HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPROVED, product approvalM. 0 N .o c� U o: 0 a) LL! a} :O -0 CL ti � 0 ui o U E COol Om 3 cc U) 0 Cr) L . Q) . CL .0 v .0 m LL — U N 3 CL of a) p .d U) CL 0 O U d '0 C). N Qcu N a} O. D lEE 0 o Ln ..-a M a a) a.1 a U] d o c 0 U o Q 0.. 0 'o ° LU LLJI .x LU LU LLi Uj LLJ ;::::: LLl �z LL3 zzzz -�zzz-���- cq Lo N oc cr) i i e i i L :cr} C4. � (t{ N N N : `: CD co a] � LO � N LO N N Y 4 t� co €� o v ❑ ❑ ::. cm .t Lf ] r r. W d N N N N N r r f` U')LL N LL N: CN1{ �-. r r �� LL LL LPL LL LL LL LL LL ESL LL .LL LL ` L L sq0 ❑ i Q] ❑ C] O L o 0 o 4 d p © C CS] m N co E -O 'O:. ❑ C17 a N w [Q. a CL w r 0-ca O fl .J. U7 U] 1-- Q O} .3:. C. 10' . co (D. �. co M a co 00 CC) cG 0 ca a .d a v 0 co CO co 0 .m iS] :� LL . CL W _ (3 g o U q�i a `. g�--�U U o EO)M==�= .O O W V). co .w 2 ca :y) E m ., N .r CO 0 r` L o 'a ,� °o o 0 0Q cnU' LL 0 ❑❑o mmmmmmmmm w• H U N a) a CL CL CL r U) a r- °c' z = LU w w 3: .Lzu w LzL.� m m ❑ [7 ❑ ❑ ❑ ca cc Q _ •:: Lam= r: ,��. O G 0 oo❑ 0 0 c m 0.0 Q. L �_ 0 .0 "� —_ i� 0. O 0 C7 ❑ O � �. a� m m ❑ 0!. LL LL. a7 C7 211/2021. Florida Building. Code.Onllhe •.CE �"','i"-'"7'= �` isle:�c� isle '`y .:?�' v 5.. �� �� ..�^=��� �i� `-_t "=-�La-' ...:?' `vl•�Y: _ ^�:ya%' .T �'.?�'iw _��(�' _-1�.��-:L'_ �� ��.�� ... '�?•�-`-' .e�.' �� �h3�; v e� '�?�. • �. �e� :':�`�'�?: �. �e� 1. _ f•n .��.: :•. :: "��1�' �y ��r�' ; •�b ' un��i r �xr, sr�� � ; ��:ri���+-.rs � s� � c���vy���...�..y,..: ' i r. - Y _yti �y'���a `�' a,,}` r' �v `}� ., `��y�s""t ., '�'` .i:•;ki'�ti�}yti "�;=..., _. �; , .;.�« s �,: �k 5•,%1=�;1 ��. ,..i� £ ' �!],-i] L�i•£i •F�• ��- .c,-..7����£J'�•�.�"=- C.:..�,--�-.Ti4i-mn4wu,.il�n4•.��'✓-x-xiXfa:�S. uk=•.'-.'=::.: •.:�.' ;- €,:.r = ss'- rr,u3 : €'•s.3 " €.r°: s•.: .: f mme ;�a�a;ai Bcis Home ? Lag in User'Registra[ion FlotTopics Submit Surcharge stats & Faets Publicatiaris Canfact us. i scls site.map. tanks search F1f3['d Product Approval )r ��. USER:Public'User Laguct Approval. jen Ll S Pro d u ct: o r_A6aftat ion Search ? AI; L as ticn Ust n.Appn[ati PR DetaiI ay R = F # f Lzz2o2-R4 ti? w Application Type. Affirmation Code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Tuff Stied, Inc. Address/Phone/Emall 1777 South Harrison Street suite. 600 Denver, CO 80210 (3fl3) 474-5567. b g ri rnes @ to fish ed. cc m Authorized Signature. Toni Saurey fig times*uffshed.cotn Technical Representative Patrick Kessler Address/Phone/Email 1777 S Harrison Street Denver, CO 80210 003) 753-88.33 Ext.5517 p kessl. e r@ tuffshed . c6 irn Quality Assurance. Representatve Address/Phone/lEmali. Categoty Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing. Certification.Agency Window and Door Man ufactutee. Association Validated By Window and Door Manufacturers Association Referenced Standard and Year (.p( Standard) Standard Year ASTM E'330 2014 TAS 202 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By I affirm that there are.06 changes in the:new Florida Building: Code which affect my product(s) and my product(s) are in compliance with the new Florida Building Cade: Documentation from approved Evaluation .or Validation Entity . Yes No N/A https:llwww:#ioridabuilding.6iglp..ripr_app_dti.aspx?pararri-wG>=VXQwt0quYPIHVaBbgMUXagCszqVbgJZB%2bUB%2fkWb4jUU9GvC3ELJFC)%3d%3d 713 21I12021 Product Approval Method Florida Building Code Online Method 1 Option A Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC. Approval Date Approved Summary of Praduqs FL# i 22202,1 Model, Number or !Name Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (outswing _ Double poor) Limits of use Approved for use in HVHZ:. Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +42/-42 Other: Structural only 011: 1I j 621 9-1/21/2011 ❑1/26/2021 Description Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Dutswing - Double Door). Maximum Size. 80.25" wide :by 84" high Certification Agency Certificate FC22262 R4 jC-.-CAC Tuff4564zCL p� Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 06/:1412028 Installation Instructions FL22202 R4 II AF-EL-PGEIV-03 (9du412 Daor],,pdf Verified BY: Window and Door Manufacturer Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party'. 22202.2 Sid e-hinged Wood Shed Door Side=hinged Wood Shed Door (outswing » Double Door) HVHZ (Outswlnq Double Door) HVHZ i- Maximum Size 80.25" wide by 84" high i - - LWCertification Limits of UseAgency A enc Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes € FL22202 R4 C CAC__Tuff4S5CCL.pdf €€ f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes I Q ua I ity. Ass u ra n ce Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: N/A 06/14/2028 Design Pressure: f54/=54: Installation Instructions Other: Structural only FL22202 4 11 AP»FL-PGEN-0 Double Door - HVHZ3 I�df Verified: By: Window a.nd Door Manufacturer Assoc€ation Created by Independent Third Party: [ Evaluation Reports j Created by Independent Third Party: 22202.3 i Side -hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outsw[ng Single Door). (Outswing Single Door} Nlaxiir um Size 55" wide by 8.3.75" high 1 Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ- Yes FL22202 R4 C CAC. Tuff456CC .p_df f Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Quatity Assurance. Contract Expiration Date j impact Resistant: NfA 06/1412b28 ! Design Pressure: +42/-42 Installatiop.instructions other: Structural only FL22202 R4 II AP-FL-PGEN-02 �1_ngie Door _pdf Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturer Association Created by Independent Third Party; Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: ; m 22202A i Side=hinged Wood Shed Door Side -hinged Wood Shed Door (Outswing -.Single Door) HVHZ Mutswing. Single Door). HVHZ Maximum Size56' wide by 83.75' high: i Limits of use Certification Agency Certificate Approved For use in HVHZ:.Yes FL22202 R4 C CAC Tuff456C ref l€ Approved for use 'ou.ts.ide HVHZ: Yes .Quality -Assurance Contract Expiration Date f ImpactResistant: NIA 06/14/2028 . Design Pressure: +541-54 Installation Instructions Other: Structural only i FL 202 R4 II AP-i L-PCB-02_fSIngle Donr -HVHZ}_pdf Verified By: Window and Door Manufacturer Ass.oc.iation. I l Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports l Created by Irid ependen tThird Party, Co ntacUs ;:..26 QI B171T_9tona Rba d, Tal IabaSsee FL 32399 phone: 85i1=427-1824 The State of Fla rid a is an AA/EEL° employer, CopyLd .007.201 _State of horkla. I. prjVa Sta temehr, _; Accessibility Statement :; Refund Statement und& norida ia�r,'ei'rlail addresses are public records. If you.da not want:your a-maif address released In re=_phase to a publk-records:request, do.not.send electronic mail to thls entity. Instead, Contact the office by phone.:vr by tradigonai mail. If you have any questions, phase contact850.437.1385. °Pursuantto Secdon 455:275(1), rlorida Statutes;' effective october 1, 2L2, licensees licensed undP.r Chapter 455, F:S:'list prp6ide the bepartment with an emaiiaddress if they have one. Theemaii5 provided may be used offlciai commun[cation with the licensee. However email ad dresses. a re public record. If you do:not wish to supply a:personal address;.please provide the Department with a n.email� a d d re" which can be. made avail abie.to the nlib Uc. Td deterrn ine� if you are a [ice ns ee under Chapter 455, F,9,,. please CIiCk here . Product Approval Accepts; mWiNEREE https:/twwwAorida6uilding.orglprlpr app'_dtl,asps?param=WGEVXQwtpqu.YPIHVa8bIMJX3gCszgVba-JZB°/oZbU13%2fkWb4jUU9GvGEUFQ%3d%3d 2!3 - �_ W 3: W fY1 QFQJ�O ;5 w N N W � en 0UZV' W F N 3 oz 2� m��LLi 0.f Z� .F 7N [, LL�N Z t- oLU io 0'L7 i A. w W �W O 7 p¢O Z rn D ? W n F W W m ina .:L� LLr ]- 4r�.i,1P i �� ii OIW.LL! Sd Q 2 ...... ............ } J z .0 W N .F O F 4 rA ) 2 m 0 :¢ w p. r � a Cam° m"i5 's � wm ❑ �'g� p.W4 ECi i y. N € f a } Z W 7 Q J h {v. N � �yl a in W ra 2 w E7'q ❑ LLI. 2 C=f] cL IL ❑ -v w su II[p IL a � 'w IL LL LL a ¢ ¢ �, f jjlu le r t� r C] 4W ❑ 3Q = Jp 7 T 7 r c LL JEE3)a,awa �fm �Q ❑ o FiiF W,� ^€ r ILI C 4 ij7i 11 jjjj �..€�D 1���r, F�❑off❑ � N u7rM�L1 N z 1,3x N: 4 Q. ° wLLE N o m 2 J LL > UP N. LLI} cn ik Q O 45 .fJJ } ¢ Lu m mar. W O � � a � z fl u7 v. a � v r y LL. r J -. r'`n f � :r �.. w� �Qpz'2� �w ao xM - 1 3 n LU it d yr ❑� a:r-a"a. � �� LL. i W� 5���m Yf7m aa:15.15txayd w C31-� u�g5.r��a�oU� r:goom¢'¢LL3� U LL U a Q O 1 I, f � U b iI 0Z, �sy Z +< r U LL L3 6 ^i SL.a 3 � u1 a m I x LL LL q> ,� LL Z H DIU rs;) ZZO ❑I m Nj¢ LU zl¢ Q;Z > O11<0 LLS VS CL N"s0 �U BIZ mlw y ih 17 A J. LU Q E>r �- 0 � 0. 0 r LL, Z LLI T^'7 Lu LL Zoo o 2�M 1L � uj fJ LL ❑ LL.Z 73 Lu: I N fl U% LLi ni ui m L2 a Q�v aM7 ¢.r m� fl: 4 CL Z 6 o LU . f� ram' r�i s — "•" IBIC s1 ^.•fit-,.., '•:�1 ; .,""✓s - :?.a:-: .,""✓s - tea:: �.r :.� F;:r .;�^i•sw ly n. w o""� �� 4�p3 � ,.,, � _�"a' �.Gr ��e `� � L..� r,: �: �. �.� - `S�:F>'sr'<iFrAe�•/:'•^'F.:•�:11.�.+�'�s�."._ ;_.'.`-,,."�;�t'�.,�..:;��i5l.'s�1s•/:�;�..:,1i::.:+._".g.�am. _.u_...:��.•��3,;_,»d.� - �;p �: �. .,.. ...y . . ,cy - Bcis Nome Lag In Li5erRegistrati6rl Hot Topics Submit 5ur6arge Rats:.& Facts publications• lF CdnYact Us 8C15 Site Map l Links ; Search a Product Approval b P usgw Public laser ar Pi-odUr_t Approval hf i ProducLor�p plmmcation arch 7 Ag¢ i :ian List Applications Detail ug k 5'"R�' 4s FL # FL20743-R2 ;` ° Application Type Affirmation Code Version. 20z6 Application Status Approver! Comments Archived Product :Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email Authorized Signature. Technical Representative Add re ss/ Pho ne/ E m a i l Quality Amra.ncd Relbresentative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory. Compliance Method Florida Engineer or. Architect. who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract. Expiration date Validated. By Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard). Equivalence of.Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Cade: TAFCO Corporation 1953 N. 17Lh Ave Melrose Park..,.IL 60160 (773]301-7778 mike@tafco.com Lucas Turner Luke@TurnerEC:coni Windows Horizontal Slider Evaluation Report from a F16.rida.%R2gi.stered.Arc.hitect.or.a Licensed. Florida Professional. Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardtopy Received Lucas A. Turner PE-58201 06/17/2026 Scott .Wolters, PE Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL207 R2 Ol Ev IRe artFPA-8200❑ pdf Standard AAM A/W ❑ MA/CSA .141 /`1. S:2/A44 a Year 2011 I affirim that thiere are..no changes ih the new. Florida Building. code whic.h affect my products] and my pro.puctM are in compliance With the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No NIA F1-20743. R2 COC. 7thEdFBC-F 74 :pdf Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Pate SubRiitted 01/27/2021 Date Validated 01/27/2021 bate -Pending FBC Approval Date Approved. 02/04/N21 vrooucss FL 4t Model, Number or Name j Description 207.43.1 Series 82000 PVC Horizontal Sliding Window Limits of use Installation Instructions ! Approved for use in HVH2: Na. EL20743 R2 iI FPP 8240i3.pdf i Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes ' Verified By Lucas A. Turner PE 58201 Impact Resistant:. No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: NjA Evaluation Reports Other: Please see installation drawing and evaluation report FL20743 RZ_AE EvalReportFPA-82000•{�df for additional details..and limits of use. Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes Contact. Vs :' 266F aIafr 5 n .Rod Tallahassee 99 Phone- 85a-487-1824 The state of norida is am AA/EEO employer. Copy.Li g ht 2 6 67-20 1 3 -state of Florida r v v Statement:: A[[esslb lity Statement:: Kefudd StaterJr PrL Under Florida law, erri a! 1. add resses are public.records. If you do not went your, e-mai1.address released in response to a publlc-records request, do not send.elktronic mail to this entity. Instead, rontacf:thG office by phone -or. by traditional hail.. If you have.any questions,.please.cohtact 856.487.1395. 'Pursuant to Sectiun 455 275(I). Florida statutes, efrective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under.Chapter 455,.F.5. must provide the Depaitment with an.email addressif:they have one. The emals prnvided.may be.used�for official comm6ni[ationwith the kensee. However email addresses are public record. If you donut wish to supply personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public: To determine if yoti are a licensee, under Chapter 455, FS„ please click here-. ProductApprcvai Accepts: ® E CreditSafe— �� r7'>�b r 5��8 8L9 :LAB :Hd Og LOff S.IO.N€-1-1I `X�Vd 3SO2OM '3AV HiL.J. HDW.N.. 1:56 L NOIIV�10d�M C4M 0100 sus ° b - N MiNOT��O -i N n .�.i����1 1L aa.. N n titi����L�''�.• S' _ L�s.s{ ' LL 6� 6�.nQ w�ujW.. [+ 1 2yN:� m �tn� =z °- �w� moo. �d12a� . �s�y rake t�' !x . N¢ m y o rn c� y�ru CL 0 o N ei� ri%tti�Y z. U ❑ as NO Z ` 0 3� 1 ;4 ?CO 1 ii-1J13H '0 G a3XU 'KVN 4,81L O� ^+ x ti� 7 h _ w � I S SD ❑ CS n [¢n N N 1 i 1 MN tlW)RH 13H '4'TQ HStlS 'KViF .,,43 Lf L 8C n'l'dM3elf} 7x'CN1' _b6' 'C '-' N S ri r .- ¢ y � p �. . s mmW ¢ .w o 'a'a 5u i m m N .+1 W 'mom, w cY] 3?= ❑ .N m41 �w 9N mop a �4.y � p �❑ µ� wq. . T C Y5_ .32 x 'o W � �'l.J V- G. �[u V QCL W. op a � Lij mom WW. as ixT•' 0 Q4t �Q 42 CO C L7-� ky as m^.o xa a- fin. Na o4F. T� WO v1 U 2^pOYi^ liln WyN }i? 7tF .U�. yo� B�av k'z"'o per: ¢35� TNC7 .Q. >�,NQ3?61'� GZ-V8.--949�Lt8 Fsd � S�[�1 5 f c ( tY {}9 E49 sibNll ll 'AIb d 3SO�OWI .� ,- MO�tifM. DWI ,5. r . I � 1 zn '2 i � �i a ']AV H LE H1210N V551. 7VINOZNGH -1ANIA 1II € ��.� It � Nor N011d �d��� D� dl ,�j ILCD LL2 r►��eL f,... cl, .+Li n ZJ� 5 l 0.'a m o ti N w z� n .7. :❑` E� tl § --j z. ri sr � ale 3f)L13 55br1� ,�Z/ l Q a U t ¢� o Cn :C*4. �� N 3 in t� L V • V f rQ, V 31l8 3�JQ3 SS'rrl9 :..�I l z� cn u� r� CD EDN ,ram—C7G �zenm:a.nwon��-[ r -40M>tA a�z: a :rmz-mmmo"lf N n'❑[l�xmOym f 00=- 70 •�iQ��n��[nilizymyf onxcn 3, :-tian( m n�.aEDrm�q o mo" oor nr c 1,!, u.v'cvn 0 C7 N,0 z0•Q0z may. � 'UO ,yo�w: N G7'❑ W _ �'�.v'�n . d gTlgpn�n�Z�y cry. X. Cn (n, ix*� aN r �r`E* � zn VCWna �a o, z h.12 : 4 p d.Tl a.� G7 m.m yr •.1 _�N'�R1 C7 n 2 ' Y a r i f mQDy. i N I N' J- NdN .0 m y ~0 M N K W rny2 r � i 1/4" MAk SHIM SPACE 7/15" MIN. EDGE BEST. 7 � 0" + .Ln 41 � o VINYL. HORIZONTAL suDi c- Vd9NDOW SERIES 82000 TA=CO CORPORATION 1953 NORTH 17TH AVE. MELROSE PARK, :LUNO[S 54160 PH: 847-578--8425 2.008" [51.0D] o� a }z s Q 065" ..OD Ji [1:651 C7: 1 N �1'524c a Q .1.437 [3E.50] 0 o 3- 0.845 is p:os3" .cl 3� Ln o m [41:00] ..m CF -? a vCD tiv GUn. OCA S� . 0 063" �:m. 1.6Q � z Q:Q4.3" Q I L •-% IP [1.10] c7 ;Sr 1i m 0.853" � a v v a �4 ►+t3cad .F.�r-110 0. a ro 'A a cn�. �. a n. o ❑ c . _. N m �`'(P' G7 -10. x,�•T�J•'.� �L�� ►jam 1►l�lil lus' C E 41 VINYL HORIZONTAL a ;1 S O NG WINDOWmg j S.Ef�1E:S 8.20.00 l �! fff m :vrnicna W SV it z 2 z x132 2 tj -1;g -1 c:=;w M oo mQ� o :pib N IV cl, N N z p U l N W c7co m xi CI7; m .2.I—{�{ r mn Iz mn:mnm 9� u, Corn.2..�mm .n m nl l i� m CCfCCCCmX �.�nnnn.cix�—y M.m MIMI$ m m x,xxxxar0 c;ccccccn WOO woo W'X YZzzzzz TAFCO CORPORATION 1953 NbRTH 17TH AVE. MELROSE PARK. ILUNO?S. 60160 PH.- 847-578-8425 Florida Building Code Online �: La g sx�"�+ �'�.r. ��� •�x.:;^ �� ; trr.. ..s•.4.,.! yJ.:,-•�a� � � . ..s•s4„ .;.yrf -'t., .�.,:s-. �N+- rt., .�.Fs-. ,.F.", ?• -:.a., �:F:-. ,.F."s x. '-�' -r:$� ';'-�:i �•wi�..- �•.i�•'^} :;>z"'`' .�`y'+' . ��•xrr i✓,yC� =emu`--.✓:Y' ';✓SCi ✓':Y' - - : 2 i;wS•i - ��'{.i fin- •, Gr �.„� •,�:s�: _ .,�- �::r�� 77•�3� w-s�`"� `�s ��s� �x: ,�• r �=;s�� £ yf'� ��'� -C c.l• x �i3 � - pr--- t. 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Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer `LP Building.5nlutions Address/PhonelEmail 414 Union Street - Bapk'of America Plaza Suite 2000. Nashville, TN 37219. (352)425-7457 cvv.macpmber@Ipcorp.corn Authorized Signature CW.Macomber cw, macom her@Ipcorp.com' Technical Representative CW Macomber Address/Phone/Emall 5712 SW 40th'Place. Ocalo,. FL 34474 (352)425-7457 cw4nnacoT-nber@ipcprp.[0m Quality Assurance Representative: CW Macomber Address/Phone/Email 571'2: 5W 40th Plate Ocala, FL 34474 (352)425-7457 cW,macomber@Ipcorp.com Category Panel Walls Subcategory Siding ComplianceMethod Evaluation Report from a. Florida .Registered Archltect:or a Licensed`Fiorida Professionat Engineer . Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Regelved Florida Engineer or Architect NV me'who developed the Do Kim,. P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49497 Quality Assurance Entity APA - The Engineered Wood Association Quality.Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12j31/2030 Validated By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering Certificate of independence Referenced Standard and. Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards CertEfied By Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL9190 Rg COI rertificate of independence.pdf sections from the Code 1405 1604.3.1 https:llwww.floridaboilding.orglprlpr_app�dtl:aspx?param=iv.GEVXQwti7quJP.VJ4a2p4UtP'I LM%2fVA7wArt8Ew"/o2bkuUj.i°/o2bijoYQC /n3d 1/2 At the. time of manufacture, siding meets arexceeds the performance standards. set.forth iri ICC-Es AC321 and has ach ieved. code recognition under ESR.-1301, CCMC11826-L, APA.re.mgnition under PR-N124, and HUD recognition under HUO-MR#131.8c. For copies of Product Approvals go -online at https:Illpcorp.ccm/resources/prod uct-literat uref or call LP Customer 5u.pport at 800-648-6883. • Strand Substrate panel siding with 5ilverTech.or SmartFinish is.spet'ificaliy for sheds and other outdoor structures where the interiorwall cavities will remain. permanently exposed. • Minimum GJnch clearance must be maintained between siding and finish grade (ground cover). • Siding appliedadjacent to. parch es,.patios, walks, etc. must have.a Clearance of at least) inch. above anys.urfaice. • Minimum 1 inch.clearance at intersection with roof line • Apply sidingin a mannerthat prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. All Wood substrate.that is exposed to the weather rnust.be sealed. in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water build. up. - SeaI.ALL exposed tuts of siding and trim. Field spray applied.coatings an cuts.are not recommended. Sealing can be accomplished by applying a.coating or sea lantaccord irlg.to the manufacturer's requirements. - All exposed wood substrate must he.seal.ed.in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup. • LP does not recommend LP SmartSide Panel for use in ICF assemblies; If used, LP will not warrant far Buckling and 5hrinkage. However, balance of warranty does remain intact. Use nails to fasten LP SmartSide panel siding to.structural framing. The use of alternate.fasteners such as staples is. permissible oMywhen aiiovved by I-Codes.and where the size, embed ment„placement, and number of alternate.fasteners is designed by a Ilcensed.desigh professional and approved by Iota building afficia1, The use of alternate fasteners, however, is not recommended and LP will. not wiarrant any damage or performance fai I ures to.the extent caused by using any alternate fasteners. • SI❑ING.MUST.NOT BE IN ❑IRECT.CONTACTWITH MAS❑NRV,. CONCRETE, BRICK, STONE; STUCCO OR. MORTAR, a l==]Cm ijS 4i„ -'- 9j '�a" - r, -' r�1 ' 3y = `' - ' •y��:,;,yyx'1'.L�TS'MR '.i.�;'- %- -sh{:.�:i3z�'�'�'i,YaS:.ish<•:;:;sc��r... r._' rr:.�'y�ct'"1; ��r ��-3�r •- offthe.g.round well.supported, on der a roof or ^ r.rate waterproof cr - Keep siding clean and dry. Inspect prior to application. STRAND SUBSTRATE 38;.76 AND 190 SERIES. PRIMER PANEL SIDING INCLUDING SILVERTECH.& SMARTFINISH • Moisture control and water vapor control are critical elements of proper housing design. Check your local bull ding codes :for - application. procedures fo.r handling moisture and water vapor in your area. • When. using vvet blown cellulose insulation, -the insulation must not be in direct contact with the siding and it must be allowed to dry a minimum of 24 hours or longer if specified by the insulation manufacturer. - As with -all wood products; do not apply engineered Wood siding to a structure having excessive:.moisture.conditians such as drVi ng. concrete, plaster or wet Mown celivlose .insuIation. If such'conditions exist, the building should be well ventilated to allow it to dry prior to the application of the siding. Siding must not be.applied to green or crooked structural fram!rig members. Do not apply siding..over rain-.soaked.or buckled sheathing rnaterials, - Gutters are recommended for control of roof Water runoff. Asa^/.,''' n�..�:;sstix!:+ ECNDAR• A= =ER R:F515T U$li'RRIIEF. S ti1U I t l = '" l'�.`-cam- c.Fiv4"_ LP strongly recommends the use of a.seco.ndary water -resistive. barrier behind all LP5martSide siding. A.prope riy installed WRB provides a second Iine of defense to incidental riioisture behind the siding. + The LP SmartSide limited, uvarranty does riot expressly or implicitly cover water penetration, LP does not.assun-ie. responsibiiityfor any Water penetration - Sheds a rid other accessory.structures:that are not heated or cooled do not require a..secondary WR€3 if exempt by applicable building.codes, • Use an exterior -quality, nori-hardening, paintable sealant. Use .Class 25 .or higher exterior.sealantmeeting the.ASTM C920 5tarid ard for Specification for Elastarnerictoint.5ealants. Follow the seal ant.man.ufacturer's.Ih5tructions for ap.plication.. Application instructions (canto) .rx'r':-€ y �"'.".'h'r.`k;=.�' '{�''�"-�YsaX: C�ei.� SY F Iasi it c `: 1fiN avv-$ Do } 5 T i W(6 • All openings must be properly s.eaied.orflas.hed i.n'a manner that:prevents:moisture intrusion.or buildup, Several examples that accomplish this are shown on the following pages. t. r k k� k r"•r ICe='D.uT FLasri, �'.:•.s s7'c•.._i`;�s ='r tG:k�t.--�r3r�.:+Y - '_' F �x- :f a:: r '..'N �.. install Idcic-outfIash! mg.to:d.irett.the water intothe. gutter Install step flashing with ml:nimurn 4 inch upper log • Properly 1ntegrateflash Ingwith the secondarywater-resistive barrier.. Use. housewrap, fl:ashingtape, Z=flash! ng; or other items as needed to maintainthe Lou ntetfIash 1ng principle. • ID NOT extend the -siding ortrim.Into the Idck=outfIashing or gutter • Maintain a clearance between the end of the'gutter and the adjoini.rig wall. to a11mvfor pro permalntenance of the siding. - Prime and pAnt•ALL exposed cut edges on LP Siding Min.1" clearance J between trim and roofing Chan -rain gutter Do not run trim or siding inside the Icidc..aut flashing '.:T4N=;v ���et===": -•� c '�:R�:t�,„=��.i= ='r4t:Xs,'� ;5 �r..'�-iaY�dS -��• lNl`S'I;1111G:'`I.15t5TRifCrTg NS'Nazi, ft. iffisi - • Prime and paint all exposed surfaces including all drip edges or where water WI Ill hang. • Appfy finish coat as soon as possible. or within 180 days of.appl.ication. • High -quality acrylic latex paint, specially formu lated for use on. wood and: engineered woad. substrates, is highly recommended. Semi -gloss: or satin finish oil or alkyd paints are .acceptable. For flat alkyd pal nt,.p.lea.se Check With:the.coating ma.nufactu.rerfor their recommendations for use on. composite wood. siding. FoIIDWthe coating manufacturer's ap.pileation. and maintenance instructions. 130 NOT.USE Stain. Vinyl -based paint (like vinyl acetate, or PVA). HANDLE.PREFINISHE:D LP.SMARTSIDE PRODUCTS WiTH EXTREME `CARE 0.URING STORAGE AND APPLICATION, TOUCH UP ANY DAMAGE TO THE FINISH THAT MAY OCCUR DURING' APPLICATION PER PREFINISHERS SPECIFICATIONS. r_ U 1111 � i�i T I TI �I �IbJ� ! 7 t r t l r s06 ' - 1 'r,?:?k`�.�.-`s'xcT� In braced wall assemblies, use. minimum (0,113 inch -shank diameter) hot -dipped galvanized nails for 38 and 76 Series panels and.minimum 0.131 inch shank di ameter).for190 Series panels, 1}o not use electroplated fasteners. Referto your local building code to verify the m!nimum allowable fastener size. • Penetrate structural fram ing:or.Wood structural panels and structural framing a minimum of 1-1/2 Inches. For 38 Series panels; double nailing procedure meets wall bracing .requirements:and 5/1.6 inch shear wail design values. 1" from edge Alignment head r__1 .gap Figure 1. Double row of nails • For76 and 190 Series panels,s.ingle:nailing. meets wall brac- ing requirements. To meet the equivalent 3/8 inch shearwal.l designvalues, double.nailing proredures.mustb.e used..lt.may be rfecessa.ry to angle drive the second nail 1h. order to penetrate the framing. Seal nails driven below the surface. frorn edge Alignment bead. 1/8" gap Nall penetration min.1.1/2 Figure 2 1. J Single rowofn.alls Application instructions (cont.) • Shearvaiuesfor panels:appiied directlyto studs shall be no greater :than noted in Table 1 of the ICC-ES Report ES.R-1301.or Table 1 of ApA PR-N124. Not warranted for application on ICI assemblies. • 38 and 75 Series.panels.must.be installed on 16 inch c.c. framing only. When installing on 24 €nth ox. fram! ng,.190 Series panels are. required. • Backside of panel must not come in contact with rriason ry pr concrete foundation. • Do not force siding into place. Maintain the illustrated 1]8 inch gap behind.the joint:tQ Alow for expansion while the panel equilibrates with.the:local environment.. • DO NOT INSTALL OVER AL1ENMENT BEAD, install panels in light contact to the.edge of alignment bead. (see Figure 1. and Figure 2) • Climb.cut the surface of the siding such that the rotation -of the blade Guts. downward on the primed.or prefinished surface. • Where siding butts window.trim, door casings and masonry, etc. Ieave a 311E inch gap and seal. Insulated Sheathings. LP SmartSide.Sidings.may be installed. over low -compression rigid foam or exterior gypsum..The fo€iowing precautions must be followed: a).Adequate bracing ofthe wall in accordance with .the Internofional Codes or other ruling building.cod e is required: b). For rigid foam sheath€ng.up to 1 inch (.2S mrn) thick..siding maybe nailed directly to the foam sheathing unless a dralnage plane is required by the local building code, Na€I length must be increased to ensure a minimum 1.-112 inch (38%rnrn) fastener penetration into the structural framing. c) For rigid foam sheathing greater than 1 inch (25 mm),'a minmum 1-112 inch %mm) thick by 3-112 inch (89 inm) wide vertical strapping or furring str€p. must be installed overthe sheathing to provide a solid, level nailing base for tile siding. The strap pingmust be securely fastened.t❑ structural framing spaced no greater than 16 inches o.c. (406 mm) with a nitnirnum nail penetration of1-1f2 iriches. (38.mm) and a maximum nail spacing no greater than the width of.the siding. Lou€slana-Padf€c Corporation will:assurne no responsibility fqr any dainageor condition arising from the: use of rigid foam orexterior gypsurn Figure 3 no not let panel ' contact masonry (see Figure 7A and7B) 12" max. field nailing 61Lmax. perimeter nailing w' min, ground clearance CONDITION Snug Flush -. Visible f€ber_- Countersunk 1/16"-i/a." Countersunk more than 119" C min, vertical flashing CORRECTIGN 0K pK Paint Apply sealant Apply sealant and re -nail Figure a Prime and paint bottom drip edges HORIZONTAL WALL JOINTS BUTT &.FLASH LAP ..Siding Siding 4 Blocking 318." min. Blocking gap 5 ,: T' min, overlap Sloped : r" €-: Lap tnp pane] H flashing with over Bottom 4" Vertical leg panel Figure SA Figure 5B LAPPED HORIZONTAL WALL JOINT kWall.Framing g. raming [band joist, truss chord, etc.) 1"min overlap Figure 5*~. V APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) sheathing to provide a solid level nailing base for th.e.s[ding, The strapping rnust be securely fastened to structural framing spaced no greater than 16 inches (405 rrim) o.c. with a rnini- mum nai1.penetration of 1-1J2.inches ..(38 mm) and a rnaxir-nurn nail spa cing.no greater than the width of the sid1rig. .Lou isiana-Pacifilc wit assume no res p on si bi I ity for any damage.or condition arising.from the use of rigid foam insulation sheathing. or exterior gypsurn. Figure 1 Min. r overlap. e nail min. from top Sheathing, Breathable. if.required water-resistant 1 barrier Extend! siding Siding inuanot below plate - contact masonry Min. 6'' finish grade clearance � *Bu:7tJ[iINfS s "j. jr��„ Nail min. 3/4" from top and 3/8" from:edge , i • Butt joints must occur.over studs. • A.m1nimum 3/16 inch (S.rrim) gap is req[iired .at -ALL butt joints. •.lfJointcau[king.option isselected, seal. al1.ga.ps at butt joints with a high -quality exterior sealant meeting the ASTM C920, rninimurn Class 25 sealant. • If joint mou.lding:option is selected, add the th[ckness.of the web to the gap aIlovring a net 3/16 inch (5 mm).space.for expansion If siding is prefinished, gap does not regulre;sealant ar joint moulding when hacked with minimum 4 inch (102 trim) wide flashing and the ends of the siding are factory finished. m3 yr�x .�w cu4 K zAA �a Urr�` �?•� n : I oaF � CH�'M ar�[LEAl��,nt >= N 'tea, Min. 3I16".gap. -• Paint hottom W' rnin. flashing Xis edge of siding V min -clearance from roofing LP Strand Substrate lap Siding may also be:installed in compliance with Category. 81.40- Exterior wall siding and sheathing for Wildiand Unhan Interface {WUI] applications atop LP FlameBlock sheathing. Referto FlampHlock Installation instructions. and product data.sheets. All LP lap sidings.may be. installed as exterior siding in Wildland Urban Inter€are (WUI) applications Installed. aver. one layer 5/8" (1E mm).Type X gypsum sheathing applied behind the exterior covering or cladding on the:exterior side of the'franling. They may also be. installed over the exterior portion of a 1=hour fire-resistive:exter'ior wall assembly designed for exteriorflre exposure including assemblies using the gypsum. panel arid,sheathing products listed. in the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Clesign.Manual. The:Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ('`LP") LP SmartSide Siding (the "Products") limited warranty lithe "Warranty"). applies. only to structures on Which the Products have been applied,.finished and maintained in accordance with the published application, finishing and malritenance instructions in effect at thi? time of application. The failure to follow such application, finishing or maintenance instructions will void the warranty as to the portlon of the P ro d ucts. affect e d by the variance (the "Affected Prpdutts"). LP assumes no liability for any loss or damage sustained.by the.Affected Products -and is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss. or -liability, Anymodificatlon.,of.the Warranty's application,.finishing or maintenance requirements is void unless approved in writing by LP.priorto application. For a copy of the warya nty'or for instaIlation.and technical support, visit the LP Sma.rtSlde 0rod uct.support Web site at: www.lp.smartside.corn or for additional support.call 90Q] 648-6893. WARRANTY REMEDIES AR1 OTAVAILABLE IF REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. AWAiRNING: Orilting, sawing, sanding or machining wood products can expose you .to..wood,.dust, a substance known to the State of California to cause cancer. Avoid inhaling wood dust or use a.dust mask or other safeguards -for personal protection. For more information go to www.PGSWarn1ngs;ca.9ov/wood. Im e �.Smardo'd TRIM . SIDING L,2 �2G tc ui sian a-NciFit Ca rp oration. Ali?4hts reserved. Lp an d.5rnakSIde aremgi stereo trademarks .ot Looisia ra-Paeifi a iorpo r@Vu6. Pon Wd ir. U. S. A. N 07E: Low stana- Pa Oflc to rpo ratio n period ical ly upd a; es and reviser it s. pio0mt information;. 5 a ve [ify th at th i s vets forr -w cu r-ent, c a] I.9130--6484893. 6' S In. Figure io F E ' j N. M, Asa �`- •: ��iti9.X� �c =`S�i� boftom course detail Figure I OE alternate inside corner details Gap 3/16" and seal Gap 3/16" and seal _. _ __ . .. Figure 1 GA r Ship lap Edge P.;nei Pane[ joint Figure 1 CID Vapor Retarder If rEquired by «de a Figure 108. Water -Resistive Furrier ' .6 in. minimum gmund de ranee Figure I0C LPZBOS12 04�09/1020. • Minimum 6 inch (152 mm) clearance must be maintained between siding and finish grade {ground cover).. • Siding applied adjacent to porches, patios, walks, Ott. must have a clearance of at.least 1 inch (25 rnm) above any surface. • MInimurn 1 inch (2s mm) clearance at.intersection with roof line, Apply siding In a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water buildup, All wood substrate that is exposed to the weather must be. sealed in a manner that prevents moisture intrusion and water build up. - Seal ALL exposed cuts of siding and trim. Field spray applied coatings on cuts are not recommended. - SeaIi:ng can be accompiished by applying a coating or sealant accord! ng-to the manufacturers requirements. - Butt joints that are covered with joint molding, sealant Or factory.prefinished end, are considered sealed from the weather: 38 AND 76 SERIES STRAND SUBSTRATE SMOOTH FINISH DR. CEDAR TEXTURE PRIMED LAP SIDING For installations over masonry or concrete walls, the.wall shall be furred out and open at the top and. bottom of the wall to allow-for convective ventilation between framing spaced 16 inches.066 mm) o.c. The.framing shall be of adequate. thickness to. accept 1-1/2 inches (38 mrn) of nail penetration..A properly installed breathable water-resi.staht barrier is required between the siding and. Masoniy of concrete walls. Moisture. control and moisture vapor control are critical elements of praper housing design: Check your local building codes f..nr application procedures for handling moisture and water vapor in. your area, • When using wet blower cellulose insulation, the insulation must not be in direct ccntactwith the siding and it -must be allowed to drya minimum'of 24 hours or longer.1f'specified by the insulation manufactdru. As with ail wood products; do not apply engineered wood sidingto.a structure having`excessivemoisture condIVans such as drying concrete, plaster.ar wet blown ce.11uiose Insulation. If such. conditions exist; thP.b:uilding.should be we.l.I ventilated to ailow it to dry priorfo the appllcation of the siding. 5€ding must not be, applied to green x crooked structural framing members. 0a not apply siding over.rain-soaked or buckled sheathing materials. Gutters are recommended for control of roof water run off. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) • Install kick -out flashing to direct the water into the gutter. install step flashing with. minimum.4 inch (102 mrn) upper Ieg,. .Properly integrate flashing with the secondary Water-resistant harrier. Use housewrap; flashing tape, 741ashing, or tither item 5.as needed to maintalnthe counterflashing principle, • pQ NUT extend thesiding.ortrirn into: the Dick-outflashing or gutter; Maintain a clearance between the end of the:gutter and the adjoining wall to.allow for proper maintenance -of the siding. • Seal ALL exposed cut. edges. LP Siding Min..1" clearance between siding and roafing • For hest results use.a high-quallty10©% acrylic latexexterim paint, specially.farmulated for use on woad and engineered Wood substrates is highly recommended; ail paint is acceptable. 00 NOT USE:: • Stain. • Vinyl -based paint (vinyl acetate or PVA). SMO0TH FINISH Lap Siding. For best results use satin finish. CEDAR TEXTURE Lap Siding: For best -results use satin or semi -glass finish. PREFINISHED Lap Siding: • Handle prefinished LP SmartSide lap siding. -with extreme care during storage arid. application.. • (ouch up any damage to finish that may occur during appikation.per the Pmfinishers specifications. • LP 5mart.Side 38 Series lap slding.may be attached. directly to framing members spaced a maximum of 16 1nches.(406 mm) o.c. LIP SmartSlde 76 Series iap siding may he attached directly to. frarr Hg r-nembers.spaced a maximum of 24 inches (61.0. mm) a,c,: • Ciietk your local building cad es before starting to install siding to confirm if Wood structural panel Nall sheathing is required. • Butt joints should be staggered over successive eourses: • siding shall be installed with top (blind) nailing, with the na.iis Clean rain placed 3/8 inch (10 mm) from either end and a rhi.nlmurn of gutter 3M inch (19 mm) from the tap edge.of the board...Fasteners will be exposed on siding located immediately below window sills, fascia boards, and horizontal trim, Fasteners be. low window sill shall be:spaced a maximum of 8 inch (203 rnm). o.c. Do not sun siding.ortrim inside • ❑verlap. successive courses siding a minimum of 1 inch (25.mtm), of the kick out flashing: . Use:a minimum (0.113 inch shank diameter}, hatTdip.galvan3zeo nail, M 7 FfWlrsul I:IVG Il1i5T1311'CT QN5 .t_.=":}r,3i'.'r1-:.'S.:•..:wf:'a.,`.'r.�.wisi.�.,i..,iifi{a::d'�x'' • Sealall exposed surfaces, including all.drip..edges.or where. grater will hang. Apply finish coat:as soon as possible or with itt,180 days of application. • Follow the coating man6factumr's.appl.lcation and ma1ntence instructions. self-ali rabbet 1" overlap Smar&oclt Lap Blind Fastening V4" nail spacing Install SmartLock Lap cons lstent with speclficatians in this document 2. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) CONDITION CORRECTION 5hug _ OK Flush OIC .�...w -..__ �i Visible fiber 'Paint Countersunk 1/16"-1/8"_ Apply sealant` Countersunk more. ! Apply sealant and than 1/8" re -nail J. All: exposed fade nails. Must be caulked and sealed in a manner that prevents.moisture intrusion and.water buildup. • Penetrate stmctura1.framing drwoo d structural panels and structural framing a minimurn of 1-112 inches (3B.M. M. • Nail from .the center of.the siding toward the ends, arfram one end tothe other end. NEVER nail from the ends.of the siding toward the middle, • Shim siding at studs as needed, to avaid drawing siding against uneven walls. Do. nat overdrive. nall s. Nail head should seat firmly to face of siding but. nat: be. overdriven. to d€start the siding surface. For information on fastening LP SmartS.ide products in high wind. speed areas,refer. to IC.C-ES Report ESR-1301 or APA PR71\1124. Alternative Fastening Option for Strand Lap Siding over Wand Structural Panels and 24 inch (610 mm) o.c. Stud Spacing. Limited to.6 inch (152 mm) and 8 Inch (203 rnm) wide lap siding. Wood -structural panels: must be a minimum 7/16 Category with an APATrademark that contains the consensus Standard DOC P5.2. • 38 Series Strand. Substate la.p. must be fastened with: - .Minimurn #8 hot dip galvanized tapered head wood screw, spaced a maximum of 12.inches (305.rnm) o.r. With 1-112 inch (38.mm) screw penetration.into.stud.or:... - Minimum (0.092 in, shank d.1ameter),hot-dip.gaIva nized ring shank -nail, spaced a maximum of 8.inches (203 mm) ❑.c. with 1-1/2 inch (38.m.m) nail penetration into stud. Alternative Fastening Optiormover.SIP Assemblies • Wood structural panels must be a minimum 7/16 Category with an. APA Tmdemarlc that contains the consensus standard: OOC PS 2. • 38 Series Strand Substrate lap must be fastened with: Minimum 9B hot.dIp.galvan!zed .tapered head wood screw, spaced a:rnaximum of 12 inches (305 mm) OX, dr... Minimum (0.092 inch shank diameter) hot -dip galvanized. ring shank nail, spaced a maximum of 8 inthes.(203 min) o.c.. • 76 Series Strand. Substrate lap must be fastened with: - Minimum#.8 hot.dip galvanised tapered head wood screw;. spaced a maximum of 16 inches (406 mm) ox. or... - Minimum (0.092 inch shank.diameter) hat -dip galvanized ring shank nail, spaced a maximum of 12 inches (305 min) o.c. Alternative Fastening Option over ICF Assemblies - Minimum 48 hat -dipped galvanized; tapered head, self=drilling screw. - Mi.nimum penetration of 3/8 inch (10 mm) beyond the thickness of.the:naNng flange: - Larger screws may berequired by the ICF Manufacturer based on. the following minimum withdrawal requirements.. Minimum withdrawal value.of the U nalling.flange must be 50.Iljs.. with a maximum 12 inches (305 mrn) o.c :.screw spacing, Minimum withdrawal value of the.ICF nailing flange .mu.st be. 31 lb.s. with a rnaximurn 6.1nches..(15.2 mm).a.c.:. screw spacing. Alternative Fastening Options over Corrosion Resistant. Steel Stud Framing Minimum withdrawal value of the:.steel.framing must be 50 lbs. Refer to the framing manufacturer's evaluation report, 38 Series Strand Substrate lap must. be fastened with: - Stud spacing a maximum spacingof16 inches (406.mm).a.c. - Minimum #8:hat-dip. galvanized, tapered head, self- driiling strew. - Minimum of S threads beyondthe combined thickness :of the siding and steel stud framing, Minimum steel framing thickness of 0'.032 inch (8 corm) or. 20 gauge. 76 Series .5tran.d Su bs.trate. I a p must be fastened with: - Stud spadng.a maxim u.m.spacing. of 24 inches (610 mm) o.c. - Minimum #..8 hot -dip galvanized, tapered lead, self - drilling screw. - Minimu.m of 5 threads beyond the .combineci thickness of the siding andsteel stud framing.. - Min irnurn steel framing thickness of 0.032 inch (8 mm) or 20 gauge. CAUTION Do nbtfdree sI iriginto place, • 00 NOT USE STAPLES. •. Climb cut the surface of the si&ng.such that. the rotation of the blade cuts downward on the pruned or. prefiHshed.surface. • Where siding butts window trim: door ca6ngs and rhaso:nry, etc: leave a 3/16 inch (5 mm) gap. and seal. Insulated Sheathings LP SrnartSide lap sidings may be.Instaiied over low -compression, rigid foam insulation sheathing or exterior gypsum. The following precautions must.be followed-, • Adequate bracing of the wail in.accordance with. the International. Building Codes.m. other. ruling building codes is. required: • For rigid foam insulation sheathing up to 1 inch (2S mrn) thick, sidIng.may be.nailed directly Lathe foam .sheath Ingunless a drainage.plane is. required hythe local building code, Nail length must be increased to ensure a minimum 1-1/2 inch (38.mm) fastener penetration inta.the structural framing. • For rigid foam insulation sheathing.greater than 1 inch (25 mm);: a min1mum1-1/2 inches 08 mm) thick by 3-1/2 inches (m mm). wide vertical strap orfu.rring strip must he installed overthe • 38 and 76 Series Strand Substrata Lap must be fastened with: zx"•'2aYr ,',-�",wa�tvx� �hY?::��'. ';�°3.-MN.[?�7r^'y.: .� ` - 1,?i4'IV:EL ? nM.'--a'x tip. �FT s: F:T- llNGR:voi�i..O 5:<I;P PAI1tEL : ;- �.�.�+ HORIZONTAL.BEILTLINE J01NTS For mult€-story buildings, make provisions at horizontal joints for "setting" shrinkage of framing; especially. when applying BAND BOARD over PANEL FILLER Panel siding 3/8ngap i Sloped flashing with 4" vertical leg 2'"x Band board F€Il.er Board — Panel sitting Figure 6 OR Sill.plate Extend siding below Flashing sill plate' .. -. F->> Min. 1/8' orME flashing between . - siding and masonry -y ,,. MEN Masonr �� founda0 Figure 7A Figure 7B FL.Pi•5.Hi•a E}'R S>x7lil tL7 O,UIf„5 n .. cis'=_,?;r.c,•.`;,i,','• \motr...-..<,..:r �.. '-p-e�.'�:+x• Interior Finish Install I E window/door per manufacturer's instructions Figure 8 Siding WRB 3J8" gap Sloped flashing 4" vertical leg: Trim Nall fin (donot damage) Floure 5 5PACEJDINTIJB" Refer to nailing instruct Scant face width 1/8" gap 1/8" gap LP. panel sidings are accepted by the State. of California as category 8140- Exteriorwall siding and. sheathing for Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) applications. Fo.rWUi Compliance, install.LP panel.s'idings:in accordance with Louisiana-Pacific's printed application instructions with the.addition'offire retardant seal (UL listed fire,caulk, nominal 1/4 inch bead) in the vertical joint and nailing pattern of 3 inch o.c. Perimeter nailing / 8 inch o.c. field nailing... Look for the California State Fire Marshal Office label an our siding. The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation ("LP") LP SmartSide.S€ding.(the '`Products''} limited warranty (the "Warranty").appiles only to structures on which the Products have been applied, finished and maintained in accordance with the published applicatlbn; finishing and maintenance instructions in effect at the time of application. The fallureto follow suchapplication, finishing or maintenance .irstructions will void the Warranty as to the portion of the Products affected by the.vaha.nee {the "Affected Products"}, LP assumes no iiabilityforany. loss or damage sustained by the Affected Products and:is expressly released by the purchaser or owner from any such loss or liability. Any modification of the Warranty's application, finishing or maintenance requiremen.ts.is void and unenforceable unless approved in writing prior to application bythe Siding General Manager or his deslgnee and anetmber of the LP Legal ❑epartimentr For a Copy of the warranty or for instaIhzitio.n and technieai support. Visit the LP 5rnartSide product support ]Neh site at: wwwApsmartside.com. or for addivon@I support.call ade-64876833. WARRANTY REMEDIESA RE NOT AVAILABLE IF REQUIREMENTS ARE NOT FOLLOWED. Cal, Prap 65 Warning: Use of this product may result in exposure to wood. dust, known to the stake of Ca€lfarnia to cause cancer, Smartzma x TRIM & SIDING ;g;2::2 L' f-ouisiana•.PaciFiC[prprsratiun. All rigNis rE 5e+�ed. LP, 8neartSide, SilvgrTgrFrand SmartFini5h are reglsfer�dYrademarlrs.af:Lauisiana-Fatifie Cdrpnratio r)..Printed in t1;S.A. NOTE:.tauisiana-Pacific GOrporation PeriddiCally updatesar?d revises.i!s product lnform40n. 7o ve rl Fy that th is vers i cn is to rrevt- [all 806. 6484893. APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS (CONT.) Over Openings Ensure complete paint ftherage Y ,drip edge - Flash, shim, & gap 318' Figure 3A Vapor Retarder if required by cads Water Resistant Barrier Alternate Butt lint Treatments. Joint Moulding Caulked Butt Jni.nt Gap 3/16", plus thickness 31��.in• of jolnt mou[ding web Gap 3/16" and seal 1 Figure 3B gap 3/16" and seal Inside Corner Figure 3C Figure 3.E1. gap 3/16" and sea[ Outside Corner LUBU-15 .J7422130020 is '�':i{.;� i?r?-�-• mac; '� %"� =':S<5 :'� ie3 =ris?riv5•!4.• .:YX<:'`f - is?rirv3.14�- 'Fv...:.yra"- 4•:[¢:u:w! c-.✓':Y's=':iySiSi: $:Si: Y_.1.: �:-•; y� `,f-; k . F.•: ��ix�i. '''S ��ix�i .:..:�., s�;.k<rE '•::� `=`":f_J .,:c ,. %�'"':::' f�r�.��,::�-�r=r'.,�iS�:,}..�,n�.: �.•sw,�.�,; rf �c �; .,:;r w's r•� . L3r �` SSFw �? �:� : � y�sy,.,,�-.�.,�..a.:FA✓,.nei'.r��'i E'_. �:ry;S � .�.N >>�.r_re,. _,y,„3, F, r. �" ��i �: _•r r � ��: - P[ :'n-"•s�= ; ems'. .�::� ��� :x.:x€.��'� -Mc.',-c ::��xTr .xs� �M'=r,c'r•�� .xs, - f� ,.�F;^�'r r�risc.a.' .`�,'-:;c,�:•,',.�a'raxea`�. ::uda."�.;4a�.:,.,w;. �T.:.,±�'S;i�"�:'ia ac'�-,-'......;F�'•,,^ ^s'• .�'�-I,.�€, �..,.�-.,2iti:x� �.._�.....e�a„"£�i'. BCIS Home ; Log In ' User Registration Hot Topics '. submit Surcharge Stats & Facts i Pu4licahcns ; Contact us .8LIS Site Flap. i Links Search bProduct Approval r 90 USER! Public:user ptOdli6tA[gdrOVai Menu.> Product or. AP P21&2LraaSearch >®p iicat ist Application Detail. FL 4 067 16 z•: •.. •; ,� u: Application TYPRovislon Type code Version 2020 Application Status Approved Comments Archived product Manufacturer Oinreris'Carriin.g Address/Phone/Email one Owens corning. Parkway' Toledo, OH 43659 (740) 4044829 greg; keeler@owe nscorn ing.ccm Authorized Signature Greg Keeler greq. keeIer@owenscornIrig. cam Technical Representative: Mel Sancrant Address/Phone/Small 1 Owens .Corning PKWY Toledo, OH 43659 t419) 376.8360 m el. sa ncra n t@oweris co rn i g . co m Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Asphalt Shingles Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report Hardcopy Received Florida Eirgineeror Architect Name who developed the. Robert.J.M. Nleminen Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance.Entity PRI Constriction. Materials Technologies, LLC Quality Assurance.Contra ct Expiration Date 01/o1/2099. Validated By ]ohn W.. Knezevich; PE Validation checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By FL10674 R16 COI 202Q 01 COT NIE N N _fff standard Year ASTM 01970 2015 ASTM P3163. 2016 ASTM.03462 2016 ASTM D7158 2019 Sections from the.code Product Approval Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval Bate Approved of Method I Option ❑ 12/11/2020 12/17/202© 12/2.6/2020 .02/09/2021 FL # Model, Number or Name bescriptian � 1.0674:1 Owens Corning Asphalt Roofing 3-tab, 4-tab, laminated., starter and hip &.ridge shingles Shingles and Starters. Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: NO Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant N/A Design Pressure: NIA Other: Refer to ER, Sectlon S. Installation Instructions FL10674 R16 I1 2020 12 11 FINAL ER. QC ASPHALT .SHINGLES FLi0fi7�F�R16:pdf Verified By: Robert ]. M. Nieminen PE - 59166 Created. by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports FL106 R1 6 AE 2020 12 11 FINAL .ER OQ ASPHALT SHINGLES L10674-R16 rJf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes MEM Coritact[J_" :: 2601 Blair Stoned Tal[nhassee FL 3Phone: 856-487mIU4 The State :oF Florida:ls an AA1EEd empl Dyer: CO.Slate of Florida ::•p'v atement :, Accoggj In i 11 Ly Staten e, nt ROUdd Stefement .Under Florida fare, email addresses are public records, if you dp not want youre-mall address released in response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. instead, contact the offee.by phone arby. tradIdonal me[L IIFyou have. any questions, please contact 85D;487.1345. *Pursuant to Sectlon 455.275[1), Florida Statutes; effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455,.F.S, mustprovldethe Department with 6ri email addressif they have one: The emails pirovided rnay be used for.ofcial communication. with the licensee. However email addresses. are pubiicrecord; if.you do not wish to supply a pefsonal address, please provide the Department with an emal1.address vlhich can 6e made available to the public: To determine.if.you are a.licensee. urider .Chapter 455, F.5.,: please click here ko-duct Approval' Accepts: ® FR. 12 Credit Card Safe ENGINEER EVALUATE TEST CONSULT Owens Corning Evaluation:Repart 0379.40,02.12-fill One Owens Corning Parkway EL10674-R16 Toledo, OH 436.59 Date of issuance: 02/06/2012 (740) 404-7829 Revision 11: 12j11/2020 SCOPE: This Evaluation. Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the..appl'icable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nseminen,. P.E. for use .of the product -under the.Fl.orida Building Code. The product described herein has been evaluated for .campliance:with the 71h Edition (2010) Florida. Building Code sections. noted herein.. nN Dwens,ararning Asphalt Rod >5 1 .; .... LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance With the requirements of the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted. herein and FBC 1507.2.7.1 j R905.2.6.1. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation: Report. is valid until such time as. the named.product(s) changes, the referenced Quality. Assurance or production facility location(s) changes, or Code provisions that. relate to the product(s) change. Acceptance of our Evaluation. Reports by the named client constitutes agreernent to notify NEMO. ETC, LLC: of any changes to the products), the Quality Assurance or the production facility location{s). .NEMo. ETC, LLC requires a complete review of its Evaluation Reportrelative to updated.Code req:ulrerients with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The. Florida Product Approval Number (FL4) .preceded by the words "NEMC) j etc. Evaluated" may be displayed in. advertising. literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be. done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire. Eva Iuation Report shall. be provided to the user by the.manufacturer or its distributors and shall be. available for inspection at the job. site at the re.quest.of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report.eonsists of pages 1 through 10 Prepared by: r '.. ri.-`_• The facsimi€e sea€ appearing was authorized by Robert Robert .J.M. Nlerminen, P.E.: 9� `. Nieminen,.P.E. on 12/21j2020. ThKdoes.not serve as an Florida Registration Na.. 59166,:Floridd DCA AN£I993 .' •%� - '. electronically signed c€ocument. CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1, NE MO ETC,. LLC. does not. have, nor does it intend to acquire or will :it:acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products It evaluates. z. NEMO ETC,. LLC is not owned, operated or controlled.by any wmpany rnanufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nleminen, P.E. does hot have nor.will acquire, a financial. interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products:for which the evaluatiarl reports are being issued. 4.. Robert Nieminen,:P.E..does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any ofher entity involved in the approval process of the product.. 5. This is a building. code evaluation. Neither MEMO ETC, LLC nor Robert Meminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on Which this Evaluation,Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was..used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. C2018 NEMa ETC, LLC ROOFING SYSTEMS. EVALUATION* o••o Section Rra a 5tandarti lf�ar 1507:2:4, R905..2:3: Physical. Properties ASTM. D1970 2015 1507.2.5, R905.2,4 Material standard ASTM ia3462 2010 1507.2.71, R905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D3161. 2016 150712.7.1, 11905.2.6:1 Wind Resistance ASTM D71SS .2019. Entity Exarnination Reference Oate Owens Corning Declaration Equivalency Declaration os/06/2019 PRI (TST5878) ASTM. D1970 OCF-382-02-01 10J24/2017 UL LLC (CER9626) Physicals & Wind Resistance File 112453, Voi.. 3 02/15/2007 U L LLC (CF R9 62 6) Physicals & Wind Resistance 20120516-R2453 05/16/2012 UL LLC (TST9628.) Physical.Properties 05CA20263 04/1.8/•2006 UL LLC (TST9628) Wind Resistance 11CA34308 02/18/2012 UL LLC (TST9628) Physicals & Wind Resistance 4786093137 02/0.1J2014 UL LLC (TST9628) Wind Resistance 44786126532 02/10/2014 UL LLC (TST9628) Physical Properties Classification letter 02/13/2014 UL LLC (TST9628) Physicai Properties Classification letter 10/02/2015 PRI (Ql A9110) Quality Control Service Corifirmation 04/03/2020 PRI (QUA9110) Quality Control Florida RCIS Current :> :,:.:::::::::.::.:;::> BL 1• ►45FHALT $HlN GLE CON[PONENTS:.:;>:<:::::i;::<:::>:'`;::::;:::.:;::::•:-.;::., TA . ....................... :;•.:;>::.:>:.::•: Type Product Plant(s) Material :standard pescri tiorF. P 5tarter Strip.Shingle NTH, OR Starter Strip Plus MN., OR Accessary ASTM D3462 starter strips for asphalt roof shingles SRS ToOhiele Starter MN; 08 Starter Strips. Starter Shingle Roll. NH ASTIVI D1970 mineral -surfaced, fiberglass -reinforced, self -adhering SBS modified bitumen starter GA, CA; Ca; 1-TX, NJ, Old, ASTII+I b3462 fiberglass reinforced 3-.tab asphalt 5upr'rviee TN; OR,.IL roof shingles fiberglass reinforced, 4-tab asphalt Berkshire` MN ASTM.D3462 roof shingles Duration' Premium CA,.OR Duration'. Premiurn.000L. CA. Asphalt TruDefinitioh* Duration' Shingles Duration Tru.befinition" IN, CA, CO,.I-TX, FL, NJ, CH, MN, OR; GA; IL, TN fiberglass. reinforced,,laminated Designer Colas Collection ASTM D3462 asphalt roof shingles. GA, IN, CA, CO, H-TX; I -Tx; Oakridge` FL, NJ OH, TN Tru©efinition' Dakridge' H-TX; I -TX WeatherGuard" HP TN NEMO ETC; LLC. Erraluation Report 037940.02.12•1111 Certificate ofAuthoritaYion #32455 7` EDITION (2020) FBCNON HVH2 EVALUATION FL10674-R16 ❑wens Corning Asphalt :Roof Shingles Revision 21. 14/11/2020 Page 2 of 10 L :5HINGLE'C[7MPO TA6EE.I... ASFHR T...... Type. Product. Plant(s) Material Standard Description p Berkshire' Hip and Ridge MN Shingles with Sealant DuraRidgeD Hip and Ridge MN Hip and fiberglass fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge Ridge 5hingl.es with -Sea.lant D3462 asphalt. roof shingles ProEdge GA, CA, .OH, OR 5hirigies. Weathe.rGu.ardc hi' Hip and TN Ridge Shingles. W s 5:1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither NEM❑ ETC, I.LC nor Robert Nleminen,.P.E. are., in anyway,theDesigner of Record for any projecton Which this Eva Iuation.Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for perm itting. or design guidance unless retained specifically for:that purpose. 5,2 This. Evaluation. Report is Trot far.use in FBC High Velocity Hurricane Zone jurisdictions (i.e.,: Broward and Miami- Dade.Counties). 5.3. This. Evaluation Report pertains to.above.-deck.roof:componerM. Roof decks and structural members sha[I be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 5.4. This Evaluation Report does not include evaluation of fire. classification. Refer to FBC 1505 for requirerrients.-An.d limitations regarding roofassembly. fire classification: Refer to FBC 2603 for requirements and limitations concerning the use. of foam plastic insulation. 5:5: Wind Classification. Refer to:Section 6 for installation requirements to meetwind classifications TABLE:214:>]IU1ND. .CLASSIFIGI# IONS':ASPHALT:S.HINGLES,':'::=ti::,: Product FBC Table.1507.2.7.1 or RR05.2.6.1 supreme, Berkshire' Duration' Premium Duration" Premium COOL. TruDefinition` Duration' ASTM D.3161iF3 &.ASTM D7158(H) TruDefinitionDuration' Designer. Color Collection Oakridge` TruDefinition OakHge WeatherGuardHP 5.5.1 Classification by ASTM D7158. ASTM D7158,.. Class H applies only to exposure category B or C. and a building height of 6.01eet or less. Calculatlorns by 'a qualified design: professional are required for conditions outside these limitations- Contact the shingle manufacturer for data specific to each. shingle. NEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 037940.02.124tI1 Certificate of Authgriration #32455 7F" EDITIOK (1020) FBC NON=HVH2 EVALUATION FC76074-R16 oweris Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 11: 12j11j2020 Page 3 of 10 Arifl),lilP TASI:E'��::IP�1NI7:CLA55[FICATI.01115,5TARTl:R:STRIPS..:.....:.:..:....>........:.:::.:.:...:::...:........::......:...:.::......::... 'type Product FBC.Table:1507 2.7.1 ar.R405:2.6.1 Starter Strip.Shingle Starter Strips Starter Strip Plus ASTM i33161, Class F 5RS TopShield Starter Berkshire' Hip. and Ridge $hingles.with Sealant Hip & Ridge DuraRidgO Hip and Ridge Shingles with Sealant A5TM D3161,:CIass F Shingles: Pr6Edgee WeatherGuard° HP Hip and Ridge Shingles 5.5.2 Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations. &6 All components in'the roof assembiy shall have quality assurance.audit in accordance with.F.A.C. Rule 61G2073. Refer to the Product Approval of the component manufacturer for components. that are produced by a Product .Manufacturer other than the report holder on Page 1 of this. Evaluation Report. 6A 6ENERAL: 6:1.1 Roof deck,. slope, .underlayment and fasteners shall comply with FSC :1507.2 / R905.2 and. th.e shingle manufacturer's: m inim u m.req u i rem ents. 6.1.2 Underlayment shall be acceptable to the shingle.manufacturer and shalt hold current Florida Statewide: Product Approval,.or be Locally Approved per Rule 61G20-3, per FBC Sections 1507.2.3„ 1507.2.4 or R905.2,3. 6:1.3 Fasteners shall be in .accordance with. the shinglemanufacturer's pub] ished.requirem ents, but not less than FBC 1507,2.6 or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted... 6,1.4 Owens Corning asphalt.shingles.are acceptable for .use in reroof (tear -off.) .or recover -applications, subject to the limitations set forth in FBC Section 1511 or R908 and.published installation instructions. 6,2,1 Installation of Starter Strip Shingle, Starter Strip Plus and 5RS Top.S.hield Starter.shall comply with the Owens Corning:current published instructions, using minimum five. )..nails per strip. Falt mdubymat Deck ' sew•-aaered VYe>itiierLxk° uaderlaymenr Drip edge I --Riots laxated instAfirA Seli�aGnB adhesive starrer5frig. _ positicr�d.along eava afr€n* cvetl+ :. Starter Ship si"s avarhanps eaves and takes V-W Figure 1. Minimum Nailing,. Starter Strip Sa,enWed uadarlaymartt bmiflm &%derSu4p pby Sa8 tra0� rUe wish Ir Rmaved --- pa�ttkmed al;wtg mcg eavo sdE w rap Plus ovmmms eaw8x nd mku114'-3f4° Figure 2. Minimum Nailing, Starter Strip Plus.. NE MO. ETC; LLC Evaluation.Report 037940.02.12-R11 Cerrifrcate of:Authorizatiun 432455 7r-0 EDITI0N (20201 FBC N0N-HVHZ EVALUATl0N FL1004-R16 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 11. 2211112020 Page 4 of 10 ONEM01-etc. 61.2 Installation of Starter Shingle Roll shall comply with'the Owens Corning current published. instructions. Drip edge Deck .... . . . . . . V 7t 0�:5elf: sealing adhesive positioned along eaves Figure 3.: Starter Shingle Roll. Undedaymmt edge Starter Shingle Roll adhered directly to under aymenf and primed drip edge 6.3. ASMALt SHINGLES: 6.3.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the Owens Corning current published. instructions, using minimum four (4) nails per 'shingle in accordance.with FBC 1507.2..7'0r R905.2.6, With the following exceptions: Berkshire'.shingles. require minimum five (5) nails per shingle. WeathOGuard* HP shingles require minimurl'm six (6) nails per shingle. Where the roof slope exceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units hori7ohta1,'sp'e.cial methods. of fastening :are required.. .Refer to,.Owens. Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations. Supreme: Normal Wind Areas Area Para: vientas:nvrmeles T W E apasure ,Exposicion Mansard jar Area Para High Wind darwanas.y Areas vientos fuertes ry.. z, iB1 TV 1. Figure.4: MinimumNailing, Supreme (Standard Size) Normal Mansard or Area Para Wind Areas High Villnd desvenes y Area Para Wentos normafes. Arras vionios. fusrtas 7 t {A1 tz �, rt. z• IBi a" 5 51a" Exposure Exposkidn Figure 5..Minimum Nailing, Supreme (Metric Size) MEMO ETC, LLC Evaluatlan Report. 037940.02.12•Rll Certiffcnte:ofAuthoriration 932455 7FK EDITION (2020) FBC N0N-HVH2 EVALUAT] ON FL10674.06 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof shingles. Revision 11: 12111J2a20 Page' 5 of 10 Berkshire®: Sealant ssrlP la Vra ni s-Wailer 616" ,'V.L=qW Figure 6. 5-Nail. Pattern; Berkshire ONEMOletC. Figure.7: 6i-WaiI Pattern, Berkshire SO —alam strip La tlra de selladbr s +Ii s yr 1 r 1 21 Asphalt roofing cem t . CEar Mo An techade WOO Figure.8: Mansard or Steep Slope Pattern. Berkshire. NEMO'ETCjLC Evaluation Report.O37940.02.1271111 CertifCare 6f Avth G0ZAtldr #32455 7T" EDITION (2020) F$C NON-HV142EVALUATION FL106.74-1116 Owens Corning Asphalt Raof Shingles Revision M 12/11/2020 Page.6 of 10 O.NEPAO I etC. 6.3.1a Durations Premium; TruDefinition° .duration, Durations Premium COOL .& TruDefinition� Duration° Designer Color Collection: Figure 9: Stand.ard.4-Nail Pattern, Duration Figure 10: 5-Nail Pattern, Duration Figure 11: Mansard ar Steep $lope Pattern,.Duration N E M 0 ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R11 Cert7firare'ofAuthorizarion #32455 1" EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVWZ EVALUATION FL10674-R16 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 11::12/11/2020 Page 7 of 10 4 NCI Pattern Fsquema con 4.:0avws 8 5/0' erasure Nals 5 6/9 Expoa Fxpmiden do 5 v9pdg• Claws Espo Fj; 6n de 65(80&g. Figure 12. Standard 4-Nall Pattern, Qakridge. 6.3.1 5 WeatherGuard6 HP: 6 Nall Pattern ksquema cons davos 1.14— iz° — 5.6?8" Exposuie arposirran de.6 6l8puig. a:Ts 6 5.18" Ex u€e. i vas Pam. Expasicierr de SSIB jurlg.. Figure 13.: 6-Nail Pattern, Qakridge 6 Nal Pattem Esquenm con 6 davas toff a 118" from b tam. of shiga Dave a 6 118 fig. de Is 5 518" Exposure G m j sttee orss parts 1nfaior a fa tea �positfan. de 5 5� gulg. 9" j 1 Four V Spots of Asphak ibof Cement s sue° min � lea" Cu m purrivs de cema go do farm do asfdfo de 7 pupda Eeys�d6nde 5 rah Ets€ da 5�. Figure 15. 6-Nail Pattern; WeatherGuard HP Figure 16: Mansard or Steep-Slope:Pattern, WeatherGuard HP MEMO ETC, LLC EvalUadan Rep ort.037940.02.12-R11 Certificate gfAulhoriiation #32455 77H EDITION (2020) FBC NON-HVH2 EVALUAT€ON FL10674-R1G Owens Corn i n 9. As Phalt. Roofshingles Revision 11.:17/11/2020 Page 8 of 10 1.6A_ HIP.AND7 RIDGE SHINGLES' 6,41 installation of asphalt shingles shallcomply with the. Owens. Corning current.published instructions. Berkshire" Hip and Ridge. Shingles with Sealant and DuraRldgeO Hip and Ridge. Shingles with Sealant require minimum two (2) nails per shingle. WeatherGuards HP. Hip and Ridge Shingles and ProEdge"' require minimum four.(4) nails per shingle: Refer to Owens Corningpublished.information on wind resistance arid. installation limitations, 6.4.1:1 Berkshire® Hip and Ridge With Sealant and: DuraRidg0 kip and Ridge Shingles with Sealant: [l Prevailing Wind Direction: Direccion del viento predominante �� aa1d . A Figure 17: Isometric View, Berkshire and DuraRidge 6,4.12 WeatherGuard® HP Hip and Ridge Shingles: Fig. A Pre+Salling Wtnd. �""-�' Qlrectbn Nalia Figure 19' Isametric View,:WeatherGuard HP Hip and.Ridge Fig. B Top View. f, Vista superior Nail 2ZW„ Clava: 67 ^Y I Figure.18: Plan View, Berkshire and Durallidge Fig. C Hip t Ridge Shingle Fastening TppVlew i NaIL� Nabs T 2 ; 2" i Exposure i I 12 - �-- l Figure.20. Plan View, WeatherGuard HP Hip and Ridge MEMO ETC; LLC Evaluation Report 0.37940.02.12-1111 eertrfkate of Rutharizotlorn #31455 fH EJATIGN.(2020) FBC (gbWHVH2 EVAWATION FL10674•It16 Owens Corning Asphalt Rbaf Shingles Revision 11: 12/1.1/.2020 Page 9 of 10 ProEdge®: Prevailing Wind (Direction SCjb t.%jp W Expgssmra Fasten 71h' Comer Fxgo0 Fitste�tvm vgh Roof Ciament Figure 21: Isometric View, .ProEdge Standard Fastening Pattern g� n Sealant 9 - END 4F EVALUATION REPORT - Figure 22- Plan View, ProEdge MEMO ETC, LLC Evaluation Report 037940.62A24M Certh-frcaFeaf.Authnriiarian#32455 7T" EDITION (2020) FBC NU.N•HVHZ EVALUATION FL10674•1116 Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles Revision 11. 12J11/2020 Page 10 of 10 211/2021 Florida Building Code Online �•:� .•gin:•,= � ��",ram... „�., �:;__ - yar�r - r :n e: :� "z ::,,,s :• i r.•J �• v �x�� �s� ��rr vs���i,+`�s ��r� � .r.� _ ��:�''•-.. c`• �j-•�'`'�-�'a�_`�°��iY 'n?is _N '^� ,n. _� �:= i. � �,•a qn� ";Pv r�,r,u„�,s-i•'rY•.r�4_% �,'S-cxF,''-:�r.'s�.timti i��•� - =� c�'� �s:;:.'..:.. " _ . may-% 1; �r �„-ir - lr £'-ir." r• .�.. 9a+-f. �, _ . -r"i. :�,,,l:Yl;i 3�r � �-S�xsY :: is rtl�'�= 3� r �xs - �;- f-;� ors. Ia'� r' [ �` a. sue',-s�• BCIS Nome ;Log ir, I User Registration HatTop7cs Suh€isit.Surctiarge Scats &Facts iPubEications Contact Us aCls Site Map ! minks 5earcA Product Approval. r 90 USER: Public laser Product Appn prod uct_or._Application 52arch p Agpl':cnt:on �isf n Appli[atfon Detail FL # Application Type Code Version Application Status .Comments Archived ProductManuMcturer Address/Phone/Ernail Authorized. Signature Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative. Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method. Evaluation Entity: Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Cq.ntraGt Expiration Date. Validated By: Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard,) Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code. FL18666-R4 Revision 2020 Approved *Approved by.DBPR: Approvals. by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the. Coi mIsslon if necessary. GAF 1 Campus Drive. Paris.ppany,: N7 07054 (800) 766-3411 mstieh@gaf.com Michael Stieh mstieh@gaf. com Michael Stieh 1 Campus Drive Parsippany; NJ 07054 (073) 628-3000 fnstieh@gaf.CoM Roofing Underlaymients Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity Miami -Dade SCCO - EVL Miart'ii=Dade BCCO - QUA 02/22/2023 Miami-Dade:BCCO - VAL Standard ASTM 17226 Year 2009 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option C https:/Iwww.flaridabuilding:orglprlpr app_dti.aspx?param=vi.GEWOMIDquIGtg5bCxRscdzURXB7GTYpG6r6sZlOnCh75dpTun3Md9%3d%3d 3i2 2/1/2021 Product Approval .Method Date Submitted Date Validated Date Pending FBC Approval. Date Approved Summary of products Florida Building Code Online 1609A 1615.3.1 1626.1 2304. ri Method 2 Option B 1n/z212020 10/22/2020 11/03/2020 12/is/2020 PIL # € model, Number or Name. ~- Description 19190.Z LPSmartSide 38 Series Strand Substrate Siding Vertical siding for board &'batten .applications. I 1 .Vertipai _ Limits of rise I Installation Instructions j Approved for use in HVHZ: Yes j FL9190 R9 II Vertical Sidi g FasEenerTaole MASTER-.7-2 'PM k I Approved for use.outside HVHZ: Yes I Verified By: APA - The Engineered Wood Assopiation d j Impact Resistant: No j Created by: Irid ependenY.Third Party: Yes Design pressure: N/A i Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not.impaet 1 Evaluation Reports € .FL9190 R9 4E Evafua o�Re rt of LP Siding l2 -R9- .Other: I resistant. In HVHZ, most be used. in conjunction with approved I impact resistant product.exceptforuninhab€table structures I.2o20.pdf i Created: by Independent Third Party: Yes. ? 1 such as.sheds, 1 19190.2 ]] LP SmartSida Cedar Shake Lap ! Cedar Shake 76 Series Lap Siding j i Siding i Limits of lase �-� Installation Instructions. 1 Approved for' use in HVHZ:.Yes € FL9190 R9 iE_ Ceder Shake Lap Sidi g Fastener Table MASTS Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes [7-20.pdf I Impact.Resistant:.No € Verifed By: A.PA-The Engineered Wood Association I Design Pressure: N/A (, Created by independent Third Party: Yes Other: Refer to E�ialuatlon Report. Product is not impact Evaluation Reports i resistant. In HVHZ, must be.usad in'conjunction with approved i FL9190: R9 AE EValuation Report of LP_Siding 919Q-R9- � impact resistant product except for uninhabitable structures 2020.pdf ] such as sheds. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes l 9Z94,3 I LP Smai'tSide..Strand Substrate. Lap 138 and. 76 Series Primed Lap Siding. 3S;76,190. Series Primed and Panel Siding Pahe].Siding. incIUdirig .5ilv.erTech.&.SmartMnish. [ Limits of Use € Installation Instructions I i Approved for use in HVHZ:.Yes FL9190 R9 II Lap and Panel Fastener Tale MASTER.7-20.pdf.. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: APA -The Engineered Wood Association j Impact Resistant: No i Created by. Independent Third. Party: Yes i i Design Pressure. N/A I 'Other: Refer to Evaluation Report. Product is not impact E Evaluation Reports 1 FL9190 R9 AE Evaluation Report of -LP 5id�g 9190-R9- 1 resistant. In HVHZ, must be used ih conjunction with approved aoza.pdf impact resistant product ekept for uninhabitable: structures 4 Created by independent.Third Party; Yes 1. such as sheds. i Ya 6:CEi '�"='"'' contact U5; :: 2601 -sir Stone Road, Tallahassee FL.32399 Phtiise: �Sfl=4 1824 THE State of Florida i5 an A VEF0, erh player: Cn pyright 2067-2111,,r State of Florida.:: Pm at StaterXiant :;. AcressihiEity.Sta Pament ;:Refund Statement Under Florida lar7, erpall add Tess es. are publ It rem rds,:fr YOU -do Flo[ :want your e- rn all. add less released in re5p o n se !o.a public -records request do not send: ele--tronic mail to this en My. Instead, con [act.2he.orRce by phone or by traditiona€ mail, It.you have any. questions, please contact:9S0.487,1.395. *Pursuant to Section 455.275111, Florida Statutes, effective dcto her S, Za 12, 1icemees Ilceased under Chapter 45S,.F. S. must provide the pepa rtment with an eMall address if they have une.. The $mails provided niay.be used for official communication wlth the licensee.:However email. addresses are public record. Ifybu dd not wish tosupply. a personal address, please pruVlde the Pep artment with an email address which carr be made available to the public. TA determine if yah area licensee under thapter435, F.S., please click here,.. Product A pyrova l Acce0s: ® aC hr_.k ._ Credit Card safe https:llwww.floridabuilding:orgiprlpr_app_dil.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquJPW%o2b4UtPl.Llvl°/42iVA7w4rt8E°/a2bkulJji°/o2b[JgYQ°/43d 212 MI►4MI• MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ® PRODUCT C.ONTROL.SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RI R) .1 l.805 SW 24 Street, Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADN"NISTRATION DrVISION 1% inii, Florida 33175-2474 T (786) 315-2590 F (78.6) 31572599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) %vivw.miarnjdade.aov/economy GAF i Campus Drive Parsipanny, INJ 07054 SCORE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction. materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Mianii=Dade County RER. - Product Control Section..to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas inhere allowed by.the. Authority Having Jurisdiction {AIIJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration. date stated be]ow. The .Miami -Dade County' Product. Control Section (In Miami. Dade County) and/or .the AHx (in areas other than Miami Dade County).reserve the right to -have this product, or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the.. accepted manner, :the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the .AHr.nray immediately revoke, modify, or suspend. the:use of such product or material within. their jurisdiction..RER reserves :theright to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami -Dade County. Product Control Section that this product or material fails.to. meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved .as described herein, .and has.b.cen. designed to comply with the Florida. Building Code including the High Velocity Hai-ricane. Zone of the Florida Building Code.. DESCRIPT.ION:. GAF Leak Barriers and Roof Deck. Protection LABELING.:.. Each unit shall bear a.pernianent label. .with the manufacturer's name or logo, .city, state and fallowing statement: ".Miami -Dade County Product Control .Approved",. unless'. otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall. be considered after.a renewal. application has been filed and there has been nochange in the applicable building. code negatively: affecting the perfortrrance of this product. TERMINATION .of this:NOA. will occur after the expiration date or if there has been: a revision.or change in the inaterials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process... Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of.any product, fqr sales, advertising or. any. other purposes shall automatically terminate% this NOA.. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal:cif NOA. ADVERTISEMENT The NOA number preceded by the words Miarari-Dade.County,. Florida, and followed by the expiration date maybe displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the N.OA is. displayed, then it sball.be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A. copy of this entire NOA:shall .be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job Site at the request .of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA No. 18-1023.10 and consists ofpages: 1 through $. The .submitted documentation was. .review.ed.by JorgeL. Acebo. NOA No:: 19-0917.02 Expiration Date: 02/22/23 Approval Date: 10/15/20 Page 1 `at: 8 ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Catenary_ Roofing Sub -Cate orv: Underiaymen.t Material: SBSIpolypropytene/Asphalt SCOPE: This approves GAF Leak Barriers and .Roof Deck Protection underlayinents., to be used on existing roof assemblies as described in this Notice of Acceptance., designed to comply with. the .Florida. Building Code and the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION: Test Product Dimensions Specification. Weatherwatch�' 36" x 5W rolls Mineral Surfaced Leak 36" x:fi6.7' rolls Barrier Nrawfactaring Location # 1, 8,14, 15 StormGuard'' Film Surfaced Leak Barrier �i'1ClZZZ factZ4i.'tiZg Locatian # 1,8 Lib.erW" SBS Self Adhering Base/Ply Sheet 111ancrf4ciit ding Location # .1,.8 Deck-4rmorT" Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection Ai'anufacturing Location. # 7 Tiger Paw" Premium Roof Deck Protection Man facti(Ting Location 4.2,.4, 5, 7, 10, 11,.12 FeltBust6t` High- Traction Synthetic Rooting Felt Maniffacturing Lcacatioii # 6, 7,.13 Product Description ASTM D:1970 Granular surfaced modified, fiberglass reinforced, bituminous sheet material for use as a leak barrier underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as an ice & rain. shield. 36" x 6.6.77 rolls ASTM D19.7.0 Mo.dified,.fiberglass reinforced, bituminous sheet material for use:as a high temperature leak barrier underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as an ice & rain shield. 39 '!s" x.66' rolls ASTM D 1970 Self -adhering. SBS roof membrane.. ASTM D4601 Type. I1 54" ?Z2' rolls ASTM D226 A L1V-stabilized polypropylene breathable . 4.8" x 250.' rolls Type.I1 underlayinent. To be.:used. for roof deck protection 48" x 100' rolls as .ail undeilayment. in sloped::roof assemblies. 48" x 250' rolls ASTM.D226. A UV -stabilized polypropylene non -breathable 48" x 100' rolls Type.11 underiayment. To .be used for roof deck protection as an underlayrnent in sloped roof assemblies, 48" x 250' rolls ASTM D226. A UV -stabilized polypropylene non -breathable: Type II underlayment.. To be used for roof.deck protection as an underlayinent in sloped roof assemblies.. NOA No.: 19-0917.61 MuuHManeCaunarr Expiration Date. 02/22/23 n i Approval Date; 10/15/20 Page 2 of 8. PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification ification Description Shingle-Nlate Roof 36" x .144' rolls ASTM. D226 Fibeigass-reinforced asphalt felt underlayment. To Deck Protection Type II be used toy roof deck protectionas. an Manufacturing underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Location # 3,16 Libeirty"'.SA.Glass .Cap 39-%" x 34' rolls ASTM. D 1.970 Granular surfaced modified, fiberglass reinforced, Sheet ASTM D6163 self adhering SBS. roof membrane. Martarfacttrr ing ASTM .D7530 Location # 8 GAFGLASO' Ply 4 39.37" ASTM.. D? 1.18. Asphalt impregnated glass felt with asphalt 1fanufactur•ing (1 meter) Wide Type IV coating, Location # 8, 9 GAFGLASo- Fle'xPIYT" 6 39.3.7" ASTM D2178 Asphalt itnpreg€fated glms.:felt with -asphalt Rlanufacturing (1 meter) Wide. Type VI. coating. Location #`8; 9. Tri.-Plye Ply 4 39.37.' ASTM D2178 Asphalt imprognate.d glass felt with asphalt Manufaeturing (I meter) Wide. Type. IV coating. Location #'8; 9 MANUFACTURING LOCATION: 1. Mt. Vernon, IN' 2. Mission,. British Columbia 3. Pryor, OK 4. Qingdao, China 5. Charleston, SC 6. Spartanburg, SC. 7. Dadra, India 8. Savannah, GA 9, Fontana, CA. 10: Homer, LA 11. Umerkui .Kilvani. India 12. Parzai, India 13. Ricluriond, VA 14. Arkadelphia, AR 15. Tuscaloosa, AL 16. Shafter, CA NOA No.: 19-0917.02 M€t�rttuAuecourt�' Expiration Date::07/22/23 Approv.al Date: 10/15/24 Page.3 of:8 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test AgentTest Identifier Test Name/Report Date Intertek Testing. Services NA Ltd. 3.07746.4-01 ASTM D 1970 08 23l06 309.0131 Wind Uplift and Self Sealaliility W23I06 1002585.83COQ-010A ASTM-D226 Type II 01!11/11 100673 8 1 SCOQ-003 ASTM D226 Type. II' 0.6113113. 10157289000Q-005 ASTM D226 Type II 041.17/14 F85.49.02-196-18-RO ASTM D226 Type 11 11/0811.6 PRI Construction Materials RGM-023-02-01. ASTM D4798. 05tl6/07 Te6nologies; LLC. GAF-11.2-02-01 ASTM D226 Type II 03/151061. GAF-23 8-02701 ASTM D 1970 OY03110. GAF-32M'ImO1 ASTM D1970 11/30/11 GAF-324-02-01 ASTM D 1970. 1113011.1 GAF-325-02-01 ASTM D1970 11(30111. GAF-326-02-01 ASTM D1970 1.1/30/11 GAAF-275.-02-01 ASTM: D 1970 11/11110 GAF-344-O2-U1 ASTM: D 1970 42M 2 GAF=339-02-01 ASTM D226 Type I. 03./14.'12 ELK-311-02-0I ASTM D1970 09i11/07 GAF=446-02-01 ASTM. D226 Type 1 11.9126/13 GA.F=51.8-02-01 ASTM D226. Type II 06/04/14 GAF-818-02701 ASTM D4533 12/061.17 GAF-829-02-01 ASTM D226 Type 11 01115A 8 GAF-314-02-0.1 ASTM D2178 07/21 / 11 ,GA F-315-02-.01. ASTM D2178 07l21A.1 GAF-826-02-01 ASTM D226 Type IFASTM D4533 0742118 GAF-84.7-02-0.1 ASTM D226 Type 1I/ASTM D4533 G6/05/18 GAF-914.02-0.1 ASTM D226 Type II/ASTM D4533 04/1.1/19 376TOO12 ASTM D226 Type 11 07i16I19 376.TO018 ASTM D226 Type 11 08101/19 376T0032 ASTM D1970 1.0122l19 376TOO54 ASTM D226 021.1.9120 Trinity-ERD GAF-SC13295.17-1 ASTM 171.970 WWI GAF -SC 13285.17-3 ASTM, D1970 0310.8117 GAF -SC 1.3285.17-4 ASTM D1970 03/08/17 GAF=SO1-785.17-2 ASTM D4601 Type 11 03/08/17 GAF=SC0700.08.1.5-R i ASTM. D2.178 02/08/17 GAF-SC:12915.00.17 ASTM..D 1970 12! 11/17 GAF -SC 12915:09.17 ASTM D6163 12111117 GAF-SC12915.09,17 ASTM D7530 12! 1 UI7 MEMO ETC; LLC: 4S-GAF-18- ASTM D2178 Type: IV 0-1/02!19 4S-GAF-I9- ASTM D2.118 Type VI 01/02/1.9 NOA No.: 19-0917.02 Expiration Date:. 022/22/23 • e Approval Date: 10/15/20 Page of 8. APPROVED ASSEMBLIES'. Deck Type 1: Wood, non -insulated Deck Description: 11/32" or greater plywood or wood plank System E(l:}: Anchor sheet mcehanicaily.fastened to deck, membrane adhered. Base Sheet: Two plies: of ASTM .D 226 Type: I or Shingle -Mate`"' Roof Deck Protection UR one or more plies of..ASTM D 2.26 Type 1.1, Deck -Armor"' Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection, FcltBaster5=' High -Traction Synthetic Roofing. Felt, or Tiger Paw"" Premium Roof Deck Protection with::a minimum. 4".side lap and a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to the deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o . at the laps and staggered rows 12" o.c. in a grid pattern in. the field of the.roll. If roof is exposed to rain/snow, tape.: all end and side laps with.. approved butyl adhesive based searnlcover tape or an approved waterproof cloth duct tape.[follow the tape's manufacturer's installation instructions Always apply tape over all.fasteners at the center of the roll or the end. laps to help.prev.ent rain Or show from enteri ng. at the fastn.eners. Membrane: One or nrore plies. of WeatheffVatcN Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier, StormGuare Film Surfaced Leak Barrier, Liberty"' :SA. Glass Cap Sheet, or Liberty"SBS Self -Adhering BaselPly Sheet.membrane with. a mini.muni Y' side lap and 6" eztd lap. Place the first course of meiribrane parallel to the .eaves rolling the membrane to. obtain maximum contact. Remove the release membrane as the fnetribrane is applied. Vertical strapping ;of the roof with. Weatt er.Watch'& Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier,. of StorniGuard' Filyd Surfaced Leak Barrier is.acceptable. Surfacing: Approved Roofing Assembly.. Deck Type 1- Wood,.non-insulated Deck Description: or greater plywood .or wood plank System Membrane mechanically fastened to deck. Separator Sheet: One or more plies of GAF GAFGLASt Ply 4, GAFGLASF leYPly6, Rosin Paper,. ASTM D 226 Type I or Type 1l,,Shingle-Mate" Roof.Deck Protection, Deck -Armor .Premium Breathable Roof -Deck. Protection, FeltBusterO High -Traction` Synthetic Roofing Felt, or Tiger PawT" Premium Roof Deck Protection loose .laid.. Membrane. One or more plies of WeathcrWatch' Mineral. Surfaced Leak Barrier, StormGuard" Filin Surfaced Leak Barrier, Liberty"' SA .Glass Cap. Sheet; or LibertyT" SBS: Self Adhering BaselPly Sheet membrane mechanically fastened with a minimum 3" side lap and a 6". end .lap to deck through the separator sheet with :approved hails and tin caps .6".o.c.. at the laps and staggered roes IT' o;c. in a grid pattern in the .freld.of the roll.. Surfacing' Approved Roofing. Assembly. NOA No.: 19-09:17.02 0MIAMMADECOUAiI K Expiration Da#e: 02/22123 • • o 1 Approval .Date: 10/1:5/20 Page 5 of 8 Deck Type.1: Wood., non -insulated Deck Description: "/32" or greater plywood. or wood plank System E(3) Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered.. Secondary Water Install .a minimum 4" wide: WeatherWatch ' Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier; .Liberty7SBS Self - Barrier: Adhering Base/Ply Sheet, Liberty"' SA Glass Cap Shect, or StorniGuardk Film Surfaced Leak (Optional) Barrier membrane over the joints of the plywood roof deck: prior to installation of the base sheet: Do not overlap end or side joints: All. side and end:laps should be :butted`finnly side by side, flush with each .other but not overlapped. Do not leave the tiWeatherWatch"' Mineral Surfaced Leak. Barrier; or StonnGuare Filin Surfaced Leak Barrier membrane exposed for more than 30 days without a roof deck protection underlayment protecting the secondary water barrier. Base Sheet: Two plies of ASTM D.220 Type.l or Shingle -Mate Roof Deck Protection OR one or more plies of ASTM D .226 Type 11, Desk-Annor` Premium.. Breathable Roof Deck. Protection, Felt$uster@ High=Tiaction Synthetic. Roofing Felt, or Tiger .Pawl„ Premium Roof Deck Protection �� ith a minimum 4" side lap and.a 6" end lap mechanically fastened to the deck with approved nails and. tin caps 6" o.c. at, the. laps. and staggered rows 12" o.c..in a grid pattern in the field of the roll.. If roof is exposed to. raiivsnow, tape all end and side laps with approved butyl adhesive based seannlcover tape...or an approved waterproof cloth duct tape: ( follow tare tape manufacturer's installation instnictions): Always apply tape Over all fasteners at the. center of the roll or :the; end laps to .help prevent rain or: snow from entering at the fasteners.. Surfacing: Approved Roofing: Assembly. Deck Type 1: Wood, non -insulated Deck Description:: "131" or greater plywood or wood -plank System E(.4): Anchor sheet.mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered. Base. Sheet: Two plies of ASTM D .226 Type 1 or Shingle -Mate" Roof Deck Protection .OR one or more plies of ASTM D 22.6 Type 11, Deck-AnnorT"'Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection, F•eltBusters High=Traction Synthetic Roofing .Felt.. or Tiger .Paw`F, Premium Root Deck Protection. with a minimum 4" side lap and a 6 end.lap mechanically fastened to the deck with approved nails and tilt caps 6" o.c..at'the.. laps and staggered .rows 12" o.c.. in a grid pattern. in the field of the roil, If -roof is exposed to rain/snow , tape all end and. side laps with approved butyl adhesive based sears/cover tape or.an.approved waterproof cloth -duct tape (follow the tape's manufacturer's installation:instt-uctions:}. Always. apply tape over all fasteners:atthe center of the roll or :the end I aps .tohelpi prevent:rain :or snow from entering at. the fastneners. Membrane, One or.snore plies of StormGuare Film Surfaced Leak Barrier membrane with a minimum 4" side..lap:an&6" end lap. Place the first course of membrane parallel to the cave, rolling the membrane to obtain maximum contact. Remove the release membrane as the membrane is applied. Surfacing: Approved for Metal roofing; Slate, and Asphalt Shingle assemblies. NOA.. o.: 19A917,02 CMIAMEN=9TY Expiration .Date: 0.2122123 a App royal Date: 1 QI.1 sl20 Page 6 of 8 LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 2. WeatherWatch` Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier,. StormGuard`' Film Surfaced Leak Barrier, Liberty" }s SBS Self - Adhering Basei P.l.y Sheet, Liberty r"I SA. Glass. Cap. Sheet, Shingle-�Mate' Roof Deck.Protection, Deck -Armor , Premium Breathable Roof.Deck Protection. Fe1tB.uster"� High=Traction Synthetic Roofing Felt; and Tiger Paw" Premium Roof Deck: Protection shall not be used as roof tile. underlayinent. 3. This acceptance is far prepared roofing applications.. 1Vlinimum deck requirements shall be. in compliance with applicable building code. WeatherWatcW' Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier; :StonnGuardFilm Surfaced Leak. Barrier, Liberty" SBS Self -Adhering BaselPly Sheet, Liberty", SA Glass Cap Sheet, Shingle -Mate`" Roof Deck Protection, .Deck -Armor""' Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection, Felffluster� High -Traction Synthetic Roofing Felts and Tiger Paw"' Premium Roof Deck Protection shall be installed in strict compliance: with applicable .Building Code.. 4. WeatberWatch'"' Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier, StonnGuard'- Film Surfaced Leak. Barrier, Liberty" SBS Self - Adhering Base,Ply Sheet Liberty"' SA Glass Cap Sheet,: Shingle -Mate' Roof Deck Protection, Deck -Armor`" Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection, FeltBustee High -Traction Synthetic Roofing Felt, and Tiger. Paw3" .Premium Roof -Deck Protection mem.brapes shall ba applied to .a smooth, clean and dry surface with deck free of irregularities. S: WeatherWatch* Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier, StorinGuar&- Film Surfaced Leak Barrier, Liberty'" SBS Self - Adhering Base./Ply Sheet, Liberty"' SA .Glass. Cap Sheet, Shingle -Mate Roof Deck Protection, Deck-Arinor'" Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection, FeltBustero High -Traction Synthetic Roofing Felt, and Tiger Pawn Premium Roof Deck. Protection membranes shall not be applied over an existing roof membrane. G. WeatherWatchi Mineral Surfaced Leak :Barrier. StorniGuarC Film Surfaced Leak Barrier; Liberty" SBS Self - Adhering Base:IPly Sheet, Liberty"' SA Glass Cap Sheet, Shingle -Mate Roof Deck Protection; .Deck -Armor" Premium Breathable Roof Deck Protection. FeltBuster' High -Traction Synthetic Roofing Felt, and Tiger Paw"" Premium Roof Deck Protection shall .not be lefi exposed as -a .temporary roof for longer than. 30 days of application. 7. WeatherWatchf�' Mineral Surfaced. Leak Barrier, StonnGuare Film Surfaced. Leak Barrier, Liberty SBS Self- Adhering BasclP.ly Sheet, Liberty`SA Glass Cap Sheet, :Shingle -Mate 'Roof Deck. Protection, Deck Artnor "' Premium Breathable Roof Deck. Protection, FeltBuster'} High -Traction Synthetic Roofing Felt, and Tiger PawT" Premium Roof Deck. Protection may be used with: any approved roof covering Notice :of Acceptance listing WeatherWatcW' Mineral Surfaced.Leak Barrier, StormGuard" Film Surfaced Leak. Barrier, Liberty" SBS Self- Adtier Adhering-Base/Ply Sheet; Liberty"" SA Glass Cap Sheet, Shingle-Mi ate* Roof Deck Protection. Deck -Armor Premium.Breathable Roof Deck Protection— F'eltBuster" High -Traction. Synthetic. Roofing. Felt, and Tiger Paw`'" Premium Roof Deck Protection as a cornponent.partof :an assembly: in the Notice of Acceptance. If WeatherWatcho Mineral Surfaced Leak Barrier, StormGuare Filin Surfaced Leak Barrier, LibertyT" SBS Self.-. Adhering.Base/Ply Sheet, Liberty"' SA Glass Ca Sheet,. Shut le-Matc`� Roof Deck Protection, Deck -Armor'"' . Y Y P � .. g. Premium. Breathable. Roof 17.eck .Protection, FeltBuster� high -Traction Synthetic: Rooting Felt and Tiger Paw" Premium Roof Deck Protection are not listed; a request may be inade.to the Authority Having ]ursdiction.(AHJ) or the Miami -Dade County Product Control Department for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided .to detail compatibility of the products,. wind uplift resistance, and. fire testing results. S. All nails in the .deck shall be carefully checked. for protruding heads; Re -fasten any loose decking panels. Sweep the deck thoroughly .to remove any dust and debris`prior to application. Install when temperatures. are 45..0 F and .rising. 9. When applying the.metnbrane in the: valley, start :at thelow. point and work to. the.high point., rolling the membrane from the center outward in both directions. 10.. Roll or broom the entire: membrane surface so. as to .have. IQM,o contact with the surface, giving special attention to overlap areas. NO A No.:.19-09.17.02 DUNTIY Expiration Date: 02/22/223 3= Approval Date: 10 5J.20 Page 7 of 8 LIMITATIONS: 11. Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys and penetrations in compliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance and applicable .Building Code. 12. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with. the. Florida. Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3 of the. Florida Administrative Code. 13. All membranes or packaging shall hear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, city and state of manufacturing -facility, and the following statement: Wianni-Dade .County Product Control Approved" or the Miami -Dade Cauiity Product Control Seal as :shown below: END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No:: 1.9=0911.62 MExpiration Date. 02)12123 o Approval Date: 10/15/20 Page 8 of-8