HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject InformationS .LUCIE ourvTy 'fle copy , C 6�� LUCIE WORKS �_iEWEV�VE FOR RECEIVED CODE COMPLIANCE ST LUCIE COUNTY RgQFI I&I F�r(2 ION SHEET MAY 1.4 ;2021 ,Depa�ent Florida Buildin C de h'mE'ditio 20 permitting1e county g St. Luc Based on Section 1525 of the Florida Building Code -Building INSTRUCTION PAGE COMPLETE THE NECESSARY SECTIONS OF THE UNIFORM ROOFING SHEET APPLICATION FORM AND ATTACH THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AS NOTED BELOW: Roof System Required Sections of the Permit Application Form Attachments Required See List Below Low Slope Application A,B,C 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 A,B,C 2,4,5,6,7 Asphaltic Shingles A,B,D 1,2,4,5,6,7 Concrete or Clay Tile A,B,D,E 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Metal Roofs A,B,D 1,2,3,4,5,6,7- Wood Shingles and Shakes A,B,D 1,2,4,5,6,7 Other As Applicable 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ATTACHMENTS REQUIRED As Applicable): 1. Fire Directory Listing Page N 2. From Product Approval: Front Page Specific System Description Specific System Limitations General Limitations Applicable Detail Drawings 3. Design Calculations per Chapter 16, or if applicable, RAS 127 or RAS 128 ✓ 4. Other Component of Product Approval ✓ 5. Municipal Permit Application / 6. Owners Notification for Roofing Considerations (Reroofing Only) ✓ 7. Any Required Roof Testing/Calculation Documentation ✓ Form RooflnfoFeb21 Rev Feb 18, 2021 S% L.UCIE WORK Master Permit No. Section A (General Information). Process No. Contractors Name: _�ak U ��Q_�Fkj�License # (�(_`��� q aW , Job Address o! 04 VJ b MV W DEL S , LOSS J S 2 ROOF CATEGORY ❑ Low Slope ❑ Mechanically Fastened Tile ❑ Mortar/Adhesive Set Tiles ❑ Asphaltic Shingles Metal Panel/Shingles Mood Shingles/Shakes ❑ Prescriptive BUR-RAS 150 ROOF ROOF TYPE. ❑ New roof ❑ Repair ❑ Maintenance X Reroofing ❑ Recovering -ROOF SYSTEM INFORMATION Low Slope Roof Area (SF) Steep Sloped Roof Area (SF) Total (SF) Section B (Roof Plan) S�,F=7 C-��.E�l l �� Sketch Roof Plan: Illustrate all levels and sections, roof drains, scuppers, overflow scuppers an overflow drains. Include dimensions of sections and levels, clearly identify dimensions of elevated pressure zones and location of parapets. 204 Riomar Dr, Port St Lucie, FL 34952-1385 BRILLIANT ROOFING 6rilliantroafen.rom Brilliant Roofing 4149 S.E. Salerno Rd. STUART, FL 349976936 tel. 772-713-0595 email: troyglowthsr@gmail.com Measumments pro ided by, I e a g I ev i ew - ® g e V• I e v I e w - ® REPORT DETAILS QuickSquaresTP4 May 12, 2021 Roof #1 Area: 26 Squares Ns,°y Predominant Pitch: 3 '!pp% This report includes up to two structures on a residential property and one structure on a multi -family property. The pitch °�,� 4° has been factored into the calculation with no waste. Please upgrade to a Premium Report to receive measurements for additional structures and for any lower roof areas that may be obscured from view in the top -down image, as they are not Satisfaction Guaranteed included in the totals on this report. wwvv.eaQ1e%dew.com/Guarantee Upgrade Your Report! Report! QuickSquares is a report used to estimate the overall size of the roof; for material -ordering accuracy, contractors should upgrade to a Premium Report. a Premium Report. The price of your QuickSquares report will be deducted from your upgrade. A Premium Report includes: _ - • 3D Roof Diagram . Length Diagram • Area Diagram }fit_ Aerial Images (Top, N, S, E & W) . Notes Diagram • Pitch Diagram -- •.�-� Waste Calculation Table • Report Summary • Customizable Report • Square Footage Pitch Table 9 2008-2021 Eagle Yew Technologies, Inc. and Pictometry International Corp. —All Rights Reserved — Covered by one or more of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,078,436; 8,145,578; 8,170,840; 8,209,152; 8,515,125; 9,183,538; 8,818,770; 8,542,880; 9,244,589; 9,329,749. Other Patents Pending. ST. LUCIE WORKS Section C (Low Slope Roof) Fill in specific roof assembly components and identify manufacturer (If a component is not used, identify as "NA") System Manufacturer: Product Approval No.: Design Wind Pressures, From RAS 128 Or Calculations: Zone 1': Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3: Max. Design Pressure, from the specific product approval system: Deck: Type: Gauge Thickness: Slope: Anchor/Base Sheet & No. df Ply(s): Anchor/Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: Insulation Base Layer: Base Insultation Size and Thickness: Base Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material Top Insulation. Layer: Top Insulation Size and Thickness: Top Insulation Fastener/Bonding Material: Base Sheet(s) & No. of Ply(s): Base Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: Ply Sheet(s)' & No. of Ply(s): Ply Sheet Fastener/Bonding Material: Top Ply: Top Ply Fastener/Bonding Material: Surfacing: Fastener Spacing for Anchor/Base Sheet Attachment: Zone 1':—" oc @ Lap, # Rows @ ° oo Zone 1:—" oc @ Lap, # Rows @ moo Zone 2:_.._." oc @ Lap, # Rows @ moo Zone 3:—" oc @ Lap, # Rows @ moo Number of Fasteners Per Insulation Board: Zone 1': Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3: Illustrate Components Noted and Details as Applicable: Woodblocking, Gutter, Edge Termination, Stripping, Flashing, Continuous Cleat, Cant Strip, Base Flashing, Counterflashing, Coping, Etc.., Indicate: Mean Roof Height, Parapet Height, Height of Base Flashing, Component Material, Material' Thickness, Fastener Type, Fastener Spacing or Submit Manufacturers Details that Comply with RAS 111 and Chapter 16.. ST LUCIE WORKS Section D (Steep Slope Roof System) Roof System Manufacturer: r 1V-F—M I E�L Notice of Acceptance Number: Minimum Design Wind Pressures, If A liclIaab�ble (From � �RRA,,S��127 or Calculations): 1 Zone 1 MZone 2e:�L)Zone 2n:1�l)Zone 2r:�[one 3e:� ► vZone 3r: �� b E X pcSs wlzE E) Deck Type: Type Underlayment: (��po�-� V9P—��, ` 0 Roof Siope: 12 Insulation: Fire Barrier: Ridge Ventilation? Fastener Type & Spacing: Z C Adhesive Type: N Type Cap Sheet: N 1 Mean Roof Height: i o Roof Covering: 1 �� Jr v C } rn)p Type & Size Drip Edge: .. ST. L.UCIE WORKS Section E (Tile Calculations) For Moment based the systems, choose either Method 1 or 2. Compare the values for Mr with the values from Mr. If the Mf values are greater than or equal to the Mrvalues, for each area of the roof, then the tile attachment method is acceptable. Method 1'Moment Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 12T (Zone 1 : x 1 _ _� _ Mg; = Ki Product Approval Mi (Zone 2e: x a, _ _) - Mg: = M,. Product Approval Mf (Zone 2n: - x A = - Mg: = M,2,, Product Approval Mf (Zone 2r: x _ - Mg: = M,g Product Approval Mf (Zone 3e: x ),-= -Mg: = Mrae Product Approval Mf (Zone 3r: x A = - Mg: = Mrar Product Approval Mf Method 2 "Simplified Tile Calculations Per Table Below" Required Moment of Resistance (Mr) From Table Below Product Approval Mf Mr required Moment Resistance* Mean Roof Height Roof Slope 15' 20' 25' 30' 40' 2:12 34.4 36.5 38.2 39.7 42.2 3:12 32.2 34.4 36.0 37.4 39.8 4:12 30.4 32.2 33.8 35.1 37.3 5:12 28.4 30.1 31.6 32.8 34.9 6:12 26.4 28.0 29.4 30.5 32.4 7:12 24.4 25.9 27.1 28.2 30.0 *Must be used in conjunction with a list of moment based tile systems • For Uplift based tile systems use Method 3. Compare the values for F' with the values for Fr If the F' values are greater than or equal to the Fr values, for each area of the roof, then the tile attachment method is acceptable. Method 3 "Uplift Based Tile Calculations Per RAS 12T (Zone 1: x L =x W:= ) -W: cos r =Fri Product Approval F' (Zone 2e: x L =x W:= ) -W: cos r =Fr2e Product Approval F' (Zone 2n:. x L =x W:= ) -W: cos r =Fr2n Product Approval F' (Zone 2r: x L =x W:= ) -W: cos r =Fr2r Product Approval F' (Zone 3e: x L =x W:= ) -W: cos r =Fr3e Product Approval F' (Zone 3r: x L =x W:= ) -W: cos r =Fr3r Product Approval F' Where to Obtain Information Description Symbol Where to find Design Pressure Zones 1, 2e, 2n, 2r, 3e, 3r From applicable table in RAS 127 or by an engineering analysis prepared by PE based on ASCE 7 Mean Roof Height H Job Site Roof Slope 6 Job Site Aerodynamic Multiplier a Product Approval Restoring Moment due to Gravity Mg Product Approval Attachment Resistance Mf Product Approval Required Moment Resistance Mg Calculated Minimum Attachment Resistance F' Product Approval Required Uplift Resistance Fr Calculated Average Tile Weight W Product Approval Tile Dimensions L = length W = width Product Approval All calculations must be submitted to the building official at the time of permit application. Brilliant Roofing BRILLIANT4149 SE Salerno Rd Stuart, FL 34997 Phone (772) 222-ROOF Contract /Agreement State Lic. # CCC1327906 www.BrilliantRoofing.com Customer: G (a,rq __7�3e.-.%l Customer Email: io.A%flsz 10A Customer Ph: J Val oc toq I1JD�� �ih� �j,raJ FL. 95;�_ Contract Date: )7/2021 BRILLIANT ROOFING Proposes to Install a new S U UwG I k� CAN Proof inclusive of all of the following: Obtain re -roof permit and record Notice of Commencement Apply protective measures to protect driveway, lawn, landscaping, exterior, windows and doors where applicable. Remove (1) one layer of existing roofing and underlayment materials and remove all discarded materials from premises. Repair up to (3) three sheets of rotted plywood decking with CDX Plywood (additional repair $g5.00 per sheet) Re -nail decking to meet current building codes using 8d ring shank nails every 61 O.C. Inspect fascia board for structural damage and repair/replace as needed; If existing, fascia is Cedar, 20' included-$14 per linear foot additional. If existing fascia is Pine, 30' included -$9 per linear foot additional. Install US galvalume drip edge and valley metal to match roof. Install high temperature synthetic underlayment over self -adhering moisture barrier to meet Insurance discount requirements. Install factory roll formed U.S. galvalume Cy AP�67�41, panels. Install butyl tape and tri-polymer sealants in all areas where applicable. Install EPDM urethane lifetime pipe boots on all vent stacks. Replace all.bath and kitchen exhaust fan vents with new low profile galvanized gooseneck vents. Provide thorough cleanup with magnetized yard sweep. 'Pass all inspections with successful results through final completion certificate. Provide year Transferable (1) one time workmanship warranty. (great for resale incentives down the road.) Provide Manufacturer Warranty. Special Instructions: Color: (if Applicable) /-111,(-/ll%�/T (Initial)FinishType Gutters: Do not disturb unless absolutely needed Remove and Discard Customer Initial TERM / S: ! �� , Z�� �, i¢ L �Ge ( U/� /1LAf-l"g low. (Initial) 10% Deposit required upon acceptance, 50% following removal and dry in, 25% upon final material delivery, balance upon completion. Permit fees and any additional expenses will be added to final payment. *Credit card payments shall incur a 2.95% processing fee. 'All provisions on the reverse side are part of this agreement and should be fully understood before signing. "Permit fees will be added upon final invoicing at actual cost. I?_'Q (Initial) _ Proposal / Agreement Amount �D,pv Deposit Type: s _�O� { OV El Finance Deposit $ e fJ SCash Balance $ 4J� S ! ' 00 Check Check No_ Est. Start Date:?pp- we ks a er permit ceive � n(Initial) Credit Card Customer Accepta ce: Date: C Customer Acceptance:✓ Date: Contractor Copies of side 1 and 2 shall be produced via cell phone photo copy as PDF file and emailed or texted to all parties PROVISIONS OF THE AGREEMENT 1. PROJECT PROVISIONS a) Guidelines: The Project will be constructed in substantial conformance to this Agreement, including any plans and specifications which have been examined and approved by the Owner. Contractor will comply with applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. REPRESENTATIVE OF CONTRACTOR Is NOT AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY PROMISES NOT CONTAINED IN -WRITING IN THIS AGREEMENT. b) Control: The Agreement, plans and specifications are intended to supplement each other. In case of conflict, the plans will control the specifications and the Agreement provisions will control both. c) Change Orders: As directed by the Owner, material manufacturer or distributor, construction lender, public body or Interested party, any alteration or deviation from the plans and specifications that involves extra cost (subcontract, labor, materials) will be executed only upon the parties entering into a written change order. Expenses incurred because of unusual or unanticipated conditions will be paid for by the Owner. d) Allowances: If the Agreement price includes allowances, and the cost of performing the work is greater than this allowance, then the Agreement price will be adjusted accordingly. e) Performance/Delay: All work will be performed in a timely R and/or as required by the Agreement. Owner acknowledges that Contractor will be excused for any delay beyond his reasonable control, including, but not limited to, material shortages, acts of God, labor disputes, inclement weather, acts ofpublic authority, acts ofthe Owner, or other unforeseen contingencies. 11. FINANCIAL RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITTES a) Permits: Contractor will provide all documents and drawings necessary to file a Notice of Commencement and obtain all required building permits. Owner is responsible for all fees associated b) Taxes, Assessments and Charges: Taxes, special assessments of all descriptions, and charges required by public bodies and utilities will be paid for by the Contractor. IIl. OWN R!S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES a) FLORIDA LAW CONTAINS IMPORTANT REQUIREMENTS YOU MUST FOLLOW BEFORE YOU MAY FILE A LAWSUIT FOR DEFECTIVE CONSTRUCTION AGAINST A CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, OR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL FOR AN ALLEGED CONSTRUCTION DEFECT IN YOUR HOME. SIXTY (60) DAYS BEFORE YOU FILE YOUR LAWSUIT, YOU MUST DELIVER TO THE CONTRACTOR, SUBCONTRACTOR, SUPPLIER, OR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL A WRITTEN NOTICE OF ANY CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONS YOU ALLEGE ARE DEFECTIVE AND PROVIDE YOUR CONTRACTOR AND ANY SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS, OR DESIGN PROFESSIONALS THE OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT THE ALLEGED CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS AND MAKE AN OFFER TO REPAIR OR PAY FOR THE ALLEGED CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS. YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO ACCEPT ANY OFFER MADE BY THE CONTRACTOR OR ANY SUBCONTRACTORS, SUPPLIERS, OR DESIGN PROFESSIONALS. THERE ARE STRICT DEADLINES AND PROCEDURES UNDER FLORIDA LAW. b) CONSTRUCTION LIENS: ACCORDING TO FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW (SECTIONS 713.001-71337, FLORIDA STATUTES), THOSE WHO WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND ARE NOT PAID IN FULL HAVE A RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY. THIS CLAIM IS KNOWN AS A CONSTRUCTION LIEN. IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUB -CONTRACTOR FAILS TO PAY SUB-CONTRACTORS,SUBSUBCONTRACfORS, OR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS OR NEGLECTS TO MAKE OTHER LEGALLY REQUIRED PAYMENTS, THE PEOPLE WHO ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOOK TO YOUR PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. IF YOU FAIL TO PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR, YOUR CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE A LiEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. THIS MEANS IF A LIEN IS FILED YOUR PROPERTY COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY FOR LABOR, MATERIALS. OR OTHER -- SERVICES'IHATYOUR-CONTRACTOR-ORA SUBCONTRACTOR MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY. FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW IS COMPLEX AND IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT WHENEVER A SPECIFIC PROBLEM ARISES. YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. c) Cancellation You may cancel this Agreement by providing written notice to the Contractor In person, by telegram, or by mail to: Advanced Metal Roofing, Inc dba Brilliant Roofing 4149 SE Salerno Rd Stuart, FI.34997. This notice must Indicate that you do not want the materials or services and must be delivered or postmarked before midnight of the third business day after you sign this Agreement If you cancel this Agreement within this timeframe, the Contractor may not keep all or par of any cash down payment Otherwise, Contractor may seek any and all legal remedies for improper cancellation. Construction Industries Recovery Fund: Payment may be available from the Construction Industries Recovery Fund If you lose money on a project performed under contract, where the loss results from specified violations of Florida Law by a State -Licensed Contractor. For Information about the recovery fund and filing a claim, contact the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board at the following telephone number and address: GILB Recovery Fund, 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 33, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1039, (850) 487- 1395. Insurance: Owner will maintain property damage Insurance at least equal to the Agreement price. Damage to Project Contractor will not be responsible for any damage caused by the Owner, or other causes beyond the control of the Contractor. Owner will pay for any restoration work IV. CONTRACTOR'S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES a) Right to Stop Work If any payment under this Agreement Is not made when due, the Contractor may suspend work on the Job until such time as all payments due have been made. b) Substitution ofMaterials: Contractor may substitute materials without notice to the Owner In order to allow work to proceed, provided that the substituted materials are equal or better quality than those listed in the specifications. c) Salvage: All salvage resulting from work under this Agreement is to be retained by the Contractor unless other agreements are contained in the written specifications. d) Insurance: Contractor will maintain workers' disability compensation Insurance for his employees and comprehensive public liability Insurance policies. All sub -contractors have or will have certificate of Insurances or certificates of exemption at the time the services are rendered. e) Cancellation: Contractor reserves the right to cancel this Agreement if Contractors' engineers and/or representatives determine that the Job, as sold, cannot be performed and/or will not afford proper Installation. V. COMPLETION OF PRODUCT a) Notice: Owner agrees to sign a Notice of Completion within five (5) days after completion of the project If project passes final Inspection and the Owner does not sign the Notice, the Contractor may act as the Owner's agent and sign the Notice. b) Cleanup: Contractor Is responsible for removing debris and surplus material from the property and leaving the property in a neat and orderly condition. VI. GENERAL PROVISIONS a) Notice: Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement may be given by certified or registered mail at the addresses contained In the Agreement. b) Prohibition of Assignment• Neither party may assign this Agreement or payment due under this Agreement without the written consent of the other party. c) Entire Agreement This document constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. No other agreements exist. This Agreement can be modified only by written agreement signed by both parties. d) Choice of Law/Venue: This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of Florida Venue of any proceeding relating to this Agreement shall be In Martin County, Florida e) Dispute Resolution: Any dispute arising out of this agreement will be submitted to non -binding mediation by a court certified mediator prior to bringing any legal proceedings to enforce Its terms. However, this clause will not inhibit Contractor's lien rights. In any manner whatsoever, prior to settlement of any disputes. i) Sevembility: if any provision of this Agreement should be deemed void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall survive and remain enforceable. g) Final Payment: Final payment Is due upon substantial completion of the project. Failure of Owner to pay all amounts due within thirty (30) days of substantial completion shall constitute a material breach of this Agreement by Owner. h) Interest All unpaid amounts due and owing to Contractor shall bear interest at 1.5 % per month (I8% per annum), beginning thirty (30) days after substantial completion. i) Warranty: This Agreement creates NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED THAT ARE NOT CONTAINED IN THE WRITTEN WARRANTY FOR THE PROJECT, -- ----- --INCLUDING-LI'W-WARRANTYOF FITNESS -FOR — PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY. ETC. ALL PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS, AS NOTED IN ATTACHMENT °A", ARE DISCLAIMED. J) Limitation on Damages: Contractor shall not be liable for any consequential or Incidental damages related to materials or labor provided under this AgreemenL k) Media Consideration: By entering this agrecment, I agree that I will not personally nor will anyone acting on my behalf leave any demeaning, disparaging or negative reviews or feedback regarding this project, the company or staff on any review sites or social media without contacting Brilliant Roofing officers in writing electronically or USPS certified mail in an effort to resolve any issues that may be unsettling or need addressing such as but not limited to services, materials or workmanship whereas the officer has ability to resolve stated issues and should I failure to contact an officer of the company shall constitute a breach of contract ang I agree to pay any and all legal fees should legal actions be necessary to seek reputation damages and restitution.