HomeMy WebLinkAboutVEG APP REMO GRASNY llVi V 4l 11il l! 11, k W. I'M101 M�Ai�hefi: S"'I 11 C 111-4 ( '10 1 Nl' V ■ � ,� NOTIC9 T OF VF ( A'A'- � ' � ' i � lN HE � � 7 ! �1 �7 APPLICATION 1 , llh�asc cnmp1ctc 1Iw r ►:zluc5mi iulnrmalim aird mthmil to ilia St . Lucle County i' li%- irojilliellial Resources Deparimeid or Ruildiom � Immig Devartmem , For ��ci�lilior�l it�fnr���l �[� �i. ��1ea�c uc�iil�cl I��: � : +t�� iI�: iilal RL;s(jjjrct;s I-)cparmwm �I 1772 ) 461 -2 .1' 26 . Fifing 1bil.V upplivutNam doe-s mu1 revuh ito an usifburizullrua Ito crunmetice at�jl vegautrun removal r,r ut►eratiou. A Silo PlauJCoustiluction Plan must be linivide4l ( hi dIIIIHi[ifi lii the liit#: plao III-41vided to 111C 1141ilding Depalmiluelit ) ihe plons 141141 accu�-��Ici�- dep cl Iha local ' ou of all pfoposetl bu ' ld ' ii�s, s1n�c� �jres, [t�i��ctiays, s+:pli� laribs, aitii ollu:r imj)ro% c��wnls . 111complele, d[1pi1cd110i15 N 4II nnI be, iiLtiepli3�.� lil xcordance N iltl wxll[lli I I .05 .06 (C ) of ihe St. Lticle Counly 1--.and Developliwill Code. w i tilt it I ii o My ( 2 0) da): s d fl L'f an iip pi l4"dl iQ i l lias lice i i de,Iv, Cl ll li iL'(l I be l:0 iliplVl L:, l l ve F 11v Irolifficuli'd Resources Deprimelil Shall fLk IL:W icit � � � , It c. dlini�s, a� den� � hc �nplic�lin��, ha�� i uii lbw � 4i �dar��� �� t f�rtl � i�� 5� ctioi� �.[ [ .� � � of tlis11w app � x �p�ro� e �ini Co& . A ppi ica I i o its ii'•f]l l l Ci i lg ci Co f 1Ci 1 rC4 lll t)Ul lit i ii6 lie F I I u I 11 1 I I be processed 1i i I j u ii Ile 5a Ij w Iii v,[l ly ( 2 0) day li[lwFt'is IIu%, bai4 C v'Cf wi ll RQt be X4IBiiwd uillll 11w building perum is also approved. Per Section 11 , 05 - 06 b. & of (tie St. Lucie County Lind Developmeal Code , the filing of an application �liall be decnwd to cxlend penrllssiou to t1ll' Empiroumemal Resourccs Director, or desigica, to irispecl Ilre subject site for ptuposes of evaludlinb Il�c ap�licalian. Please list any specific informalim such as a sale code of 11w itecessily of 24 hour notice due to cattle growing, corur0110 burns, ❑il��de pe ts, etc . lip t1w event that it is deleramned 11w1 any federal ar state protected species is resident on or depmdent upon lire siihjecl panel, ill developiwiA work whicli mi6lil adwrsely affect that individual species stall cease acid slap work. The applicajU shall immedialely iiolil�� ll� Flond�� fish �«d Wildlife Co ��sen'e�Il�li Cojum'ss ' oi�11 U .S . Fish �i(1L� Wildlife Service, and llue County . Appropriate projection la dw salisfacliaii of all parties sitall be provided by the applicant prior to resuming developownt . PROJECT INFORMATION OWNFRS NAME , ts � OWNERS ADDRESS :PROJEC'"17J.DCATI /ADDRESS : Rl � ' 1 _AP CITY : �� •� i � � STATE: ZAP: � #4- PARCFL SIZE : PROPERTY TAX ID #: CIATF CODE ( IF APPLICABLE ) : _. EMAIL ADD111 " SS , CONTACT PHONE NLjNt0E1t FOR EE PICK VD _ CONTRACTOR INFORMA110N ( IF APPLICABLIK)l M. I. iir�re ( {sur�r) 7 ( {jrle nt�<< ( 'r»►�j)i1e�1 1.ri►��.4� rerli►�re.�� rhnr this rYpe of��n�k bio dn�e 4)) q license(l rrj��xgc��r. If r�P�1�in$ ,f�r this Permit wider the mvrier•huilrler exeml)Hrm, ,vee I)m4avisre Slateniew (in fwge 4. LAND CLEARING CONTRACTOR NAME : ADDRESS , PHONE NUMBER.- FLORIDA REGWERT #t ST LUCIE CO. CERT. 4 BUILDING CONTftACTOR � � � ADDRESS '. _� APO � c' "� PNQNE NUMB� R� C� 4. IJRIEFI .dV DES (11111F '1'liE 11110POSE11) VE (; ETATION REMOVALl [ Cl-it 1Q V I-dOCATIO TYPE A]S 11 A N IT l 01; %IF(� t�� �i�A�r i�l N �r[� HE REMOVEM I' H�lVlllE A SKE'IV11 Oft SITE P1_.AN IF APPLICABLE DEPICTINC.0 W1tEH PROPOSED REMOVAI ., ANIVOR 0VVEL( WMENT W11-10 OCC11R . COMPLETE FjIIIER PART 1 OR 11 BELOW : PART 1 - EXEMPTION Anv person ►� ho intends to n;mavc or cause the death of any vegetation pursuant to auiy of the followi' ng cxcmptians must first fill out Part i of this form. The bu rden o f prayi ng e ntitleme nt to any part icu lar exem ption shil l l ie, at al l t ime s, %vi th the person or persons claiming the exemption . PLEASE CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING : I . The minimal removal of vegetation necessar}r for the clearing of a path not to exceed 4 in width , to provide ph��si cal a�cc ss o r vic��� nccc ssan, to con d u ct a sun�cy- o r s ite e xam i nation 4 R 10` i n ►ti-idth to p rov i de ��chi c u i:u access nccessan, to conduct soil tests, for the preparah"on of bona fide site development plans or vegetation inventories -, provided such clearing or removaJ is conducted under the direction of a Florida registered survevor or engineer. Fee : $55 2o. The removal of vegetation in a utilin, easement, drainage easement, storm water management tract or facilftv,, or nght�f-►��a►� provided such %��ork is done bv, or under the control of the operating uti lin• company and that com pany has obtained all necessary licenses or permits to provide utility service through the easement. Fee: &55 3. The removal of vegetation which has been determined to be a safety hazard, destroycd or damaged beyond saving by natu ral cause s or causes not cove red by other sccti on s of thi s chapte r, i s i n fected with disuse or i s i n fe sted with insects, or �N,hich constitutes immediate peril to life propemr or other trees . Fee : S55 *No application , approval, or fees are required for removal of a hazardous tree on residential property if the property owner obtains documentation from an ar6orist certified by the International Society of Arboriculture or A Florida licensed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persons or property. 4. The removal of native vegetation, upon any detached single family residential lot or parcel of land having an area of one ( 1 ) acre or less. This exemption is, however, subject to the following conditions: Fee : $55 A) Nothing in this exemption shall exempt any person from the landscaping requirements set forth in Section 7 .09. 00 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code-,- B) This cumption shall not bc construed to allow the removal or alteration of any protected vegetation «rithout a Vcgetation Removal Permit on any lot or parcel of land by its sribc�ivrder unless the subdivider intends to constrict a residcniial un it or units upon the lot or parcel of land prior is its sale . Q No native vegetation menn7-four inches (24"), or greater, dbh shall be removed from any residential parcel (including those in the AG-a, ACi-2 .5 ., AG- 1 ., AR- L, RE- Iv and R/C zoning districts, regardless of parcel size, without an approved Vegetation Removal Permit and an approved mstigation plan. 5. The removal of any non-native vegetation. Fee: $55 which will be waived for removal of invasive exotics only for single family homeowner or property owner's association removing eiotiks. No vegetation to be r►emoved. Fee: $55 7. The following acii"'ues do not require the application of a Notice of Vegetation Removal, however may require Building Permit approval or other such authorization. Fee: None ID A} Prcscrvc and Perks Management Activities. Vegetation removal activities associated with an adopted management plan for govemment maintained parks, recreation areas, wildlife management areas, conservation areas and preserves . The purpose of the vegetation removal act" shad be to protect and preserve the natural values and functions of the ecological communities present, such as, clearing for firebreaks, conducting prescribed hums, or construction of fences. B) Existing Agricultural Operations. Vegetation removal associated with subsequent harvesting acts%rities, except ►%-ithin required preserve; areas or deeded conservation easements, which are part of the on-going activities of the c�isting operation shall not require a permit. Initial clearing of a site is not an etiempt activitv . Bona fide agricultural activities include commercial nursery, tree Farm, aquacuiture, ranch, or similar ope ration . Q Routine Landscape Maintenance . Trimming or pruning of vegetaiioa which is not intended to result in the cvcntual death of the vegetation, mo►%-ing of vards or lawns, or any other landscaping or gardening activiMy %rphich is common]v recognized as routine maintenance, replacement or rye-landscaping. 7 LIPI)4TTD 8'28:Zal9 PART 11 - VTGETATION REMO%v"AL PERMIT Fee Schedule: S100 per Single Family Home Lot/Building S100 perNfullifamily Home LotfBuflding S200 per Nan-Residential Building Pleasc complete ALL of the requested infomm-tion . A Vegetation Removal Permit shalj onl}' bc issucd if suffcient eNI-dence demonstrating that at least one of the following criteria has been satis fi ed: I - The appj icant for vegetation removal permit shall demonstrac why preservation of the e�acisting nave vegetarian is not practical1v feasible and prevents the reasanable development of the srtte_ 2_ The removal of the nati4•e 16-egetation is the ►rlrrrirmum necessary in order to implemmt a Ana! Dcvc1opffwM Under 4i -e- : approved site plan or approved building permit)_ 3. A Final DeN-clopmcnt order has not been issued, or is not required by- this Cade for the tnt=dcd non -aQncuttural use of the land and vegetarian removal is the minimum rtecessan• to allow for the cvnstrnction of the intended use or improvement., ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VEGETAInON REMOVAL PERNHTS. 2. Site PI&WConstruction Plan (in addition to the site plan provided to the Building Department) The plans must accurately depict the locanon of all proposed buildings, Mctures, driveways.. septic tanks, other improvements. 3. Tree Survey The surver- must accurately depict the individual locations, species name and common name_ and sues of all Cowrw-mw trees to be removed and, if applicable, the individual locations, species name and camrnon name, and sues to be preserved or relocated_ 4. Vegetation Removal Plan Thcvegetarion removal plan must illustrate the existing vegemve conditions on the project site, including as iderruffleation of what areas WI- II be impaled by the proposed development activity- and a-had areas are proposed for preservation or replanting_ 5. Mitigation All ve vegetation shall bc prowxted an site to the greatest extent POSMble. If impact is unavoidable, mitigation shall bc provided through anc of the mitigaution methodologies outlined in Lid Dcvelopment Code Section 6.00.05 ,D- Pro"ade, mivgaiion culations per Land Development Code Section 6.00-05 ,D and includc a mitigation plan outlining proposed mW on method on the tree surve-y and/or site piano. If sufficient mitigation carmot bc accommodated an-site and additional inches of credit are required based on calculation, an off-site mitigation plan shall be attached for review and approval of ERD Director (Land DeveIopmeni Code Section 6_00.05D). t. Prior to the issuance of any auihori on for commencement of permitted development ariiviiv, the la=mcw vegetation shalt be preserved, relocated or planted, or the appropriate mitigation fees shall be paid to the Cmmm- As part of the issuance of and permit requiring mitigation, the property owner shall submit to an inspection of the planted/re1oc=d/prcwTved maienais 18 months after the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy or other use authari on. � LYD.aTED & 3?019 PLEASf HAVE: THE fql-JA)WIN ACKN W�..�D(;E MEN N TAf�IZY,D : 1 CER]"IFY '1'HA'1' � ( ( ' HEt `K ONE) A. ( ) 1 AM `I- HE OWNER OF MCORD OF T'HE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPER rT Y AND WILL BE CONDUCHN6 THE WORK AS OWNER/BUiLDER . 60'sd'osure SWerraev: State faw requ►res corztrc �uan tv 6e dare by Ir+cerrsed cor&adaars. Yau hive 40plied fir a perrr�t wxkr an e-'reaWtio►n to GfW law. The exe7rban allows you, as the owner of yqur property to act as yo[r own a+r�tractar w�bh ar�aaiv� restrimar�s evan �vrx�h you ob n'ot have a Irce7se. You must ixov►de a6rect, ansrte suoervrs�on of the canstruction y►aurself. You may build or irrrFrvve a one-t�vnlly or two-famrly residence or a farm autbudd►ng. You may also build or improve a caryraeraal burldny. pro waW yvcr Costs afa not exceed $7.5,OW. The buila*ng or residence must be far yov o+sm use or vacupanry. it may not be built or substantially jWaved for sale or lease If you se114r lease a build ng you ha ve bvrlt or substantially iWqwd yarself w1dNn 1 yew after the cans&ucrian ►s eomplete, ire law �vrll �cprae drat you bcalt or sul�stan�ball}+ im�pr�ved ►t for safe or lease, which ►s a wolabon of fts exer»ptiorr. You may not hire an unhaerzsed person to aG`r as your Cy&ddor Or to ScVefwse peopVe warlang an your GuilOrng- It ►s your rewor2slbrh[y to rraake Sure that pmoe e7plvped by you have licenses ragL&ed by state law and by county or municipal lii �ots'i4g ordfRanxes. You may not delegate the respansrbifity ftar 5Lpvrsrng work to a lrcen5ed aontractar wMv is not l►ce►isBd to pf motm the work 6er► 9 aarje. Any person working an your bwlding who is not li�er�s�e�d must ,york undue yivur �r�t sc�yverv�siorn and rrwst be e��p►bya7 by you, ►�vjri�}i rr�ns drat you r�x�st de�7c�t FI. C.A. and wbhholdrng nd provide workers' con�saaan for drat e�rjraloYe4 all as �a►�ib�ed by law. Yor.�r aarzstruc6an rr� corr►p�ly rv�th all �i+Cd61e laws, ard+narxes, ilding nodes, and zodr,�ng reyulabor�s. B. } 1 AM NQT THE OWNER OF RECORD OF THE ABOVED DESCRIBED PROPERTY ; HOWEVER. I HAVE AUTHORITY TO ACT AS AGENT FAR THE OWNER OF RECORD. (St. I.ucrc• C'uunly C"ode and [ 'urj�prled I,a�rs requires that this type of work be dune by a licensed contractor. P ASE PROVIDE DOCUMJENTATION). I CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION SUBMI-1-1 -h WITH THIS APPLICATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO T BEST O Y NOWLEDGE . 6 WNERI AGENT SIGNATUREC�NTRACTaR SIGNATURE STATE OF FLORIDA, STATE OF FLORIDA!, COUNTY OF ST , LUCLE COUNTY OF ST. LUCRE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged The foregoing instrument was acknowled eci before me this dav a " ,',,> 2� before me this � day � 20 I P bv f1sl who is bv r� ) j i �vhv is per << know to me or has produced pers na114� kno%%, to me or has produced ow • as identification . �# as identification . Isr-now- IVA &% f • ja A 1 A wo Signature of Nall', ignature of NOUL MW% Type ar Prtnt ame of NoLiry �ype or Print Name of No .-JEp Notary Public Title Notay)r Public Title Commission Number Commission Number (SEAL): M . (SEALY AUDREY B. HUMPI�R� .►".'.'.�'•; AUDREY B. �4U11IlRHREY ,'�► F, ' � GG 3�817 :��.- MY COMMISSION # GG W1 7 E 2(123 '':. " F�(PIR�S: March 6, 2023 �PSRES: March . . • � �s i�q� �p(� j�Y'll R�� �[i�L'�1M1�fi P :��� ' B�Jf1�Bd �iflJ ��Ore�1ry1 PI�lC Ufldfl[��S FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED DEN D REVIEWED/ APPROVED BY : ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1 DATE 4 LfPUf1T}:U 818.2019 R; •