HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Of Vegetation Removal Application 2 (1)OMPLET FI'I`II EH FART 1 OR 11 BE'i. OW:
Any person who intends to remove or cause the death of any vegetation pr uant to any of the following exemptions must
first fill out hart I of this form. The burden of proving entitlement to any particular exemption shall lie, at all tunes, with the
person or persons claiming the exemption.
I. The mini nal removal of vegetation necessary for the cleating of a path not to exceed 4" in width, to provide
--- physical access or mew necessary to conduct a survey or site examination OR 10" in width to p ovide vehicular
access necessary to conduct soil tests, for the pmparation of bona fide site develowent plan or vcgctation
inv ,tori es; provided such clearing or removal is conducted under the direction of a Florida registered. surveyor
or wneer, Fee:
2. The removal of ve ration in a utility easement, drainage easement, storm water management tract or facility, or
right. -of -way provided such work i s done by or under the control of th-e oNrating utility company and that
company has obtained al I. necessary licenses or petm its to provide utility service through the easement_ Foe: $55
3. The removal of vegetation w+ dch has been detam ined to be a safety hard, destroyed or dammed beyond saving
by natural causes or causes not covered by other sections of this chapter, is infected with disease or is infested
with insects, or which constitutes immediate peril to life property or other irres. Fee: S55
*Nu application, approval, or fees are rewired for removal of s hazardous tr on residen Mal property if
the property owner o b t of n s dcct# m-Wation from in arbe rlst cer}tifWd by the International Society of
Arboriculture or a Florida bee n sed landscape architect that the tree presents a danger to persons or
�4, The removal of native vegetation, upon any detachcd single-family residential lot or parcel of land having are area
of one (l) acre -or less. This exempti-on is, however, subject to tho following nditi : Fee: 55
A) Nothing in this exemption skull exempt any person from the landscaping roquircrnents set forth in Section
7.09,00 -of the St. Lucie Counter band Developntert Code;
B) This exemption shall not be construed to attow the removal or aiteration of any protected vegetation without
a Vegetation Removal Pemit on any lot or parcel of land by its subdivider unless the subdivider intends to
construct a residential Unit or units upon the lot or parcei of land prior to its sale,
Q No native vegetation twenty- four inches (24" ), or gi` ter, dbh shall be removed from any residential Nroel
(including those in the A -5, A -2.5, AG-1, AR-1, RE,1, and RJC zoning districts), regardless of parcel size,
without an approved Vegetatio-a Removal Permit and an approvcd mitigation plan,
5. The removal of any non-native, vegetation. Fee: 5 which will he waived for removal o f inva live exotics only
far single fatr~ily homeowner or property owner's assoclatlon removing exotics.
No vegetation to be removed, Fee: $55
,7. The following activ i ties do teat require the appl ication of a Notice of Vegetation Removal, however m ny requ i re
Building Permit approval or other snob authorization: Fee: None
Fr erve and Parks Management Activities. Vegetation removal ae li A ties associated with an adopted
management plan for government-rnaintairied parks, recreation arras, wildlife management areas,
conservation areas and preserves. The purpose of the vegetation removal activity shall be to protect and
preserve the natural values attd functions of the ecological communities p scnt, such as, clearing for
firebreaks, conducting prescribed burns, or construction of fe es,
B) Existing Agricultural ONrations. Vegetation removal associated with subsequent harvesting activities, except
within required presme areas or deeded con-%ervation m%emeats, which are part of the on -going activities of
the existing operation shall not rewire a perrxt it, Initial clearing of a si Le is not an exempt activi ty. Bona fide,
agricultval activit ies inc ludo corn rnmi al nursery, try farm, aquaeulture, ranch, at similar operatioo.
Q Routine Landscape Maintennnce. Trimming or pruning of vegetation which is not interidcd to result in the
eventual death of the vegetation, mowing of yards or lawns; or any other landscaping or gardening activity
wh ich 19 conunorily recognized as routine m aintenance, repl acerrtent or re-] an6capin g,
IJPDATE D L 1-1512020