HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Of Vegetation Removal Application (1)DATE. SUBMMEa, 11 Ldldiv:� Pli2 rikkii N u ru hen. ST LUCIE COUNTY F L O R 1 0 J1 Frapostd t'rf)ia-CV Tt LU I E COUNTY NO FICE OF VEGETATION REMOVAL APPLICATION Please complete theme rtqu-csted information afld submit to the St, Lucic County Environmeotol Rewuroas Department or Building & fining Department. For additional information, please contact the Eavirormcatal Eeources L tTvtrieat at (772) 462-252-6- F, thk aapticafiun does nof =JJ in an aulhorizirsivy,m, A Sitc FlanlConstruction Flan must be proviLded (in addidan to the site plan provided to the Building Department) and must accurately depict the Iaeatior3 Of ell pmpuscd huildinp, structurcs, driveways, &vNil c tnI-sp and other imPF%DVC 'ncnr%r, PLEA E DO NOT SEND PAYMENT WITH T kI18 APPLICATION. ,ALL PAYMtNTS WILL FIE RJETURNMD TO SENDER. incomplete applicatiom will not be accepted iri wcordance with section 1 1.05. (c) -of the, St. Lucie County Land I elopinent Cade. Within twenty (20) days afWr an appliwion has been deterynined to be complete, the Environmentai Rcmrm Depmlmett steal I review the application end approve, approve with conditions, or deny tho application, based on the standards set f•wtb in Section 6.00.05 of this Cade. Applicartians r airing a concurrent building permit will be prod within the ame twenty () day tiradrame, however will not be Weomd until the building permit is also approved. Pcr S=tio-n 11.05.% b, 6. of the St. Lucie County Land Development &, the filing of as appii-c-ation snail be de mctl to extend permission to the Fnwirom mental Resourccs Dir, ler, or designee, to inspect the subject site for purposes Drevaivatin& the appiieadon. Plca&c list any specific inform-arion such as a gate code or the nec ity of24 hour notice due to cattle gruing, controlled burns. outside pets, etc, in the evert that it is detcrmined that any federal or grate protected species is resident on or dcpendent upon the subject parcel, all development work which might adversely affect that individual species shall cep and st-op work. The applicant shall immediately notify the Florida Fish mid Wildlife Conservation Commission, US, fish and Wildlife, $crwicea and the County- Appropriate protection to the satisfaction of ali parties shall be provided by the applicant prior to resuming deyelopmeryta L Al r W ftl'rJL L i t . Ae A�L 4 PROYE C I Ld ATION/ cm; STATE: CONTACT PHANn S) k + PARCEL 52E: PRDP A Jy GATE CODE PLIC j; EMAIL ADDRESS: " CONTACT PHONE NUMBER EIS IF0 9 PE P.M IT PICK CONIMCI-OR INFORMATtOLN IF APPLFCABLno Sr, Lucre County Code and Complied Laws requires that this type of work be dame by a ficenseed contracrar. If applying for this permit under the cwnErlbudder exemption, see Disclosure Sta terew -on page 4. LAND CLEARING CONTRAC'l'M NAME, ADDRESS: P110N'F NUMBER: FLORIDA RIE CERT 4 ST LUCTF, Co. CM I" # - -- BU LI ING CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: _PRONE NUMBER: BRI EFLY DESCR] 131,-, ]LH Y PRO PONQ V EGETATIO N RI MOV A i, I N LU D M OO F VE I N TO BE REMOVED. PROVIDE TiL'II RPLAN IF APPUCAB F. nE'P1�'Tl7V R . PROPOSED lid DVAT. ANDIDR DEVF11,01R TENT WILL 0C UR. UPDATED t 1rM020