HomeMy WebLinkAboutSub Agreements (original)11 PERMIT# I f' i i-R'> _ l I ISSUE DATE I II PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiAsion BUMMING PYRMYT SUE -CONTRACTOR A GREEMENT Comfort Control Services (Company NameAndivIdual Name) the Electrical Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located ati ` (Project Street Addressor Properly Tax It7 have agreed to be f,enorBuilders, LLC (Primary Contractor) 4 t 3 r It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St, Luoie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice, &140 ilI •/..0 .i. 1 Glenn A Davis 11 PRINT NAME CBC 1*1228 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State ofFiorida,County ot Martin The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day or who is personnify known ^pr has produced a as idenUncatlam IS_..f4 5`i JAA11 S `slNotnry Public Print Name ofNotary Public �µpy pUQ!! RNONDAS ROWS ao ° Commisslon# GCS 10d656 Revised 11/162016 Expires may 19, 2021 �plEOFFv°4 BedYhNBudtIoFNUTANb l SUB-CONTRAf 1'ORUGNA.'IME(Qualifier) Wayne Zimmerman PRINT NAME a s t COUNTY UWr [CATION NUMBER Siat,eofTiorida, Couniyof St. Lucie Th foregoing lnshurnuitwassigned beforemethis day Of y � t 24 ; tYC �GaS�d N/ R ® G ✓ ® J d ,�j ,.✓ who lswho p awn or has produced a V STAMP TQ/VE "Ov Notary Public State of Florida d Kimia J Simone My Commission FF 013M `�OF f�p4 Expires 05/1812020 0120 1 AM I 1-),7� - C ISSUE DATE ELOPMENT SE1 PLANNING & OEV Building & Code Cofiiipfiafice lit SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Aqua Dhbbsiphs plum bing Serviobs, Inc have agreed to be 'n6dividuffl Mime) �]Vam tile . Sub-conwictor for R6nar Builders, LLCI T) F1DrthW0j1,C.t1o.bktedat MOMIng-04P Palm Breezes (Pradect Sfi-cal Address or-ProortyTax It is'understwd that, if there is any ch6hge of status regarding our participation projeot, the Building and Code R M_lation Division of St. Lude County will be filifig of a Chan9d of Sub-contraq"tor notice. Rs Rs i;R R tk NTMAN-19 PRINT NAWfg Cl3G- 1261228 CFCO §7P26 COUNTY _CFRTVjCvrj0;N ApivaN11111,11 CFHTIFICziTIO Stateofilatlda,;eau Ivor St. uqle ------ State orhqrloi, county of. zi Tjkq foregoing Imbrilmont wlissighM before ine tfili & !(]Dyer who is as id fication, s T,% I P Signature MotnryPublie Mat Rame ormary JPwic 1AFY PUB Commit, RHON DA$ROWE Rc%i.qed 11/1612016 Expires' CommIssion#06,104656 ExpifesMayiO,2021 nM_ rvolo� Bonded Thal BudqeftlarySvyjjaot the above mentioned iced pursuant to the Plod before Ole this L)2,,day of LISA LPSTEk NOTARY FM STATE OFi LORIDA COMM# OG127647 Expires 7124/2021 PERMIT# c_ I J I ).,_ - / / I ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPWNT SERVICES Building & Cede Compliance Division BTJILDING PERMxT SMCONTRA.CTOR AGREYW ENT Preferred A/C & Mechanical, Inc have agreed to be, (Company NameBndivlduai Name) the Mechanical r HVAC Sub -contractor for Renar Builders, LLG ('t`ype of Trade) (primary Contractor) For the project located at C q I It is understood that, if there is any ohatige.of status regarding our paitpipationwith the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. L-Ole County will be adviged pursuant to the Piling of a Change of.Sub•contraetor notice. CDNTRACIYIR 5tGNATUi2E (Qualtticr) Glenn A Davis it PRRJTNAfW CBG 1gt1228 Cp'C M CERTMCATION INUMBER S�teoffrlarlda,�uniyof Martin z The roregolagtnstratnentwaesrguedbefore meOf$ �' dayof min rr 20 by i 1 I ," 211 `a whotspon" Rndwn,_,_orbaspro duceda tie 14entittcatton. d' ;� STAMP Siguatare a f Notary Pablie Print No., df Notary Mile 201� �PLer�o RHONDA S. ROWE Commission # HH 122364 Rovised unenols Expires May 19, 2025 9�OF PVOQ� Bonded Thru SwW WON SOMM .ONERKCrO 9GNATLW(4Qaa11ner) Doirald Wayrie Q'sryon PRINTNAME C_.f �`r t' 1 C0VMPXR=QX10NWMM state U1110am,Coustyot PdmBaach The•roregobeg [nsirummtWas egam betbre me fhlv94dayof 11 i whn Is Vera" haown �_ar traaproduced A 84 trTentiQCntl�n. a �/,�•p�� 4 /�^'" STAAQ SlgaatnreofNorry o Print Name or No"pabAe uuun,,,-•HOLLY GABRIEL `iPAv ale+. Notary PubfiC- State of Florida •4 CUmmISSIon # EF 92ti842 Eby Comm. Expires Jan 31. 2020 S�oFf4`, �nn•� BWedttltc oNationaiWaryAssn, PERMIT # u l ,_ ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUP -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT (6117fibr--ON ' (lf� L�lG ri al Arne- have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the _ � Durl It Sub -contractor for 'Heysn /c 4mLe,s (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 1 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 5 CONTRACTOR iiSIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of -i l I—) The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of r 1 I . , ._ 209-j , by 0, t't JV- DPI o s(:> who is petso ally known or has produced a as � entification. gt STAMP Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public SUB -CONTRACTOR SIGNATW E (Qualifier) PRINT NAME 9P VA COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of 'j ( ^m The foregoing instrument was signed before me this / �/ day of �20by who is person�know _ or has produced a as identification. I A ! 1e'1i '1' STAMP Signature If Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public t►Av �°�®��� RHONDA S. R®WE Commission # HH 122364 DENISE I ERAAY e Expires May 192025 2° "`•.`'� P Y, * MY COMMISSION 0 OG OM76 m Revised 11/16/2016 OFF ��Q ®ondedlhrueadWKotarySw*ag . `Q EXPIRES: March 23,2021 � FaF ft°e� Bonded Thru Budget AoWy Sem^