HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlexandre- HOA approvalCreekside at St. Lucie Homeowners Assoc., inc. Master Assoc. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW HOARD (ARC) APPLICATION SEND APPLICATION, SURVEY., 8 ATTACHMENTS TO: Creeksidt: at St. Lucie Homeowners Assoc., Inc. Maser Assoc. C/O Space Coast Pmpetty Management, 928 E New Haven Ave, tikl6oumc, Fl. 342401 OR EMAIL TO: ARC.towersmamtxom OFFICE: (320 733.w3382 Owner's Name Property Address Mailing Address 85140 Cobblestone Dr. City Fart Pierce keishla*JO M alil.com State FL Z;,, 34945 .. rnone(s) ttomLt: c,:ll: 772,v*3614829 arncr_ 850-mo661 =0402 Fax: -- -- -- -- - In accordance with the a laratlon of Covenants and Restrictions and the Association's rules and rcgulations, installation must conform to this approval and the Association's gui elfin , I hereby rejuest your conscnt to make the l' llo ring cbangcs. aitcrations, irenavations andfor additions to ray property 01*Fence 0 SwimmingFool 0 Screen Enclosure Latin 0 Landscup)ng 0 Satellite fish 0 Painting 0 HumicaneShutters Other Summary esc ipts n: (Please attach any additional rcquired information), Approval to install fence,, attached are the details and color from estimate. dq Plea ubmit the fool to ire for royal: hcati r p arr a ifications. including r :rt sure that show locations and ime n i ns of ffiq_proposed chanee, alteration,renovation or addition marked the survey. Note Applications should include copies of the sumey, drawings or color sample (paint clips with MFG nam and umber) o b considered complete, Processing will be delayed for ire o l :te applications. I I IEREBY UNDLASTAND AND AGREE TO WE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS I . No work will begin until written approval is rece3ved from the s i ti m 2#9 All work will bc done expeditiously once commenced und will bc dons; in a professional manncr by a 11censcd contractor or myself I agree to have all work complete widiin twelve (112.) monflis or a rce to re -apply if this cannot be accomphshed. 3. All %-ork will bc. performcd timely and in a manner that will minimize interferuTice and inconvcnience to other residunts. slissume all liability and will be responsible for any and all damages to other lots and Ajr common area. WhILh may result from pc6orman(x of tliis work. 5. i am tc-sponsible for the COWULE Of all persons, agents, contractors, subLontractors and employees wlio arC Lontiected with tili work. I will be rcsponsible for vcrl fying ffic ficensc and insurance for any contractor. 6. l ani responsible for coniplying wrtli all applicable fiedcral, s%talc and local laws,, codes, regulations and requirements in connection with this work- l will obtain any necessary e t emits and approval for the work. 7. Upon rcc ipt Space Coast Property Management will forward the Aft Application to tote board. l ion by the Association may take up to 30 daysi. I wil I be notificd in writin whcn die application is elffier approvcd or denied by the Association. 8. All work performed regarding any architectural approval is subject to verification by the ARC for compliance Owner shall ul It written notification to management when the rnodification is compicte for iws-pcclion purposes* Fence applications - if there is an caset on your lot and there is a fence installed in the casement. the honicowner will have to at their expense take up the fence for any work that needs to be done in that casement. All homeowners are r ip nsi le fait Following the Declaration orc o-v runts and Rosa';lions along willi Ittc guidclincsofthe Associaiton and any other Board approveA ruts or regulations when making any exterior moth k atias 0�: Signature or caner: Date-.- _00 12C b!O-T =ite b-da-w-thiiji0e `hi Application is Hereby: Approved Disapproved Commott.5.'Stipulations to Approval. Reasiins ror Denial low— J a 14h-A Q Jen L ZAI.-ft% Date Received fmm Owner- bailed to 14SW Mailed to Owner* -_ -.. _....