HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) Florida Building Code Online 2/16/21,4:37 PM db BCISHome LogIn ' User Registration HotTopics SubmitSurcharge Stats&Facts Publications CntactUs BQSSiteMap Links 3 Searchtl ro Product Approval USER:Public User RECEIVED Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Awli®Hon List>Application Detail MAY 11 2021 •• m'•" FL# FL1654-R27 Application Type Revision Permitting Department S'. Lucie County Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA Address/Phone/Email 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach,FL 33442 (954)233-1330 Ext 242 malpert@polyglass.com Authorized Signature Maury Alpert malpert@polyglass.com Technical Representative TECH REP Address/Phone/Email Sill West Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach,FL 33442 (866)802-8017 uspolyg lasstechn ical@polyg lass.com Quality Assurance Representative QA REP Address/Phone/Email 1111 West Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach,FL 33442 (888)410-1375 uspolyglasstechnicai@polyglass.com Category Roofing Subcategory Modified Bitumen Roof System Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 11/07/2022 Validated By John W.Knezevich,PE .Zi.Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL1654 R27 COI 2020 01 COI NIEMINEN.pd File COPY Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dti.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUPv2pw6pKxAhN]xQbXaKmD3x9HjyOAyxuQ%3d%3d Page 1 of 3 Florida Building Code Online 2116/21,4:37 PM Standard Year ASTM D4601 2012 ASTM D4897 2009 ASTM D6162 2015 ASTM D6163 2015 ASTM D6164 2011 ASTM D6222 2011 ASTM D6509 2015 ASTM G155 2013 FM 4470 2016 FM 4474 2011 UL 1897 2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 10/02/2020 Date Validated 10/04/2020 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/12/2020 Date Approved 12/15/2020 Wa `OIt.+k�d. .y„asa 5 + ,r.'''-` ;: ', �'.z?" '' :`'�*f2'tt"'a`'zi�' S111 ''e'�s,y FL# " Model,Nyttttrer or ilaltne: Descrtpt�an f 1654.1 Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof SBS and APP modified bitumen roof systems Systems ' - Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No F1 16K4 R27 II 2020 09 30 FINAL Al ER PG MODBIT Ei IUL Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes R27.odf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Design Pressure: +N/A/-622.5 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other: 1.)The design pressure in this application Evaluation Reports relates to one particular assembly over concrete deck. FL1654 R27 AS 20M 09 30 EINAL ER PG MODW 1654- Refer to the ER Appendix for other systems and deck R27.pdf types.2.) Refer to ER,Section 5 for other Limits of Use. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 3.)Refer to FL16717 for HVHZ jurisdictions. f Contact kl§::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee EL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The smalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please dick hgW_ Product Approval Accepts: rm am FIX 99M https://www,floridabuilding.org/prlpr_app_dti-aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnFgUPv2pw6pKxAhNlxobXaKmD3x9HjyOAYxuQ%3d%ad Page 2 of 3 ONEMOletC. .TABLE .-.'DKK'..;'•..-•. .. APPIIrATION .TYPE '.: ': .+-•' DSMPTIDH PAGE... In Wad New or R..ef(r..,Of) A-1 _8mdadltoulatbn,Bordd Roof Cover 5 16 Wood New.Rermf(Fmr-ON) A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheep Bonded huulatlm,Bonded Roof Cover 6-22 1C Wood New,Ranmf(Tear-OM or Reoowr A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded l—M.,Bonded Roof Cover 12-24 SD Wood Na.,Rerdd(TeerOffler Recover 8.1 Mach.Attached Bess Insulation,Bonded Top 1-1.1on,Bonded Roof Cover 14-15 1E Woad New,Rarod(T—OM or Reoowr GI Mach.Attached lnsulatloM Bonded Rod Cover 15-19 IF Wood New,Ram!(TeenON)or Recover D-2 Insulated,Mech.Attached Sme Sheet,Bonded RmfCam 19-23 1G Wood New or Peroof(feer-ON) E-2 Non4mulated,Mach.Attached Bess Sheet(nalb),Boded Roof Corer 23.29 1N Wood New,Bared(Tea,off)or Recover E-2 NoMmulated,Mmh.Attached Bess Sheet(scsaxs&plates),Boded Rod Cowl 29-36 11 Wood Ne—R—of(Teer-OH) F Nen-InsulMed,Banded Rod Cover 37 2A steel.1sl,—.l commie New,Reed(TearOff)orRemver B-1 Mmh.Attached Base lnsulatlon,Banded Top lnmldlon,Bonded Rod Cover 3843 28 Steel or Strs col concrete New,Reread(Teer-MorRemwr C-1 Mech.Attached lnsuletlon,Bonded Rod Coves 44-50 2C Steel cr Structu ral concrete New.R—of(Tee,OM or Race— D-2 I—Mad,Mach.Attached Same Sheat,Bonded Rod Cover 51,53 20 Steel ar S[rrsdurel concrete New.R—of(TearOfn or Recover D-2 Insulated,Mach.Attached VelmlRm5Bonded Roof Cover 53-55 BA SNrcural concrete Newer Rerod(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Inoculation,Bonded Roof Cover 5649 BB Strucnrtal oemrata New.Rdod(T.MM) F N.Mnsuleted.Bonded Roof Cover 68 4A Ugh—?*.mrcr.e N.—Paroof(Tae,-ON) A-1 Boded Insulation,Banded RoofCovm 69-73 4B Ughme4te comnite NeworReroof(TearON) A-2 Mach.Attached AnchorSheet,Bonded lmulstlee,Bonded Roof Cover 7347 4C Ughtwelgll,concrete Na—Raroof(Teer-0N) E-2 Non4mulded,Mach.Attached Bam Sheet,Bonded Rod Cover 74.78 5A Cem eltlous wood nber Rermf(Tear-ON) A-1 Bonded lnsulatbn,Bonded Roof Cover 79.80 58 Cementltl— ..d fiber Rmomrr.,Off)or Recover A-2 Mach.Attached A4char Shed,Bonded Wulatlm,Bonded Roof Cover 80.82 5C Cementltlous wood fiber R..&fraerOff)or Recover B-1 Met,Attached Base lnauldlon,Bonded Top Insulation,Banded Roof Co., 62 5D Cementltiovn wood fiber Remof(TaarOM or Remwr C-1 Mmh.Attached lnsuldlon,Bonded Rod Cowr 83 5E Gmanthlam wood fiber Reseof(Teer-0Iff or Remvm E-2 Nondnsulded,Mach.Attached Bam Sheet Bonded Roof Corer 83 6A Esddhhggyptum Reneagear-M A-1 Banded lm WIon,Bonded Roof Cover 84-M 6B E)dding gypsum Reld(T.r-OM ce Recover A-2 Math.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded lmulatlon,Bonded Roof Cover 83 6C urtbggypsum Reroef M.,-OM or Recover Cd Mech.Attached lnsufetlon,Bonded Red Cover 88 6D ustInggypsum Rate&tre-ON)or Recover E-2 N.4m 1atd,Mach.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Co., 88 7A Various Recover A-1 Bonded I—Tatbry Bonded Roof Cover 89-M 78 V.dow Remwr F N.,H..I ed,Bonded Roof Cover 9a NEMO ETC,LLC EwNatlen Report P92M.02A8-R75 for FL1658-R27 Certlfica tecfAmhodtation 4324.55 7e1 EMMN(202OI FSC NON-NVM EVALUATION Rarbbn25:09(301=0 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC POFygless Modified Blwmm Roof Sydems;(M)23;1330 Appendbc 1,Page led 94 ONEMOletc. The Wimingnotes ppt/Wthe systems outifiedheratn: 1 Th."'inseen evaluatiors herelnperuJmtoabowde of ckioc rte amponts.Root dells and structural members shell be In eecmdance with FBC requirements to th a satisfa:tbn of the Authority Havina Jurlsdictlon. 2 Fasteners shall hear aHkleaf length far the following engagements; > Wood Deck Minimum l-Irch plywood penetration or wood plankembedmeM. > Steel Deck Mlnlm.me .75-inch steel unetmtlon and engage the top flute ofthe steel deck. > SWctural Carcrete: Minimum l-hr:h embedment Into pilot hole In accordance wfth published lrtalledan Imse—Wits. 3 UNess otherwise noted,Insulation many beany arc layer or combination of FBC Appowd(Ioeal or Statawlde)beard(s)that meet FBCI505 and,far foam pLuft FBC Chapter 26.when inatelied ankh the red cove 4 Minimum 200 psi,minimum 24mh thick FBC Approved lightweight Insulating concrete may be substituted for rigid Insulation board for System Types 5-1,C-1,C-2,D4orD-2,whereby fasteners ere Installed through"I Ilghtwelght b:udatingconcrete to engage the structural deck The structurel deck shall be of equal or greater type,thkknasa end strength Wthe Reel and structural W-mas deck listings.Aa if decks and structural me, ben shell be In aaxnlarce Wth FBC requlremer2v to the sathfadkm of the Authority Having Jurisdiction,This Is a wind upldt mshim,ce slb—ca end does net Purport to address non-vMdupflH-related Issuen,such W deck venting or mobtem levels within the LWIC and the potential egacton--hing somponams. 5 Preliminary lmulaion attachment far Byrum Type D:Unless otherwise noted,rater to Sediart2.2.10.13 of FM teas Prow after,Data Sheet 1-29(February 2020). 6 UNeaotherwbenoted,Imubtionadhalveappliffilonntaemeefdlwn.Rlbbonorbed widthbatthetimeafeppReetbn;tharibbom/beadsshaUmpand.smtedlnfhamanufwtwersWMlshad rotrveans. > Hotasphab(HA): Full coverage ei 2530@s/squaw. > DuPont INSFA STIK Wit Set Insulation Adheha(D-ISk ConbrVoo 0.75 to 1-Inch wide ribbons,224nch ac. > H.B.FulkrMllle.Num One Step FeemeNo Adhalw(M-OSFA), Corsi-0.25 to 0.5-Inch w1de40tbon,=-inch o.c. ➢ H.B.FUIkrMlllennium PG-1 Pump Grade Adhesive(M-PG I)! Continuous 0.25m 054nch wider@bona,124neh csx. > OMGOIy ms0.75Bond500(08500k Contlnube1-Inch vide ribbons.12-Imb—Note.OyBadGrean maybe matwhere0y8mdS00Js)ced. > Olysonl Clesak(OB Claslek Full coverage at lgaVsquam. ➢ ICPAdhalve&Saalerm Palyset CR-20: Continuaw 2.5.39-lnchwida ribbons,224nch oz I. Neu:LVhan —I.td4d In rIbb—Aptbdadhahn,Jnordlolatssh.lustogg-1. > Not.Fh.anaftumadgadsstenwf—daradheslvedbban to the edge ejthe Jasulotlan boordshog Deootlass than one-haethespeeWedribDaruepodag. 7 Unless awake noted,all insulations ansflat-rtockor taper board of the minimum —noted.Tepeud polylsayanuute at the Following thickness 14n0atlas may be substituted withm fallowing Maxlin Des(gnPressure(MOP)BlNtatlem.In no nonshill thesevaluen be used to'Increasdthe MOP What In thetables;rather if MD?Ihting below meet or eaceads that head fore particularaya nala the tabla,then the thinner board listed below may,be used as is dray-In fa the equiwkmthlcker material 6std In thatable. > H.g.FulkrMlllenNuin One Step Fumble Adhaslw(M-OSFA); MOP=-1575 pal ch(Min.0.5-Inthkk) > H.B.Fulkr MlllenNum PG-1 Pump Grade AdhnNn(M.PG1r MOP--1575 psf(MIn.0.5dncitthkk) > OMG Olyeond 500(09500): MOP= 4S,0 pef(Min.0.5-Inchthkk Multi-Max FA-3) ➢ WAS 0118ond 500(0g500); MOP v-1875 Fit(MIn.0.5-Inchthkk 1S095/GL) > OM OffBaod 500(0B500): MOP•-315D Mf(Min.0.54neh thick EFFIGY 3) I. OMG 0ryBond 500(08500k MDP=dg75 psf(MIn.QSineh thick ACFoan 11) ➢ ID'Adhahez&Sirsa ns;Polyset CR-20: MDP=-1275 psf(MIn.1.01nchthklQ 8 Foradherd moffnsuletlonand beard-aka;Unlssethenise noted,refers,Sedion23.10.6.2d FM Loss Prewntlon Date Sheet 2-29(February 2020). 9 Formecheniwllyaftachedcomponenb or partielly-b dd lnaulel fir,the maximum design pressure far the selected a asembly shall meet or exued m least the Zone l PAIN E dean praawe datermind In cmr edame Zh FBC Chapter 26.Elevated pressure torn shag employ an attachment density designed by qualified design professional be resist the ekveud pressure adharie.CommeNy used methods are NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P92SO.0208-A25 for 1111.1656-R27 Cani luie ofAmhoIt.11.49Z455 7-EDITION(2D20)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revbkn 25;09/3D/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Poiyglan Modified Neunen Roof Systems:(954)233-1330 Apundhx 1,Page2 of 94 ONEMOjetc. ANSVSPRI WDl,FM Loses Prevention Data Sheet 2.29,Roofing Application Standard RAS 117 end 11-flngApplIcetion Standard RAS 137.Anemblln marl@d with on asterisk'certytho Umiatbm sat forth In Section 2 1.10.1of FM Loss Premntion Data Sheet 1.29(Februery2020)for Zone Z/3 enhancements. 10 Foratsemblles with all components fully bonded,the maximum design pressure for the selected assemhlyshall meet.1excexi critical design Fracture determined In a eslea Wal e FBC Chapter I6 No ational enalksH b permlded farthese systems. 31 Far mechark,11yattacheel components war adding decks,fntenes Shall be Lead in the existing deck for wbadraeral resistance.AqualNied design professional shall revkwthadate for comparison to the Mnlmum requircmenH fa Nesystem.Tedhamdanalystsshallbe Jnacwrdan whh ANSI/SPRIF71-1aTedlrigAppgc,Um StandardTAS305. 12 For bondedI..delbn or memhrent awr d(stingsulemstas 1.a to-of(tear off)or recover Enna]Wiest,the missing dwkorexisting root surface Shall be euMned for compatibility with the edh"wtobe inatagod.If my surface conditions did that bring System Performance Into quadlon,field uplift testing In accordance shelf be mrdudad on rrockapt cri proposed new mof assembly.For bonded Insulation or marebrasm war existing suhstreenes In a recover Installation,the®sting rod system shell be capable of reslning project design prenurse on Its own mnB tethe Satisfaction of the Authority Hevbg Jurbddlon,ea documented through Rack wlfttesting.Field uplt tlnting Shall be In eccc dance With ASTM EW7,FM Lou PrevaMlon Data Shoat 1S2or TadlegApplkation Sandard TAS Mud. 13 RefertofBC1511forrequlremert'and limitetiona regarding rnoven Inatudlea,F.SWa..ICometeDeekorR--Appllcatbmusmg5ynam Type C-1.C-ZD-lots-.ZthalmulatbnbaptbnaL ANemathely.anFBCApproved trhaulnknboard v ca laturdme/beused—Separation layer.Board praduc'shefl be palhnlnattyattached prior to rod wwr IreaBatlon(Note 5 heal,).Thasupentor weeporcrR shallbe documented as meeting FBC 2505 and,forfeam PIMU%FBCChapar26,when Instilled with the rod wwrin Recover appllcetbns. U Ughtwalght Insulating wnaates(LWIC)shelf be cent In aaordanue with FBC Section 1917 to the atisfactbn of the AsrtNxlty Having JudectIctIon.For systems where SpeclficlWICls referenced,nefarw curtest LWIC Product Approval for speciliedeckwnetructbn and Ilmhetlares.Unless otherwia noted,for systems When specific LWIC b not rearanced,the minimum design rely shall be 300 psi.In all cesel,the Mnlmum topcostthIdaom IS 2-Inches.Far LWiCowr'trudual cmerete,refuenmis modoto FBCSecUm 1917.6.2,Pala 7.Fot'paexhtanY LWIC aleremc,listings xea enehlbhM thrwgh tenlne cur llghn"Ifldconcrde cad sting onh/feaming egeat(ASTM C8961,waterand Portland cement(ASTM CIM),W th nopsopdeary addhiyes,In aceorderva With promdum adopted by hilam6Oade IJCCD (FBC CER15924 Ua dthese listings In paw construction or re-roof(tend!)appBations is d the dlecret on of the Designer or Record and Authority HavingJuPodldbn. 15 MrbondedmambmnaoppiWn ns,unlessMhandsamted,mfarwehefalka bg. - .:_ REFERENCE:. ..PAYER" - `APPLICATION BP-AA Bug PN a...more asP.tyy.1—G2Base,FBCAppmwd ASTMD3601,Ty II(Baseard Piysheets, PlyOn.or more Pike Pa ,Ply IV,PaI .,P VL FBC roved ASTM D217a rimAspheR d7D-00 IVer VI H.Mphe Asphah-Applied) Note. Ambdt Jeda/aebwlnsdaNenshognotbe Jelin mrmbu m Base Ply One ply Elanobsa sand/sad,ElastafloxV Elnloflea S6,Eedoflex SB HIS,Ebdeshbld HT PG350 d 1-.0 5BS-CA1 by PH Elntoshleld HT G,ElbnosNeld HT G FR Eadoflax V G,Elas aefld V G FR,ElaRofld S6,Elast dies S6 HP,Elastallex S6 G.Elelwflmc gal/tgwns 56 G FR Elnteahleld TS G,EHdmhMd TS G FR,PolyhaskoG SSS(sandbxckad),Polyfrnlm G SBS FA(sand-backed) Brie Ply One Ply Elastcbne sandjurel.Elastofld V,ElastofldS6,Elestofld SS HP Potypiter 35 at 1J424 SSS-CA2 Eiastashleld HT G,EladoNeld NT G FR Eianofld V G.Elasbfld V G FR Ela t flit S6,Eimtafld S6 HP,Elatoflm S6 G,Eartofid 6pPN 56GFREintnhlak TSG,EHswshleld TSGFR,Poo*wkoGSBSswKbacbed),PolyhnkoGSBSFRsmd-Biked) �V�� Beta ply"PF/ Oneor more pliac Elanab.a(ard/sand or poly/and),Elsnobna P(mM/art of poly/amd),Elntofld V,ElntoRd56,Eestotlex 56 HP.Elesteshleld HT SB$vU Hot Atphtlt at 7040 Elesroshleid HTG,Elntmiriek MG FR EHddld dld V V,Elazl G.ElendletVG FR CasToflax$6,Elesaflmi56 HP, oPes tled 56 G, (SBS,AsDheIPAPP6ed) Gap ply Elartafld S6GFREHdmNeId TSG,Elntoshleld TSGFR,Pd nko GSBS,Md-backed P etkeGS85FR(Sandbacked ms/square Ndc As iedsM.eb rolnMab'onahognd ba edro membsmes Base Ply or Ply One or moro pits Elestobaa ard/ Elastobne (poly/poly),Elasafld V,Elestoflax S6 Elestofld S6 HP Entashl ld HT SBS-TA Elesfothaid HT G,EInteshueld HT G FR,Elntofld V,Elastdlu V G,Elnwfld V G FR EIactdid S6,ElastoRd S6 HP,Elesolas 16 Torch-Applied (SBS,T*mh-Applied) Cep Ply G,Ehdoflex S6 G FR Eladmhieka TS G,Elestmhleld TS G FR PoMmska GSSS(poly4Bm backed Patyfresko G SBS FR(p*Rlm backed) NEMO ETr;11C Evaluation Repast P9290.0=BA25 for FL16WR27 Certificates of Authorisation 832A55 7m EDITION(20ZO)FBC NONHIVJR EVALUATION Rowksn 25:09/30/Z020 02029 NEMO ETC,LlC Poly8lass Modified Bh men RetaMdems;(9 5 41 23 3-13 3 0 Appendix 1,Page 3 cfSa ONEmojetc. REFERENCE' - LAYER - - MATERIAL' - APPLICATION SBS-M-II R-e Elastobam SA Wf dhvtng (f.H.—d IP4 sAr.mr>:a,P,rd srxnNl bytarchappliedabeet) _ Oneormore im Elanofl-SAV,Elatdlex SAVFR,Elartotla SAVPIus,ElartoflexSAVPIus FR Elntoflu SABataHD SBSSA Elntaflex SA P.Elanaflel SAPF0.Potyreflect xE-Adheang (ILES,Salf-Adbering) UrdeaatherNrlse now PermhsrW..—bmse subm nfwSBS-sA mt1b ftodro NmsgSSAeme ft aAuooshonofm 94sfobne to l or Er..bme d. APP-CA1 PdyflexG FR PG350 st 1-524 ol/ w APP-TA or One or more Iin P ague,Po e;Po bend Torch-Applied (API,.Lb-Applied) P ex,Ptl xG,Po IotG F0.Potyhond.Pd bond G, mko G.P nkoG FR APP-SA-H Ptlyfln SA Base Sedadlnring(ftllowcd Ixw.sdFMclra,H,b'Naraa�+l try tartha led sheet APP•SA PPG eaSAPFR.Pct%*MkOGSAPi koGSAFRPa I (APP,SeM-AdnarNg) ffMea ofherwlmnoted pmnlrcNememWmeaubsMdnfw�avPSAmenmftNto the58.FS1Bme Mq apNonsFxreB�, --ling to smr oremSof P l p1yJ. 16 VaporbamleropUorefar use olxfs[ruduralcwtrete deckftllowed by boded lmulation urrythe folknNng MDP IImBetbm.The imserafthe MOP listings balwn.thoain Table 3Aapplles. VAPORBnRi'COPOWRSIWCRIM1CONaRT[OEQ:Fa1WB'[Da7AD1EAtlE-ARIRDtlNG110tlY01 TAasL3At :. _. ..'.,:<: OPTION; VAPOR.BARRIER� INSUL47MNADHESIVE .-MOP_' g DRIMER TlfPE(NOTE15) �ADPHCATH)N '(PSFJ C.VB-la P5100 Elastoff.SAVPIW xN-Adhering D-!Sw CR-20,32-Incho4. -604 C-trB-$, PG200 Pohglsa Raw Tarch.pPlled D-lSm CR-20,12-Intho -75.0 C-VBB. PG100 Elartoflax SAP xN-Adhering D4%124rchoe. -75.0 C-VBA. PG]DO ElestoRea SAP Salf-Adhering M-0SFA,n4.cb— -1575 C.VBS. PGuO Eleetoflea SAP Self-Adhering CR•20,12-Inch o.e -2704 C-VBG. PG100 Eintdlex SA V,ElomHex SA FR,Elodoflaf SA V Plus,Ebrtoflax SA V Pius FR xlf-Adhering MOSFA,M4G-1,OB500erCR-20,12-inrh ac. •290.0 C-VB-7. PG300 SBS-TA(wlM unded-top-dace) Torehappiled M-OSFA,M-PG OEM or CR-20,12anch o.. -290A 17 Thefal"ngswfsdngmaybeappliedtathe Capptywlthoutadw,eeffedon Ulnsyd mwlndlwdpadormence.Referrocurmnt Fbdda Produd Approwlfw ppmred Pdyglaaend Rd Cmingamofcoatlnp for appllwtlon lanhatlans and a Roofing Mawriats Directory forflm minx,essoebted wfthmeting usage. h �.,:wRFAcaGomanaFdnvaic'wsMmgrmBrtu6vN Roasrsmm•.::':.;::-:, .�OPT10N0 SUAPACIN6';: -FLORIDAPRODUCtAPPROVAL SURF-3. PG 300 FL10291 SURF. PG 600 FL10291 SURFd. PG 650 FL30292 SURF4. PG 700 FL10291 SURFS. PG 700 OS FL20291 SURFS. PG 800 FU0291 SURF-7. Polyplus 60 FL30791 NEMO ETC,LLC Enluatbn Report P9290.D2084115 for FL1654R27 Certificate of Authorlmio,032455 7-EDIRON 12020)MC NON.HVHZ EVALUATION Re&Lon 25:09/30/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC PoWas,Modified BlWmen Roof Systemrc(99)233-1330 Appendix 1,Pege 4 of 94 O. NEMOjetc. TABLE I[: DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE F; . BONDED ROOF COVER system Deck(Note i) Primer Roof Cover(Note 15) MOP (Ps()No. Joint Treatment Base Ply Ply Cap Ply SEU-ADHERING BASE PLY: _ - ' APA rated, Elastoflex SA V Pius W-208 7/16 CAT, None OSB joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V,rolled Into (optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, 0.418 in., place to create continuous bond, or Elastoflex SA V TA,APP-TA SBS-TA,APP-TA -52.5 Exposure 1 OSB Plus FIR W 209 Min.15/32- None None ) Inch I SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, plywood TA,APP-TA SBS-TA,APP-TA -90.0 W-220 Min,15/32- PG100 None SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, -97.5 Inch plywood TA,APP-TA SBS-TA,APP-TA W-211 Min.15/32- Plywood joints are covered with 4-inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled Elastoflex SA V or (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,inch plywood (Optional)PG100 Into place to create continuous bond. Elastoflex SA V FIRTA,APP-TA SBS-TA,APP-TA 97 5 W 212 Min,15/32- POLYBRITE 745 None SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA Inch plywood or WB3000 TA,APP-TA SBS-T , A,APP-TA -105.0 Elastoflex SA V Plus W-213 Min,15/32- (Optional)PG100 Plywood joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled El Etasto v (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA, -135.0 inch plywood into place to create continuous bond. Plusas TA,APP-TA SBS-TA,APP-TA FR HYBRID SYSTEMS wHH SELF-ADHuMG APP BASE PLY: , W-214 Min, 15/32- Inch plywood (Optional)PG100 None APP-SA-H (Optional)APP-TA APp-TA -90.0 - W-215 Min,15/32- Plywood joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled APP-SA-H (Optional)PG100 Inch plywood into place to create continuous hood. (Optional)APP-TA APP-TA -135.0 'HYBRID SYSTEMS WHH SELF-AutitmNG SBS BLASE PLY:,' - W-2I6 Min.15/32- None None SBS-SA-H O tional SBS-TA S8S-TA -90.0 Inch plywood ( P- ) W 217 Min.15/32- PG100 None Inch plywood SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA -97.5 W 218 Min,15/32- (Optional)PG100 Plywood joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA -97.5 Inch plywood Into place to create continuous bond. Min.1S/32- POLYBRITE 745 W-219 inch plywood or W33000 None SBS-SA-H (Optional)SBS-TA SBS-TA -105.0 NEMO ETC,LLC Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R25 for FL1654-RZ7 Certificate of Authorization 032455 7'EDITION(2020)FBC NON-HVHZ EVALUATION Revision 25:09/30/2020 02018 NEMO ETC,LLC Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems,(954)233-1330 Appendix 1,Page 37 of 94