HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED Truss Layout - Sterling TRUSSES ARE BUILT FAR THAT MODEL. EL. �- _•,: - - SUCCESSFULLY SET BEFORE ANY MORE . .._ A=LIFE SAFETY WARNING TRUSSES FOR THE FIRST MODEL SHOULD BE SHIPPED AND SU �� F►4BR ICATI�N AGREEN�ENT TRUSSES CANNOT BE STARTED UM1L TFfrs AGR�EiHENT fS SiC1HEa�RETUR The legal description of the propdr(Y where the trusses will This symbol identifies Life Safety Warnings that should be read 18' — G4 � N LENGTH '��"��°�D' _w_-aku� balnstauad Is; "E° ARRANGE WITH CRANE OPERATOR IN ADVANCE FOR A SPREADER BAR OF given special attention by all persons installing trusses. The undersigned ackriowiedges and agrees; 1:-Trusses will be made In strict accordance with this • — — — — which-is the axis authofity for dot ,Ining.succeasfui tabrkatlo of ecament diagram layflut,_ `l Z AP dlmenslom trusses. f Do not stand on trusses until theyare bracedper BCSI & properly nailed to straps & hangers P u in this layout have ba,ten„, , en vedfled by the undersigned.6 S unrea's written notlrs Ie i provided certified mall to Chambers Truss within tart�10} A 1 — such written notice Is furnished Chambare T 30 Span or less 30 to 60 Span AL dsiya aderlvery the undersigned agrees th�abed rgee wRl be atlowed..ln the event rt to begin its aired or have three{3}bu ass da 4 The ursderslgrt d admpyvfed bstl F N Ys h7 wY+k�t 0 degrees Spreader Bar _ +ierY Is to Jab site. tt fs theta trod,at Chambers op .� I 6.l7el1 gas receipt of 8C51 1-09 sum sheet TPI&YVTC+A. V L uyers'resporrslbillty to males the Job alto aulrabte for ' — dporon b � dhes the safe suthoiity to determine the suitabfflty of the b a o rless Jo eltvery,Chambers Tnrss ,,,be responsible far dump def�lve prpj} aPA�[N NOTE '"'' R ~''�''" v `�E R �' a-r-E All load bearing walls, headers, The boyar!s►esponstbta far additions!deliva• ry h' UNLESS NOTE❑ELSEWHERE DN THIS LAYOUT,THESE TRUSSES I �,•Q�n,a„ I I t • because fob site Ia riot prepared ivr daI e�enses ff Cnambers Truss has to redeliver 1 io Approx 2/3 to ARE NOT DESIGNED FOR AIR HANDLERS IN THE ROOF OR FOR beams & lintels must be in place r s rea r or buyer to at prepared far ors. ry of trusses, I ar,�w = * �� We porrelbre to Chambers Truss far towing costs due to ells ca for dell very B.PHce as shown lr}parasnlph 7 below Is su — / -1 9 <— ALL TREJ55E5 ARE TO [3E SET - - - - -/- J thla.lay6u A5� r hour fee!v t6 "gB Ny* anpas are.made in L,ne Y BE IN CONFLICT AB ire ANY OTHER A1C REQUIREMENTS.THIS MAY ER DETAIL +dslons r 1 2 of S an O Q CORN ma be T g Line span op ox. I p DONT LIFT TRUSSES Y ohaNadbyChambers7rrrss. AT 2'-D. ON CENTER WITH BUILDING CODE AND A1C DESIGN REQUIREMENTS. at Indicated height before trusses ttakcsMorsrOMFWcv+wTY : e.T: ?hla 1a a PURcwasE t)RDER to Chambers,Truss of the sum agreed to, or if n REFER TO BCSI REFER TO BCSI EXCEPT AS NOTED i WITH SPANS LONGER THAN on de rymenl elnvolae may ba mad reasonable prhm. e�at sienadufed on el day and Ppaid within terms of n t- Truss must be set this way if crane used. Truss must be set this way if crane used. CONSULT WITH BUILDING DEPARTMENT AND A/C CONTRACTOR. are Installed. 3B'BY THE PEAK. derive• of fabricated busses.The undersigned ary Chambers can"ot octopi ry Truss is an example, your truss may not match. This is ion example, truss may not match. CONSULT BCSI - atWmoy'8 fee for cofieakm In event of g 9�a pay .1.1) 'Tfuss reasonable Insist crane operator sets truss this way. Insist crane operator sets truss this way. payment not tlmely made.i-112 96 per month servjce charye wlA be added Wall sums not psild within lentos. a.Signature or Initials anywhere on this sheet constitutes aSreement to all terms herein. 4:In conslderaWn of Chambers Truss axberiding credit for this unconditionallyguarantees mate dal the orderer red MULTIPLE PLY TRUSSES MUST BE ching payment when due any and silt agrees to g bars Truss b an awed to en Y. Y recen3n Y g materiel and the nundersigned agrees to pay such AST E N E❑ TOGETHER PER ENGINEERING Indebtedness Ind N.uding attorneys fees, If default in payment for me be made by the '10.In the event of any Iltlgatlon Concerning this agreemerrt,the hems famished hereunder or payments referred to herein,the.parties agree that the epla venue(or any such action will BEFORESETTING. REFER T 1 , 2z' � �� � 1� l 11.desf9!�raspoSaint Walls ns bfiktesdara per-National standard And��endad r3ufdellnes flit ENGINEERING D RAW I N G TO DETERMINE , I l Rasponslbllltles For Cansbuctlon Using Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses IF MULTIPLE PLY, Icm IT N I � ¢-2�2�- 77 71 ,SICiNED ' Carrying Girder , For Truss to Truss J2 J2 J2 a2 FOR ` Connections see _ A� �mq d W"BcSi1-03"toprV"1tk* yg hanger/connector ails must ag J4 J4 °d J4 b@�tO!pe�athB]yf arve s i98�all�re bdf d tened together per engineer 8o can result•in roof collapse. shown.Guide tabs o r` Temporary and permanent bra are schedule in engineering Dome angle nails. J6 end roe po required shad can save life J6 J6 J6 A P rty and 18 the re4 O sibility of the truss erector, package. 'Study the contents of tna Information packetlncluded on delivery Carried Truss .� '�" ; GRA before setting tombs. GRA _ _ _ _ Trusses mu8tbetartd braced perdesi�l tv ply Trusses must be set plumb and square SEAT PLATES BY CHAMBERS l A Do l'tot"gat bunks or stack of plywood, roofing material or any .A I • othear�dticentrsted loads on trusses,this can cause collapse. Al DO O'rWr TR!lSSES t1SlNG THIS LAYOUT 1 USE LAYOUT DELIVERED WITH TRUSSES TO SET rRU5SEs Al � 1 2.0 INT .00/ NT. 2. INT .001 NIT. A2 CHAMBERS TRUSS INC 1 l 1 A3 12 A3 4.00 � I 1 I 1 A4 is A4 3'IDS Dlsander Avenue 12 -2.00 $ 1 Fort Pierce; Fivrida 34982.6423 co A5 - N N 1 800-551-5932 I A5 Fort Pierce 772,4B5-2072 Fax 772-�465.87 Vero Beach 772-689.201$ 17 , � Stuart '772-Z86�,3302 ..,_� 1 rrrasatdegtt'r�1tC�i.['AM � upset--1/4" heel=3 15/16" I A5 A5 PLUMB CUT END 1 2 x 4 Top Chord 1 I A5 WALL HEIGHT 8' END DETAIL :TYPICAL.VAULT 13'-8" 22' 1 1 A5 I - A5 I I A5 ED v 1 A5 92.i]/93.2 Af ITEK 4.2 - DESIGN CRITERIA ATA County SAINT LUCIE ATA Building Department ST LUCIE COUNTY Wind Design Criteria ASCE 7-2010 ATA ATA Wind Design Method MWFRS/C-C hybrid Wind ASCE 7-10 12 Roofing Material Shingle or Shake 4.00 F ATA ATA Loading in PSF Roof R.D.L. � INVERTED"V"WEBS AT CENTER INVERTED�WEBS��w��� Top Chord Dead 7 4.2 To Chord Live 2 W/9'B.C.PANNEL.LOAD W/(2) 8' ATA 50#POINT LOADS PER TRUSS FOR A1H/U 50#POINT LOADS PER TRUSS FOR A/H1U ATA r Bottom Chord Live 10 Non-Concurrent "' Bottom Chord Dead 10 3 ATA ATA TOTAL Load 37 7.2 1} cv cv Duration Factor 1.25 ATA Wind Speed 1 fi5mph upset--1/4' heel=3 15/16" ATA Top Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. PLUMB CUT END Bottom Chord C.B. Sheeting by builder. 2 x 4 Top Chord ATA ATA Highest Mean Height 12e-0" i T ENCLOSED Building Type WALL HEIGHT 8' ATs Building Category Il:Non Restrictive ATB g g rY TYPICAL END DETAIL _ _ — Exposure Category C ti P 9 rY The Architect's or architect's representative's ATC Barrier Island No shop drawing approval is NOT a ATC r _ _ r r Conforms to FBC 2017 77 "double check- of the contractor. R.D.L.=Restrainin Dead Load C.B.=Continuous Bracing The contractor Shall remtain responsible BHA �� �„� ��- +V$ BHA Verify DESIGN CRITERIA shown above with the for checking field measurements and �' I building department and your engineer. other construction criteria. Architects Js rt — i — Js — — � j — � J r Design criteria is the responsibility of the approval covers general roof shape, v BuildingDesigner and/or Engineer of Record. review of truss strapping, and loading on r ! I ' cta J J4 co I I J4 J4 l Chambers Truss Inc. Drawing Name: M11412 structure from gravity and uplift loads and i I I I , w Scale: 114 = 'I their rasp ve locations. i J2 J2 I I J 73 total trusses, 18 different trusses. Approved By: 3-23-21 J2 Date: � � MI 4: RLC ACAD: RLC Reviewed By: ------ _ _ _ Date: 11/14/16 Revised: 10/23/18 Braden raden A.I.A. P.A. - - N as oo a, Co N l - FOR I N v m oo 'ooll m m ro m w11 m m m m v N I l -y INDICATES LOAD 13EARING REQUIRED BY TRUSSES I WYNNE DEVELOPMENT CORP. ,w l n I " l 11,41 i ' 1 V-6" € 31-4" ' '-4" 1 15'-10" SUPPLIED BY BUILDER 15 10 5�• 3� AT A HEIGHT OF 8-0 DESCRIPTION: ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR LEFT GARAGE RIGHT STERLING GARAGE PAGE 1 of 1 CUSTOMER INITIALS EACH PAGE 18 TRUSS DRAWINGS ARE ATTACHED TO LAYOUT M 11412