HomeMy WebLinkAboutPINE LAKES 7313AN APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPUCATON TO BE ACCEPiEC Permit Number. Date. Building Permit Application plowing md Dev4OPfflf"t services suong and Code Reguk+Hon OWSiOn. 2300 Virginju A""UL& , Fort Pierce Ft 919�i_ _.... Commercial ------- MEEEEEEEEE� Residential xmffiv� phwe: (772) 462-ISS3 fax: 772), 14bt-15115 PERMrrpPPUCATION FOR:AIR CONDITIONING EXACT CHANGE OUT [PRWOLM IMPRO"ENT LOCATION -_ Address: � � men I'm:) PINE LAKES BLVD--------- propeny TaxID #** 342259M?OM Site Planfie; --- 000� PINE SUMMIT project Name: PINE LAKES PRESERVE p � Deal tm Cf WORK: "ec:r CPMGE OUT OF A 'L . TON, A/C SYSTEM •- New Electrical meter —,Second Electrical Meter—. t3ot�,,�uc'nont twFORMAnoN: Additional work to be performed under this permit— chi all that apply: Gsa_ aPiinSimtters Mechanical _—wwww Electric Plumbln$ Total Sq. Ft of Comtrucb On: Cost (if Construction: $ 2412050 O"ER/LESSEf: Named CAKKUU s' Lv%w0'vw_ ".r Addreks5a3340 ppACHTREE DR SE 2260...... .. c1tvo0 ATLANTA mot. r...1a. 3v fa�c: i # # Miff in t : _ �_ �— Sprinklers State: Generator Lot NO* P, B{odc No. Windows/Dom Pond MOMEMEW Roof ... Pttch Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Utlimess11 _Sewer _Septic Building Height: J FM in fft simPk TKIs Holder on next (If different from the owner IWWd &Ahl tt)NTUCTOR* mwqmmw�_ g1k SRORY RAMCHAPAN ./UR PLUS OF SOUTH.NEOPMN. FLORIDA INC Lampany: -- -MUNEd Add feSS:6B10 COUNTRY cityIs WPB PL RD Zip Code: 33411 Phone No 661w371=0971 71 1 . ........ EN.11 INFOGAIRPLUSFLoCC)M---...........= State or County UcerseCAC1815149 k ' r * , F .a i � a � k f 7 SOW FL Fair i. � SWAFUTrr� "OLDM _ Not AppliCable O�D�1� G�IrA'Mi: Nen►e: Name.. tiAdd'°spa ---- � ICW Phone Phone Zip* �� r-•- f f S . -+ it S .. � - ■ a * r, � - � ) a e - 11.1 L JU - 4 y f k f # S 3 # if n #IL * w # # # - 9 �M # ° - .4 be y s # # # * # # r * 1 _ it AL lot .# IF * i E I [ oil 1 < t# #�* L. IF SK 41 # _ # + " 4 # ! ILL_i4 j.L FL Ff 11t �4# MIA TA.T RVOW4 i ' I I i t". 16 k 4 t d . t � # W�-_O — A FM r + IL H r 'Lori T ` 4 i kL • a [4 ' ` OF 1 * #A PJL4 41 - 11 IF rJL - If ! �kl ■ #tip I I � oki y L. Certificate of Product Fta-tings AHRI Certified Reference Number : 205076804 Date: 01-26-2021 AHRI T pe : C -A -C (Split System* Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower) Series: GSX1 Outdoor Untt Brand Name: GOODMAN Outdoor Unit Mode! Number (Condenser or Single Package) : GSX140301N" Model Status : Active Indoor Unit Model Number (Evaporator and/or Air Handier): AWUF31XX1 A* eg Ian . motes and North AL., AR., DC,ICE, FL, GA, H1, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA. AK, C # CT# ID, Lt IN, MA ME, Ml,MN MO, NIT, ND, NE, NH, NJ,1' Y, OH, OR, PA, R13 Sol TIP ITT, WA, WV, Il i, WY, U.S. Territories) Region Note: Centel air conditioners manufactured for to January 1, 2015 are eii i l to be installed i all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016 central air conditioners can only be installed in region(s)for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufacturer of this GOODMAN product is responsible for the rang of this system combination., Rated as folkws in accordance wfth the ia* t edition of AHRI 210/240 with Addendum 1 , Perf6rmnee Rating of Unitary Air-wCodition1r Air -Source Heat Pump Equipment and subject to rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (A2) - Single or High Stage (96F), btuh : 28644 SEER: 14.00 EER (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F) : 11.50 t"Active" Model status re those ftud an AHRI Cedficaffon Program Parficipant is currency producing AND selling or offering for 5ale; OR new models that are being r�u�* ��or� � � Status are ftse that an AHRI Cwtlftati Pram Participant is n longer producing BUT Is still marketed but a r� � �� �� pQingfiring for sale-.i ., � L .. , TRa � � _ _ ti * � 1 r� �r���� w1 ..�i ���a ■rar�ra� i ice#.#. i1F�J�!'i ��&f j inn i.�. .�r� �! RiFn Yl� 11Yi ym� v �km (i.e. WAS ■ _ -- - DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the ��s listed on s ertiftare and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees a to, and assumes no r s or�ilit for, the #d#� H#. on thisCertificate. AHRI xp m1 disclaims all li b it fordamages f any kind a rWn out of the use or perfor a rice of the ro uct s e unauthotized atteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at w w . r ire tory.or . TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate contents are rop�r�e� products of AHRI. This rtlf�to shall olbeused for l�ndllal, per�r�l and .wfidetiai reference purposes. The contents of this Certftate may not, In whole or In Part, bereproduced; copied; disseminated; entered Into a oomputer databef or otherWise UtIlIzed, In any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's Indiviftal# anal and confidential reference. & EFRIGERATM INS CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The Information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.,a rldirectr m r y click on `Verify Certificate" link we make 110fe better,", and eater the AHRI Certffled Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was issued � �....... �.... _ _ .�. ....*-PPP - which is listed above, and the Certfflcate No., which is Hsted at bottom right. 132661638118778926 @2021 Air -Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration institute GhK UINL Al t rvv.: Certificate of Product Ratings RI Cerfified Reference Number : 205068o Date: 0 1-26-2 21 AHRI Type; C -A-CB (Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower) Series: GSX14 Outdoor Unit Brand Name: GOODMAN Outdoor Unfit Mode) Number (Condenser or Single Package) : GSX140301N' Model Status . AcUv Indoor Unit Model Number and/or Air Handier): AWU F31 XX1 W Region ion ■ Southeast and I cqtAL, AR, DC, DE., FL, GA! ICI, KY* L& MD, MS, talc, OK, SG, TN, TX, VA, AK, CO. CT, ID, IL* fAl IN, KSMAME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, R1, SD, UT, VT,WA, WV, Wig VVY# U.S. Territories) Region Note: Central air wnditianm manufactured prior to January 1, 2015 are eligible to be installed in all mqi n until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016 central air condffioners can only be installed in region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. The manufaftrer of this GOODMAM product is responsible for the rating of this system connbinainon. Rated of In accordance with the latest edition of AHRI 210f240 vWth Addendum 1, Performance Ong of Unitary Air -Conditioning Mr-SourceHeat Pump EqtApmentand subject to rating accuracy AHRI-sponsored, r , independent, tNrd park tang: Cooling Capacq (A2) - Single or High Stage (95F), btuh : 28604 SEER: 14.00 EER (A2) -Single or High Stage (95F) : 11.50 ■ t"Adive* MWel Status are those tot an AHRI Cadfficafion Program P rficorrt is currently producing AND selling or offeOng for safe; OR new models that are Wing t et being produced.*Production Stopped* Model Status are those that AHRI i e t 'r ation Program Partmpant is longer producing BUT Is still marketed but � r � se ing C r f edr for sad w , , Rations that are �owied bWi fin w;th the.pre otjsji.e. WA n__.w DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse theProduct(s) listed on thIs Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and Fumes no re po slfty tor, this Certificate, AHRI a ss fi�alr s all HaNity for dames any kind arming out of the � or performance of the prod t s , or the the product(s) listed � � unauthorwd aiterati n of data listed on this Cardficate. Certified ra-tiro are valid only for models and configurations listed in the directory at www.ar rtdirecWr ;or * TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Certificate shall only be used for individual, personal and co d ndal reference purposes. The contents of this Certificate may not, in whWe or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; entered Into a computer database, or otherwise utilized, In any form or manner or by any means, except for the user's I dMOall personal and confidential reference* CERTIFICAU VERIFICATION The Information atio n four the model ate � I�r#i�e � be r�eried t w�,aridiori�'� click 1 "i�er� Certificate" link and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on whIch the certificate awn s issued, which Is listed afire and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom rOt. GERTWIGAI t nu.: P annKapi rso " %a A1R4;0NDM0MNGt HEATMG, Nkv make life bett 02021 Air -Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute