HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgreement for the installation of Sentricon Colony Elimination for New ConstructionHATeam PtST DtrtMSa• Accoont No: SAINT LUCIE COUNTY USE ONLY THIS AGREEMENT PROVIDES FOR RETREATMENT OF A STRUCTURE AND THE REPAIR OF DAMAGES CAUSED BY WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS WITHIN THE LLNITS STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MONITORING OF THE SENTRICONO COLONY ELIMINATION SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Section 1. GENERAL INFORMATION. Name: C %JRD modmuId U.G Service Address JU O k 4etY 0WJZ C+ City: Fort Pierce State: FL Zip Coder Loon ioaofTecamtem Sticker: Panel Untcar Footage of Struct u olsk, 210 Billing Address1A11J W1-'KCIVb 1-e e1- City., Pb(+ S} . l uC.i ei State: F1 • Zip Code: 344 4 Home Phone- Work Phone:112' ?1'5' t1 l Tnmmumi Type: O Comxtive O Preveaive Section 11. SERVICE COMMITMENT. HomaTeam Pest Defense. Inn. (Ilic Company') will. in compliance with applicable federal. seta and local laws, odes and regulations: A. Install the Senitiwa termite bah sutiom (the'Statim-)ja the suit apvmd the perimeter of the steuennels) (sce attached pVb) loeaud at the Service Address above(tbe'Snucturc(a)•IfortheinstallationfeeofS aid bullf}er B. Monhor the Statiotta itr necurdmcc with the label directions for a period of twelve (12) months inmtediately ralluwing installation of the Stations for as annual fee ors Zero C. Total net for the fuss year or Installation sad.monitoring SZefO D. The Annual Removal Fee after the tint year S 300.00 E. During Me mooiw ing period, add end remove Reemh® lemdta bait from the Slotions as oppropriue: F. Daring the monitaimg period. maintain all Stations in serviceable condition; Section Ill. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING OF PERFORMANCE OF SENTRiCON SYSTEM. Customer undasmads that: A. The Serati m System involve installation and mardso ng, colony alimiWien with Remit mankc bah. and subsoptem monitoring for continuous protection fines new termite colonies: IL laaervalsoffmmafewwockstotnorcthan ayour should beexpected bmween: L Installation ortbeSenhieomstatiousend sufficient termite activity to allow the Addition offtecruittermitebait Ord il. Additiauoritemittamiwbalt C. During the fatmal(s) between irsaallation of tluc Stations tad complete diminstion of zisft le mite colanks. termite reeding within the Stnuaorm possibly involving additlaal suuetuml damage, may scour. Additlonal services such as spot applications of tonwvntFotial temdticida ate available to cemlat tamite activity an a !natures-; short-term bvla if desired. but are not needed for and will ant contribute to Wattle colony elimination. D. The active ingredient in the Seatrican System is an imed growN regulator (Reaulq that prevents worker termites born molting. (Molting Is critical to colony survival.) E In was that it conducted an Remit. Dow ApoSslences I.I.C. the aaattfscium of Remit. observed evidence of very low levels of mtamurtalian toxicity only at way high levels ofespasure. F. Treatment is provided apina the attack of subterranean termites (ReGeulitemux spp., Hewmtenaes spp. and Coplotemres qqL (Furmuasul. This Agreement does not provide for the tralmera of any other pros, plant. animal or organism stbw then such termite. The Company has not inspected or treated the structure(s) for ha0b4clated molds or rangi. By law, the Company is not gmlirwd, embodied or licensed to inspect rot hmkdhrchtd molds or Ilmgi. Q. The Company makes rwapmscautdo sregardingthecusslocationatnumberofanyexistingttrmiweolonim Section IV. DOW AGROSCIENCES LLC OWNERSHIP OF SENTRICON SYSTEM COMPONENTS Cucwmteralso mdeatands that: A. The Saatricon System and all of the con poaems of she Serndron System ('Componmo have been designed by Dow AgmSciam I.I.C. The Components are and will remain the pmpetty of Dow ADoSciences I.I.C. Customer but no right, with respect to cry orthe Components, other than the right to them toe as installed bythe Company ensthe Customers premises order thisAj rernent. D. • On expiration artarmbtation of this Agmes naa, the Company and Dow AgroSdences LLC at their ropeetive representatives sm authorized by Cwm= to tculeve bum Custanc s , m ise she Stations and other Components for date disposidon. in addhion, if Ne Company. fat wbmenror moron, cases to represent tam be authorized torepresent tM Samieon System t. TheCompanywill: o. SomdiryCusomn It. OrferCustomet the alternatives orcithet using a diffaeut faro of temtite pmteeim or tcnwncdag this Agmcmmt: e. Credit the Customer forservices paid for but net yet mocivaLlfoppmpriatG d. Reined to the Customer as amount equal to the fee paid for services no yet received it Cmwma elects to diseondaue the mlmlouft or if the Company mount offer an effective alternative from ortamdte protaden; and c. Retrieve, or allow Dow AgroSeionces LLC or its representatives rvasonabb access to the premises for the retrieval orate Componesur and ii. Customer will: o. Great the Company and Dow AgroScia mn LLC C or their respective sgmeseatativa reasonable access to the premises far the retrieval of the Conponcas: and b. Either sv= with the company on the use arm miume tive form of tesmitecoatml or terminate this Agreanwnt. PAYMENT METHOD. OCmb E]CTteek 13C ditCad If paying by credit ad or meaning debit from you bank accuum, pure complete the musshod Asehmimtion for Pre-Arangd Payments. Tbh Agrnmeot mmtsltis certalm timltadoes, eoodtlloms tied etdmlons on the Campary s obilganom. Please read the aattre Agreement beforesipdeg In ansidemtion far dta Cori-M performing the service, specified above and subject to the term and =Will= of this Apiemim. Customer spas to make the payments indicated abort. Customer aekoowldpes nxeipt of a siptcd can of ibis Agreement. This Agumnas is no binding on the Company until signed by an ontherisd manager araccLWvc oDicerof the Company. CUSTOMER: ' a ■L ■r .fll HOMETEAMM PEST DEFENSE, INC. PdatedNe,nc VOiD/ FOR PRESLAB APPROVAL ONLY Effcetivc Data: NONEFFECTIVE tIC.IIT TO CANC£L yov. THECGLS nex drA T CANC£L THIS 7 WMICTIONATANTTmE PRIOR TOblIDNIGOTOF THE TwHo Bvsapm DAT AFTER THBDATE OF MIS TRANSACTION. SEETNEATTACRED NOTICNOFCANCELLiTiON FOR ANEVL NATION OFTHISRIGHT. I THE REMOVAL OF THE BAIT OR BAITIYGSYSTEM MAY RESULT IN A LACK OF TERMITE PROTECTION I Samtron Rardt and Ba9mtberrer¢tiaM nado=k%dDar AprSdeaccr LLC. o Hamdl'am poi DNmte. roe 2017 t12986 SYRt 71U cuctNlumm clot Jul aaxaaolamtRO =mawpsasv-gpaiowpaalovoi a,=OwnVA T40n1!M0 W90111OOV AICOR S Twomofiv apa000p ag nagt NOLLVN BMW aq, Je � Wpm vp am m wpaq oq m Pm11 mpa R PAWS loa,�l�e m —Vg m lamp v to falpwn d qm m —9 -WON asp bomnaaeaem oqa m 'NOtL unw oo Qda 0 mp m a mQa a+off vm ' =mfiv dmjo wd Aw aqa m promo ot Agaaptet wm &wd-3Ja =*2 s'> -P om,ftdmop Aoso weadm a AQ Pocep pm pwft R alm4+mmue a onum lamp m Pop— aq,w Atm optml Poma matey aglje tmm su Pm amg11PP W Wmm+ aim amumofiv RRN o laoi it Pwanmse!Wama,mpvow A=ao)oigmoplmmmw m aq al ppq q W—lev %Rio vw A -A Tmwomsv sm a] qwj ps itm PCs 40duo tooRIm '�+m m pmmaaRm m,oa®o®a'000m+d Am ®SaiAla too R somataO'i�aeV Rpt 8apim R'ap, aawmdaa pmtsostmi+kafl,dc � valttad aq, vamnq =—a& aqw mP mm adw qkA Paaaaua ap, Pm amoa8y m 'A nuwn8An amv LmzwmBOv min x ®pn8 ' 4m W>V Rpt'�ppV aog�og�,aPoolAtodmdaq,io mAiattaaopoa+oodnv>jacaw woodnma®odlyRat+apaaaoAasA4o aJapimmo,aaptasamppm�, tom+ p+mm mP yql mJmm t w w � *a ++ aqi 3 aqi gam tseoa�o fe!,agaom Pm aflu, MGM tmm Awdmd opiio — —ovum Pa0l+a+d o+oRRsV aaltia5 oN w pomaoi A wkw ammo aam inao t w aigaoiaatq R V ggl'AJ1'IIBVNDISSV 7IIX �a8 Sogmad wo OgmO R pm o4 atp*=PCVVtMao!m n' qopMadIn+iAm(mvjaq,`,cnlaa,moAtym!i9puwmAanismtgma,P!mmpaamma!Aa 3ogttsepfeagolantpmAm wpLa p o rp two4aono� _ aO W pm+a4 m o@ W oPluotl lna doaaum3'tnaba, imA tv maS Q<M paaaflma anQ IPm matte pam,aiod aapoa e m ppip! m a►oq,m eaA ttw AaaJ 'tmAo+PO+o Aq PoDo}{o av A.m salt q s>qa aap (ti)io ttgpo aagYm flppPimot!flppgmd m-Ag awt aq (V) Atm io am am,aagtPmmga,piogmM,nooazPompam,mOpq,s A ACWXOJ)MMIUORO3RLIWMM7Y133dSvoAiiALL19N3S7Y3ROmomxaalpo8 :13Y NOLLYMIIBMY 7YMae3a 3W.A8 OidNMNLA0O3877VRS GW SOVMVMW 3LVIa1}MM ONL%WANI MOLOVSNVn1 V OLJNVaMA 3OVp1 M MONSIAOMa mommiaw sm 1VRi.83> v BNV 3003'[MOm ov AWJXO3 ONV ti3M"4tt3 d0 MlU NOU31OSEW ONIAVR MMOD ANV NI O11YA1Y MLL NO 03n3Jta3 38 AVM SN8WOBW JWUM9 ONV 7VWA 98 MM 7VMn81ML 7Y3d" 3RL dO O11YMV 33L Ql WWAS S1103HOMM3 A7MV373 V 82WO 13Vd Off MV't 30 SNOL SOb 77V Al3IA3M TIVRf 7VNRMML 7W6dV 38L TJJW O11V SM (SA[OLV RU9W 3LTMddV TW VW 37GWNOdSdM 38 a IVHS AIMVa 9NII WUdV W9L'It118t8 M 7Y3ddV 13MUM 33[O;L V O].7Y3&W WHAT MY NV im&m OMVMV 7VNWMO MLL dO SJLVO Of NMi7iM AVM LW Vd MM LVBL idS1)®VZUNVd TIV NO omam8 ONV'IV m 38 7 mu LftuVtI my mu Ag amm)38 OMVMV NRU.'NOBOdO O3NOWAM V AS aM W4UWV 38 OMVMY 3RL LVRL OHIMY'dR 3R1 QL 1O13d 3MLL ANY IV JAM033 AVM ALWd ii> = S=VM113MV 7VNOLL18OV WU JO JSOO SU HOa 3'l IW)dg M 38 TIV09 ALWd ONUMOU 3R1 ONV SMOJ.VM11[!MV (c) WWU SO73NYa V 8WO M OL MO1M MUSVIi AJJIYd VRWn'NO113V 3ALLYJ mma3M armiS MO NOLL7v 7Yn8N3O A3N=Uv 2LYA[Md'NOL13Y SSM V SV amOoNd JADN TM QNY'S3SO113Md UMUOANV ON(A7OAN! aoLM muM M8111A AW M30M O)UG3=OW 7YO3'! 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