HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Cancellation.pdfPLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & ZONING DIⅥSION 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982 (772) 462-1553  FAX 462-1578 CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR. SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMT PLEASE SELECT ONE OF THE FOLLOWENG: CHANGE OF CONTRACTOR - Change of Contractor is to be signed and notarized by the property owner, and the new contractor ofrecord for the cun.ent pemit. A new pemit application must also be completed with new COntraCtOr infomation and signature. A new Notice of Commencement must be filed in血e new contractor’s name for job values greater than $2,500 ($7,500 if A/C Change-Out). A recorded copy muSt be submitted prior to COrrmenCmg any WOrk. There is a $50.00 fee for the Change of Contractor. CHANGE OF SUBCONTRACTOR - Subcontractor changes are to be completed by the general co血actor. The new subcontractor must fi11 out a Subcontractor Agreement Form. There is a $50・00 fee for the Change of Sub- CANCELLATION OF PERMIT - The cancellation of a pemit is acceptable only ifno work has been done. Cance=ation of pemit is to be slgned and notarized by both the owner and qua睡er of record. There is no fee for CanCellation of the permit. Date:p。.mitNumb。.: /グ∂年@多/1 si,。Addr。§S:約t7ろ D亮ルイAL& ,存秋定 。‡艶盈純毛藍肋 StateLueuse雌LCLICenSe State License SLC License R。aS。nf。r。an。。Ilati。n ▲偽 れ。存 初リ 4/e The undersigned does hereby agree to indemnfty and hold hamless St Lucie County, its o飾cers, agentS and employees from all COStS, fees or damages arislng from any and all claims ofaction for any reason, Which COntraCtOr/subcontractor or cancellation ofpemit. A permit cannot be ca SIGNATURE OF OWNER (Or OWner化uilder) PRェN冒 NAM巳 may arise as a result ofthis change of WOrk has been performed. ONTRACTOR (Or neW GC, aS aPPlicable) Leyva Plumbing Services, Inc" 1502 SW MERIDIAN AVE., Port St. Lucie, FL 34953 Tel/: 772-871-5893 Fax 772-672-3673 Lic, No. CFC 1425666 Leyvaplumbing@yahoo. com RE: Building Permit number 1909-0214 」ob: 8403 Deiand Ave. Fort Pierce 与/26/2021 To the buiIding o冊cia=n regards to the permit iisted above. Water heater insta=ation. There was a permit pu=ed but no work was started there. The home OWnerdecided to move on with the se= ofthe home and not perform the work, Leaving the work for someone eIse to do ifthey wanted to. Leyva plumbing did not perform any work or any insta=ations in this property. I wouId Iike to remove the permitfrom myfiles, PIease. Anyquestions piease emaii me orcaII myceIl number. Abner Leyva Service 512712021