HomeMy WebLinkAboutPINE LAKES 7355AN APPUCABLE INFO mtw BE CQMpWnD FOR APPUCATIDN TO BE ACCEPTED .-..donsomodikiiiiiii�� Dace: 's` Z, I Pe it Numberiefrm $ST. CrE� Building Permit Appli�tion BuNaNn9 and Code ►tegukitbn Div�ar 23M Wronb AVMUe, F&t Pk= FL',�.�, �.fe Commercial Residential x phaneaj772)462-1553 FaxotlIA) A-ta.o PERMIT APPUCATION FOR'q�R CONDITIONING EXACT CHANGE OU74001011 MpRo"Ew_ LOCATIONIN - "Wrom" Address: 1� 5 P{NE jjuKES BLVD U2259M property Tax ID #*a Site Plan Name: PANE SUMMIT .,,,--, Project Name: PINE uu(jES PRESERVE ii pip i T�LW + OF WoRK: MEMNON" EXACT CHANGE OUT OF A 1 40 TON NC SYSTEM - - - diseaft - New Electrical Metes Second Electrical Meter__.__—.— U10�TRULTlE�+11NFtlRMATION: MOWN . .Ws...«,.ti „nder this oermit— check all that apply. pddiU01121MI0fK [Of7etm &MedmWical _ Gas Tank _Gas Piping Shutters Lai No. moommm� slock No- r<� Windows/DcMrS PWW MINNOWEINO ueneGewi Roof �.�.phch ElectricPlumbing _Spfinklers _ Squ Ft. of First Floor: Toft, Sq. Ft of CoWructi ong OW 4 9 _ram utlifflev _Sewer �. Septic Building Heights.. �— Cost of Construction: 5 ` 00""ERAMEE: NaNEW"— r17lBR CARftOLL ST LUCIE LLC-.,... Address: pEACHTKerDIrSE mom� C"11 ATLVffA Zip Code.---�-6 � -- Phone No.T� 2454M EwMall. Fax: ab,ftae State: CONTRACTOR: Name:RORY RAhloF►�`�N WWWPMMIO PLUS OF SOUTH Company'aR Address*..o COUNTRY PL RD FLORIDA IN—C city; zip lode: 3Ui --- i Fax:Phone No,561-71-0s7t Ea#MalliNFWIRpLUSf:L,COM--.-.-.-E� State of County UcensecAcieI5149 . . ........ fw If"tJIMMULIAL rakM bon" � � or m�on� � RECON"Mako Of � uwd. of HAVC Is $7,W 0+' �� � RECORM - i 1 F, ilk AL 1-4]L. r ;iL M �► +► -ILIF • i 0 . Y. r # # lI Wr # ►"# ji a i k 3il.h 7 i Tt • * . • #L F # K IF # #�4 4 / w it [[ It IL * 4 rr w * # # _ ILdo k } * * * l Sir iK �1 t n q # A rr R r ♦ z A La T { # 774 y ` ISrAl- * rt *# �■wr' Wig, r I Tot IL AL rt #AL h Ar = " 11L ,# w + # # �t � w # # # 4 - * i , L � r i # I > ` A A IL 1 # * t Jw it k. # F # � e y : r j +ul or lr • R } t i r Certificate cif Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 205078804 Date: 0 1- 6-2 21 AHRI Type: C -A-CB (Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil wfth Blower) Series: GSX1 Outdoor Unit Brand Name: GOODMAN Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single Packaged : GSiC140301 N* Model Status: Active Indoor Unit Model Number(Evaporator and/or Air Handier): AWUF31 XX'I W Region - Southeast rid North(AL, A , DC:, DE., FL, GA, I} ICY, LA, MD, IVAS, C, K, SC, TN. TX, 'A, ABC, CO, CT* ID, I L I . ill IN, KSMA ME, M!, MN, CIO, MT. IUD, NE, NFL, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA. RI, SD, UT, VT, WX WV, W1; Wy, U.S. Territories Regim Note: Central air conditionem manufactured ared or to January 1, 2015 are eligible to be installed in all lions untfl June 30, 2016. Beginning JLdy 1. 2016 central air conditioners can only be installed ed in region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufacturer of this GOODMAN product is responsible for the rating of this system comhinaflan. Rated as folks in accordance noe with the latest edits of AHRI 21 2 0 v th Addendum I , Performance Rating of Unitary Air-Condftloning & Xr-Source Heat PUMP Equlpmnt and subject to rafing acwi y by AFC I-osp ns red, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (AZ) - Single or High Stage (95F). biuh : 28640 SEER: 14.00 EER (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F) : 1 1.50 is t"ArUW Model Status re those that an AHRI i Cafficaffon Prim Participant is currently producing AND selling or offer for sale; OR new modeb that are being marketed but St �t yet � .ir�i on o Wdel Status are those that an AHRI C� a►tion PWam Participant is no longer producing BUT is still �� e i of offering for sale. Auft • DISCLAIMER AH does not endorse the rrod � iisted on s certificate and rakes no representations, warranties or guarantees as t, and assures n resp�osiiy for, the mduc4listed on tiffs Ceirficateo Aill o s ` dWaims all liability for damages any kind ar �n out o the use or performance of the �"��s , or theunauthorized � aftwation of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at r ,ahr1 recur , r TERMS AND CONDITIONS itsproprietaryrod s of AHRI. Thi Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and This ert�te and Its contents p onfIdential reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, In whole or in part, be reproduced- copied; disseminated; entered into peter � date; or otherwise utiii ed� in any form or manner or by any ea s! a eRtfor tide user's lr di idt innt, personal and confidential reference. ROOM O-M i , ft- AMQ r REFRIGERATION INS 'rtJ1' CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The information for the model cited on t is certificate can be verified at wwab d1reet ryvor , click on J` er y artifieat " linkwe make life b rt rlh, and entef the AHRI Certffled Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was l35Ued, which is listed above, and the Certftate No., whIch is listed at bottom right 132561638118778926e @2021 Air-Cond-itidning Heating, and Refrigeration Institute ULK UllrllGAl C NV.: . L Certificate of Product Ratingsatings A RI Cerfified Reference Number : 205076804 Date . 01-26-2021 A RI Type :1 C - -C (Split System; Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with wr Series: GSX1 Outdoor Unit Brand Name: GtA Outdoor Unit Model Number (Condenser or Single Package) : GSX1 403011 * Model Status . Acbve Indoor Unit Morel Number(Evaporator and/or Air Handler : AWUF31 XX1 W Region . Southeast t and North L AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, Hl, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC} OK, SC, TN, TX, VA, AID, CO3 CT-P 1131 IL, [Ai IN, ! 1 K� MA MEt 1 l# MNI ,, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OIL, , A. F 1, SD, UT, VT, WA,WV, 1 l,1 Wy, U.S. Terrftories) Region Note: Central air condifionem manufactured prior to January 1, 2015 are eligible to be metalled in all lions until June 302016. Beginning July 1, 2016 central air condftners can only be installed in re ion for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufacturer of this GOOD -MAN product is responsibly for the rating of this system combination. Rated as fbilows in accordance with the latest edition of AHRI21 0/2o Wth Addendum 1, PeNrforman a Rating of Unitary Air-Codin t of and subject rats accuracy by A I -sponsored, independent, third Arty t�r� * Air"Source Pump � � � Gooding Capacity (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F), btuh : 28640 SEER: 14.00 EER (A2) - Single or Huh Stage (95F) : 11-50 n ■ t"Acove" Model Status are Uxm that an AHRI CafflcaWn Program Parficipant is currently producing AND selling or offering for We; Oft new mOdels ttat are Wng rnakriCetd but are not yet berg .' rod won Stopped" Model SUdw are those mat an A F i Ceft1fication program partidpant is no Ions' producing SUT is still Wiling or offering for sale. ,� L W o f A r% C.� _12 �.. .r..+r : rah •w1..uraosw# MA rwrs l 1 1�ti1 i � 17i � "1 +1 € it a � � • DISCLAIMER RI does not endue the Prod Wed on t o�fl ate ,end makes o representations, warranties off` 'ante to, and assumes o responsibility for, `/}e product(s) listed on this ' RI1 expit"ly dM irs all Itabifity for dame of any kind aftng out of the use or performance of the roduct s , of the unautbortzed alteration of date listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at wwwahr1directoryv0r9,t Am TERMS AND CONDITIONS #�trY� �' rie�a r�� of i, liCertificate shall of ufor individual, eoal Old'his Certificate and Its o � ! ont"ential reference purposes. The contents of this Cerfificiate may not, In whole or In part,, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered Into a computerdatabase; or otherwise utii# ed, In any form or manner or by any r e arm except for the user's Individual, personal and confidential reference. CERTIFICATE for model rimed on t certificate can be er �ed www.ahridim tar .otg click on 'Terms a lf�oa " link The information and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on whWh ft certificate was Wsued, ... � . .. which is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom right. I , GhK UIP UAI t nu.: AIR-COi MN, RUM% we make life better"' • @2021 Air-Conditidning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute