HomeMy WebLinkAboutDesousa Permit appAdditi0rs31 worktO be performed M e.C1j-t3 111 Cal E i eurlc �L F Ft AV PL%CA_ 10 N'ViD %E A�CCFPTF-D All APPLICABLE IN FO LI T BE Cow F u m her: Date. p,jon rj in g and De'18tWler] t 5ervlces crrnd ode J r�Irif]n Dvistof7 ri 3-49 Building Permit Application commercial Residentl:ai 2300 V ryinio All-enuer FOr- 8 Phan-e: Fr � (172) 4E-2-1553 . :D:V�E:P�OE N +y y I j j +rx r 1 _ri 2 � i 7f��a 1 �4F y 4 Addre�s; propertyTaX lD#: Site p j a n Narr3 : projectNarn0' i — 0 =ETA1 LSCRM PTi0 N of W 0 RK ! f" -, New F9ertr1c;a1 Meter 1,d %n k - Secarrd fy-ectrical q t r o 7�A_110- all urderthis pe IIiIL—check all that apply Gas ja rk Plumbing Total Sq. Ft gf Construcdon: cost of Con trUction'. $ @s piping — prirlklers h uCte r5 ��n�rator block No • Z — Lin X'% 1 k ndow s/DOorS �_ Pond Roof pitch Sq, Ft. of FiTSt Floor= Lltill#ies: Sever — Se. pt! C Building H4249 it: ON RA&OR: N�i rne; Name Corn at� Address= ! k City,+: pity, , f Fes_ tate_� zip dude: # fax;; Fay: Phone N_ � . PhonetVa � p Coft � E-L1� i 6 : r +' r F-Ma tl — FM in flee si Mp e T it le F4o Eder on next Paged�e161?5t ?r from the Owner 115ted above) � ar � � r_ ff .7i ft rer Gtion r rn rp, af 90 tfc Of Comm2ncem ;s Mquked, If va.rue -of HAvc i5$75w 0r rnorer a Rf'C0RV-E0 Notice o FcOmynef�camOnt is requimd. .1 . . iL'L" - 1 SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: DEiNERIENGINEEF: - of Applicable Name: Address - city, State- Zip; Rhone MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name: Address: City: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDER: blot Applicable I BONI)ING COMPANY: Not Applicable State: Not Applicable Na Me: Name: - Address: Address:city City- Zip: — --- Phone'--- - ---- Zip: Phone: OWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFilDVIT- Application. is herby made to ohtain a permit Wdothe wo&and installation :;s indicatcd_ I ce rtifV th at n u work or i nstallatio n has tam m e n ctd prior to the issuance of a perm it. St. Luc ie Cou My makes no representation that is grarrti ng a pe rmit wi I I authorize th e permit hel der to h uil d the- Su bject strud:u re which is in conflict w ith a ny a p-pl i cable Home Own e-rs AsSodation rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrIct or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Homt Owners Association and review your deed for any restrticbons which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested Permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work i n accord ante with the app roved plans, the Florida dui [ding Cad es a n d St Lucf a Cou rity Amendment& The RAJowi ng buil d i ng perm it a ppl ications a re exem pt from undo r i ng a f ull concu rrency review. roam additiorl:sr ;9qzCe5&0rV structuresr swimming gaols, fences, wal1!5, signs, screen rooms and accessofy uses to another non-rL-sidential use WARNING TO OWNER.- Your failure to Peaord a Notice of Commencement mayresult In paying twice for irryprovernents to your property, A Notice of Commencement rent must be ecorded in the public records of St. Lueio Count and posted on obsit� bafore the fir irlspe ion. if ou int-end to obtai n-ancing, consult W [th l e rid or a n attorn ore oom m on f r� rk o r record' r Notice ce f rrCI ryt, ;at ure of Owner/ Lesseie/CDntvactor as Agent for Owner j sigr ure of Contractor/Lictnse Hol Oar STATE OF FLGRI D A STATE O F F LO ICI DA COUNTY OF__.,Yd .� ��A . .. COUNTY of If Lz 5 r n to {or -affirm ed) and su hscr i bed before me of e'-- Ph ys i tal Presence or Oni i n e N ota rizatio n this day of . 2020 by i4 l 0 Pia r-ne of person making statement, Re rsr}aI ly Kaown OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced (5 i?1ture of Notary Puhtic- State of Florida } Cornmission NZI f ' (4411AL,FF N00 Cornm�� LW 2r REVIEW DATE RECEIVED DATE COMPLETED eV, FRONT* f 140 COUNTED REVI EW Bud el" FANk4� 0PEVISOR fZ EVI E Sw,prn to (or aff i rTned) and suhscri bey] b efo re m e of PhysIca I Presence or online Notarization this day} c f _ — . 2020 by Name of person making statement. Per5o pally Known OR Produced ldentificati pn Type of Identification Produced (Sire of NoU ry Flu bI ic- Mate of Florida Cam mi. i on No. 1 =# GG �77� Lk Wed t ��,�pararlA01291 � � PLANS I VEGETATION REVIEW REVIEW r # Cr N .ALA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REV EW Sroue of work for 10310 15_ ncean dr unit 201 Frame down n6lings 1 Y2 inches to allow for electrical ork in living morn, dinning room~ , guest bedroom and master bedroom I- Install wiring for ceiling fan in master bedroom and guest bedroom -install fan light dimmer switch 3-Install Darner supplied ceiling fan 4-Furnish and install (4) LEE) disk fights in living room ceiling with dimmer switch 5-Install/ relocate electric and cable for TV In Livingroor�n , master bedroom, , guest room G-Lower existing fare box in dinning room 7-Remove and reinstall dinning room fare