HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter; Report of Geotechnical ExplorationFlorida's Leading Engineering Source Environmental • Geotechnical • Construction Materials Testing • Threshold & Special Inspections • Private Provider Services & Code Compliance March 28, 2019 Mr. Don Hinkle Don Hinkle Construction, Inc. 219 Hunt Drive Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 Subject: Augered Cast -In -Place (ACIP) Pile Installation Report 246 Bimini Drive, Fort Pierce, Florida GFA Project No.18-9005.01 Re: Report of Geotechnical Exploration (GFA Project No. 18-9005.00) dated October 1.5, 2018 Dear Mr. Hinkle: Representatives of GFA International, Inc. (GFA) were requested to monitor the installation of augered cast -in -place (ACIP) piles located at the above referenced property on March 5, 2019. ACIP Pile Monitoring The grout pump was calibrated on -site with the pump strokes required to fill a 55-gallon drum (7.35 cubic feet). The grout pump strokes necessary to fill the theoretical pile volume plus 10 percent (grout factor) were then calculated to determine the required number of pump strokes for each pile. The monitored piles had at least the minimum number of required pump strokes and grout factor and/or sufficient grout head. The data recorded during the pile installation are contained on the attached Augercast Piling Inspection Forms. The pile numbers indicated on the forms correspond to numbers shown on the Pile Layout Plan attached to this report. The pile lengths noted on the logs are based on the depths below the existing ground surface at the time that the piles were installed. The steel reinforcing for the piles was also observed to be constructed and placed in general compliance with the provided project plans. Note that during the installation of Pile No. 40, the grout hose became clogged. This resulted in having to re -auger and regrout the pile as -Pile No. 40R. Grout samples were obtained during the pile installation for compression strength testing. These test results will be submitted under separate cover as they become available. Conclusions Based upon our observations and testing, GFA concludes that the ACIP piles have been installed in general accordance with the design criteria, the project plans, and recommendations provided in the above referenced Report of Geotechnical Exploration. i Cove • Port St. Lucie Florida 34986 772 924.3575 4-3 ) Opa.cyo 607 NW Commodity ( ) FiL OFFICES THROUGHOUT FLORIDA Angered Cast -In -Place (ACIP) Pil .,�Uallation Report- March 28, 2019 246 Bimini Drive, Fort Pierce, Florida Page 2 GFA Project No. 18-9005 01 Closure The ACIP pile monitoring was performed at the request of Don Hinkle Construction, Inc. using generally accepted methods and procedures consistent with current local industry practice and standards. In expressing the opinions stated in this report, GFA has exercised the degree of skill and care normally exercised by local engineering professionals; no other warranty is expressed or implied. Documentation and data provided by the Client, designated representatives of the Client, or other interested third parties, and referred to in the preparation of this report, have been used and referenced with the understanding that GFA assumes no responsibility or liability for their accuracy. GFA's evaluations and opinions are not representations regarding either the design integrity or structural soundness or the ACIP pile foundations. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project and look forward to a continued association. Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions or comments, or if we may further assist you as your plans proceed. Respectfully Submitted, GFA INTERNATIONAL, INC. Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 4930 J h n Digitally signed by John Kent Kc n t Date: 2019.03.28 14:03:57-04'00' John Kent, P.E. Senior Project Engineer Florida Registration No. 63218 This item has been digitally signed and sealed by John Kent, P.E. on the date adjacent to the seal. Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. Attachments: Pile Location Plan (1 page) Production Pile Logs (4 pages) Distribution: Mr. Don Hinkle — Don Hinkle Construction, Inc. Rick Martens Project Manager 1 pdf