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Survey from Concrete Contract
a{ias'���a333yi la 9�di SC 11,10"PSG'IlOgn "SG£GSsS id2iFEC£eEg98888BBR2649B44C![ifd'<'<F �� O I O I gg u ]3200' I I K Y 70 I I I I I I's I I I o ly I I o N ae I sr®m Krl rca rw I b KK° I ram f.x>✓ __cvr__ I � I i I I EA' D ? Ig d I, rtl n i �- 5 132.00f qS❑ S £S SILVER OAK DR. to o � �1 o?Gy 4tpO j70 l a S2 T IA y is N~sO F6� 4�sg p 0 4N=0 �y � � NgUrn IV lei 2 £ �9. i IMP ,�� yy yn f ki tl Q U INVOICE # COIICRETE PLUS RESIDENTIAL 9 COMMERCIAL CONCRETE Jake Crouch 772-216-1346 j tc.conerete.plus(d)sol.com Customer's Naame C e Q% &P j 11 ez e Address Y?15 pS %� w2./ a k Q 4- �/ Address f;i (f try 42- -qY?9-7 Phone Number (772) .S74 l 7/ g y WORK DESCRIPTION: It Approval Signature to Begin Date J^/Z— 2-02 1 ❑ Cash fj,5l Check # I Vi ❑ Credit # ❑ Bill Out .�it .2�rS4 T r Payment of work done is expected upon completion. All warranties are for 30 days from date of completion. Employees are unauthorized to extend warranties. Some products carry their own warranties and do not include labor charges. By signing this document. customer is agreeing that all work done was completed to his/her satisfaction. Total Price 7©0o _ 06 Deposit Balance t. oca. ©o Date 5- I2 -21 TOTAL AMOUNT PAID IN FULL Signature of Work Complete Date