified as part of this Survey. KARNER SURVEYING, INC. Residential & Commercial Surveying Services 2740 SW Martin Downs Blvd.#333, Palm City, FI.34990 Phone: (772)288 7206 Fox:(772)223 8181 N e v w Iftf- se.t.d enth [,bossed 3Lrwym's seat PREPARED FOR: Ellen L. Browne City National Bank Laurie Rusk Sewell, P.A. Old Republic National Title Insurance Company Prepared By: Regina C. Kamer, PSMJ4363 Kamer Surveying, inc. L8#7357 Oete, Revlslon DescrIptla" meet ntte: �' ❑ Boundary Survey —�®�.®� -- Scote, 1'=2a' tn�et tfa! J OF 1 Date: 3_ f9-18 D,-a CADD-1 Fiefd Eook, 7802-57 Job ,, , law-15 CADD File, SLC—HR— Flie fato6—o3