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APPROVED mullions
I 5.'. ^'f':'7E3-riIrL�tl $:.'•!:[r.fiiiK.�.er i 13CIS Home Log in User Registratian Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Scats & Facts Publfcations Contact Us 13CIS Site Map E Links ? search Flt)l aCia 3 ` Prodiiet Approval '6-USER: Public User —Eoduct Approval Menu > Application Detail FL # FL17472-R6 Application Type Affirmation _ 4 Cade Version 2020 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the PAC and/or the Commission If necessary, Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Finall Category Subcategory Compliance Method Certification Agency Validated By Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By 13 Eastern Architectural Systems 16341 Domestic Ave. Ft. Myers, FL 33912 (800)432-2204 Ext4305 jfIesher@easternmeta[.com James Flesher jflesher@easternmetal.com Timothy J. Hoard 10030 Bavaria Road Fort Myers, FL 33913 (800)432-2204 Ext4314 thoard@easternmetal.com Windows MUillons Certification Mark or Listing Keystone Certifications, Inc. Keystone Certifications, Inc. Standard AAMA 450 TAS201 TAS202 TAS203 Year 2010 1994 1994 1994 f Imps:i: n<<vm. tlor dabuil ling.orglpr/pr_app_dtl.aspxPparaiii—wCsEV YQwtDtiiCCE;gv jQiz6AvC%2h01oUJ5%2i'o3Nsdwix6PRJJgLQNvD3Dg°/a3d%3d[ 1/512021 2:14:3A Pts•1] Florida building Coda Online I affirm that there are no changes In the new Florida Building Code which affect my products) and my products) are In compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity O Yes O No O N/A Product Approval Method Date Validated Date Approved 17472.1 I HVHZ Clipped Aluminum Bay/Bow Mullion Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Other: See drawing set for mullion size, angle and design pressure rating lesign p ��. [• • t t Method 1 Option A 12/14/2020 12/18/2020 HVHZ Clipped Aluminum Bay/Bow Mullion Certification Agency Certificate Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 09/22/2021 Installation Instructions FLi7472 R6 II PA-0004 HVHZ M Its 01 -09-13 ndf Verified By: Hermes F, Norero, P.E. 73778 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FLi7472 R6 AE PER6414 SS 7n19-n -11 Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes ^ @I,.Horizontal, T. contact u� : � e � q The State of Floritla Is an AA/EEO employer. [:oovrioht 200]-2aii Stale of Florida �: Privacy Statement :; A s IbIII� tv Statement �; Refuntl Statement Untler Florida law, email atltlresses are public records. if you do not want your a -mall atltlress released in response to a public-recods request, do no[ send eleRronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the ofhce by phone or by tratllUonal mall. tf you have any questions, pieas'e contaR 850.46].1395.'Pursuan[ to Section g55.2]5(1), Florida Statutes, effective October I, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter q55, F.S. must provide the Department with an email atltlress if they have one. The emails provitletl may be usetl for ofh<ial communication with [he II<ensee. However email atldresses are public recortl. if you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide [he Department with an email address which can be matle available to the public. To determine if you are a licensee antler Chapter q55, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Aoceptr; ®� � sCF;ct bttps:%www.Iloridnbuitding.orE!pr!pr_npp_dtLnspx7pamm=wGEVYQr�TDgICUGg�jQizbAvC%260mU15%2fu3NsdwixbPRJIyLQuvD8D8%a3d%3d11:i72027 2:1436 PMIj mw� Document Title: Structural Performance Doc No: FRM B1-02 Rev No: 7 Page: 1 Of: 1 u c. Certification Authorization Report Required By: PRO B1-03 CAR &Product ID Number: 622 - 103.0 Revision Date: 2/16/2018 Expiration Date: 7/18/2021 Company Code: 622 This Certification Authorization Report (CAR) is issued by Keystone Certifications, Inc. (KCI) after full validation review, and is based on a standardized evaluation of the product conducted by an independent accredited laboratory in accordance with the specified referenced standard. Actual fenestration product performance may vary based on many factors, including installation, condition of the wall/roof substrate and the age of the product and installation components. This report indicates the product is eligible for the application of Keystone Certification Program certification labels. Licensee stipulates in affixing certification labels to products, that those products are representative of the specimen evaluated and documented for certification authorization. Only products bearing such a certification label shall be considered certified. The information in this report can be verified atwww.keystonecerts.com. Licensee Information: Eastern Architectural Systems 16341 Domestic Avenue Fort Myers FL 33912 Product Information: Model: 1 "x4" Aluminum Mullion HN(T/X Operator Type: Mull Config: No Reinforcement Max Width: See Table Max Height: See Table Referenced Standard: Product Rating: AAMA 450-10 & PA/TAS 201/202/203 See Appendix 1 Load Tables and Impact Ratings Qualifying Test Information: Test ReportNo: CTLA-3010W-8A/9A Test Report Expiration: 7/18/2021 Authorized Signature: 2018.02.16 11910:21-05`00' Keystone Certifications, Inc. 145 Limekiln Rd. Suite 100E New Cumberland, Pennsylvania 17070 Phone: 717-932-8500 Fax: 717-932-8501 W W W.ICF.YSTON ECERTS.COM i{ X! Tq Y ippen•'Ix CAR No: 622-103.0 Expiration Date: 7/18/2018 Eastern Architectural Systems 10030 Bavaria Road Fort Myers, FL 33913 Load Tables for the: 1"x4" Aluminum Mullion, Horiz/Vert/TJX DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITS FOR MULLION: 1" x 4" - ONE-WAY MULLIONS SPAN 'L' TRIBUTARY WIDTH 'W' (IN,) (IN.) 18 24 30 36 42 48 T 53.125 54 60 24 200.0 200,0 200,0 200,0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200,0 200,0 36 200.0 200,0 200.0 200,0 200,0 200,0 200,0 200,0 200,0 48 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 60 200.0 200.0 200,0 200,0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 72 200,0 200.0 200.0 181,5 161.6 147,9 139.7 138,6 132,6 84 200,0 159,9 130.4 111.2 98.0 88,5 82.5 81.7 76.7 96 140,1 106,3 86.3 73.2 64.1 57.4 53.1 52.5 48.8 108 98,1 74.2 6011 50,8 1 44.3 39.5 36.3 :u 33.1 DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITS FOR MULLION: 1" x 4" -TWO-WAY MULLIONS SPAN 'L' TRIBUTARY WIDTH 'W' (IN,) (IN.) 18 24 30 36 42 48 53.125 S4 60 24 200,0 200,0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200,0 200.0 200,0 36 200,0 200.0 200,0 200,0 200,0 20060 200,0 200.0 198.5 48 200,0 200,0 200.0 200.0 200.0 186,1 168.1 165,4 148.8 60 200,0 200,0 200,0 198,5 170.1 148,8 134.5 1323 11901 72 200.0 200,0 196,6 163.8 140.4 12219 111,0 109.2 98,3 84 200.0 1543 123.8 103,2 88,4 77,4 69,9 68.8 61,9 96 138.2 1033 82,9 69A 59,2 51.8 46,8 46A 41,5 108 97,1 72.8 58,2 48,5 41,6 36.4 32,9 32.4 29.1 Impact Ratings ASTM E1996 -Wind Zone 4, Missile Level D PA/TAS 201/203 -Large Missile and Small Missile compliant Keystone Certifications, Inc. 145 Limekiln Rd, Suite 100B New Cumberland, PA 17070 Phone: 717.932,8500 www. keystonecerts.com 39xEast Dania Beac BUILDING DROPS lte'138 s Suite 338 (-43 APerfect Solution in [very Prop) Dania Beach, f L 33004 954.399,8478 PH CertiOcate o(Authnriz:rtlon: 29578 954.744A738 FX contact@Ouildingdrop.com l°r00"Cl; havlalttal:10'1 I''�erjor'E r?f' Eastern ArchitecturalSyste►ns W HZ Clipped All unimum Tube Mullions for Florida Product Approval �l�t7N� f�ls�, a"afP 6tlt Edition (20y7) Florida BuildngC�de IVtetho Id I. (Certifjcation) Category: Windows Sub — Category* !Mullions Product: HVHZClipped Aluminum Tt beWullions Material[ Aluminum 6005-T5 & 6063 T6 Rrepdred for: Ea.tern Architectural Systems 16Wt. Domestic Ave, Ft Myers, FL33912 ,, ttttJtJJrlrrrrr F. r4�� Prepared by: Hermes r. Norero, P.E. Vow j Florida Professional Engineer It 73778 Poo'7te .�. _7= Date: 02/06/18 T~1 °arc Contents; 'ii ... <.<'' x5� VAlaHon Report ;Pages t-4 >r�`S�ONiA�rL��' iN*% DI9lloliy ei0nod by Hennes F. Natem, ro.e. tie ili705J(',1fwJ0@ y�of P.E: Reason Iamapprovin91il1adocumwnt Florida No, 73778 Dale: 2018.02.14 16:47:AR =0500' BUILDING DROPS FL#; FL17a72 `A Perfect Solution Ili Every Drop! talc: 02/06/18 Gertlficate of Authorleatiare L157$ Report No; 5505 Manufacture)°: Eastern Pratluct Category; Windows-.. Product Sub -Category: Mullions Compliance Method)- state-PrdduetApproval Method •la Product Name': HVHZClippedAluminum TubeMullions ' Scope: This is a Ptoduet EvaluaCion Reportfssuad by Hetirlos F. Naeern, P.E.. {Ft,.tt 73778}for €astern Architectural Systems based on Method la of the State of Florida Product Approval, Florida Department of Business and Professicanal Regulation- Florida Building Commission, Hermes F. Norero, P.E. does not have. per will acquire financial Interest In the company manufacturing or distributing the product or In any other entity involved In the approval process of the product named herein. This product has been evaluated for use in locations adheringto the 6111 Editlun (2017) Florida Building Code, see installation Instructions PA-0003, signed and scaled by-Uormes F. Norero, P.E. (FL if 73778) For specific use parameters. LlntitsOf Use: 1, 7ltisproduct haspean evaluated and ls'incompllance with the 6111 EdRlon (x0i7j Florida BUlldtig Code, indudlntz thi3 "Nigh Veladity HurYfcslte [one" (HVIiX}. 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced is shown on details, Anchor e bodinent into substrate material shall be beyond wall dressingor stucco; 3, When used in areas requiringwind borne debris protection this product complies with Chapter 16 of the 6a' Edition-(2011) Florida Building code and does not require an impact 4. Site iityndlt4ons-that deviate Pont the details of drawing PA-0003 requtrefuet�ler engineering attafy3ls by a flcelnsed engine-',e¢ or registered ardifteck. 5. All configurations Shawn in Instailation Insthoctlons PX0003 have been qualified as l'equ red by Section 1709.8 of the 61" Edition (2017) Florida Building Code. 6: See Installation Instructions PA•0003 for size and design pressure limitations. llermes F. Norero, P.E. Flarfda No: 73778 Page 2 of 4 BUILDING DROPS FL#r rL17472 - A PerfectSoltition III Every Dropi. Date: 02/Q6/18 0i�= _3 Report No:, 55.05 Caruticata'dfnutlrorizagar.Z95'78 certification. Agency: the manufacturer; has Cien9onstrated compliance of products in lccordance with the - I<eysttine Eertificatlons,lnc. {I�pG GrRoniz�ttan It: CCR1573), Referenced Code Sections: 1. Referenced Data: 1. 17n9<s of tt}e �'i:�iion 1zoi7} fr}c Rrodiut Yestinpperformedaiyi Eettified Testing Laboratories {(6C Organll.ation It; T5T1577) Rapart It: CTLA 3010W-4 f!_ 2, Certiflcatipt7 Agehty Keystone Certifications, Inc. (FRC Organization 0: C ER1523) Rbp dart pate: 07J1&/14• Ramesh Ratel, RE 20224 Bermes f, Nprera; F',E. Florida No.737'l8 rage 3-of 4. BUILDING DROPS rL#: rL17472 A Perfect Solution in Every Dropl Date: 02/06/1 8 0 Certlilcat ofAuUwrizailon:?,95i8 Report No: SSnS Installation; 1. Approved anchor types and substrates areas follows; A: For two by QX) wood frame substrate, use 1114 Wood Screw type wood frame anchors sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1,50" Into wood framing. 6. For concrete or masonry substrate where one by (IX), non-structural; wood bucking FS C. For concrete or masonrysubstrate where wood buclung is NOT employed, use 1/4" diameter ITW Tapeon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to ohleve minimum embedment of 1.JS" into:conci'etQ qr-masonry. �•. For metal stud substrate, use 1/4" Grade 5 setf=drilling screw type metal frame anchc structure: Refer to iriskallation Iristquttlons IPA-Ot703j for aiiehor Idcatlons, designload tables, and Further details of the installation requirements. i?esign Pressure:. See drawing PA�4i)03 for mullion daring prossur0 ahles, mullinnprofltes, anti Fnstailatirtn details, HePlttes-F. Narerq, P:f:. fiotida No.73778 Page 4 of 4 IQBUILDING DROPS A Perfect Solution in Every Drop! Certificate of Authorization: 29578 November 23, 2020 Whom it May Concern FROM: Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Registered Florida Professional Engineer #73778 MANUFACTURER: Eastern Architectural Systems 16341 Domestic Ave. Ft, Myers, FL 33912 FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL#: FL17472 PRODUCT CATEGORY: Windows SUBJECT; Dear Sir (Madam), 398 E. Dania Beach Blvd. Suite 338 Dania Beach, FL 33004 954.399,8478 PH 954,744,4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com Product Conformance to the 7t" Edition (2020) Florida Building Code I have reviewed the referenced Florida Product Approval and associated documents and found all drawings, reports, referenced test standards, and associated ancillary tests as noted in the currently approved documents listed below to be in compliance with the 7th Edition of the Florida Building Code. It has been concluded that no revisions or changes to the referenced standards and standard years has occurred between Chapter 35 of the 6'h Edition and Chapter 3S of the 7`h Edition of the Florida Building Code. Therefore, all test standards listed below are valid for the 7t' Edition of the Florida Building Code. SECTION INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE NO. CERTIFICATION TEST STDS. INSTRUCTIONS AGENCY AAMA 450-10 17472.1 PA-0004 622 - 104.0 Keystone TAS201-94Certifications, Inc. TAS202-94 TAS203-94 622 -101.0 622 -102.0 AAMA 450-10 17472.2 PA-0003 622-103.0 Keystone TAS201-94 Certifications, Inc. TAS202-94 622 -105.0 622 -106.0 TAS203-94 Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. No 73778 Pa0e 1 of 2 p 398 E. Dania Beach Blvd, BUILDING DROPS Suite338 ft Perfect solution in Every Drop! Dania Beach, FL 33004 C 954,399,8478 PH Certificate of Authorization: 29575 954,744.4738 FX contact@buildingdrops.com To the best of my knowledge, all referenced &included test standards, methods of installation, details, and performance ratings have been found to comply with the 71" Edition of the Florida Building Code. This product is manufactured under a quality assurance program currently approved by the Florida Building Commission. Please note that I do not have, nor will I acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing the product(s) for which the reports are being issued. I also do not have, nor will I acquire, any financial interest with the Laboratory that performed the test(s), or with the Engineer witnessing the test(s) and sealing the test report(s). Respectfully submitted, Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida Registered Professional Engineer #73778 Digitally signed by Hermes F Norero Reason: I am approving this document Date: 2020.12.07 07:25:55-05'00' Hermes F. Norero, P.E. Florida P.E. No 73778 Pa9e 2 of 2 IL r.9 � r69 42a -gl�P 3 E z i h Ci 'a a n z a 8 it e a \ &� : \a« ��\ C {I ) [ g � ma /���}2, } ƒ \ ] 01 ,,01 ©« a+#G� k0 \ \ \�\ tt� \\ G /� \\ -w \; I M! � e \I} &� a � \X \} \ ; §}� \~ /a * Ln a J lit wsh z G117 0 W N 0 x��R� mhp 4 r s I � � e 2y s ms�#f�rmmq 82 .99$93A�y e Q� C ��ffifd�R'3.m7W y g 4 Y sc%33�t"wu"x^7 -: 2F �r NR9 a � ,spa fl � smao C,yo°y� C� 2+ w: t-n .rtty qiW � o u X w u. [�� 4C� MAI �I y2?<{ /\ \� J f E°> /gRf \/R//\ \bR/RG /4wG got /raw w)Q /)8 �Vd4R m 9! � 4 � : k . l? ' » - A :j ƒ > \ \dbb§e r-- -- - ��\\/� !\2RR �ƒ �\•;]§§;§;: ) �] ) ). \ \ \ / \. /. \\mZ\: Awy/en �- d } . � »zz2§a �m 4g a - a a& ± ¥ \ w : m,9%,. tw�4