HomeMy WebLinkAboutJohnson Permit App - Spanish RiverAll APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Iro MCEE� - IL Njil Y coo -.(2L L o 3� P L 0 V�, L E Permit Number: Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax.- (772) 462-1578 Commercial PERMIT APPLICATION FOR:Aluminum2 0 with concrete Residential X PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATION: Address: 5624 Spanish River Road, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Property Tax I D #: 1312-503-0050-000-0 Lot N o.244 Site Plan Name: Portofino Shores -Phase Three- Lot 244 Block No. Project Name: Johnson DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: install a 25' x 40' aluminum/screen pool enclosure with 6 ' x 42' poly roof on existing slab New Electrical Meter Second Electrical Meter CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: Additional work to be performed under this permit — check all that apply0 : _Mechanical _Gas Tank _Gas Piping � Shutters Windows/Doors Pond Electric Plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Sprinklers Generator Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Roof Cost of Construction.- $ 14,690 Utilities: _Sewer _Septic Building Height: Pitch OWNER/LESSEE: CONTRACTOR: Name LMilton Johnson Name: Michael J Newman Address: 5624 Spanish River Road Company: Pioneer Screen Co. Inc. i I City: Fort Pierce State: Address: 1682 SW Biltmore St Zip Code: 34951 Fax: City: Port St Lucie State: FL Phone No.561-261-3384 Zip Code: 34984 Fax: 772-340-4626 E-Mail. Phone No 772-340-4393 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page if different E-Mail pioneerscreen@msn.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License RX1 1066919 If value of construction is 2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. If value of HAVC is $7,500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. - A- IV 4T - - - -- "' ' I : - . . - , . . .. I , , - - - . . . - . . - 7- - ' ' - - - " - - : - ' ' . . . . . '. , ' IL - - - '-' 7- I R 1 -7 "RUCT .-P 'LE.M.-E L---.- _.0 DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY. Not Applicable Name: Do Kim &Associates Name: Address: PO fax 10039 Address: City'd Tampa StateA F�- City: � 7E�: 33679 Phone8l3-857-9955 Z�State: � p' Phone: FEE SAMPLE TITLE HOLDER: �V Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: i)Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: OWNER/CONTRA OR AFFIDVIT: Application is knreby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in confiEict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may aprohibit ly. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved ,Mans; the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments, The �rJli0wif:g building�'',amr;;;� apr^.�1���iQ,ri$ ��� pXeCI?L�� fr�Jl7] :�:IS�P!'FninST q fidl ["nnr�irrdnr�� ratisiou.• ..,.,.Y..,,3,l7�:....,.. accessory structures,, swimming pools, fences, galls, signs, screen rooms and accessoryuses tnon-residential WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paving twice for improvements t before the first i commenciniz arc o your propert . A Notice ot Commencement musfi be recorded and j�osted on the jobsite ctian. If �intend to obtain financing,consult wi � lender ar.,�` / an attorney before �r or r�4card,ng your Notice of Comm encement_ � 0000, 000 Signature 6f Owner/ Lessee/Contractor as Agent for owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OFSaint Luce The forg9ffiig instr thisr--�J-f �`ay Of _ urnfeni 'L pwas acicnow'edgeci before me � Michael J Newman Name of person making statement Personally Known V' OR Produced Identification Type of identification / (Signature of Commission Rev. 8/2/17 otary PubliC- State of Florida Florida max' ` � � (5N�b �rr 221434 -_ 44, +t_ Signature of ContractorJLicense Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OFSaint Lude The forg,--ing"nstrument i � owleu*� befog 1 Michael .! Newman Name of person making statement Personally Known �-'� OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Prod:uced i . A s COMMISSIONERS SERVICES DEPARTMENT Project Location.4 Dateo', L" L Permit Number: T n # R �.�°ed Docume.nts4.v FWN Application completely filled out with Not =dS* � � S ub Agre ements with Notarized S ignatares (pri or to issumce) . ff 0 0 19 e a 9 a V■■! a on a v 0 Y O'M v #• ** Yes N N/A 018 Mer / Builder Affidavit (signed in office) rl ■ Y i 6 e #• ! i 'i i i` i i ■ i a O # •■ i F ti 4 8 t■ ■ t y ## ■ O r! ■ 00 O Y es No N/A all Filled Affidavit (prior issuance)i........ - Land i g t 4 4## f a r 0 s a s fa # a a b b. d i b Z O# a* 0• ! 0 w o b* Yes No NIA }Y Recorded Warr y Deed, 'if applicable. . a M -d - w A -M 0 X M YP w w ■ i w 41 s 1r -3 w' t # # • qk # F # # f f • w 7 ! * * F i ! • r } w ■ ■ n 'l w Yes N N/A Recorded Notice -of Co encemement (prior to issuance or insp ecti-on) 1h 0 0 0 0 ado a a -0 Y" N o N/A No N/A UtilityA m e '4/ r P R c i i �� � ■ x e e b 6 Y* a 4 4 * f 4• Q■ f # 4 * a O 4 d * 0 �* r■..�,....r��Tr. f (P Vegetatiori Appli cation d th copy of survey., o ! O ! f # # t 0 s # a # # b # ■ ! # h► • # w it b # ■ ■ r -W 1 # f w Yes No N/A Plans, Calcul2tions & Attachments (3 copies commercial, 2 copies residential), V .. * * ■ f * # 0 # * . Yes No' N/A Complete set of plans with Engineer / Architect Raised Seal Truss Plans reviewed d approved by Engineer Architect.Yes No f sqft).. five o a n aO a a« v o. *a e u Kt 4 Yes No N/A Landscaping and Parking plan (under 6,000 Approved or b4�a*•a1■0■�0 i4 0a 00 OVAa� � � Site Plans......,. i # # # � ¢ V w 4 ! n n a i � t O ! # • # e 4 A • �l f ■ f � i # w V Y 4 O . a f ■ S * � ■ Se'aled Survey with D ensions, F shed floor. _... *memo ovimadve .00 an am a .4 00 i• !■ t f! n c a s •m p i r b b Yes No Elevations and Setbacks. rt s s.■ e t • w■ a■■ o 0■ a C s■ a r■ a a# O O 0 CO 7 G e b b YesPlot L'O'No N/A plan With Setbacks... 4 • b r • i 04 i r! * b d a i 4 * • ■ J 0 9 # 94 i # meow i 1W love f . i a e e 8 Health Department approval stamped on survey and floor -plan.. ■ ■ r if * t ■ a ■ •-. ■ r a # Yes No N/A Health De'partment Food Establishment Pemiit stamped. on floor plan..,..... Yes No N/A ManuA "F1 or Manual 'W' AWWO.S40 an ■ e■ r■ .. ova we i d i 4 4• •*!*■ J d ■ IN r W i W i*■ e a V Yes No N/A r� r* S e d Energy'Calculations origi"nal signature) Q * i# 0 a a it i#! 4 jot a *,F .7 # d •• M #* i - it a It G 4* a a Yes No N/A r Scaled Wind Certification. . ff was MV-060*00d 00MMM0044 on -so ', S'Ahad V.0 #00%&Do*so* Yes No N/A V Product Review Affidavi Other: tow 0 0* rowaffe V 0 Do &"WWWU W&D van ON&OWDSWR wavems*WN 6*VffV6 mvpIrElps III; V& go: r4a 04F 0 Yes /.N N o N/A Health Department Permit Paperwork an* e� ■ ■ goo i i i i• Q# 0 V IVi e b 0 i i ■! a■ ■ W i r*■ t v i 4 e Yes No N/A CD for Fire Department if c — am e! a* i a i•■ e o UDWI s n o w s xa so a r# a• e r e 4 ao Yes No N/A DES S FVA4D or Army Corp of Engineers (dseawall SF on beach)a . , . * . a qP qP ■ . Yes No N/A Pool Bier AfEdavit. .■ cG■ms#F#■O■#•8 rt•• ■O.#.•• 44.t*9A #■ 7 aPrft ■s f■ #_■#wWaWeyes No N/A ■ G ounSi .�L�adsc�vi(signs). 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Copy of Title for Relocation fused only Private Pro �er�y not in a ' mobile home park "A" �4 Class "�pProval from Planning or file # • i• it i •#•• a O # s a= a [' CP v V a # a ■ M F- V es No NIA v d s # # f 4+ ■ # a G S c [ a •• 4 t • 0 4&j3jW4O& 4 a•■.# a■•• 04 a r ■. r%* r g# No N/A 1p Revised 7/27/18 C OMNIENTS 6