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Application Type Rev. io �;gg w
Code Version
Application Status Approved P'(Oc W �� �
*Approved by DBPR.Approvals y DB R shall be reviewed and ratified by
the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Product Manufacturer Boral Roofing /
Address/Phone/Email 7575 Irvine Center Drive C \
Suite 100 !
Irvine, CA j 2618
(801) 380-6`091
1 ,6J,
Rob.nAnderson@ boral.com
Authorized Signature Anderson Robin
Technical Representative Robin Anderson
Address/Phone/Email 10701 So. River Front Parkway
Suite 300
So.Jordan,jUT 84095
(801) 380-6091
Quality Assurance Representative Rob...Anderson
Address/Phone/Email 7575 Irvine Center Dr. #100
Irvine, CA 9�618
(801) 380-g091
robinandersi n@boral.com
Category Roofing
Subcategory Roofing Tile
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity
Evaluation Entity IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC.
Quality Assurance Entity QAI Laboratior.es
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2025
Validated By Gary W. Walker
Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Certificate of Independence FL7849 R13 COI IAPMO Uniform ES-Certificate of Independence.pdf
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard 3 Year
ASTM C149� 2009
ASTM E1084; 2016
Equivalence of Product Standards 4
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option C
Date Submitted 11/09/2020�
Date Validated 11/10/2020,
Date Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved 11/18/2020;
Date Revised 02/15/2021
Summary of Products j
Go to Page - sd d1 0 Page 2/2 01 0
'FL# !Model,Number or Name Description
:7849.21 — - jSaxony 900�-- ;Flat Profile=Okeechobee, FL
iLimits of Use 'installation Instructions j
Approved for use in HVHZ: No F1-7849 R13 II EBS-Installation.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th {
Impact Resistant: N/A i Edition.pdf
Design Pressure: N/A ( Verified By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC.
Other: Created by Independent Third Party: !
Evaluation Reports j
FL7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf I
7849.22 !Saxony 900 -Hartford Slate,Shake, jFilat Profile-Stockton, CA
Slate,Country Slate&Split Old
_ iEnglish Thatch
!Limits of Use — _ !installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No i FL7849 R13 II EBS-Installtion.pdf
j Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th
i Impact Resistant: N/A Edition.pdf
' Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: Gary W.Walker 40455
Other: Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
tEvaluation Reports
F1-7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf --
j7849.23 Saxony 900-Shake&Slate ---iFlat Profile-Lathrop,CA
(Limits of Use ,installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No ! L7849 R13 II EBS-Installtion.pdf i
f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th
Impact Resistant: N/A !Edition.pdf
j Design Pressure: N/A 1 Verified By: Gary W.Walker 40455 i
{ Other: Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
1 Evaluation Reports 1
_ (0849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf '
7849.24 jSaxony 900-Shake,Slate&Country at Profile-Henderson, NV
Slate i
Limits of Use installation Instructions
{ Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL7849 R13 II EBS-Installtion.odf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th
i Impact Resistant: N/A Edition.pdf i
Design Pressure: N/A j Verd By: Gary(W. Walker 40455
Other: ' Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Evaluation Reports
i FL7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf
17849.25 ;Saxony 900-Shake,Slate,Split Flat Profile-Lake Wales, FL
! _ _ iShake&Country Slate
(Limits of Use _ T ;Installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No ! FL7849 R13 II EBS-Installtion.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL7849 R13 II Florida Hi h Wind Tile Installation Manual-6th
a Impact Resistant: N/A dition.pdf
Design Pressure: N/A j e/�rfied By: Gary W.Walker 40455 I
Other: i Created by Independent Third Party: Yes
!Evaluation Reports
I 1 F0849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf I
7849.26 ;Saxony 900-Slate,Shake&Country jilat Profile-Rialto, CA
Limits of Use - j installation Instructions - - -�
Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL7849 R13 II EBS-Installtion.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual-6th
Impact Resistant: N/A Edition.pdf
I Design Pressure: N/A ' Verified By: Gary W.Walker 40455
Other: i reated by Independent Third Party: Yes
i Evaluation Reports
j FL7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf
7849.27 _ Tejas Espana/Barcelona F'igh Profile-Katy,TX
Limits Use j -_- -;
— installation Instructions
Limits of
Approved for use in HVHZ: No 1 F1-7849 R13 II EBS-Installation.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th
Impact Resistant: N/A Edition.pdf
Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC.
Other: ; Created by Independent Third Parry:
j t valuation Reports
j FL7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf j
7849.28 i Villa — ow Profile-Katy,TX
Limits of Use installation Instructions -
! Approved for use in HVHZ: No • ;FL7849 R13 II EBS-Installation.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes : FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th
Impact Resistant: N/A I Edition.pdf
Design Pressure: N/A ? I ee/mod By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC. i
Other: (Created by Independent Third Party:
'valuation Reports
FL7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf
17849.29_ jVilla i4ow Profile-Phoenix,AZ
jLimits of Use —'installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No j !FL7849 P13 II EBS-Instailation.pdf
i Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes j ,FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual-6th
Impact Resistant: N/A !Edition.pdf
Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC.
Other: ; Created by Independent Third Party:
i Evaluation Reports
FL7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf --
7849.30 `---�lVilla 600&900 liow Profile-Rialto,CA
Limits of Use 4nstallation Instructions
I Approved for use in HVHZ: No 1-7849 R13 II EBS-Instalition.pdf j
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes L7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual-6th
i Impact Resistant: N/A i Edition.pdf
I Design Pressure: N/A 1 eT1/ rified By: Gary W.Walker 40455
Other: i Created by Independent Third Party:Yes !
Evaluation Reports
F1-7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf
17849.31 jVllla 600&900 — ! ow Profile-Stockton,CA
Limit— s of Use Irnstallation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No jL7849 R13 II EBS-Installtion.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th
Impact Resistant: N/A �ffdition.pdf
Design Pressure: N/A I ems/ rified By: Gary W. Walker 40455
i Other: :reated by Independent Third Party:Yes
fI valuation Reports i
L7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.p2df
7849.32 r jViila 900 — jdow Profile-Lake Wales,FL
;Limits of Use installation Instructions
iApproved for use in HVHZ: No 1-7849 R13 II EBS-Installtion.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes PL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual-6th
Impact Resistant: N/A Edition.pdf
Design Pressure: N/A ems/ rified By: Gary W. Walker 40455
Other: Ereated by Independent Third Party: Yes i
Eivaluation Reports
K7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf ;
!�7884-9.333— ;Villa 900 Low Profile-Stockton,CA_ — -
Limits of Use -� IInstallation Instructions —�
Approved for use in HVHZ: No �1-7849 R13 II EBS-Installation.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes i EL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th r
Impact Resistant: N/A Edition.pdf
Design Pressure: N/A Verified By: ICC Evaluation Service,LLC
Other: I Created by Independent Third Party: !
I Evaluation Reports
FL7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf
17849.34 Willa 900 ow Profile-Denver,CO
Limits of Use nstallation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No i L7849 R13 II EBS-Installation.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes rL7849 R13 II Florida High Wind Tile Installation Manual -6th i
Impact Resistant: N/A Edition.pdf
I Design Pressure: N/A f e/mod By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC.
Other: Created by Independent Third Party: i
valuation Reports
� - L7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf I
i --- �_=---- -------
17849.35_ Willa Impact l,ow Profile-Denver CO
--- , --------- --- - ----I
!Limits of Use installation Instructions
Approved for use in HVHZ: No k7849 R13 II EBS-Installation.pdf
Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes L7849 R13 II Florida Hi Wind Tile Installation Manual-6th
Impact Resistant: N/A dition.odf
! Design Pressure: N/A lerified By: IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Services LLC.
Other: -reated by Independent Third Party:
Evaluation Reports
1-7849 R13 AE UES ER-412.pdf
Go to Page iJ Y' 0 a Page 2/2* 0
BacFc P:ext
Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road,Ta la a see FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824
The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Qpyllght 2007-2013 State of FI rida. :Prtvacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement
Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your -mall address released in response to a public-records request,do not send
electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant
to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees Ri ensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email
address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official commur ication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you
do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if
you are a licensee under Chapte 455,F.S.,please click here.
Product Appro al Accepts:
ED0�A- ER0
r..FELJ�i std
69 Originally Issued: 07/3112016 Revised: 08I2112020 Valid Through: 0713112021
7575 brine Center Drive,Bute 100
Irvine,California 92618 3.1 General: Boral Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles shall be
(949)756-1605 used as a roof covering in accordance with IBC Section
,omw.busa merrimeem 1503 or IRC Section 903,as applicable.
CONCRETE ROOF TILES 31 Installation:
C91 Section: 3.2.1 Installation when installed in accordance with the
07 3216 Concrete hoof Tiles requirements of the 2018 TBC or IRC: Boral Concrete
1.0 RECOGNITION Roof Tile shall be installed in accordance With 2018 IBC
Section 1507.3 or 2018 IRC Section R905.3,including the
Boral Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles recognized in this report attachment requirements of 2018 IBC Section 1507.3.7 or
have been evaluated for use as concrete roof tiles. The 2018 IRC Section R905.3.7, as applicable. Underlayment
weather resistance, Wind uplift resistance and fire shall conform to 2018 IBC Section 1507.1.1 or 2018 IRC
classification properties of the roof tiles comply With the SectionR905.1.1
intent of the provisions of the fallowing codes and .2.2 Installation when the 2015,2012,2009 or 20061iBC
regulations: Jor IRC Is applicable: Boral Concrete Roof Tile shall be
a 2019, 2015, 2012, 2009, and 2006 International Ifastened in accordance with The Concrete and Clay Roof
Building Code&(IBC) Nile Installation Manual for Moderate Climate Regions,
4 2018, 2015, 2012, 2009, and 2006 International dated July 2015,published by the Tile Roofing Institute and
Residential Code&(IRC) the Western States Roofing Contractors Association, and
0 2019 California Building Code(CBC)—Supplement this report. The TRI manual is available for download
attachedttached to ER-2015 from the UES website at
0 2019 California Residential Code (CRC) — ww r nif nm-es.org. The Concrete Roof Tile shall be
Supplement attached Etta hed to the roof structure based on the applicable code
0 2020 Florida Building Code, Building (FBC, hnd criteria for applicability as noted in Table 1 of this
Building)—Supplement attached �,
0 2020 .Florida Building Code, Residential (FBC, V TABLE I—ATTACHMENT DESIGN
Residential)—Supplement attached Applicable I Design
Code Criteria for Applicability Information
2.0 LIMITATIONS Location
Ultimate Design Wind
Use of the Boral RoofingConcrete Roof Tiles recognized in 2015 or2012 Specds(vy�<130 MPH RoofTile
IBC and Mean Roof Height<60' Installation
this report is subject to the following limitations: I feet Manual&Table
2009 or 2006 Basic Wind Speed(3 sec 1507.3.7 ofthe
23 The roof tiles shall be manufactured, identified and TBC gust)<-100 mph and Mean applicable TBC
installed in accordance With this report and the applicable RoofFlei t<60feet
Roof Tile
code.In the event of a conflict this report governs. 2015,2012, Mean RoofHci ht<_40 feet Tnstailatimi
2009 or2006 B
2.2 Boral Roofing"concrete roof tile shall be installed on IRC ManuelR905Section
roof slopes of 21/2 units vertical in 12 units horlwital(21- For SI.I foot=305 mm,1 mph-1.6 m/s
percent slope)or greater,"IBC Section 1507.3.2.
A Anchoring: Boral Concrete Roof the may be anchored
2.3 The supporting structure shall be designed to support the y mortar in accordance with the applicable building code
loads and is beyond the scope of this report d,where permitted,the TRI Manual or adhesively attached
accordance with the adhesive manufacturer's research
2.4 The Concrete Roof Tiles recognized in this report are ort issued by an approved evaluation service agency.
produced in Lake Wales,FL;Brookshire,TX;Phoenix,AZ;
Henderson, NV; Okeechobee, FL, Rialto, CA; French
Camp, CA; Henderson,CO and Lathrop,CA; Tables 2 A
through 2 I describe the tiles produced at each location.
The product dasedbed In this Uniform Evduafton serv/ce(1160 Report has been evaluated as an aftemahve �atedai,design or method ofconsintedon k order to sef1s&and comply
rdth the10N ofthe provision offhe coda,as noted In this►eporl,and forat lead oquNalence to that prescrrbdd in the coda In quality,sbanglh,efrectiveness,fire redstance,dumb/14
and safely,asappRoabb,In accordance with 180 Seotlon 104.11.7hrs doatmentshaRonlybe reproduced in' enffraty.
Copydght®2020byintemetionWAssocteanorPlumbingandMachenicalORidals.AY fights reserved.Pdnte lntheUnitedSfates.Ph:1-87741ESRP?•Fax,909.4724171
vrebr vrtrnv unflonrres ag•4756 East PMbdelphta Street Ontado.CaUfomb 9176f-2816—USA
Page I of 7 cr�tce► t,�tuol
' Originally Issued: 07/31/2016 Revised: 08�2112020 Valid Through: 0713V2029
Boral Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles comply with ASTM This evaluation report describes the results of research
C 1492 as required by Section 1507.3.5 of the IBC.The roof carried out by IAPMO Uniform Evaluation Service on Boral
tiles are described by model, weight, dimensions, and the Roofing Concrete Roof Tiles to assess conformance to the
factor in Tables 2 A through 2 I,for each of the production codes shown in Section 1.0 of this report and serves as
locations listed in Section 2A of this report.When installed documentation of the product certification. Products are
in accordance with this report on minimum 15/32 inch thick manufactured at locations noted in Section 2.4 of this report
(12 mm)plywood solid sheathing or non-combustible decks, ti under a quality control program with periodic inspection
the assembly incorporating the roof tiles achieve an ASTM ;under the supervision of IAPMO DES.
BIOS Class A rating per Section 1505.2 of the IBC and {I
Section R902.1 of the IRC, as applicable. Roof I
classifications for adhesively attached systems shall be in "
accordance with the adhesive manufacturer's approved �' -� �i •-
research report.
5.0 IDENTMCATION Brian Gerber,P.E.,S.E.
Vice President,Technical Operations
Shipping pallets are identified with the report holder's i Uniform Evaluation Service
name (Boral Roofing), manufacturing address, product '
name,installed weight,inspection agency,and evaluation ,4,e rr�
report number(ER412). The Cedarlite 600,Madera 700 Richard Beck,PE,CBO,MCP
and Madera 900 tiles are imprinted on the top side of each mice President,Uniform Evaluation Service
tile with WWI)all other filed tiles are imprinted with the '}
name "BoraP, "Boral Lifetile", "Monierlifetile", or the
Boral Roofing,or MonierLifetile or"Vostile"or logo.The GP Russ Chan y
identification includes the IAPMO Uniform Evaluation CEO,The L4YM0 Group
Service Mark of Conformity.Either Marls of Conformity
maybe used as shown below: for additional information about this evaluation report please visit
vvwwaintform-es.Ma or email us at tn&ORi£orm•es.om
"P �E
4 or , i
Data in accordance wiffi ICC-ES AC180, dated February
2012 (editorially revised March 2018), manufacturer's
descriptive literature and installation instructions. Test
reports are from laboratories in compliance with TSO/MC
Page 2 ofi 7
Originally Issued: 07131/2016 Revised: OS 2112020 Valid'Through: 07/31/2021
Table 2 A-Tiles Manufactured t Denver(Henderson),CO
Installed Dry Dimemsione Tile Factor
II� Tile Weight inch
(0) Length X Width TV(#t3) Ratio s
Saxony-Shake,Slate,Country 9.6 17 X 13 1.568 1.115
Slate Split Old fin ish Thatch
Saxony-Inwact 10.5 1 17 X 13 1 .568 1.115
Villa 900 910 17 X 13 1.503 '1.068
Villa-Impact 10.1 17 X 13 1.503 1.068
For SI:I inch-25.4 mm,1 psf-4.98 kg10
Table 2 B-Tiles Manufactu ed at Henderson,NV
Installed Dry Dimemsions2 Tile Factor
Tile Weights inch
(psf) Length X Width TV(ft3) Ratio s
E "a/Barcelona 9.0 17 X 123/8 1.470 1.045
Saxony 900—Shake,Slate, 9.1 17 X 13 1.533 1.490
country Slate
For 31:1 inch-25.4 nun.I psf-4.88 kg/&
Table 2 C-Tiles Manufactured at Katy(Brookshire),TX
Installed Dry DitnetasionO Tile Factor
Tile Weights inch
(psf) Length X Width TF(ft3) Ratio I
Barcelona—Impact 10.3 161/X 13 1.444 1.027
Saxony-Country Shake,Country
Slate.Country Split Shake,English 103 161/2 X 13 1392 0.989
Saxo —Impact 10.5 16%z X 13 1.392 0.989
y—Shake,Slate 10.3 16✓X 13 1.392 0.989
Teas EspAa I Barcelona 9.0 16%X 13 1.407 1.000
Villa 9.0 16'/2 X 13 T A07 1.000
For 91:1 inch=25A mm,1 psf=4.88 kg/m=
1. Used on a 3-inch head lap.
2. Nominal dimension.
Page 3 of 7
Originally Issued: 07/3112016 Revised: 08/29/2020 Valid Through: 07/31/2021
Table 2 D-Tiles Manufnetured at Lake Wales,FL
Installed Dry I Dtmemslons' Tile Factor
Tile Weight' inch
(psf) Length X Width TF(W) Ratio t
Barcelona 900 9.5 17 X 13 1.525 1.084
Saxony 900—Shake,Slate,Split 9.5 17 X 13 1.545 1.098
Shake,Caim Slate
S anish"S"Nuevo 9.9 17 X93/4 1.144 0.813
villa 900 9.2 17 X 13 1.533 1.090
For 91:1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf-4.88 kghe
Table 2 E-Tiles Manufacturled at Lathrop,CA
Installed Dry Dimemsion Tile Factor
Tile Weight' (inch
(psf) Length X Width TF(ft3) Ratio 1
Barcelona 900 9.3 17 X 13 1.509 1.073
SaxoW 900—Shake,Slate 9.1 1 17 X i3 1.533 1.090
For 51:1 inch-25.4 mm,1 psf=4.88 kg1re '
Table 2 F-Tiles Manufactn ed at Phoenix,AZ
Installed ID Dtmemstonsa
r'3' t Tile Factor
Tile Weight' (inch)
Elsfl Length X Width TF(ft3) Ratio I
Mission S/Barcelona 10.3 16'/a X 13 1.494 1.062
Saxon —Shake,Slate 9.5 163/:X 13 1494 1.062
Villa 9.0 1 1 16�/z X 13 1,407 1.000
For SU 1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf=4.881cghe
Table 2 G-Tiles Manufacture 1 at Okeechobee,FL
Installed D Dimemsions�
Tile Weight'
� � inch Tile Factor
(psf) Length X Width TF(ft3) Ratio I
Bermuda 12.44 I 16'/s X 10'/s 1.036 0.736
Estate"S" 7.9 I 161/X 13 1.417 1.007
Galena Spanish"S" 9.3 17 X 10 1.144 0.831
Plantation 10.4 16'h X 13 1.426 1.014
sagony 900 9.3 1 17 X 13 1 1.533 1 1.090
For$1.1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf=4,8814e
1. Used on a 34neh head-lap.
2. Nominal dimension.
�I 1
Page 4 of 7
Originally Issued: 07/31/2015 Revised: 08 i 112020 Valid Through: 07/31/2021
Table 2 H-Tiles Manufactured at Rialto,CA
butalled Di nemsionO
I'Y Tile Factor
Tile WeighD inch
(psf) i Length X Width TF(t1:3) Ratio'
Es -a/Barcelona 9.0 ( 17 X 123/8 1.454 1.033
Es mile 600/Barcelona 600 $.9 [ 17 X 1231g 1.454 1.033
Saxany 600-Slate,Shake,Split
Shake 5.9 i 17 X 13 1.533 1.090
Saxony 700—Slate,Shake,Split 7.1 17 X 13 1.533 1,490
Shako I
Saxony 900-Slate,Shake,Country 9.3 l 17 X 13 1.533 1.090
Villa 600 5.8 I 17 X 13 1.494 1.061
Villa 900 9.0 i 17 X 13 1,494 1.061
For ST:1 inch=25.4 mm,1 psf=4.88 kg/m=
Table 2 I-Tiles Manufactured at Stockton(French Camp),CA
Installed Dry Dirnemsion
Tile weigh (inch) sZ
Tile Factor
(pso I Length X Width TF(Y) Ratio I
Cedarlite 600 1 5.9 I 1 13'/=X 13 0.942 0.673
Madera 700 1 7.2 I 1 131A X 13 0.947 0.673
Madera 900 9.5 ! 13Y X 13 1 0.947 0.673
Saxony 600—Slate.Shake,Split Shake 1 5.1 17 X 13 1 1.525 1 1.094
Saxon 700—Slate Shake 5 lit Shake 7.2 1 17 X 13 1.525 1.084
Saxony 900—Hartford Slate,Shake, 9.1 17 X 13 1.533 1.090
State Ca Slate
Saxon 900—Wit Old En ish Thatch 1 9.8 1 1 17 X 13 1.525 1.084
Villa 600 6.0 i 1 17 X 13 1.494 1.115
Villa 900 9.3 11. 17 X 13 1.494 1.115
For St.I inch=254 mm,1 psf=4.88 kg&
1. Used on a 3-inch head-lap.
2. Nominal dissension.
Page 5 of 7
Ott Originally Issued: 0713112016 Revised: 0812112020 Valid Through: 07/3112021
CALIFORNIA SUPPLEMENT 2A Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles used on structures
'regulated by the Division of the State Architect or the Office
BORAL ROOFING bf Statewide Planning and Development are subject to
7575 Irvine Center Drive,Suite 100 installation provisions in CBC Section 1513.
Irvine,California 92618 For additional information About this evaluation report please visit
(949)756-11605 =.untiarm-ea.M or email us at infoCtnnil'nvm.es.ore
CSI Section:
07 3216 Concrete Roof Tiles
The Boral Concrete Roof Tiles evaluated in IAPMO UES
ER-412 is a satisfactory alternative to the following codes
and regulations:
e 2019 California Building Code(CBC)
a 2019 California Residential Code(CRC)
2.1 The Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles may be used as a
Class A, B, or C roof covering systems complying with i
Sections 1505.1.1 of the CBC or R902.1.1 of the CRC;
Sections 1505.1.2 of the CBC or R902.1.2 of the CRC; or
Sections 1505.1.3 of the CBC or R902.1.3 of the CRC,
respectively. The design and installation of the Boral
Roofing concrete roof tiles shall be in accordance with
Sections 1507.3.10 and 1513 CBC or Section 905.3 of the
j CRC,as applicable,and ER-412. i
2.2 Roof Tiles shall be installed in accordance with Sections
3.0 and 4.0 of ER-412 except, where the building official
requires conformance to the CBC or CRC,the following shall i
be substituted:
2.2.1 Underlayment shall conform with CBC Section
1507.1.1 or CRC Section 905.1.1.
2.2.2 Attachment ofthe concrete roof tiles shall be designed j
to resist wind loads according to CBC Sections 1507.3.7
and 1609.5 or CRC Section 905.3,as applicable.
2.3 Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles may be used in"new
buildings located in any Fire Hazard Severity Zone or any
Wildiand-Urban Interface Fire Area designated by the
enforcing agency constructed after the application date shall
comply with the provisions" in accordance with Sections
701A.3 and 705A of the CBC,or Sections R337.1.3.1 and
R337.5 of the CRC, as applicable, and with the IBC as I
presented in ER-412. i
Page 6 of;7
Originally Issued: 07/31/2015 Revised; 08� 112020 Valid Through., 0713112021
FLORIDA SUPPLEMENT loads shall be in accordance with Section 1609.5 of die FBC,
Building or Section R301.2.1 of the FBC, Residential, as
EORAL ROOFING applicable.
7575 Irvine Center Drive,Suite 100
Irvine California 92618 For additional information about this evaluation report please visit
(949)156-1605 vrtiay uniform-es.QYP or email us at inf&p. niform—e
I', .�ortalausne�ei>l.ee�lznu
C5I Section:
07 3216 Conerete Roof Tiles
The Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles evaluated in IAPMO
UES ER-412 is a satisfactory alternative to the following
codes and regulations:
0 2020 Florida Building Code, Building (FBC,
0 2020 Florida Building Code, Residential (FBC,
2.1 Verification shall be provided that a quality assurance
agency audits the manufacturers quality assurance program
and audits the production quality of products,in accordance
with Section(5)(d)ofFlorida Rule 61020-3.008.The quality
assurance agency shall be approved by the Commission(or
the building official when the report holder does not possess
an approval by the Commission).
2.2 Evaluation to the high-velocity hurricane zone
provisions in Section 1512 of the FBC, Building and
Chapter 44 of the FBC,Residential is beyond the scope of
this reporL
The design and installation of the Boral Roofing concrete
roof tiles shall be in accordance with the 2018 International
Building Code and the 2018 International Residential Code,
as applicable, as noted in ER-412. From FBC, Building
Section 1507.3 and FBC,Residential Section R905.3 states
that the installation of the Boral Roofing concrete roof tiles
"shall be in accordance with the requirements of the
FRSA/TRT Florida High Wind Concrete and Clay Roof Tile
Installation Manual, Sixth Edition where the V,,.,d is
determined in accordance with" FBC, Building Section
1609.3.1, FBC-Residential Section R301.2.1.3, or the
recommendations of RAS 118, 119 or 120. Load
combinations shall be in accordance with Sections 1605.2
or 1605.3 of the FBC,Building,as applicable.Design wind
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