HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application r ALL APPLICABLE INFO.MLl5T`BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: i --r Permit Number: RE�� I • Building Permit Applfcat>lon APR 0 4 2017 Planning orid.Development Services Building and Code.Regulation Division PERMITTING 2300 Virginia A ven tie -Fort Pierce F!34982 St. Lucie COuntr ;_L Phone:(772)424553 Pax:'(772)462-157Commercial -- Residential x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Renovation oc� IVIOVI~l Et�TRX :10 Cl?�TION Address: 0 OG n . �1_-- 0 � c n r o 0,e{o Legal Description: � ( v nl Property Tax1D Site Plan.Name. -co C)—Co�-('t Lot No; .t ,. v Project Name: —1( - Block No. ....:Setbacks Front CiIPTIOIDF WtRlCr �nJ /Lo Yq CCIN5TRUCT�N tNFt?R Ok. ► rona wor o e e -Pried un er this permit-Check hk all app y, I:�H AC Gas Tank Gas Piping Shutters. ❑WrndowslDoors Electric Plumbing Sprinklers Generator Hoof Total Sq.Ft of Construction: S Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$. UtilitiescSewer EjSeptic Building Height: Lf� R � a E ,.., tNTIACT ks'Flame. ,.,.. Name: Justin Thiery ,Address' W i 4 Company: . and Kitchen&Bath City: Siate:EL Is! Address:1 � . .� OCs2 :c� zip Code:3 F'�- Fax: City iVf1 o(a A.tr� State.FL Phone No:2�99 _ 1i : p Code:�����..��' Fax: E-liriaii; C[` w�r�C ir,��nQ--�nnlccsr�n Phone No. Fill in feesi►»p a Title Holder on next - page(if different E-Mail: ithlerylkb@gmaii.eom br?m the Owner listed above) CBC92S85t)8 State or County license: If valu0 of tonstrucftn is.$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice,ofCommen cement Is r"eq ulred. c�flrl41 �V.� J� lC?NxLEN t./"tyX1 ��MJ"1T�� . ' DESIGNS ,ENGINEER ,Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY. _ Not Applicable Name:. Name: Address: Address: City:: State: City: State: Zip Phone: Zip:. Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER Not Applicable BONDING.COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: :Address: Address: City City: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit.. St.Lucie Cduntyy makes:no repre entation.that is granting a permit Will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure° which.is in coriftltt with any appii cable Home`.Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants ihat may restrict or prohibit such structure,Please.consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply_. In consideration of:the granting of this requested permit.i do hereby agree that i will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the.approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County Amendments. `!'lie following building permit applications are exempt from undergoirig.a full.concurrency review:room additions, accessory:struciures,.swimming pools,fences,walls;signs,.screen,rooms,and accessory uses;to anathernon•residentiai:use lNARNiNG Tf):OWNER:Your failure io Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for rove en to your property:A Notice.of Commencement must be-recorded and posted on the jobsite. before tne.first ins ctiori. If you intSAd4q obtain financing,consult WI lencer or an attorney kiefore commen'in :Wdr t r rdinp,.yodr Nbtiob at Commencement. ,. AV W. alure of Owner) ent/Lessee =ATE f nt or/License Holder STATE-OF FLO IDA FLORIDA COUNTY:Or:s, : COUNTY Qps i 'The f oing instr ent was acknowledged before me The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of - 20 123b�y- this A day of 24 ) ij_ r' Justin 7hlery. (,Name of p on:as knowledgi ) (Name of person acknowledgin {Signatur.of�No ary: Ic=Statd of;i lorida} (sig. atu .of N a ublic<State of Florida}. Rersonally Known rdducc�IbIICALE °n Persanai4y Know tl���rvPaef idedQi�ibfl Type of.Identification my cilmmicc)ON A FF on4en- Type of Identification ProduEe MY MMISSION# fFww EXPIRES,July 28 2019 t EXPIRES:July 28,2019 C Commission No. ommission Na. ��Ge.�t ' Basi�giiud9etNobrySenices �aFf4�—��ortlad thr>ii6f> 1Mot�ry Sarvkcr ,Revised 07J 1512014 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE. e COMPLETE INITIALS