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FORM R405-2020 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation - Residential Performance Method Project Name: GRAPE LEAF PARK LLC Builder Name: Street: 119 DEVONSHIRE DR. Permit Office: City,State,Zip: FT.PIERCE,FL, Permit Number: RECEIVED Owner: Jurisdiction: Design Location: FL, Fort Pierce County: St.Lucie(Florida Climate Zone 2) MAY'.2 4:2021 1. New construction or existing Addition 10. Wall Types(1296.0 sgft.) Ins�i t ing Dartment Lucie P801n 2. Single family or multiple family Detached a.Concrete Block-Int Insul,Exterior R=4.1 1296.00-ft2 b.N/A R= ft2 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c.N/A R= ft2 4. Number of Bedrooms(Bedrms In Addition) 4(0) d.N/A R= ft2 11.Ceiling Types (1456.0 sgft.) Insulation Area 5. Is this a worst case? No a.Under Attic(Vented) R=30.0 1456.00 ft2 6. Conditioned Floor area above grade(ft2) 1456 b.N/A R= ft2 Conditioned floor area below grade(ft2) 0 c.N/A R= ft2 7. Windows(151.0 sqft.) Description Area 12.Ducts R ft2 a. U-Factor: Sgl,U=0.79 151.00 ft2 a.Sup:Attic,Ret:Attic,AH:LIVING ROOM 6 150 SHGC: SHGC=0.50 b. U-Factor: N/A ft2 13.Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency SHGC: a.Central Unit 35.2 SEER:16.00 c. U-Factor: N/A ft2 SHGC: 14.Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 2.000 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: '0.500 a.Electric Strip Heat 27.0 COP:1.00 8. Skylights Area c. U-Factor:(AVG) N/A ft2 15.Hot water systems -None required SHGC(AVG): N/A a. Cap:NIA 9. Floor Types (1456.0 sgft.) Insulation Area EF:0.000 a.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1456.00 ftZ b. Conservation features b.N/A R= ft2 c.N/A R= ft2 16.Credits None Glass/Floor Area: 0.104 Total Proposed Modified Loads: 45.67 PASS Total Baseline Loads: 46.46 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by Review of the plans and THE STg�, this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy specifications covered by this Qti •' `FOB, Code. calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED Before construction is completed DATE: this building will be inspected for t,`�o ': compliance with Section 553.908 * , I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance Florida Statutes. with the Florida Energy Code. CDD y ,�4o OWNER/AGENT: BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: DATE: - Compliance requires certification by the air handier unit manufacturer that the air handier enclosure qualifies as certified factory-sealed in accordance with R403.3. -Compliance req '_ ier an nsulation a 'o Checklist in accordance with R402.4.1.1 and this project requires an envelope leaka eAst rep rt wit enVel p le ka re ter than 5.00 ACH50(R402.4.1.2). co O 15 Lt P1 UJ 506 ~ ' ; F- �l1 �Qd02p 3/30/2021 1:07 PM nergMa 7.0.00-FlaRes202 FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 5 ' 4 . F DV : _ { FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT PROJECT Title: GRAPE LEAF PARK LLC Bedrooms: 4 Address Type: Street Address Building Type: User Conditioned Area: 1456 Lot# Owner Name: Total Stories: 1 Block/Subdivision: #of Units: 1 Worst Case: No PlatBook: Builder Name: Rotate Angle: 0 Street: 119 DEVONSHIRE DR. Permit Office: Cross Ventilation: No County: St.Lucie Jurisdiction: Whole House Fan: No City,State,Zip: FT.PIERCE, Family Type: Detached FL, New/Existing: Addition Comment: CLIMATE / Design Temp Int.Design Temp Heating Design Daily Temp V Design Location TMY Site 97.5% 2.5% Winter Summer Degree Days Moisture Range FL,Fort Pierce FL VERO_BEACH_MUNI 39 90 70 75 299 62 Low BLOCKS Number Name Area Volume 1 Entire House 1456 11648 SPACES Number Name Area Volume IGtchen Occupants Bedrooms InfilID Finished Cooled Heated 1 BEDROOM 2 100 800 No 0 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 2 BATH 2 50 400 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 3 MASTER BEDR00 144 1152 No 0 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 4 KITCHEN 120 960 Yes 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 5 DINING 180 1440 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 6 BATH 3 30 240 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 7 BEDROOM 3 110 880 No 0 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 8 BEDROOM 4 154 1232 No 0 1 1 Yes Yes Yes 9 LIVING ROOM 380 3040 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 10 BEDROOM 160 1280 No 0 1 Yes Yes Yes 11 BATH 28 224 No 0 1 No Yes Yes FLOORS # Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 1 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation BEDROOM 2 20 ft 0 100 ftz ____ 1 0 0 2 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation BATH 2 5 ft 0 50 ftz __-_ 1 0 0 3 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation MASTER BEDRO 12 ft 0 144 ftz 1 0 0 4SIab-On-Grade Edge insulation KITCHEN 22 ft 0 120 ftz -___ 1 0 0 5 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation DINING 15 ft 0 180 ftz ____ 1 0 0 6 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation BATH 3 6 ft 0 30 ft2 ____ 1 0 0 3/30/2021 1:07 PM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 2 of 5 FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT FLOORS # Floor Type Space Perimeter Perimeter R-Value Area Joist R-Value Tile Wood Carpet 7 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation BEDROOM 3 21 ft 0 110 ft2 ---- 1 0 0 8 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation BEDROOM 4 14 ft 0 154 ft2 ___- 1 0 0 9 Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation LIVING ROOM 21 ft 0 380 ft2 ---- 1 0 0 10SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulation BEDROOM 26 ft 0 160 ft2 ---- 1 0 0 11SIab-On-Grade Edge Insulation BATH 1 ft 0 28 ft2 ---- 1 0 0 ROOF / Roof Gable Roof Rad Solar SA Emitt Emitt Deck Pitch V/ # Type Materials Area Area Color Barr Absor. Tested Tested Insul. (deg) 1 Hip Composition shingles 1535 ft2 0 ft2 Medium N 0.6 No 0.6 No 0 18.43 ATTIC V # Type Ventilation Vent Ratio(1 in) Area RBS IRCC 1 Full attic Vented 150 1456 ft2 N N CEILING # Ceiling Type Space R-Value Ins Type Area Framing Frac Truss Type 1 Under Attic(Vented) BEDROOM 2 30 Blown 100 ft2 0.1 Wood 2 Under Attic(Vented) BATH 2 30 Blown 50 ft2 0.1 Wood 3 Under Attic(Vented) MASTER BEDRO 30 Blown 144 ft2 0.1 Wood 4 Under Attic(Vented) KITCHEN 30 Blown 120 ft2 0.1 Wood 5 Under Attic(Vented) DINING 30 Blown 180 ft2 0.1 Wood 6 Under Attic(Vented) BATH 3 30 Blown 30 ft2 0.1 Wood 7 Under Attic(Vented) BEDROOM 3 30 Blown 110 ft2 0.1 Wood 8 Under Attic(Vented) BEDROOM 4 30 Blown 154 ft2 0.1 Wood 9 Under Attic(Vented) LIVING ROOM 30 Blown 380 ft2 0.1 Wood 10 Under Attic(Vented) BEDROOM 30 Blown 160 ft2 0.1 Wood 11 Under Attic(Vented) BATH 30 Blown 28 ft2 0.1 Wood WALLS Adjacent 9 Ornt To Wall TypeSpace Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Below Ft In Ft In Ares RAU- Fraction Ahsnr C,'r2dP% 1 N Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuBEDROOM 2 4.1 10 0 8 0 80.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 2 W Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuBEDR00M 2 4.1 10 0 8 0 80.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 3 W Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul BATH 2 4.1 5 0 8 0 40.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 4 W Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuMASTER BE 4.1 12 0 8 0 96.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 5 S Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul KITCHEN 4.1 12 0 8 0 96.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 6 W Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul KITCHEN 4.1 10 0 8 0 80.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 7 W Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul DINING 4.1 15 0 8 0 120.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 8 N Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul BATH 3 4.1 6 0 8 0 48.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 3/30/2021 1:07 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 3 of 5 FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT WALLS Adjacent Space Cavity Width Height Sheathing Framing Solar Below _ 9 N Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuBEDROOM 3 4.1 11 0 8 0 88.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 10 E Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuBEDROOM 3 4.1 10 0 8 0 80.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 _11 E Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuBEDROOM 4 4.1 14 0 8 0 112.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 12 N Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuLIVING ROO 4.1 2 0 8 0 16.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 13 E Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuLIVING ROO 4.1 12 0 8 0 96.0 ftZ 0 0 0.4 0 14 S Exterior Concrete Block-Int InsuLIVING ROO 4.1 7 0 8 0 56.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 _15 E Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul BEDROOM 4.1 16 0 8 0 128.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 16 S Exterior Concrete Block-Int Insul BEDROOM 4.1 10 0 8 0 80.0 ft2 0 0 0.4 0 DOORS # Ornt Door Type Space Storms U-Value Width Height Area Ft In Ft In 1 E Insulated LIVING ROO None .32 3 6 8 20 ft2 WINDOWS Orientation shown is the entered,Proposed orientation. Wall Overhang v # Omt ID Frame Panes NFRC U-Factor SHGC Imp Area Depth Separation Int Shade Screening 1 N 1 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 9.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 2 W 2 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 9.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 3 W 3 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 4.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in .1 ft 4 in None None 4 W 4 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 18.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 5 S 5 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 4.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 6 W 6 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 9.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 7 W 7 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 24.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 8 N 8 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 8.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 9 N 9 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 12.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 10 E 10 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 9.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 11 E 11 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 9.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 12 E 13 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 24.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None 13 E 15 Metal Single(Clear) Yes 0.79 0.5 N 12.0 ft2 2 ft 0 in 1 ft 4 in None None INFILTRATION # Scope Method SLA CFM 50 ELA EgLA ACH ACH 50 1 Wholehouse Proposed ACH(50) .000254 970.7 53.25 99.98 .0902 5 3/30/2021 1:07 PM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 4 of 5 L _ FORM R405-2020 INPUT SUMMARY CHECKLIST REPORT HEATING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Speed Efficiency Capacity Block Ducts 1 Electric Strip Heat/Existing/con None COP:1 27 kBtu/hr 1 sys#1 COOLING SYSTEM # System Type Subtype Subtype Efficiency Capacity Air Flow SHR Block Ducts 1 Central Unit/Existing/confirmed Split Single SEER:16 35.2 kBtu/hr cfm 0.7 1 sys#1 SOLAR HOT WATER SYSTEM FSEC Collector Storage Cert # Company Name System Model# Collector Model# Area Volume FEF ft2. DUCTS ---Supply-- ----Return---- Air CFM 25 CFM25 HVAC# V # Location R-Value Area Location Area Leakage Type Handler TOT OUT QN RLF Heat Cool 1 Attic 6 150 ft2 Attic 45 ft2 Default Leakage LIVING RO (Default)c(Default)c 1 1 TEMPERATURES Programable Thermostat: N Ceiling Fans:Cooling Jan Feb Mar Apr I j May rj x Oct Nov Dec Ventin H Jan H Feb Mar Apr May lX�Jun Jul rj Aug f I Sep Oct Nov Dec Jun Jul Aug [ Sep Thermostat Schedule: HERS 2006 Reference Hours Schedule Type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Cooling(WD) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Cooling(WEH) AM 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 PM 80 80 80 80 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 Heating(WD) AM 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Heating(WEH) AM 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 68 68 68 68 68 PM 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 MASS Mass Type Area Thickness Furniture Fraction Space Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft. 0 ft2 0 ft 0.3 BEDROOM 2 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 BATH 2 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 MASTER BEDROO Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 KITCHEN Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 DINING Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 BATH 3 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 BEDROOM 3 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 BEDROOM 4 Default(8 Ibs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 LIVING ROOM Default(8 lbs/sq.ft. ft2 ft 0.3 BEDROOM Default(8 Ibs/s .ft. ft2 ft 0.3 BATH 3/30/2021 1:07 PM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 5 of 5 1 2020 -AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA TABLE 402.4.1.1 a AIR BARRIER AND INSULATION INSPECTION COMPONENT CRITERIA Project Name: GRAPE LEAF PARK LLC Builder Name: Street: 119 DEVONSHIRE DR. Permit Office: City,State,Zip: FT.PIERCE,FL, Permit Number: Y U Owner: Jurisdiction: W Design Location: FL,Fort Pierce COMPONENT AIR BARRIER CRITERIA INSULATION INSTALLATION CRITERIA General A continuous air barrier shall be installed in the building envelope. Air-permeable insulation shall The exterior thermal envelope contains a continuous air barrier. not be used as a sealing material. requirements Breaks or joints in the air barrier shall be sealed. Ceiling/attic The air barrier in any dropped ceiling/soffit shall be aligned with the The insulation in any dropped ceiling/soffit insulation and any gaps in the air barrier shall be sealed. shall be aligned with the air barrier. Access openings,drop down stairs or knee wall doors to unconditioned attic spaces shall be sealed. Walls The junction of the foundation and sill plate shall be sealed. Cavities within corners and headers of frame walls The junction of the top plate and the top of exterior walls shall be sealed. shall be insulated by completely filling the cavity with a Knee walls shall be sealed. material having a thermal resistance of R-3 per inch minimum. Exterior thermal envelope insulation for framed walls shall be installed in substantial contact and continuous alignment with the air barrier. Windows,skylights The space between window/door jambs and framing,and and doors skylights and framing shall be sealed. Rim joists Rim joists shall include the air barrier. Rim joists shall be insulated. Floors The air barrier shall be installed at any exposed edge of insulation. Floor framing cavity insulation shall be installed to (including maintain permanent contact with the underside of above-garage subfloor decking,or floor framing cavity insulation shall and cantilevered floors) be permitted to be in contact with the top side of sheathing,or continuous insulation installed on the underside of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the top of all perimeter floor framing members. Crawl space walls Exposed earth in unvented crawl spaces shall be covered with a Where provided instead of floor insulation,insulation Class I vapor retarder with overlapping joints taped. shall be permanently attached to the crawlspace walls. Shafts,penetrations Duct shafts,utility penetrations,and flue shafts opening to exterior or unconditioned space shall be sealed. Batts in narrow cavities shall be cut to fit,or narrow Narrow cavities cavities shall be filled by insulation that on installation readily conforms to the available cavity spaces. Garage separation Air sealing shall be provided between the garage and conditioned spaces. Recessed lighting Recessed light fixtures installed in the building thermal envelope shall Recessed light fixtures installed in the building be sealed to the finished surface. thermal envelope shall be air tight and IC rated. Plumbing and wiring Batt insulation shall be cut neatly to fit around wiring an plumbing in exterior walls,or insulation that on installation readily conforms to available space shall extend behind pipina and wirinci. Shower/tub The air barrier installed at exterior walls adjacent to showers and Exterior walls adjacent to showers and tubs shall be on exterior wall tubs shall separate them from the showers and tubs. insulated. Electrical/phone box on The air barrier shall be installed behind electrical or communication exterior walls boxes or air-sealed boxes shall be installed. HVAC register boots HVAC supply and return register boots that penetrate building thermal envelope shall be sealed to the sub-floor,wall covering or ceiling Concealed When required to be sealed,concealed fire sprinklers shall only be sealed sprinklers in a manner that is recommended by the manufacturer.Caulking or other adhesive sealants shall not be used to fill voids between fire sprinkler cover plates and walls or ceilings. a.In addition,inspection of log walls shall be in accordance with the provisions of ICC-400. 3/30/2021 1:07 PM EnergyGauge®USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 FORM R405-2020 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE INDEX* = 98 The lower the EnergyPerformance Index,the more efficient the home. 119 DEVONSHIRE DR., FT. PIERCE, FL, 1. New construction or existing Addition 10. Wall Type and Insulation Insulation Area 2. Single family or multiple family Detached a.Concrete Block-Int Insul,Exterior R=4.1 1296.00 ftz b.N/A R= ft 3. Number of units,if multiple family 1 c.N/A R= ftz 4. Number of Bedrooms 4(0) d.N/A R= ftz 11.Ceiling Type and insulation level Insulation Area 5. Is this a worst case? No a.Under Attic(Vented) R=30.0 1456.00 ftz 6. Conditioned Floor area(ftz) 1456 b.N/A R= ftz 7. Windows— Description Area c. A R= ftz a. U-Factor: Sgl,U=0.79 151.00 ftz 12.Ducts,location&insulation level R ft2 a.Sup:Attic,Ret:Attic,AH:LIVING ROOM 6 150 SHGC: SHGC=0.50 b. U-Factor: N/A ftz SHGC: 13.Cooling systems kBtu/hr Efficiency c. U-Factor: N/A ftz a.Central Unit 35.2 SEER:16.00 SHGC: d. U-Factor: N/A ftz 14.Heating systems kBtu/hr Efficiency SHGC: a.Electric Strip Heat 27.0 COP:1.00 Area Weighted Average Overhang Depth: 2.000 ft. Area Weighted Average SHGC: 0.500 S. Skylights Description Area 15.Hot water systems -None required a. U-Factor(AVG): N/A ftz a• Cap:N/A EF: SHGC(AVG): N/A b. Conservation features 9. Floor Types Insulation Area a.Slab-On-Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0 1456.00 ftz Credits(Performance method) None b.N/A R= ftz c.N/A R= ftz 1 certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code for Building ollE SrAr Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) yo = Fo in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed ',,,' �f based on installed Code compliant features. -�n, °-% o� Builder Signature: Date: Address of New Home: City/FL Zip: *Note: This is not a Building Energy Rating. If your Index is below 70, your home may qualify for energy efficient mortgage (EEM) incentives if you obtain a Florida Energy Rating. For information about the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, contact the Florida Building Commission's support staff. **Label required by Section R303.1.3 of the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, if not DEFAULT. 3/30/2021 1:07 PM EnergyGaugeO USA 7.0.00-FlaRes202O FBC 7th Edition(2020) Compliant Software Page 1 of 1 Project S Job: -�=�- wrightsoft umma Date: Mar 30,2021 Entire House By: QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LANE,Fr..PIERCE,FL 34946 Plane:772-466-6799 Email:QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM Project • • For: GRAPE LEAF PARK LLC. 119 DEVONSHIRE DR.,FT.PIERCE,FL34946 Notes: Design Information Weather: Fort Pierce,FL,US Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 42 OF Outside db 90 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 OF Design TD 28 OF Design TD 15 OF Daily range M Relative humidity 50 % Moisture difference 61 grAb Heating Summary Sensible Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Structure 15657 Btuh Structure 17854 Btuh Ducts 4593 Btuh Ducts 9367 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh (none) (none) Humidification 0 Btuh Blower 0 Btuh Piping 0 Btuh Equipment load 20250 Btuh Use manufacturers data n Rate/swin multipplier 0.95 Infiltration Equipmen�sensible load 25859 Btuh Method Simplified Latent Cooling Equipment Load Sizing Construction quality Average Fireplaces 0 Structure 2035 Btuh Ducts 1975 Btuh Central vent(0 cfm) 0 Btuh Heatingg Coolingg (none) Area(fF) 1412 1412 Equipment latent load .4010 Btuh Volume(ft3) 12708 12708 Airchanges/hour 0.45 0.23 Equipment Total Load(Sen+Lat) 29869 Btuh Equiv.AVF(cfm) 95 49 Req.total capacity at 0.70 SHR 3.1 ton Heating Equipment Summary Cooling Equipment Summary Make Make Payne Trade Trade PAYNE HEATING AND COOLING Model Cond PA16NA037*0**B* AHRI ref Coil PF4MNB037L AHRI ref 202033784 Efficiency 100 EFF Efficiency 13.5 EER,16 SEER Heating input 5.8 kW Sensible cooling 24640 Btuh Heating output 19829 Btuh Latent cooling 10560 Btuh Temperature rise 15 OF Total cooling 35200 Btuh Actual airflow 1173 cfm Actual airflow 1173 cfm Airflowfactor 0.058 cfm/Btuh Airflowfactor .0.043 cIm/Btuh Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Static pressure 0.50 in H2O Space thermostat Load sensible heat ratio 0.87 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. —4 - wrightsc3 tt 2021-Mar-3012:18:08 �- � +• ^.�,,,.w•<� <,•M., Right-Sulte®UnWrsal201919.0:21 RSU08101 Page 1 EnrtrP. ...tHVAQGRAPELEAFPARKLLC-119DDEVONSHIREE,rup Cale=WB Front Door toes:N I wrightsoft- Right-J@ Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Mar 30,2021 QUICK CALCS, INC. B y: 317 ST LUCIE LANE,FT.PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772-466-6799 Email:QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM 1 Room name Entire House BEDROOM2 2 Exposed well 162D ft 20.0 it 3 Room height 9.0 ft 9.0 ft heatbool 4 Room dimensions 10.0 x 10.0 ft 6 Room area 1412.0 fe 100.0 W Ty construction U-Value Or HTIVI Area (f F) Load Area QF) Load number (EkuwF) (pBt or perimeter (0) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Het Cool Gross; WIS Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Ei 7 _6A'43 -4.06 _2119 261 232 '-!tg Vh n 1A-dom o1210 -n 35.56 34.77 '9 0 320 313, 9 _0 320, 313 1270 n 35.56 34.77 8,' �O -284 278. 0 0 '0 . , 1A-clonn -0 112 34 77 1`2 0 411 0 10 fi "i ;�556 I,,-,-- _ 427 11 13A-flocs 0.143 e 4.00 219 468 393 11674 -860 0 0 0 G 1A-Glom 1270 e 35.56 8436 18 4 640 1518 0 0 0 0 %olom 1270 e 35.56 86D5 36 6 1280 3098 0 0 0 0 N 11 DO 03M a 10.92 1034 21 21 229 217 0 0 0 0 bA43 —s- A.60 ---2.19-9- -,-,'2'6'1 267 _1620 562 AZOV' .956P _ 1E6116,16 ' 8 - p 05 13A4ocs 0143 w 4.00 2:19 468 404 1618 - 884 90 81 324 M IA-clorn 1270 w 35.56 80.98 4 1 142 324 0 O 0 0 1A-dorn 1270 w 35.56 8436 36 9 1280 3037 9 1 320 759 1A-Glonn .1270 w 3556 86D5 24 4 853 2065 0 0 0 0 41 -_2259 100 6 163:30ad, -OD32 'Il 41 A .2 1265 00 O'D_20 01% 21AM. 1412_ODO. 7 7 7 7 .......... . M." ...... 6 d)AED excursion 645 115 Envelope IoWgain 12724 .17051 1434 1701 12 a) Infiltration 2933 803 362 99 b) Roonavenfilafion 0 0 0 a 13 Internal gaim Occupants@ 230 0 0 01 0 Appliances(lother 0 0 Subtotal Oines6to 13) 15657 17854 1796 1800 Lem external load 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 15657 17854 1796 18M 15 Duct loads 29% 52% 4593 9367 29% 52% 527 945 Total room load 20250 27220 2323 2745 Air required(cfim) 1 1 1173 11731 135 118 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -Fj&- 2021-Mar3012:18.08 A&K Right-StAteO Universal 201919.0.21 RSU08101 Pagel t HVAaG RAPE LEAF PARK LLC-1 19 DIDEVONSHIREE.rup Caic=MJB FrontDoorfaces: N -�-wrightsoft Right-J®Worksheet Job: Date: Mar30,2021 Entire House By: QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LANE,FT.PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772-466-6799 Email:QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM 1 Room name BATH 2 MASTER BEDROOM 2 Exposed well 5.0 ft 12D ft 3 Room height 9.0 It heatbool 9.0 ft heatbool 4 Room dimensions 5.0 x 10.0 ft 12D x 12.0 ft 5 Room area 50.0 fF 144.0 W Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (ftF) Load Area (iF) Load number (Btuh4F--°F) (BtuhAF) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross NIPS Heat Cool 6 W[E�.... 13AAocs 0:143 . n 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 -., 0. ._ 0 ,0 IA-Glom 1270 n 35.56 34.77 0 0 0 0` 0. '0. 0 0 1Ac1om 1270 n 3556 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Ac1om_.. .._._ .-. _ ._ •..T270_. n,.- _ 35.56... 34.77 _ 0..:: _ :_.0. ,..:. ._0 _0 0 0 0 -...0 11 W 13AAocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --G IA-c1om 1270 a 35.56 84.36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IL�3—D 1A-clorn 1270 a 35.56 86A5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11DO 03M a 10.92 - 1034 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WW 13A flocs, 0:143 s '4.00 2:19 0 ....; 0 .0 0 0 0 - 0 0 4A5.2ob... ..- OS60_ s -„15.68' 16.16 . _ ._...0.. ... 9..._ 0 -- .._.. 0 O - 0 .._ _ .0 _ 0 �l 13PAocs 0.143 w 4.00 119 45 41 164 96 108 90 360 197 �G 1Ac1om 1270 w 35.56 8098 4 1 142 324 0 0 0 0 L�_CG 1A-Glom 1270 w 35.56 8436 0 0 0 0 18 2 640 1518 1Aclom 1270 w. _ 35.56 _ 8605. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 16B-30ad' OD32 - 090 160 S0 50 45 80 ' 144 _ 144 _ In230 F 21A32t OD20 - 0.56 ODO 50 50 28 0 144 144 81 0 6 c)AED excursion 110 501 Envelope lossigain 379 604 1210 2446 12 a) Infiltration 91 25 217 59 b) Roomvedlation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains Occupants@ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances(other 0 0 Subtotal 0ines6to 13) 470 628 1427 2506 Less extemalload 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 470 628 1427 2506 15 Dud loads 29% 52%1 138 330 29% 52% 419 1315 Total room load 608 958 1846 3821 Air required(cfm) 35 41 1 107 165 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -+��- wrigF�tso�T a 2021-Mar3012:18'.08 . P. Right SuiteG Universal 201919.0.21 RSU08101 Page 2 tWACIG RAPE LEAF PARK LLC-119DOEVONSHIREE.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces:N 4+wrightsoft- Right-J®Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Mar30,2021 QUICK CALCS, INC. By: 317 ST.LUCIE LANE,Fr.PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772-466-6799 Email:QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM 1 Room name IUCHEN DINING 2 Exposed wall 22D ft 15.0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 It heatbool 9.0 ft heatbaol 4 Room dimensions 10.0 x 12.0 ft 15.0 x 12.0 ft 5 Room area 120.0 ft 180.0 IF Ty Constnidion Ll-value Or HTM Area Load Area (T) Load number (BtuhfiF--°F) (BtuhHt� or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross WIS Heat Cool —_.G_. __. _. 6 W' .._G _1A-cl -.. 02 0 _n_ 3556 �� _-. _ .0 0. U 0 0 0 0 0 o, 11 W 13A-0ocs 0.143 a 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 .....-__0 _ ._. -r0,.._._ 0 .-.__ _0 1A-o1om 1270 a 35.56 8436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Ao1om 1270 a 35.56 86D5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11Do. 0390 a 10.92 1034 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VU 13A-46rs 0.143 ,s 4.00 2.19. 108 104 "416 228 "v0 0 0 0 -:L--9 4A5-2ob..:::. . . . . .:...'..OS60 _s_ _15.68 16.16 .._ _ ..4.. .h .4 . ... :. 63 65 ., ..._- .9 p 0 p 13A-flocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.19 90 81 324 177 135 111 444 243 1Ac1an 1270 w 35.56 8098 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1A-c1om 1270 w 35.56 8436 9 1 320 759 0 0 0 0 1Ac1om 1270 w 3556 86D5 0 0 0 0 24 2 853 2065 C . _ 16630ad" _ OA32 - _U90:......16D''. -'120 120 __ - _. 108:_..-. 192 :_.....,,180 .. _ - 180 :,. 161 288 IF 21A32t. OD20 - 0.56 ODD 120 120 67 O 180 180 101 0 7-7 6 c)AED excursion 174 645 Envelope loss/gain 1298 1595 1560 3241 12 a) Infiltration 398 109 272 74 b) Roomventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gaits: Occupants@ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliancestother 0 - 0 Subtotal(lines6to13) 1697 1704 1832 3315 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 1697 1704 1832 3315 151 Dud loads 129% 52% 498 894 29% 52% 537 1739 Total room load 2194 2597 2369F54 Airrequired(cfm) 127 112 13718 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. A&- wrigthtsofte 2021-Mar-3012:18:08 AWN Right-Suite@ Universal 201919.0.21 RSU08101 Page ...tWAQGRAPE LEAF PARK LLC-119 DDEVONSHIREE.rup Calc=MJ8 Front Door faces:N -r}i-wrightsoft- Right-J®Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Mar 30,2021 QUICK CALCS, INC. By: 317 ST.LUCIE LANE,Fr..PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772-466-6799 Email:QUICKCALCS_AOL.COM 1 Room name BATH 3 BEDROOM3 2 Exposed wall 6D ft 19D ft 3 Room height 9D It heat/cool 9D ft heat/000l 4 Room dimensions 5.0 x 6D ft 10.0 x 9.0 ft 5 Room area 30.0 F 90.0 1F Ty Condn dion 1-1-value or HTM Area (fF) Load number (BtuhHF° (BtuhHF) or perimeter r (ft) (Bhih) Area (tf) (Btuh) Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 13A flocs -'0.143 n 4.0d 219 64 '46 ai4184 101 81 69 276 .151 ��f—G 1Ao1om 1270 n 35.56 3477 '0' 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 I--G 1Ac1om 1270 n 35.56 34.77 8 0 284 278 0 p 0 0 1Ac1om_.. _1270 n_; 35.56..._.3477 _0'__._ _0 0 0 12 0 -..... 427 - ._. :417 11 W 13A-4o s 0.143 a 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 90 81 '324 171 1Aclom 1270 a 35.56 84,36 0 0 0 0 9 1 320 759 1Ac1orn 1270 a 35.56 86D5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11DO 0.390 a 10.92 1034 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1� 13A ocs 0:143 ...s 4.00 - 2.19 0 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0. 4A5.2op 0560 _s 15.68 16.16 . . .. '_9,.: .- 0 0 0 -> 0 0 0 0. 13A-flocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Aclom 1270 w 35.56 8098 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IA-Glom 1270 w 35.56 8436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Ac1om _.. 1270 w-._. 35.56 86D5 0 0 0 _ 0 0 ,,,0 0 0 C= 16B-30ad'_" 0.032 . - __0.� .. .:1m _ 30: 30 27 48. -. ,....90 _90 _' 81 144 F_ _. 21A32t_._ OA20 - 056 ODO _ .__ 30. _. _ 30 _.._ 17 0_ _90 _ _ .._.._ _50 .._.,...00. 6 c)AED excursion 57 -216 Envelope loWlgain 512 370 1478 1433 12 a) Infiltration 109 30 344 94 b) Roomventilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gains Cowpants@ 230 0 0 0 0 Appliances'other 0 0 Subtotal Qines6to 13) 621 400 1822 1527 Less extemalload 0 0 0 0 Lesstrarufer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 621 400 1822 1527 15 Dud loads 29% 52% 182 210 , 29% 52% 535 801 Total room load 803 610 2357 2328 Air required(cfm) I 47 26 137 100 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. i�1- wrigtitsoTto 2021-Mar-3012:18:08 . C Right Suite®Unversa1201919.0.21 RSU08101 Page t HVAQG RAPE LEAF PARK LLC-1 19 DDEVONSHIREE.rup Calc=MJ8 FrontDoorfaces:N - -wrightsoft Right-J®Worksheet Job: Entire House Date: Mar30,2021 By: QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LANE,Fr..PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772-466-6799 Email:QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM 1 Room name BEDROOM 4 LIVING ROOM 2 Exposedwall 14.0 ft 24D ft 3 Room height 9D ft heafl000l 9D ft heatbool 4 Room dimensions 14D x 9.0 It 1.0 x 394.0 ft 5 Room area 126D fP 394.0 fP Ty Construction U-value Or HTM Area (fF) Load Area (ft-) Load number (Bluhlft�PF) (BtuhAE=j or perimeter (1) (Btuh) or perimeter (ft) (Stuh) Heat I Cool Gross NIPS Heat Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool 6 VDU 13A-0ocs 0.143 n 4.06 - 2.19 .0 0 0 0 36 3-6 144 79 —G' 1Ao1om 1270 n 3556 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EC 1A•clom 1270 n 35.56 34.77 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IA-dom_ 1270 n 3556 34.77. 0 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 _ 0 11 VU ^ 13A-4ocs _ ._._ _. 0.143 a 4.00 2.19 126 117 468 - 256 117 72 288 158 t—G 1A-clom 1270 a 35.56 8436 9 1 320 759 0 0 0 0 1A-clom 1270 a 35.56 86D5 0 0 0 0 24 2 853 2065 11 D0 03M e -,10.92 1034 0 0 0 0 21 21 _ 229 . .217 1hU 13A4ocs. -0.143 s 4.00 2.10 6' ' 6. 0 0 63 63 252 138 I -. G. 4A5-2ob...'.. 0560 _s A5.68 16.16 _ 0, 0. 0 0 0 Q 0 0 13A4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.19 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 1Aclom 1270 w 35.56 80,98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1Aclom 1270 w 35.56 8436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1A-clom_ 1270 w _ 35.56 86D5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C, 1663Qad OD32 0.90 1:60 126 126 11 1--:`.-_ 3,_.. .202., 394 394 353 _ � 630 F 21A32t OD20 - 0.56 0.00 126 126 71 0 394 394 221 0 6 c)AED excursion -131 313 Envelope lossfgain 972 1085 2341 2974 12 a) Infiltration 253 69 435 119 b) Roomventilation 0 01 0 0 13 Intemalgains: Ocoupants@ 230 0 0 0 0 Applianoes(other 0 0 Subtotal Oines6 to 13) 1225 1155 2776 3093 Less external load 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 1225 1155 2776 3093 15 Ductloads 29% 52% 359 606 29% 52% 814 1623 FTTotal room load 15M 1761 1 1 3590 1 4716 Air requi red(chn) I 92 76 208 203 Calculations approved byACCAto meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. -F{�- wrightsotFC Right Suite®Universa1201919.0.21 RSU08101 2021-Mar-3012:18:08Page 5 tWAC1GRAPELEAFPARKLLG119DDEVONSHIREE.rup CaIc=MJB Frontl7oorfaces:N wrightsoft Right-J@ Worksheet Job. Entire House Date: Mar 30,2021 By, QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST LUCIE LANE,FT PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772-466-6799 Email:QUICKCALCS@AOL.COM I Room name BEDROOM BATH 2 Exposed wall 25.0 ft 0 ft 3 Room height 9.0 ft heatbooll 9.0 lt heatbDd 4 Room dimensions 15.0 x 10.0 ft 7.0 x 4.0 it 5 Room area 150.0 ft' 28.0 W Ty Construction U-Value Or HTM Area QF) Load Area (f F) Load number (BtuhfiF-PF) (BtuhAF) or perimeter (ft) @tuh) or perimeter (ft) (Btuh) H;;—] Cool Gross N/P/S Heat Cool Gross NP/S Heat Cool 6 11V 13A4ocs; '--.2-.1-9 �s -, -��'bi ". () 7.- o.' '.1 -1 '�-'' 0 - � 1A-dlo'm n 36ii 34.77 0 0 �'O 'o 0: 0 0 0 0 0 IA-Clonrl, 12,70 n 35,56 .34.77 0: 0. 0 P '0 la 2to h 'O 0 a iclom '-1 m% 34.77 11 w 13A4ocs 0.143 a -4.W --2,19 135 123 492 269 0 0 0 0 IIA-clorn 1270 a 35.56 8436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1A-Llom 1270 a 35.56 86.05 12 1 427 1033 0 0 0 0 11 DO 0390 a 10.92 1034 0 0 0 0 0' 0- 0 0 0 0 ✓ '' -AW 13A-4ors-, O.W s 4,66 -2Ab 1W '380 167 -01. : s, 15.66 1646 4 4�2ob _flBQO� '" - * -: 1 0 0 A 0 w13A4ocs 0.143 w 4.00 2.19 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 IIA-clonn 1270 w 35.56 80.98 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1A-clorn 1270 w 35.56 8436 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IIA-clom 1270 w 35.56 86.05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "'25 45 )80 240 C 16B-30ad 0.032 -O:W'- 11.6.0. 150 1M F 211A3�2t OD20 0.56 ODD 150 150 84 0 28 28 16 0 6. d)AED excursion -176 -6 1 Envelope losdgain 1498 1562 41 39 12 a) Infiltration 453 124 0 0 b) Roorrivenfilation 0 0 0 0 13 Internal gal= Occupants@ 230 0 0 0 0 Appianoesfother 0 0 Subtotal Oines6to 13) 1951 1686 41 j 39 Lessexternalload 0 0 0 0 Lesstransfer 0 0 0 0 Redistribution 0 0 0 0 14 Subtotal 1951 1686 41 39 15 Ductloads 29% 52% 572 885 29% 52% 12 21 Total room load 2523 2571 53 60 Air required(clinn) 1 1 1461 111111 1 31 3 Calculations approved by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 8th Ed. 2021-Mar-30 12:18:08 Right-Suite®Universal 2019 19.0.21 RSU081 01 Aft -119DDEVONSHIREE.nip Calc=MJB FrontDoorfaoes: N Page 6 t WAQGRAPE LEAF PARK LLC; Ducystem Summary Job: -�- wrightsoft® t S S Date: Mar30,2021 l Entire House By: QUICK CALCS, INC. 317 ST.LUCIE LANE,FT.PIERCE,FL 34946 Phone:772-466-6799 Email:QUICKCALCS@,AOL.COM Project Information For. GRAPE LEAF PARK LLC. 119 DEVONSHIRE DR.,FT.PIERCE,FL34946 Heating Cooling External static pressure 0.50 in H2O 0.50 in H2O Pressure losses 0 in H2O 0 in H2O Available static pressure 0.50 in H2O 0.50 in H2O Supply/return available pressure 0.250/0.250 in H2O 0.250/0.250 in H2O Lowestfriction rate 0.322 in/100ft 0.322 in/100ft Actual airflow 1173 cfm 1173 cfm Total effective length(TEL) 155 ft SupplyDetail Table Design Htg Clg Design Diam H x W Duct Actual Ftg.Egv Name (Btuh) (cfm) (cfm) FR (in) (in) Matl Ln(ft) Ln(ft) Trunk BATH h 53 3 3 0.514 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 2.2 95.0 BATH c 958 35 41 0.328 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 37.5 115.0 st1 BATH h 803 47 26 0.323 4.0 Ox 0 VIFx 40.0 115.0 st1 BEDROOM h 2523 146 111 0.490 7.0 0x 0 VIFx 7.1 95.0 BEDROOM 2 h 2323 135 118 0.322 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 40.1 115.0 st1 BEDROOM3 h 2357 137 100 0.322 6.0 Ox0 VIFx 40.1 115.0 st1 BEDROOM4 h 1585 92 76 0.338 7.0 0x0 VIFx 33.1 115.0 st1 DINING-A c 5054 137 218 0.470 8.0 Ox 0 VIFx 11.4 95.0 KITCHEN h 2194 127 112 0.503 6.0 Ox 0 VIFx 4.5 95.0 LIVING ROOM h 3590 208 203 0.462 8.0 Ox 0 VIFx 13.2 95.0 MASTER BEDROOM c 3821 107 165 0.336 7.0 ox0 VIFx 33.8 115.0 st1 Supply TrunkDetail Table Trunk Htg Clg Design Veloc Diam H x W Duct Name Type (cfm) (cfm) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Material Trunk st1 PeakAVF 552 527 0.322 516 14.0 0 x 0 VInIFIx Bo/drrtaffc values have been manually overridden TPr wrightSOft- 2021-Mar-3012:18:09 .+a•re�. .nay.r��., RigMStdb?OLkrversal201919.0.21 RSU08101 Page 1 ACCA tHVACkGRAPE LEAF PARK LLC-119 DDEVONSHIREE.rup CaIc=MJ8 FrordDoorlaces:N DetailReturn Branch Grille Htg Clg TEL Design Veloc Diam H x W Stud/Joist Duct Name Size(in) (cim) (cfm) (ft) FR (fpm) (in) (in) Opening(in) Mad Trunk rb3 Ox 0 345 421 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 VIFx rb2 Ox 0 276 225 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 VIFx rb1 Ox 0 226 194 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 VIFx rb4 Ox 0 183 127 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 VIFx rb5 Ox 0 142 206 0 0 0 0 Ox 0 VIFx wrightsoft- 2021-Mar-3012:18:09 Rigt"tAte®LkMrsa1201919.021 RSLI08101 Page t ...1HVAQGRAPE LEAF PARK LLG119DDEVONSHIREE.rup Calo=MJS Front Door faces:N I •' N SX4 Q 226 41 cf TH 2 BEDROOM 2 KITCHEN DINING MASTER BEDROOM 135dm 1OX6X6 A,' cfm 12X8X8 10X6X7 4„ 6 IN VU 165dm 80 . ,7- '6" 14X8 :4" �14 8X4`3dm �m 7". 14X 8X4 208 12X8X8 6' 10X6X6 14X8 7,. WING ROOM 92dm 14X8 137dm 12X8X7 BEDROOMICX� BEDROOM 3 •146cfm BEDROOM Job#: Scale: 1 :93 Performed for. QUICK CALCS, INC. GRAPE LEAF PAR KLLC. 317 ST. LUCIE LANE R1gtd-Sdte0Ur4versa12019 119 DEVONSHIRE DR. FT. PIERCE, FL34M 19.021 RSU08101 FT.PIERCE,FL34946 Phone;772-4665M 2C2„pppgRKIJ1- -W12;171M EE.nq� QUICKCALCSQAOLCOM