HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub-Contractor AgreementPERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division o . BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Ridgeway Plumbing (Company Name/Individual Name) have agreed to be the Plumbing (Type of Trade) Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC (Primary Contractor) For the project located at - q - ,3 1 1 �n a I� I (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I 1 1 It is understood that, if there is any change Of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) w. Bryan Adams PRINT NAME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of St Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 2021, by W. Bryan Adams Who is personally known kor has produced a a identification. D '_ 01 )A I(\ A IF\ , il A Signature of Notary Public o fl IUfla O Print Name of Notary Public Pubhc State of F+pnde Notary Revised 11/16/201 g'P� Hannah E Moore y, My Commission 017099 �+or w� Expires 071012024 CONTRAC GNATURE (Qualifier) Gregory Kozan PRINT NAME 19-15354 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County o! C 14 The foregoing instrument was signed before me this —ft day of Q \ , 20— by who is personally known X or has produced a as id ntificatinn. STAMP O Signature of Notary Public -Ho, n n a Print Name of Notary Pubhc �� Notary Public. State ofFlpnda Hannah E Moore p� My Commission HH 017099 SO0F pd' Expires 07/01=24 STAMP CI r PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICLS Building &Code Compliance Division AAPEX Electric (Company Name/IndividuaI Name) the Electric (Type of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Adams Homes of Northwest FL, INC (Primar Vy Contractor) — For the project located at �l q _ ftm CA ) � � C ( r (Project Street Address or Property Tax (p P) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, TRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) W. Bryan Adams PRINT NgME 29179 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUM1]BkR State of Florida, County or St Lucie l The foregoing instrument was signed before me (his ` & � day of -Ck, 20t1. by W• Bryan Adams who is Personatly known _or has produced a as identification. Sig 'u'.e of Notary Public ImO ann Y mfj Print Name of Notary Public SUS C6NTR4CT6R SIC'ENATUR ' � (Qualificr). - - PRINT NAME -- COAIN�7 L42ON N ,_ ER - '--- state of Florida, County orEA i._L):; ,;e. The Fo�regoiijng�in�strument ss•as signed before me this 1 day of . 2Ay�_ who is personally known -%V—_or has produced a _ as identification. --- STAMP ior<rRra(e�� JAJb1ELHARNER ti2tUre of Notary Public t , My GMAW%N # GG 089127 N� o< EXPIRES April 2, 2021 �fEo' mod &nded Th-, 9;&,el Notary SeMoes ' -at Name o(�fotary Pu be Notary Public State of Flprxia Hannah E Moore Revisal 11 I6/2016 MY Commission HH 017099 QF w �'d Expires 07/01/2024 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING Pk:14111T SL'B-CO:N1-ftAC"'l'Ol1 AGRFE.MENT -VIAL� have "'reed to be (f ontttany \-ante litdit-ictual Mine) -`----`- ------ tt)c Rooting Adams Homes of Northwest Florida, INC ub S-contractor for Adams (Type oPTrade) - - --- � -—____-- (Pritnary ('oniractcx•) For the project located at (Project. Street Address or Property Tax ID ti). - ---- - -`---- —`-- It is understood that, it there is any change of staRls fcG81-co, our pal'tlClpaf101L R'Itl) the above mentioned project, the Building aii(I Code Re-gullrtion Division of St_ Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the. Filing ofa (:'hart�C of Sub -contractor notice. :: l'1 f *UT William Bryan Adams rx.f xr N.\;411i couN'ry cH.ri'riFicri'i-raN x1.:�uif=x -- state of Florida, County at- St. Lucie be tonguing instrument t as signed before me Ihis day of 21 �by William Bryan Adams who is persannfly hnotrn _)Lor baa Produced a as Identification. gafm' •eor.aw. Sfli tfan_0.4 m o y, - PrintNunu•ofKotar} Public '— Notary Public State of Florida Hannah E Moore '� = �fMy COmmisswn HH 017099 Revised Ililti12016 7gpd' Explres07101/2024 surf-iO i ii,�C'r " 'icon Firi7 Soy rn 401 a Tt COU\"I'1' CG,R'1'l1 IC.hT'r(7�' VUbIBrSlt-- -- SlaW of Florida, C'ounl.\• of St Lucie 'ncI, foreggn'ing instrimlent was signed berare ntc. this 19 dav of 20 LI byV o_ V a n n L_ /�i c I q who Is personally knowa_)(_or has produeetl a as identification, Si„naforc of NUlnry public -ftan-n-R Yi _ Lo 0 Prinl Name ofNolnrr Public W F Note- ry Pubes State Of Flpnda Hannah E Ml00fe My Commission HH 017099 Expires 07/01l2024 Plc+tq I PERMIT # ISSUE DATE l - PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Building & Code Comp! ane`DiRS onES BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (Company Nance/( ividual Name) the /� — have agreed to be (Type of Trade) --­__ Sub -contractor for For the project located at (Primary Itj (Project Sliect I I Address or Pro erty Tax IL #) It Is understood that, if there i.5 any change of status regarding our participation with th project, the Buildin a p e above mentoned g and Code Regulation Divisii on o} St filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE — (Qualilier) NNAhPRINT IE"^"�� COUNe F TS _ CERTIFICA71p, —NU J1gER State of Florida, Co.,,, of The lore(•oing Insr' nmieot nos signed bel'nre me chic /�� da) of by ��ho is persona � or has f Produced a as identification. g � Si nature of Notary Public STAMP Q f . Print Name fotaNry Public PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN MY COMMISSION # GG137624 " k_�� Rev,sed 1111612016 "'r;F;e EXPIRES September 26, 2021 Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the -C RAL_TOR S1CG ,k7'U r RE (Qualilirr) —� PRINT NA(•1t �belio ASS (� COU\•T}' CERT1FICATf0.-N iIUNI8ER Slate of Florida, Cou niv of The I'urrguine instrumentJ0`i�C na,s signed helore me Ibis iff day or GJ, b) `vho is persoriall vn �or has produced a _ as identilication• signature of IYotar) Public -- STAlblp Print Name o'fallotyr n y Public PATRICIA ANN GRIFFIN Y A J MY COMMISSION AtGG137624 '•�';' EXPIRES September26, 2021