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Roof Worksheet
L lj t C LU ST LIKE COUNTY A0QFiI�G:PERMIT 1NFORIV9ATl 5 AME QED FOR Florida guiiding tootle 7th,Edifiii�n r COMPLIANCE Based on_Section 1525 of the Florida.Building Co -Boil ink INSTRUCTION PAGE 1"0 UCH ® T� R� CCC, /?/ OMPLETE THE NECESSARY:SECT(ONS DF THE UNIFORM RP:QFINC SHEET APPLICATION FORM.AND ATTACH THE .RtQViRED, DOCUMENTS-AS-NOTED BELOW."', Required Sections o.f Attachm6nts:11equired Ra�of 5 $terra the Permit Application See List,Below Y Form : lviiv Stope Appli+catioti' A,B,!C P�ess:riptiveStlE�RA515s A,B, 1,$,S 7 . ,4s0haiticShingles A;B,D, A ,Coricret�`:or Clay Tilt A,B,D E: 1s ASA7 Me Vl tal:foofs A,B,'D. Wood$ ngles end A, Shakes ..... >3ther As Appllcabie. la2r3a4a5.6.7 ATTACHMENTS.,RECI,UlRED,As.AppIkab(e): r1, Fire C►lrectnry Ljstfsig-Pge F=.om Producf Approval: F(oht,Page Specific System Description Specific Systefn i inittafilons ibeneraf_l.irriitfidris. Appllc6ble DetO Dram,+O ; pesign-Calculations:per Chapter,ib,or if appifcai5ie,,RAS 227 ter RA5 lz8 . 4; Other Component if Product Approval _ � Municipal Permlt.Apptication 6; Owners Notificat on..for Roofing Conside,raltions:(ft oofing',onty): ;.. Anyitequired Roof Tesfiing�CBtCitatlon lc�cunzeriitie�n Forrri itoofinfofeb2l Rev i"eb 8,2021 -84 !'Section C{Low Slope Roirf) surfacing: F1H'i specl troof<assem .yii(`iornpnnents and identify` Fastener spacing forAnchorf Base Sheet Attachment: manufacfu.er Zane 1', ' oe V Lapr#`kow-,,__.. cif a component js noi;used,identifY., s"NA"} "csc .'L"ap, System ManufactuPer: /1 Bf/,NCO :Zane Z:. "cac @:Cap,#Rows, t ,• "oc �L !70 'Y !►' © Zorre`3- "fle @;Lap,#. touv�. ' oc Product.Approval No.: M Number es-Per Insulation Board: Design Wind"Pressures,From f AS 128 Or Calculations:. Zbne,L'— one 1:____2one..2;:. Z one 3' Zane 2':+ !{? C�ne 1 Zones illustrate Components Noted and betails as 'pplicable: UVoodblocic A Max.Design Pressure,'from the specific product approval ing, Gutter, Edge. Termination, Stripping, system. _ Eiash`ing, Continuous Cie2t, Cant Strip,: $as.e Flashing, Counterflashing,Coping,Etc. Deck>: lndacate Mein Rocf.Height, parapet Height,:hieight of Base TYpe:.r_.......Jl. Fiast fngj Componetit-Matediii,WteflaO Thickness,F6tene`r Type,.Fastener Spacing yr 5uijmit Manufacturers Defgils#hat Gauge;7Mickness - ::: Complywit}i'tfA5113,and Chapter 16:.. 4l 1 /'el" ': _ AnchorJBase sheet, No.d1:Fly(9 Anchor/Base-Sheet Fasiener/ onding>Material: 'FT' insulation Base t ayr Base:insultatianSlze and Thiektaess: - Pa _pet;' Base:Irl5ulation FastenerJBondngMaterial: Height Top Insulation Layer._ I Topirisul8tion=sate and,Thltktiess_ ea FT. Top lnsufation FastenerJBand ng M#Orial; Mean Base.5heet0):&Np,-afPly(s) - Roof ;a� ' �- - ht Bass Sheet'FaSteherJaondin910ateria �. Nei g. Piy:Sheet(s�!`b'c lila.:.of Oly(s): . Ply.sheet FastenerJ'Bonding iVfate�`iat:' `tip Ply: Top Ply FasteOflponding Material;: ? � .. p section sip- ;Ft '�f 5ystern) Goof System Manufocturer:. Notice of AccepCance"Number: } Minimum Design ind Pressures,if Applicable-{Prom RAS ,27 or Calculbtiont).: Zone 1; Zone 2e;"' '� Zone n: onc.2r. one 3e: Zone 3r:- "' L D60k'Type: t j1wc ' I Ty.ie-:llnd6daymenlr 4. D�e.�l�f�G �t .. Fire Psrdqt: , , Ridge,V r debar? Fastener fype$,Spacm © AdteWe Mean I�OC3�Hel ht � � '� /� yJ l tlt3 'fit3V ln. Gf! ea Type.A 81ts l dp: Edge: -