HomeMy WebLinkAboutElectric SubPERMIT# tej12 e�1S`� ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COUNTY Building & Code Compliance Division DUILDLNG PERMIT SUB-CONTR ACTOR AGREENIENT Computer Solutions of Middle Georgia, Inc have agreed to be (Company Naine/Individual Name) - the Electrical Sub -contractor for5,,�ode Pu �a oc s a (1,ype'OfTrade). Y r9P.3Tc (Primary Contractor)_ For the project located at 40/23 &. 5; ik,&,y d Av r 5r f� c (Project Street Address or Property :Tax ID `:) It is understood that; if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Buildinj and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of:a'Change;.of Sub -contractor notice. -CONTRAC,W sIGN:%TLRr(Quanf,-,,) PR��LYPPT;Y rlE COl:4Tl. CERTIF[CATION NL'61RER State of Florida. Couuly BrimIffina The foregoing instrunlelrt wigs signed before me this 1 ,'_ day of —&- _'f� by Ga ,l 5irwk li,d who is personally known _orltns produced a 17,(. DL S STIR-Cod-MtC R SIGN trVaE.(Quidlfixr)' Samuel C Jackson - PRM'NAME 323791 COM-1-'CERTIFICATIONNCb1aER Gewr9:La Siste of F-ksrida; County or LA U(Q I %S The forxguing instrument xas signed before can this a�N �duyn[ who Is personally ImaRn t-'or has Produced a E a at_ oat5�I31 oa, NOTICE, OF COMMENCEMENT PermitNo. 2Dt2. — 05g3 Property Tax EDNo. 3St W aaa c3ooI —0aei:b State orMorida, County of St Lucie The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement be made to certain real property,: and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florido Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement n Legal Description o1 property and address if available 3 4s2 - zld©- 000 f .- O0D 4 o Address Lender by -Owner upon Address documents may be served: as provided Pho¢c Fax 1. to receivea copy of the Lienods Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration date of notice of commencement is one;year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified: WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYM'EM NUDE DY�i M OWNER AFSFR THE EXpIR .TION OF TIE .NOTICE OF COk0AENCCNfENT ARE CONSIDERED:EN(PROPER PAYNIENtS UNDERCIL7L3-l3, FS„ ,%ND CAN RESULT IN YOUR. PAYING TWICE FOR M[PROVEMENTS To YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMN NCEStENT IMSTBE RL•CORDEDAND POSTED ONTILETOD SITE BEFORE THE r=INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO ODT.AP,t FENANCOG,. CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER" OR. AN :-MOC*tEY BEFORE COMbENCIrN s—WORS OR Rrc§)RDWG YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCMENT. - i State to me or Signature of Na ry I Title: Notary Public OwaerfLessee, orO jWsfor Le Type'or Print Name of Notary (Seal) Commission Number RON vuwwiAM Notary andrFiwitla My o-mm" EExp aea" r aeooa I All APPLICABLE INFO'MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: �?�'i312 Permit Numher. RECEIVED Building Permit Application DEC, 2 s 2o2u Planning: andDevelopineptservices Buildingand CodeRegulationDivision Commercial � Residential Permitting Department 4300 Viiginia Avenue„Fort Pierce FL 34982 St. CULIC Mn Phone:(772)4624553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Property Tax [D'k: Site Plan Name:, ., _.. r,... i3 ? I[.©. 0 '6` l rS� .`4�' `Y''�tl) Lot'No.- Block No, C1 Additional work to beperformed under this permit -check all that apply: Mechanical _Gas Tank _Gas Piping _Shutters _Windows/Doors _Pond I,/Electric rC Plumbing _Sprinklers Generator _Roof % Pitch Totals FtofConstruction•_!✓�. b'�f [55�'[ '% 5�J q. v? Sq. Ft_ of First Floor: a F Cost of Construction; $ Sf S' 0 G o . c p Utilities: ✓ Sewer —Septic Building Height: Z 2 a Name .F'SgT 'ST 1._ L e jF_ LGr Name: J'�.4' "RAJ 'SLUL,Z' LaS HT F :3g$YA98 ..'. Address: F0- .r Company: City; ''I AGISVAJ State:. Ft• Add�re-s�s:-• a 15 Y=a A L A to l_ i�`' GI . City: d f i Lt-S tt f L t.I State: t�L Zip Cod11. e:_6ZSr s'i 1 Fax: Phone No. 850 ^q73- L2%47 Zip Code: 97-'7g(Fax: Phone No 3Z 1— d2 " jo 09'9 E-Mail KUTr1 1iJC `�S k 7Lhi F}fdW�MAI Fill in fee simple Title;Holder on next page( If different -Mall 5A tier I i3u I t J5 to m Ra VtiRb State or County License MArL . D from the'Owner listed above) If value of'constructlonis 2500 or mare, a RECORDED: Notice of Commencement: isrequired:. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required.