HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit App Clarke1 All APPLICABLE I NFO M U!i T BE COM P LFLED FOR APPLICATI U N TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit N_inibe, Building Permit Application Aarrnfrg and D-a elopmerif Ser CC 15 Build;nfl and Cads Aegufatron Division Commercial Resident 12a I 2306 Orpma Avenue, Fort Pierce Ft 34 Phone; �7721 462-1553 ray, (7721) .2-1578 PERM IT AP PH CATkO N FOR; i PRO POS ED I M P ROVE I!NT LOCAT!*- Ad(]reF�5- 0311 t Property Tax I � " ` _ Lot NG. Site Plan Dame; :8ioek No- Project Name: --- 1..DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _ � , NE-w Electrical p.+F .t*r Secor.d Electri mr Mete: CONS]RU&I€ N INFOIRMAT7CIN: M add itiortal work to be performed under this perm it-dheek all that a 4y; ' _Meaani c81 —Gas Tank _Gas PI Ping _Shutters _ Win-d4;-v:s f Door6 _ RO'1d Electric _Mumbing —Spri n klers _Genera#vr R.rfi Pi. -'otal Sq_'FL of Construetion, Sq. Ft,of Pint Fleur: Cost of Cortistruttion, UtilitEe5; Sewer 5epti{ Build iog H-6ght= .OWN ER f LESSEE= CON ACTOR-. _ ity_ t'� ,, stage: Address: Z11)Cade_ fax' City{ . .-L. + S � PhurtiL-Nu_ - _ -3 1. ip cide: mac: E-Maii: A jL t '3 12e_U Sdw . jrk-�-j Phone Nci Fill in five$irnple Tit6-Holder on next page if dMerent E-Mail I AOL jP h ,.M I"P ' _ .4Q.. #turn the Owner I isted above) Mate or Courtt� Lice nseL� , of v31ue of construction is 2500 or mDre,a REMMED flotiae of Cumm%encement 4 rcquir4�d. _ -If value of HAVC IS 57r500 ar more,a RECORDED No-tice of Commencernent is required, SUPPLEM ENTAL CONSTRUCTION LI EN LAW INfOR A- 0N= �- DE�I�NEd/EN61Pd EER: _P,4ot Appl i cable MORTGAGE COMPANY, � Flit Applicable Marne, i+laMe: Address,: Address; Clittit= State' City{: State; Zip; Plhane Zip,. Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE 14OLDER: _Not Applicable BOND ING COMPANY, Not Appl icabJe N a m�= Name, _ Address: ,address: _ City: faw lip: , Phone- ZFP: Phone: OINN ERf CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT:Application Is hereby mi du%Lo obtain a permit to c5o th-P work arld instaf lation as indica4ed, I cmf4 thin no wor k or i nstailatim has commenced prlvr to the issy-nce of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representaticn that is Vanti rt�,a pC fmit w11i afftt<uIUL theEr rrnit Raolder to build the subject svra[#uf-e which-15 in cznflict wEtfn arn{app6oabl Home a rn Assotist�or�rules, trfLaws ar arenar tf�iat rnayr r skxi C or pcofndait suxJ r �tnt,Wre.Please onnsuIt with your Home Gwrwr::Aesociation and reuiew your deed r #rict6oe�s w�ioh essay apply, In cow1dieration of tle gr-anting-o€ttiis request-Ed permit I do hercb 09-Pe tl�=I will, in all respeca, prom the work in accordance with the approvvd Pl;w�,the Klorida 1341ding-Codes and S� Luciei�Durrtyr Amendment;. TPke follomng bwlding permit applications ar a exempt from undergoi ng a full conmTrercr rev9ew:room additions, accessory strmlueM wAffmming pails,fencm,walk signs}scram rooms and accessory uses to arLotNer non-re.:Uentiai use WARNMI-G TO I NESC: Your failure to Rewrd a NotTcr of comnwcement rpay ram## h paying iwiae for i rn pr-averr ent5 to ,,Hour p r-D perry, A N ati ce of tom rinenc-etnent rn ust be reuuTded in the pu blic records of St_ Lucie CGUnty and posted on the jobsit-e before the fi rst i nsper-t ion. if you i ntend to obta i r3 fi nnin-ci n& consult with lender or a rj a'Lt-ome commerrcing.vwork or recordl rtg you r N utiCe-of Corr m cement, Signstur£-of Or+n&[tessee/Comactcx as Agent`nor Own-ur Signature cF entractor)License Ii der STATE OF FLQRIDA STATE OF FLORIDA 4 � COI. AITY OF � COUNTY OF � • �, Sworn tk[or affirmcO,rid Wb!wrfbed before me of Sworn to[cc affirmedM and subscrf htd befnfe me of ph sisal Presence or 04IFrne Notarr2atino eat Presence or Or}Ii nc N Wfu5um this ,IV of gc ,2020 by Is ay of_ #Jams of;x-w 'm-,Wng statemsn`. Name of persDn making statemt•nt P&";)I1+Knawn OR Pradu€-ed Idervt.oat m Pez 5onal;V K-.own n OR Fi oduoed Identification Type of Identification Type14 - of Idt i f'i 7tion dn P; u produced � — ",CA P [Signature cif Notary uhliic• 5tas'c of NO a {Skgnature of NOttlry PUb1,r.-Stare of FI - - ) � } TAVPUWC NOTAgy P4JS� CommissiontJ S-ATE0F FLORI rr ission Nol mr57 TAB ,�B OF RIO — Core*GGI01 rd` 1$3i'J8 ; '4% 31 VIC —t; REVIIENS FRONT DN I A SUPEFkVISDR PANS VE-G TATION SEA TU RTiE MANGROVE CO U-NTER R1=VI EVV REVIEW R EVI EW R EVI EW RE 1EW REVIEW DATE RECEIVED SATE = CjQMI PIED v.